Academy Obscura - The Scorched Summer: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

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Academy Obscura - The Scorched Summer: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance Page 15

by Cassia Briar

“All right. Let’s get to work.”

  The warm night wind blew over my scales as I flew south. All around me, much smaller wings fluttered, both fae and shifters. Witches—on brooms which I didn’t know was a real thing—glided at our perimeter. They’d cast an invisibility spell over the lot of us. Below, more shifters, vampires, and werewolves sped through the dense forest and over rocky terrain.

  We’d been flying for about an hour and the anticipation was high. This was it, our first battle. Our first assault on the enemy.

  Jaxon and Liam flew among the others around me. Angel led the werewolves below. This time Montrell had opted for his bear form instead of owl. I knew it was to have Angel’s back, though he wouldn’t admit it. Somehow those two had grown close.

  As we drew near, a couple of skirmishes erupted beneath us. Whatever patrol the Tromara had around their pod was no match for our forces. The sparks and growls were quickly silenced and the ground troops moved forward.

  The Tromara pod was more like a regular estate with a main house and outbuildings. I wondered if all the pods were like this—remote, sprawling, easy to get to by air. That would work in our favor if it were true.

  As I’d ordered, when the Tromara mansion came into view the others climbed higher in the sky, as I descended. Scorching flame roiled in my throat. I’d waited so long to burn these fuckers I could hardly believe the time had come. I dove, releasing a long stream of fire over the estate and it lit up. Coming out of the dive, I gained altitude and circled back around.

  Tromara poured from the main house and several outbuildings. Fae and witch magic bombarded them.They ducked for cover and soon vicious spells were exchanged by the two sides. Witches, fae, and shifter scattered, attacking the Tromara at will.

  I came in for another pass, and my allies gave me room. This time I aimed for the running, screaming enemy. They shrieked and crumpled as my dragon fire found them. A couple of brave souls flung magic at me. My scales drank it up. Their magic was potent, harvested from hundreds of innocent witches over the centuries. Bastards.

  After a third pass, the airborne unit pulled back, letting the vampires, wolves, and other beasts have at those who remained. The flaming estate hummed with snarls, hisses, and growls. The scene below turned to bloodshed, raw and violent. The Tromara were powerful. Three to five of us had to take on one Tromara to even the odds. We had the numbers.

  We’d taken them so completely by surprise, only now were they shifting forms to flee. A Tromara hawk launched from the ground and was immediately hit with three magic blasts at once. It landed with a thump, lifeless. Even so, a wolf chomped its head off before it returned to human form.

  Our ground troops, with support from the air, overwhelmed the remaining Tromara. Three lifted their arms in surrender, surrounded by snarling beasts and bloody mouthed vamps. We’d already discussed this, the orders were clear. There would be no Tromara prisoners. Angel’s black wolf charged and his people followed.

  Moments later the battle came to an end. I landed and shifted down to my half-form to take stock of the carnage. Tromara lay in pools of their own blood, heads removed to make sure they were dead. We knew they were feeding on powers and souls again, we weren’t taking any chances they’d survive.

  It was done. We’d taken them out. They were never again going to be feared. They were no longer immortal, all powerful gods. Tonight, we’d proved that.

  The buildings blazed all around, even the stone was on fire. I watched the inferno spread and consume the entire pod. Soon we’d know where the other ones were across the country and destroy those too.

  This was the beginning of the end for the Tromara.

  “So, Olin, did you come up with the line of succession?” I asked from my place at the head of the table.

  The old vampire steepled his fingers and pressed them to his mouth as he spoke. “There would have to be a Choosing. You have no direct heirs.”

  That was good to know. If I died, a new royal family would rise to take my place.

  “Let us hope it doesn’t come to that,” Olin continued. “Also, if genetically the dragon supernatural type is dominant, then you will have only dragon children.”

  “Yes. I believe that’s true,” I said.

  “Which means the eldest of them will be your heir. None of them will be heirs for your mates.” Olin glanced at my men, who held his gaze. “Each territory is required to be ruled by the five different types. At some point, there will need to be a Choosing.”

  I really hadn’t been thinking that far into the future. “But my mates can rule until they retire. That could be a hundred years from now.”

  Olin said, “Yes. That’s true. But eventually the territories of witch, fae, werewolf, and shifter will have a Choosing.”

  “We understand.” It was certainly something to keep in mind—for decades down the road.

  “Now,” the old vamp continued, “I think the royals should stay together, traveling as one with a guard. That’s much safer than splitting up into each territory. We, however,” his gaze flitted to the elected council members, “should be the ones to lead the pod search parties with this new Omega Alliance.”

  I nodded. For once, Olin and I agreed. I surveyed the Council. This was going to be the last time we were all together until we regrouped in Oregon to take on Sebastian and Isabella, and take back Academy Obscura.

  The only one among them I was wary of was Kyle Aimes. He would return to Portland and gather support from the witches, as well as others, in the area. He’d be representing not only himself as a council member, but speaking for Jaxon and the entire Council. Could I trust him with that much responsibility? With that much power and influence?

  I didn’t know. I had my doubts, but I also couldn’t micromanage each territory, I had a mission of my own—continue to find and destroy the Tromara pods and gather an army.

  Angel said, “Heller will stay here and organize the wolves to march west when the time comes. Anyone from the Academy who’d like to stay, will also be under our protection here.”

  “That’s good.” I needed a place for civilians to stay safe. I hoped each territory’s capital could take in refugees. It was only a matter of time before Isabella and Sebastian learned what we’d done and retaliate.

  “Take who you’d like from the Omega Alliance. Josh will oversee and coordinate the search missions from here, our new HQ. I’d like to move on to the Chang territory next. As soon as possible.” I glanced at Regina.

  “I’m ready when you are. Olin,” she said, “once you’ve chosen your unit from the Omega Alliance, you’ll start searching for that pod. I’ll deal with the capital politics, and any issues with my mother.” Her attention returned to me, “When do we leave?”

  “In an hour.” I rose. “Good luck, everyone.”

  We murmured our goodbyes and headed out. One pod done, three more to go, before taking our entire army to Oregon. The sooner we accomplished this the better.



  Some of the new Omega Alliance gathered in the great hall where the Supreme Alpha ceremony had been held. They were divided by supernatural type into groups that now mingled and chatted together. The council leaders had selected their crews for the Tromara pod searches. We’d decided they’d blend in easier if each unit was of one type and searching within their own territory.

  Me and my mates had come to say goodbye to our friends before we headed east. I passed Olin and the vampire group, which mostly consisted of Regina’s Academy friends. Everyone in the shifter crew I knew: Gavin, Olivia, Payton, Nuri, Xavier, and our teacher Nalea. I stopped by for a round of hugs with them, not caring if it messed with my dragon queen image, these were my friends.

  “You’ll do fine out there,” Gavin said, with a pat on my shoulder.

  I grinned. “I know. I’m more worried about all of you. Take care okay?”

  “We’ll be fine. We’ll see you in Oregon before you know it.”

  I hoped that was
true. With a final wave, I moved on to the fae. Itzel was leading this group. Tyler, Flora, Dean Wright, and two fae guys I didn’t know had been chosen. I was surprised Flora had joined, considering she was so jumpy.

  “She didn’t want to be left behind,” Tyler said from behind me.

  “What?” I turned to him.

  “My sister. Your confusion was aimed at her, wasn’t it?” he asked.

  “Ah, yeah.” While I was used to Liam commenting on my emotions, it still weirded me out when other fae did it.

  “Hey,” Tyler gazed over my shoulder, “any chance you can convince Elena to stay here at headquarters? Lana’s staying.”

  I found Elena chatting with a bunch of witches across the room. “I doubt it. She’s stubborn.”

  “Worth a try?”

  “Sure.” I started toward Elena.

  Dean Wright called after me, “Good luck, Caprice.”

  “You too,” I said. I wanted us all to get though this alive.

  The witch unit was the most interesting mix of all. Though led by Kyle, they were half Italian descended and half UK. Was the witch community finally overcoming their differences? Elena and I gave each other a quick hug.

  “You could always stay here you know,” I told her.

  “Tyler sent you, didn’t he?” She shot him an accusing glance.

  “Yeah, but I’m serious. It’s much safer here at HQ.” I hated the idea of my friends scattered across the country, searching for our enemies.

  Elena shook her head. “I’m going. Besides, we’re not looking for Tromara in Oregon, we’re just recruiting and organizing. It’s much safer than what Tyler’s doing. Tell him to stay behind at HQ.”

  Ah. Lover’s quarrel.

  My old roommate, Madison Swan, flitted over. “Isn’t this exciting?” Her purple hair gleamed in the soft light. “Mama wants me back home, but I told her we’re going to make history and change the world. I want to be part of that. She’s not very happy with me right now, but that’s okay. I have to say when you couldn’t work magic, Caprice, I had no idea all of this would come out of you. Stay alive, okay?”

  “Thanks, Madison, I will.”

  She wandered off to chat with a witch guy.

  Elena chuckled. “So that’s your old witch roomy. Huh.”

  “Yep. Gosh, I hope she doesn’t get herself killed. Who allowed her into the Omega Alliance?” I asked. The girl was sweet, not at all the type to go on a dangerous mission.

  “I heard she’s a powerful witch. I think May backed her when she wanted to join.” Elena squeezed my arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Watch your back, too.” I quickly glanced at Kyle. “If Aimes starts acting suspicious shoot me a text, okay?”

  “Ugh, he’s the only thing that might have dissuaded me from going. After everything he did to you, now he’s on the Council and my commander.” She lowered her voice. “You won’t mind if I ball-punch him a few times, will you?”

  I snickered. “Not at all. Have at him. Just know it’s not sanctioned by the Council.”

  Montrell looped an arm around my waist. “Who are we ball-punching?”

  Damn his over-sensitive hearing. I grinned up at him. “Just some witch.”

  “Mm. We need to get going,” he said, releasing me.

  I hugged Elena one last time. “Text me.”

  “I will.”

  I followed Montrell to where my other mates waited by the door, with on last glance at Kyle. He better not betray us. All that groveling had better not be a trap—or all lies. My best friend was in his hands and if he turned on us I’d kill him.

  “Happy thoughts?” Jaxon walked beside me in the corridor. “I know you don’t trust Aimes, but I think he’ll do fine. The boy is determined to prove himself to you and us.” He spoke low so we wouldn’t be overheard.

  “I hope so. Maybe I’m just really good at holding a grudge.” I opened the door to our suite and strode in. We were already packed, just needed to gather our bags. “I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him, or Bennett, or MacTavish.”

  Liam let out a dark chuckle. “At least they’re terrified of you now—Bennett and MacTavish.”

  “Good.” I reached for my bag, but Jaxon snatched it up along with his own and winked. I gave him an I-can-carry-my-own-bag look, and he ignored me. With an amused sigh, I followed my mates from the room. We made our way through the stone tunnels and out to the forest, where everyone stopped.

  “Gather round,” Jaxon said. “Since I can visualize our destination, let’s teleport.” A plume of purple smoke surrounded us. When it cleared we were standing near a cute little bed and breakfast.

  “Where are we?” I asked. The place seemed vaguely familiar.

  “Swan Lake.” Montrell motioned toward the log building. “This is where we roomed while you were healing, until the wolves found us.”

  Ah. Okay. I’d been wounded and out of it. No wonder I didn’t fully recognize the place. However, Swan Lake was near the mountain and cave we’d just come from. Nowhere near Regina’s territory in the eastern part of the midwest.

  “How are we getting to Chicago?” I asked.

  “Motorhomes.” Angel jerked his chin behind me.

  I turned and found two huge, new RVs parked in the gravel lot. Land yachts. Did we really need two? “Where did they come—?”

  “They’re my treat.” A stocky, rugged man appeared from around the side. He was an alpha. I remembered him from Angel’s ceremony. “I didn’t feel like running here all the way from my pack lands in Oklahoma. But it seems I’ll be sticking around this place for a while, so the RVs are at your disposal.”

  “Thank you.” I’d never ridden in one of these things before. Opening the door, I craned my neck to take in the interior. Two plush seats in the front for the driver and passenger, a kitchen, couch, and more seating in the middle, and what appeared to be a bedroom at the back. Cozy.

  “Now we’re traveling in style.” Regina’s voice made me jump.

  “You’re coming with us in here?” I asked.

  She cocked her head to the other RV. “I’m riding in that one with our security team—a bunch of way too serious werewolves. Should be fun. Angel organized it all. We’d better get going.” She flashed her fangs, then disappeared into the other land yacht.

  I could only imagine snarky Regina holed up with a bunch of brooding wolves for two days. Fun indeed.

  “Hey, Dragon Queen.”

  I lifted a brow as Destiny approached. “What are you doing here?”

  She licked her lips. “Thanks for talking to Angel for me. I’m on your security team. Rest up. When we get to Chicago we’ll start in on your lessons.” Without waiting for a response she climbed into Regina’s RV. Those two sharing space? Now that was a disaster waiting to happen.

  “Go on in, beautiful,” Angel said, placing his hand on the small of my back. I hauled myself up and into the spacious vehicle. Montrell and Liam followed me in, while Jaxon and Angel took the seats up front for the first driving shift. The engine started with a purr and we eased out of the gravel lot onto a two lane road. Chicago, Illinois here we come.

  It should have been a twenty-five hour trip with driving day and night. We stopped only to refuel. But, a major accident had us rerouted and extended our journey by half a day.

  I was tempted to get out and fly, but that would mean leaving the guys behind and I couldn’t do that. Plus, this was Regina’s territory we were heading into. Her mother, Mia Chang, was still alive. We didn’t know whether the vampires would recognize Mia or Regina as their rightful ruler. Besides all that… Vampires. I shuddered. They still freaked me out and I didn’t want to arrive, alone, in the middle of vamp country.

  Eventually, I’d have to get over my fear of them. I was their queen after all. I shouldn’t have prejudices. It was just difficult to overcome when the Tromara king was a vampire too, and after everything he’d done to me… Also, it didn’t help that last term Regina had thoug
ht it would be funny to sink her fangs into my neck and release that horny endorphin serum in her saliva—or some shit. All I knew was it had me pawing all over Montrell and practically begging him to fuck me. Just a bit awkward.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Angel climbed onto the bed where I reclined. My face heated, realizing what I’d been thinking about. “Now I’m even more curious.” His eyes flashed amber.

  I opened my mouth to reply, and Angel shut me up with a smoldering kiss. He crawled over me, the weight of his heavy body pinned me down. My skin flushed and desire swept through me.

  Jaxon, who was busy putting together sandwiches, let out a curse.

  Montrell’s voice called from the diver’s seat. “Damn it, who the fuck is fucking around back there? It’s kind of hard to drive with a—” he cut himself off.

  “With a what, Montrell?” Angel hollered. “A boner?” His amber eyes lit with mischief.

  “Son of a bitch,” was the shapeshifter’s only response.

  Angel winked down at me. I lifted a brow, and studied his handsome face. This was the second time he’d winked at me recently. He’d been so brooding and serious for most of the school year, I’d forgotten how he used to wink at me when we’d first met. That devilish charm had disappeared when his wolf had claimed me for his mate. He’d struggled, trying to resist the inevitable. Now his flirtatious self seemed to be back.

  Angel slid off me to rest at my side. “As soon as we arrive in Chicago you’re mine,” he said on a growl. “They can deal with their boners however they want.”

  Oh, dear god, when this war was over I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with the four of them. My mates. Forever.



  Vampire headquarters, USA, was in a series of what appeared to be warehouses. We were certainly in some kind of non-residential part of Chicago with narrow streets and burned out street lamps. Upon entering the bland, rectangular building, the inside was all modern industrial elegance. It was a shocking contrast to the werewolves’ mountain cave.


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