Uncle Wiggily's Auto Sled

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Uncle Wiggily's Auto Sled Page 2

by Howard Roger Garis

“They ought to give it afine flavor—just like lemonade,” said the rabbit gentleman, as he setthe pudding out in the snow of the back porch to cool and freeze, likeice cream. Curly and Floppy were sure they would. “We’ll give daddysome of the nice snow pudding when he wakes up,” said Floppy. “Andwe’ll save some to give mother when she comes home,” spoke Curly.

  “Hello! What have we here?” asked the Pipsisewah, as he and theSkeezicks jumped over the snow drift and sneaked up to the piggie boys’house. The Skeezicks gave a grunt: “I was just wondering that myself.I saw Uncle Wiggily set it out. It must be something good.” They tooka sniff and the Pip cried: “It’s a pudding! Hurray! Lucky I have thislong-handled spoon! I’ll dip it in and we’ll take turns eating thispudding. If we can’t get Uncle Wiggily’s souse we’ll have his pudding.Come on!”

  “Here you are, my friend,” said the Pipsisewah, as he dipped up alarge spoonful of the snow pudding, and held it out toward the skinnySkeezicks. “Have a big bite.” The Skeezicks saw something dropping fromthe spoon the Pip had just used. “What are those things?” asked theSkee. “Oh, just large, fat juicy raisins, I guess,” the Pip answered.“Take a hard bite now, and I’ll do the same.” As the Pip and Skee wereeating the pudding Uncle Wiggily opened the door and saw them. He andthe boys were surprised.

  “Ha! Ha!” laughed Uncle Wiggily as he saw the Pip and Skee run away.“Ho! Ho! That’s the time I fooled them!” They saw the bad chaps runningaway, holding their jaws. “They bit too hard on the nutmegs in ourpudding,” said the bunny rabbit. “I remember, now, I should have gratedthe nutmeg. It’s just as well I didn’t, or else the Pip and the Skeewould have eaten it all. I can pick out the whole nutmegs, grate one,and our pudding will be as good as ever.” And it was.

  Now if the lemonade doesn’t slip on the butter knife, and fall downstairs when the teacup is trying to dance in the sugar bowl, the next pictures and story will tell how

  The Bad Pip, Skee and Fox Chased Uncle Wiggily and the Bunny ThoughtSurely He Would Be Caught. But the Snow Fort Saved Him.

  Uncle Wiggily Longears, the bunny rabbit gentleman, was out walkingin the snow-covered fields one day, when he met Sammie and SusieLittletail, the two rabbit children, and Johnnie and Billie Bushytail,the two squirrel brothers. “Where are you going, Uncle Wiggily?” askedSusie. “Oh, just to look for an adventure,” replied Mr. Longears.“Don’t you want to come?” They started, Uncle Wiggily holding Susie’spaw, the boys throwing snowballs. “I’d like to see the bad Pipsisewahor Skeezicks now!” said Billie.

  “Why do you want to see the Pipsisewah or Skeezicks, Billie?” askedJohnnie, the other squirrel boy. “Oh, so I could throw snowballs at’em!” answered Billie, “and pay them back for trying to get UncleWiggily’s souse.” The bunny rabbit made some holes in the snow withhis red, white and blue-striped rheumatism crutch, and then, all of asudden, Susie cried: “Well, you have you wish, Billie Bushytail! Look,there’s the Skeezicks now, and the Pipsisewah and bad fox are with him!Oh! Oh! What shall we do?”

  When Uncle Wiggily saw the bad Pipsisewah, the Skeezicks and the fuzzyfox, the rabbit gentleman said: “Come on! We must run as fast as we canto get away from these creatures!” And Uncle Wiggily ran, pulling Susiealong by her paw. Johnnie and Billie scampered along. “Take your whitehandkerchief off that stick, Sammie!” called Billie to the rabbit boy.“Else they’ll think we have surrendered, and we haven’t—we’re going tofight ’em! Take down the white flag!”

  “Run along, children, run along!” cried Uncle Wiggily. Sammie andSusie and Johnnie and Billie ran over the hard, cold water of a frozenbrook. “What are you going to do, Uncle Wiggily?” asked Susie, when thelittle rabbit girl was safe on the other side of the brook. “I’m goingto make a hole in the ice so the Pip, the Skee and the fox can’t crossand get us, I hope.” With his crutch he made a hole in the ice. But thePip, Skee and fox had not given up the chase. On they came, faster andfaster.

  After Uncle Wiggily had chopped a hole in the ice with his crutch, heran on with the animal children. But Susie, looking back, cried: “Oh,Uncle Wiggily! See what they’re doing!” And, surely enough, the badchaps had pulled some boards off a fence, and, making a bridge of them,they crossed the hole in the ice and still kept on after Uncle Wiggilyand the animal children. “We must have our souse to-day,” said the Pip;also the Skee, and the funny fox joined in the chorus.

  “Oh, Uncle Wiggily!” cried Susie, after she had run on a littlefarther, after the Pip, Skee and fox had crossed the ice on the fenceboards. “Oh, Uncle Wiggily, I can’t go another step!” “I’ll carry you!”said the brave rabbit gentleman. “We won’t leave you behind, Susie, forthe bad Pipsisewah!” Susie cuddled down in Uncle Wiggily’s warm, furcoat. Billie threw a snowball at the bad chaps. All of a sudden Sammiecried: “Oh, if we can reach the old snow fort we made last week, maybewe will be saved!”

  Running fast, Uncle Wiggily and his little animal friends reached theold snow fort before the Pip, Skee and fox could catch them. But thebad chaps still came on. “Quick, now!” cried Uncle Wiggily, “we mustget ready to snowball the bad chaps!” Susie made herself a little redcross from a piece of Johnnie’s red neckerchief, and Sammie gave hissister his white handkerchief to tear up into bandages in case any ofthem should be hurt in the battle soon to take place. “We want souse!”howled the Pip.

  “Come on now!” cried the Pip to the Skee and fox. “We must charge onthem in the fort! We must capture Uncle Wiggily!” The Skee and fox ranup the hill with the Pip. “Ouch! Wouch!” cried the Skee. “Some onehit me in the eye with a snowball!” Uncle Wiggily had made a lot ofsnowballs for the animal boys to throw at the enemy. “Bang away! Bangaway!” cried brave Uncle Wiggily. “Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!” shouted theboys, while Red Cross Nurse Susie was all ready with rolls of bandages.

  The boys throw so many hard snowballs over the wall of the fort at thePip, Skee and fox, that the bad animals were glad enough to run away.“Oh, wow! Come on out of this!” howled the Pip to the Skee, and downthe hill they ran. “Hoist the flag! We’ve won the fight!” cried Sammie.He made a banner from red and blue pieces of Billie’s and Johnnie’sneckerchiefs and pieces of white from his own handkerchief. A hole wasin Uncle Wiggily’s hat, but Susie bandaged it up. The snow fort savedUncle Wiggily.

  When you have finished reading this nice little book, perhaps you wouldlike to read a larger volume about Uncle Wiggily.

  If so, go to the book store and ask the Man for one of the UncleWiggily Bedtime Story Books, they have a lot of Funny Pictures in and31 stories—one for every night in the month. If the book store man hasnone of these volumes ask him to get you one or send direct to thePublishers,




  Dear Boys and Girls:—

  I know you will like this little book, and I want to tell you somethingelse that my author-father, Mr. Garis, has done for you. He has madea wonderful game, played on a big, beautiful, colored board. It’s allabout me and he calls it

  The Uncle Wiggily Game

  It is sold by all stores and toy-dealers. Ask for _The Uncle WiggilyGame_.

  Yours for happy hours, Uncle Wiggily


  * * * * *

  Transcriber’s note:

  Obvious punctuation errors were corrected.

  Correction: “ouselves” changed to “ourselves” (make the puddingourselves)


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