Raped Waitress

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by Paul Gable

  Raped Waitress

  by Paul Gable


  Greenleaf Classics

  MARCH 1977


  Immoral people capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals--a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books--all contain examples.

  And when the innocent victims are young, the story is so much sadder

  Linda Watson and her daughter, Judy, are the victims of immoral people. A widow, Linda finds herself caught in a web of depravity and perversion she never dreamed existed. And, after being forced to suffer one humiliation after another at the hands of some brutal truckers, she becomes little more than an obedient animal, catering to the whims of her captors.

  RAPED WAITRESS--the shocking story of an innocent woman learning the sordid truth about human nature. A story with a lesson for our uncaring society!

  -The Publisher


  Linda Watson leaned wearily against the edge of

  the counter and looked up at the clock over the entrance to the diner. Three a.m. Only four more hours to go before her shift was over and she could go home. The firm-assed blonde inhaled deeply then sighed as she raised her right hand and brushed away a few strands of her long hair from her face. She hated working this night shift. She hated working in the diner. But how else could she support herself and her daughter, Judy?

  "Hey angel tits, some more coffee!" a tall, unshaven, pot-bellied truck driver growled from the other end of the counter.

  "Coming, coming," Linda sighed, pushing herself away from the counter and turning around to the coffee warmer. Linda hated the customers using that nickname. She cringed at the way they stared at her, mentally ripping off her short, clinging white cotton uniform and fucking her. The blonde hated everything about her present situation. But there was nothing she could do.

  "Hey baby," the fat trucker moaned as Linda poured more of the dark black coffee into the chipped and cracked cup. "I've got my rig parked out behind, you know, out of the light. There's nobody in here," he said, looking nervously around his shoulder.

  "Just what are you after?" Linda asked, putting the glass pot down on the counter and staring steadily into the big man's sparkling black eyes.

  "Come on, babe," he said, moving his hand over the counter until it crawled over Linda's arm. She felt her skin goose-flesh with revulsion as the driver started stroking her wrist with his fat, stubby fingers. "You can give me a quick fuck and be back here before the boss knows it."

  Linda's eyes opened wide, then narrowed as she moved the hot coffee pot quickly to the driver's hand and pressed its bottom down hard on his wrist.

  "Ow!" the driver cried, jerking his hand back and shaking it wildly in the air.

  "You filthy pig! You get out of here and never come back!" Linda snarled as she backed up and pressed her ass against the wall.

  "You little bitch!" the drive wailed, sliding off the stool and backing toward the door as he still stared angrily at her. "You think you can get away with that? I'll get your for this!" ht growled menacingly as he spun around and stalked out of the diner.

  "Hey, what's goin' on?" Max Greiger, the night cook called from the kitchen.

  "Nothin', Max. Just another one of those pigs trying to make a pass," Linda said, still fixing her eyes on the dosed door, waiting for the driver to come stomping back in to rape her. She'd been threatened before by drivers who she'd put down. A few tried to get at her either in the parking lot when she got off the night shift or at her home three miles away. But Linda had always managed to avoid her attackers.

  "That was Chris Orozco, honey," Max said, pushing the white wooden swinging door open and walking out into the counter area. "I wouldn't call him a pig. He's mighty important."

  Linda put the coffeepot back down on the warmer and turned around, smiling at Max. The sweat on his face from the hot kitchen made his skin glisten. His forehead wrinkled and the skin around his dark eyes tightened as the big man smiled playfully at Linda. Max was about the only man around there who treated the full-titted blonde as something more than a piece of meat. He was a large-framed man with thick, muscular arms and long, powerful legs.

  Max played tackle for the Gilroy amateur football team during the weekends, working out in between work shifts and football practice at the local gym. He was big, broad and rough around the social edges. But Max meant well, and that's what counted for Linda.

  "So what? He's the President or something?" Linda quipped as she bent down and picked up an old, torn dishrag to wipe down the counter top.

  "Close. He's a big labor organizer here in Gilroy, hon. You don't cross Chris and get away with it," Max said, wiping his greasy hands on his stained white apron.

  "Well, he hasn't come up against Linda yet," the blonde said under her breath, realizing that she might have bitten off more than she could chew. Her heart began to beat faster as she thought of that big man and the look of hatred he flashed at her just before he walked out of the diner.

  "I don't care," Linda shrugged. "I'm sick and tired of these guys thinking that they can throw me into the back seat of their rigs any time they want to. I'm not some cheap slut!"

  "Hey, take it easy, babe," Max said, walking up behind her and putting his big hands lightly on her arms. Linda knew that he meant that move just to be a comforting one. But now for some reason, the blonde was responding to Max in a way she'd never done before. Linda kept wiping the counter. But now her mind was on a sharp tingle that toyed with her gradually swelling clit.

  "I--I can't help it. I'm so sick and tired of all of this, Max. I could die," Linda confessed, stopping her wiping and hanging her head down.

  "Hey, don't cry on me," Max said, obviously bothered by the blonde's sudden confession.

  "You don't know what it is to live like this," Linda kept on, feeling that tingle turn into an itch that started triggering the oozing of her love juices. "I've tried to keep going after Jack's death. But, Jesus Christ, how much more of this can I take?"

  Linda said, pulling away from Max's gentle grip and covering her flushed face with both bands.

  As the blonde started to walk to the other end of the counter, she could feel her thick pink panties clinging to her crotch. They were damp and sticky, soaked through by the cunt juice that trickled through her blonde pussy hairs. Linda wiped away her tears and tried to regain her composure. Could Max smell it? If the truckers were in here, they'd be baying like wolves in heat. They could smell a hot, swampy box ten miles away.

  "You all together now?" Max asked behind her. "I--I think so," Linda stammered, panicking as she felt something trickle down her thigh. It soaked into her nylons before it shot into view below the hem of her uniform. Linda wondered how long it would be before Max smelled the sharp odor.

  "You know, you spend too much time alone. If you got out a little more, the job here wouldn't be so bad," Max said hesitatingly, lowering his eyes and shifting his feet nervously back and forth on the floor. Linda smiled gently as she stared at the big, blushing man. In his own clumsy way, Max was asking her for a date.

  The blonde hesitated for a second, It had been over eight months since her husband's car accident--eight months since she'd gone out with a man, let alone hopped into the sack with one. Maybe Max was right. Maybe what she needed was a little male company. Certainly, her rumbling pussy was trying to tell her something.

  "Maybe you're right, Max. Would you like to take me out some night? I'd like that," Linda said suddenly.

  "How about tomorrow? We're both off. I've got practice on the field for a couple of hours. You could come down and watch and then we'd go out," Max suggested, his words falling over one another as his eye
s sparkled with excitement.

  Linda felt her skin crawling with sexual excitement as she stared at the big man. God! All he had to do was ask her now and she'd flop down on the floor for him. Her heart pounded in rhythm with her throbbing cunt as her nipples stiffened and scratched against her D-cup bra. Linda's slender fingers trembled with sexual tension as she smoothed down her wrinkled uniform with the palms of her hands.

  "Well, that's that," she said in a low voice, a little surprised at how husky it sounded. "The guys should be here in half an hour from the San Francisco run," Linda sighed as she glanced up at the clock.

  "Yeah," Max said absently as he watched the blonde move gracefully around the back counter area, setting up the places for the expected arrivals.

  Linda felt like a teenager again as she wriggled her firm, tight ass teasingly around with every short step she took. The blonde knew that Max was staring at her long, tapered legs and her well-rounded ass that filled out her uniform. As for her tits, well, everyone in Gilroy knew that Linda was famous for her mammoth boobs that almost brushed the truckers' faces whenever she leaned over the counter to take their orders.

  "Damn!" Linda said under her breath as she surveyed the counter top. "Need more catsup."

  "Some down here," Max said, his breath rasping as he pointed to an area below the counter just in front of him.

  "Thanks, Max," Linda said, walking sensuously over to him and bending down as she fished blindly for the catsup bottles. Something told her that the big man was going to make his move in a second. She pretended to keep on looking for the bottles as she moved her firm ass cheeks back toward the night cook. Her full outer labes were swelling with blood now, pushing against her fleshy clit as the sexual heat deep in her cunt steamed out and drifted through her drenched pussy hairs.

  Touch me! Linda screamed to herself as she knocked one battle of catsup over with her trembling fingers. Touch me, damn it! The blonde cried to herself again as she felt her half-inch long nipples poking angrily against her confining bra.

  As if he heard her, Max reached out with both hands and lightly cupped her full ass cheeks with his palms. Linda was too excited to speak. She gripped the edge of the shelf and sucked in a ragged breath as Max increased the pressure of his grip. Her pussy-lips shuddered with excitement and tension as the big man's powerful fingers crawled all over her ass.

  "Linda," Max finally panted, moving his hands up to her waist and gently pulling her away from the counter. He turned her around and wrapped his muscular arms around her, pulling her up toward him as he lowered his ruggedly handsome face to her full lips. Linda closed her eyes as she opened her mouth and felt Max's hot breath rush against her flushed, hot face.

  "Mmmmmmmm," the blonde moaned as she felt the cook's full lips press hard against hers. Max was prying her lips apart, forcing her mouth open as his thick, long tongue slicked into her oral cavity. The big man was kissing her brutally, lashing her mouth with his tongue as his fingers dug into her waist.

  Linda fought back with her own tongue, drinking in Max's hot spittle as she wriggled her thighs together, dipping and plunging her ass. The pulses in her cunt got stronger as she rocked her hips, the subtle friction of her inner cuntal walls rubbing against her sparking clit and driving the blonde up the wall.

  "Please," Linda cried out in a tiny whisper as she pulled her mouth off Max's. She didn't know exactly what she wanted. All the blonde realized was that her tits were swelling with excitement. Her nipples were fully extended and rock-hard, aching for some kind of satisfaction. Her outer labes were fully puffed up and sputtering with sexual electricity. It had been so long since she'd gotten fucked. And now, in a diner?

  "Oh babe, I don't know about here," Max rasped, looking at the closed door a little apprehensively. The blinking neon light advertising "Good Food And Beer" burned into the black California night as Linda wrapped her slender arms around Max's broad shoulders and hunched her dripping crotch against his.

  "Please!" Linda begged mindlessly again.

  "Shit, suck me," Max said suddenly, reaching up and pulling her arms from around his neck.

  Linda hadn't quite thought that blowing Max would solve her problem. But she slowly sank to her knees in front of Max and watched closely as he pulled off his apron, then reached down and slowly unzipped his Levi's. Linda licked her lower lip in anticipation as she watched him reach into the opening and fish around for the stalk of his dick. Max crouched down slightly as he wrapped his fingers around his thick prong and yanked it out.

  "Ohhhh!" Linda cried out involuntarily as Max unbuttoned his Levi's and shoved them down to let his balls hang freely in the air. He had a huge cock! He was hung like a horse with a pair of man-sized balls completing the exciting picture.

  Linda knelt very quietly as the swollen cock, inflamed with excitement and colored a deep pink, stretched out in front of her. The foreskin was drawn tight around the big, arrow-shaped head. A tiny circle had formed at the end, showing the narrow slit crowning the very tip of the thick, throbbing rod. Linda's eyes widened with excitement when she saw a tiny opaque drop of pre-cum well up from that slit.

  Linda felt a powerful throbbing surge of electric sexuality radiate out from her clit as she stared at Max's thick dick. It had been so long since she'd seen a cock that she was frozen with excitement and admiration. She wanted to drag these few minutes of unfulfilled expectation out as long as she could. All the frustration and pent-up emotion she'd been carrying around with her surfaced now and came to a searing head. Linda let out a low, trembling moan then impulsively leaned forward and parted her lips.

  "Ohhhhh, yeah!" Max groaned as Linda extended her tongue and licked up the tiny drop of cum that dangled from the wide cock-slit. She felt her cunt and heart throb more wildly then before as the salty taste of jizz inflamed her senses. Linda gradually felt herself slipping away from the reality of the surroundings around her. She was no longer a waitress in a cheap truck-stop diner in Gilroy. All she could think of now was that big, thick, throbbing dick jerking and bouncing in front of her and the urgent, hot, aching sensation that had completely infested her cunt.

  Max shifted his feet slightly, making his cock slide a fraction of an inch further into the woman's waiting mouth.

  "Uhhhhh," Linda groaned in a low, primitive voice of animal lust. She shoved her mouth far down the thick shaft of Max's stiff hot cock.

  Linda's tightly gripping lips forced back the foreskin covering the head of the prick as her mouth plunged further and further down. Soon the naked, flaring head of Max's cock was sliding into her hot, wet mouth. Her tongue curled around that big prong tightly, sliding up and over the sensitive hard underside as Max grunted and shifted his hips forward.

  "Ohhh, suck it baby. Suck it, Linda," Max growled softly as he reached down and clamped his powerful fingers against the sides of her head. The cook thrust forward into the hot, wet gripping mouth sucking his cock. He shoved more of his prick into Linda's throat, sliding the pulsating head deeper and deeper into her mouth. Finally Linda felt her lips brush against the brown cock hair growing out at the root of Max's dick. She skewered her face around his cock, making her mouth and tongue milk the big man's dick-meat.

  "Oh God, baby. I'm gonna come if you keep on doin' that," Max warned.

  "Mmmmm," Linda said as she stopped her sucking for a minute. After all this, she had no intention of letting Max blow his wad down her throat and leave her kneeling on the floor completely unsatisfied. She still had her clothes on! All this was a preliminary sex scene for the big one to follow.

  "Okay, okay!" Max hissed after several minutes had passed.

  "Mmmm," Linda moaned again as she felt Max begin to fuck her mouth with greater intensity. He held her head tightly just above his balls with both hands and started slamming his rod into her throat with quick, jabbing thrusts. Linda lashed at the big, flaring red head with her tongue. She caressed the smooth throbbing head with every part of her mouth, digging the
tip of her tongue into the big piss-slit as Max moaned helplessly in her sexual grip. "Baby, you're fantastic! Oh, shit!" he groaned as his powerful thighs shuddered with excitement. Linda worked her mouth up and down the rigid hot tool and ground her tongue against it. She formed a powerful vacuum as if she were trying to pull the churning cum out of Max's swinging balls. Max shuddered again as he felt her start working harder and harder. He moaned and swayed back and forth, threatening to stumble on top of her. He clenched his fingers in the woman's silky long blonde hair as he forced her lips farther down the shaft of his cock and lurched up into her throat.

  "Ahhhhhh!" Max cried out as Linda slid her mouth suddenly off the big rod. She leaned back slightly and watched the big pole jerk up, nearly slapping the muscular, flat hairy belly of the panting cook. When Linda was sure that the frenzied throbbing had eased, she lowered her head until her lips were even with his big, leathery fuck sacs.

  "Mmmmmm," Linda moaned happily as she started running her tongue along the center line that divided his two big balls. Max jerked back, then forward as he felt Linda's full lips kissing his high-riding nuts. The hot blonde trailed her tongue along every wrinkle of the man's balls, sucking the tough skin in between her full lips occasionally as Max growled and hissed with pleasure above her. At the same time, Linda reached up and curled her fingers around the flared knob at the end of Max's prick-shaft. As she sucked at the big man's hanging balls, Linda swirled her fingers around and around the meaty knob, using the cum that leaked freely out of the piss-slit as a lubricant.


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