Hot for a Cowboy

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Hot for a Cowboy Page 22

by Kim Redford

“Sounds good.” Jack grinned. “Once more, she’s Wildcat Bluff’s hero.”

  Ken laughed. “Eat your heart out, Graham Tanner.”

  “We win again,” Nathan said, then looked around the group with a worried expression on his face. “How bad is the damage?”

  “Can we go on the air?” Jack asked.

  “Maybe it’s time for an upgrade.” Ken sounded excited at the prospect.

  “Wiring’s shot,” Shane said. “Once the sheriff takes a look and we get samples, it’s all yours to fix.”

  “Okay.” Nathan snapped his fingers. “Let’s get this story and footage up online. We’ll explain that the Wildcat Den is undergoing repairs but will be back on the air soon.”

  “Too slow,” Ken said. “Let’s set up social media sites and announce it there.”

  “Let’s do it all.” Jack gave Eden a sly wink. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m getting there.”

  “In that case, we’re out of here. We’ve got to get ahead of the nameless one on this hot news.” Jack headed for the truck with Nathan and Ken right behind him.

  Craig rubbed his jaw. “Does Wildcat Jack ever slow down?”

  “Not so you’d notice,” Shane said, chuckling. “If y’all will finish up here and lock up the place, I’ll drive Eden to the house and babysit her.”

  “Good idea,” Craig replied. “Aftereffects of the trauma might set in any moment.”

  Eden pushed away from Shane to stand up straight, even though she was feeling a little queasy as she came down from her harrowing experience. She didn’t want any of them to think she wasn’t strong enough to take care of KWCB. “I’ll have you know I’m fine. Fighting a fire is all in a day’s work.”

  “Better take advantage of being pampered while you can,” Slade said with a sly smile. “We’ll call the sheriff and do the dirty work here.”

  She nodded in agreement, suddenly wanting nothing more than to catch her breath where she felt safe. “You could be onto something there.”

  “Eden, after Shane takes you to his place, one of us will drive your Bug up there so it’s not vulnerable here,” Craig said.

  “Thanks,” she replied. “The key is in the center desk drawer in the office.”

  “When you leave the VW, just toss the key under the planter beside the back door.” Shane tugged her closer.

  “Come on,” she said, smiling up at him. “Hedy highly recommends your hot tub for smoke inhalation. I’m feeling like it would do wonders for me.”

  Chapter 29

  Shane sat naked as a jaybird in his hot tub, water hissing and bubbling around him, but he was steaming hotter than the water. He reached past his cutoffs where he’d tossed them on the wood rim and picked up an old, chipped KWCB promotional coffee mug. He wasn’t risking anything more fragile in his current mood. And that mood was mad as hell.

  He tossed back a slug of Slade’s wine, feeling it stoke his innards even hotter as he relived that terrifying time back at the Wildcat Den. Once he’d heard Eden’s words, he hadn’t been able to get to her fast enough, knowing she’d open that door, knowing she’d rush in there no matter how high the flames or dense the smoke. He’d lost years off his life not knowing what he’d find when he got there.

  Fortunately, she’d been smart, courageous, and okay. But it could have gone the other way, and that’s what made his hands tremble as he gripped the mug with both palms. He swallowed another slug, hoping it’d help ease him down from his ready-to-rock-and-roll emotions.

  After they’d put out the fire, they’d stood in front of the Wildcat Den, stinking of smoke and sweat and chemicals. Yet not one of the men had said what was uppermost on his mind. He hadn’t said it. Slade and Craig hadn’t. And neither had Jack, Nathan, or Ken. And they hadn’t said it because they hadn’t wanted to spook Eden, so they’d opted to use business and humor to push past the moment. Yet every last one of them had exchanged a worried look that said it all: Eden Rafferty had been in great danger.

  He rubbed the kink in his shoulder, created by his muscles tensing up in anticipation of cracking Graham Tanner’s arrogant nose. He’d use his elbow—no point messing up a hand for a lowlife scumbag like Tanner. Unfortunately, they no longer lived in the Wild West, where justice was swift and certain. They had to play by a few rules, but those could be bent, particularly when it concerned their womenfolk.

  Tanner had gone too far. And not one of them today doubted he’d been behind the radio station fire. Time would prove their point, but for now, they moved forward on that assumption. Endanger the ladies of Wildcat Bluff County? Expect to reap the consequences. Maybe it was an old-fashioned attitude, but cowboys had been raised by women and men to respect, honor, and protect their families and friends. And nothing would keep them from it.

  He heard his phone chirp, so he quickly set down his mug and slipped his cell out of his cutoffs. He was relieved to see Sheriff Calhoun was returning his call.

  “Shane, we got what we needed at KWCB. If Eden’s feeling up to it, she can start the cleanup and repair.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let her know or you can call her.”

  “I already texted her, since she didn’t pick up.”

  “She’s probably in the shower.” He glanced up at the house, wishing she’d hurry up and come out, so he’d be reassured that she was still doing okay.

  “I know you’re anxious to hear what we found at the station.”

  “It’s on my ranch, so I’m doubly involved with what’s going on.”

  “I doubt we can prove anything, but we smelled accelerant, so something as simple as gasoline was probably used to start it. No surprise there. What’s interesting is the phone line was cut outside. And I mean cut clean. It wasn’t frayed with age or chewed by a varmint.”

  Shane felt his heart rate speed up. “What if she’d been trapped inside without her cell phone?”


  “Maybe that was the original plan, but I got there too fast.”

  “Could be that or it was meant to scare her.” Sheriff Calhoun clicked his teeth in annoyance. “If this is Graham Tanner, he’s escalated from verbal attacks to psychological attacks to physical attacks.”

  “We can’t let him anywhere near her.”

  “Right. For now, let’s go on the assumption this is Tanner’s work, but I’ll keep an open mind if another lead turns up.”

  “We won’t leave her alone.” Shane glanced up at the house again. She’d probably complain that she didn’t need bodyguards, but he was going to override any of her objections.

  “I’ll have patrols swing by your place more often.”

  “We’ll up the alert for everybody.”

  “That’ll do it,” Sheriff Calhoun said. “By the way, I checked records. Tanner is staying at a motel in Sherman, so he’s out of our county but still in the area. Fontaine did his job and flew back to LA.”

  “Tanner gets anywhere near her or my ranch again and he’s going to wish he’d never left LA.”

  “If he’s smart, he’ll be satisfied with what he’s done today.”

  “We can’t count on him being smart.”

  “But we can’t count on him being dumb,” Sheriff Calhoun said. “What we can count on is knowing our county and depending on our people.”


  “Call me if you run into any more trouble.”

  “Got you on speed dial.”

  “Good.” And Sheriff Calhoun clicked off.

  Shane sat there a moment, looking at his phone and thinking about what needed to be done next. He could basically turn his ranch over to Max and the cowboys till Eden was completely safe. He needed to help her and Jack get KWCB back on the air, although Nathan and Ken might be more help with that tech endeavor.

  He snorted at a sudden thought. Not too many weeks ago, he’d have tho
ught this was the answer to his prayers. The Wildcat Den was finally off the air after all these years. It’d be the perfect time to step in and convince Eden there was no need to spend all the time, effort, and money on repairs. He’d buy out the rest of her lease, so she’d have funds to get on with her life, and he’d have the spring water, as well as extra acreage. She could sell or move everything, so she’d be more financially solvent.

  He picked up his mug and tossed back the last of the wine. What an absolute loss that would’ve been for him, for her, for their family legacies, and for the county. And he would’ve been the one to shoulder the complete blame. Worst of all, he’d never have known the depth of love and happiness that he’d experienced since she’d come back to the Rocky T Ranch.

  He glanced up at the house again. And smiled. She was waiting for him. He could feel it in his bones. His heart rate kicked into overdrive. He wondered what she was wearing, if anything. He wondered where she was waiting. He wondered how he’d ever thought life could be complete without her.

  Galvanized by his thoughts, he splashed water over the edge as he got out and yanked on his cutoffs. He ran up the path, flipped off the lights, slipped inside through the sliding doors, locking them behind him, and listened for her.

  Suddenly, he knew exactly where she would be, as if she’d whispered in his ear, drawing him closer and closer to the place he’d wanted to be invited all those years ago. He quickly walked down the hall, feeling his entire body tingle in anticipation, and stopped outside the room she’d slept in when she was younger. Finally, he was free to visit her inner sanctum.

  The door was ajar, so he pushed it all the way open. Moonlight poured through the bank of windows to cast soft light across her bed, where she sat with her back propped against pillows. She wore a large, faded KWCB promotional T-shirt that matched the mug he’d left by the hot tub. Tonight, their minds were totally in sync.

  He smiled.

  She smiled.

  And no words were needed between them as she held out her arms to welcome him into her bed.

  He slipped off his cutoffs and dropped them to the floor as she pulled the T-shirt over her head and tossed it on top of his shorts.

  And then he was in her bed, and she was in his arms as he’d craved for so many long lonely years.

  He pressed soft kisses across her face, worshipping her in the only way he knew to show the depth of his feelings without using the one word he feared would drive her away.

  And yet, worship could only last so long with her in his arms, returning his kisses and caresses with fevered frenzy. He turned marauder, staking out his claim as he plundered every sweet valley and every tantalizing mound of her soft flesh in his quest to fuse their bodies, so she would never let him go.

  She made a soft mewling sound as he kissed up the long column of her throat to nibble on the sensitive flesh of her ear before he returned to her mouth, now hot and swollen from his kisses. He teased her lower lip with his tongue, toying with her until she trembled in his arms and he plunged deep inside to share a kiss that left them both breathless.

  He couldn’t get enough of her, even though he lay with his entire body pressed down the length of her, so that there was absolutely nothing between them—nothing that could ever come between them. He felt her curves, her muscles, her heat, but it still wasn’t enough for him. He wasn’t sure anything could ever be enough until he heard that one precious word from her lips that would give him what he craved the most. But until that day came, he would give her what she craved the most.

  He rose up on his elbows and looked down at her beauty turned silvery in the moonlight. He pressed a hot kiss to each pink tip of her breasts and watched as they budded with passion. He trailed kisses down to her navel, teasing with his tongue as he stroked her full breasts, feeling her turn restless and needy under his touch. She wasn’t the only one who was needy. He was so hard and hot that he could hardly restrain his desire to instantly give her everything she deserved in a man. But he’d been patient a long time.

  He stroked downward, using both hands to glide over her silky skin until he reached the apex of her thighs. She spread her legs, watching him watch her with eyes gone dark. He took his time, stroking her soft folds with long fingers, savoring every tantalizing detail of her hidden depths. Hot, she was blazing hot. Wet, she was soaking wet. He couldn’t restrain himself a moment longer, so he curled his fingers deep inside and stroked in a way he knew would set her on fire. And it did. She cried out, clenching around him, arching up toward him, moaning in satisfaction.

  As she slowly relaxed, she smiled up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes and pointed toward her nightstand.

  He glanced over, grinned, and picked up a condom. He tore open the packet and suited up. He’d been patient long enough. Nothing could hold him back now. He knelt between her thighs and placed her legs over his shoulders. She was completely open to him now—and not just her body. She gazed at him with such soft warmth and tenderness in her blue eyes that it could only be the look of love.

  And that was his undoing. He thrust into her, heard her cry out in pleasure, and then he was lost in the throes of a passion he’d never experienced before this very moment. He pounded into her, harder and longer and stronger, until she was clawing at his back, riding him, moaning, crying, clinging, and they were swept together as one into a powerful wave of ecstasy that rolled and hissed and slammed them into an all-consuming crest. Afterward, he lay still and pulled her against his chest. They were both breathing fast, hearts pounding together.

  He wanted to tell her he loved her, but he didn’t think the timing was good. Instead, he pushed damp hair away from her face, kissed her lips, and gave her the next best thing. “I’ll renew your lease.”

  “What?” She sat up, frowning down at him. “I’m giving you back Wildcat Spring.”

  “What?” He rose up on an elbow, looking at her in confusion. “But I thought—”

  “Now you want to renew the lease? Do you just feel sorry for me after that fire?”

  “I could never feel sorry for you.”

  “Hah!” She jumped out of bed and pulled on her T-shirt. “I’ve got my own perfectly good home. And I’ll tell you something else—I don’t have to keep KWCB on the Rocky T. Those buildings were moved here, and they can be moved out of here.”

  “What are you talking about?” He got up and pulled on his cutoffs, feeling his confusion turn to anger. “KWCB has always been here. How can you even think about moving it?”

  “It’d solve all your problems, wouldn’t it?” She stalked over to the bench, picked up her jeans, and jerked them on with a huff. “The Rocky T isn’t the only ranch in Wildcat Bluff County.”

  “I give you what you want and you’re mad at me?” He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even know what had happened. Maybe she’d inhaled too much smoke or gotten too tired. He had no idea.

  She turned toward him, blinking back tears, clenching her fists. “From the first moment I got back here, you’ve had me on a yo-yo. No lease. Maybe lease. Yes lease. And let’s just throw in a little great sex to keep me coming back for more.”

  “You think the sex is great?” At least he had something going for him in this argument.

  “You know it’s great. That’s beside the point.”

  “Not from where I’m standing.”

  “Sit down then.” She pushed her hair back from her face. “I can’t take it anymore. Today, on top of everything else, just about did me in.”

  “I understand.”

  “No, you don’t. You’ve got everything in life. It’s all zipped up nice and neat. You aren’t vulnerable to the whims of a rancher with a hard-on.”

  He couldn’t keep from grinning at the image she’d conjured with her words. One thing about it, she’d sure gotten her voice back.

  “It’s not funny. What I’m saying is that
I’m vulnerable. When the lease runs out, somehow or other, I’m taking KWCB and leaving the Rocky T.”

  In a world turned upside down, one thing made sense to him. “You’re not vulnerable. You’ve got the entire county behind you. You’ve got your voice back. You’ve got talent and a future. You’ve always had the guts to go out and get what you want in life.”

  “Thanks for reminding me that I’m a big fat failure.” She sat down on the bench and put her head in her hands.

  He didn’t dare touch her. He hardly dared speak. Everything that meant anything to him hung on his next few words. He was better with animals than he was with people. Still, he’d do his best. He knelt in front of her and drew her hands away from her face. “Look at me, Eden.”

  “No.” She shook her head, causing her hair to fly out then back down. “I want to go home.”

  “You are home. The Rocky T has always been your home.”

  “No. It’s your home.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  She finally glanced up at him, but only to give him a baleful glare.

  “It’s our home.”

  “The lease—”

  “I told you I’d renew it.” He abruptly stood up. “But that won’t do now, will it?”

  “You can’t imagine how badly I wanted to get home, where nobody could take away what was mine and where I could feel secure again.”

  “So you wouldn’t be vulnerable to the likes of Tanner.”

  “I guess I’ve been running so hard since I got here, trying so hard to get back what I’d lost, that I didn’t stop to think about the reality of my situation. Maybe I should thank Graham for making me see the light of day.”

  Shane felt sick at heart. He was losing her before his very eyes. And he didn’t know how to stop his loss or her pain.

  She glanced around the room. “I adore this room, this house. It’s been a wonderful visit to happier days. Thank you.”

  If he didn’t do something drastic, she was going to leave and she wouldn’t be coming back. She’d talk herself not only out of his life but out of Wildcat Bluff, too. He couldn’t let her do it. He knew her heart. He’d always known it. He’d just grown up too much to remember—or maybe, when she’d left, it’d been too painful to hang on to all the details of that night up on Lovers Leap.


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