Somebody’s Perfect

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Somebody’s Perfect Page 31

by Kallypso Masters

  “Breathe in,” he continued to coach. She did. “Breathe out.”

  In. Out. Damián continued to breathe with her. With each respiration cycle, she became more relaxed. She couldn’t keep the baby inside her if she lost her shit.

  By the time the paramedics arrived at the restaurant and began checking her vitals and asking questions, she’d mostly calmed down. While Damián stepped back to let them do their work, she kept her eyes on him, more as a comfort than because he hadn’t released her from the Dom command yet.

  In a matter of minutes, she was lying on her left side on a stretcher with her head tilted at a comfortable angle being transported to the nearby Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton.

  The contractions—she couldn’t pretend they were anything else—were nine minutes apart. Surely they would be able to stop them. “I’m only at thirty-five weeks,” she reminded the paramedic seated beside Damián.

  “Don’t worry, Savannah. This hospital is the best. They’ll take good care of you and your baby.”

  He made it sound like she was having this baby now, but no way could that happen! She turned to Damián and, for the first time, saw a glimmer of worry in his eyes.

  Please, get us to the hospital faster.

  * * *

  This can’t be happening! One minute, they’re enjoying lunch, and the next, Savannah might be in labor. Damián held onto her hand in the labor room she’d been taken to almost immediately. Another contraction started showing on the monitor.

  “Eyes. Breathe with me, bebé.” Thank God they’d taken a few childbirth preparation classes, or he wouldn’t have known what to do as her coach. How long before the doctor showed up? He wished they were back in Denver where Doctor Palmer could take care of her. She knew everything about Savannah’s pregnancy. To her credit, she’d already forwarded the medical records to the hospital so the obstetrician here would be able to have all the information at his or her fingertips.

  The labor and delivery nurse had checked her out and said there was no sign that her water had broken and she was only one centimeter dilated. When the doctor showed up, he assured them that, as long as she didn’t dilate farther, they didn’t think she would deliver. He ordered some IV fluids with medication to help stop contractions and, as a precaution, some other meds to help develop the baby’s lungs, just in case she did deliver this weekend.

  Shit just got too real, too fast. Seeing Savannah lying there made him feel so helpless, but there wasn’t anything he could do but hold her hand, brush the hair from her forehead, and talk with her. Only he didn’t know what to say, so he lowered his head to the bed beside her hip and prayed.

  Por favor, Dios…

  “I think the contractions stopped,” Savannah said, and he jerked up his head to make eye contact with her. Her nurse stood beside the bed checking her vitals.

  Had he fallen asleep? What the fuck? Savannah had her hand woven through his hair. He glanced over at the monitor. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded and smiled. “It’s been almost an hour, and I haven’t felt any more.”

  “I think you’re right, Mrs. Orlando,” the nurse said as she checked the monitors, “but we’ll want to keep an eye on you for the next twenty-four hours before releasing you.”

  After the nurse left, he placed his hand on her belly. “I’ll stay with you, bebé, and I promise not to fall asleep again.”

  Her sweet laugh absolved him. “You didn’t fall asleep until the contractions stopped—and I’ll admit that I dozed off, too. You helped keep me calm just being here with me.”

  Maybe he’d been of some help. But fuck. He’d better be more present when they were dealing with actual labor. He couldn’t let her down.

  “I want to go home.”

  He glanced over at the monitor. “The nurse said tomorrow afternoon.”

  “No, I mean our home. Denver. Right after your arraignment hearings Monday, let’s leave.”

  “What about the jury and hearing the verdicts read?”

  “I don’t care anymore. I’ve gotten my satisfaction, as you Marines like to say.” She smiled. “Telling my story in front of Gentry and the jury was what my soul needed most. I’ve done all I can do to find justice for my mother, Grainger, and myself. I’m ninety-nine percent certain he’ll be found guilty, but if he isn’t, then I want to be far away from him when he’s set free. It’s over, Sir.”

  He hoped she wouldn’t regret the decision but was glad she wanted to go home, too. “Whatever you want to do, you know I’m totally behind you.”

  “Obviously, being out here isn’t good for me or the baby anymore.” She placed a hand on the baby bump and interlaced her fingers in his.

  Dios, they had come close to disaster today.

  “Besides, nothing pisses off narcissists like Gentry more than indifference and having people ignore them.” She grinned. “So regardless of the outcome, I’ll extract a little more vengeance simply by going home before the jury returns a verdict and not giving him another chance to glare at me or try to upset me, not that he could win that battle anymore. I don’t think I’ll sway the jury with my absence. At least, not if they come up with a decision before they return to the courtroom.”

  He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand. “Okay, I’ll go find Dad and ask him to get us on the earliest flight possible after our Monday morning arraignment hearing. You need your rest most of all.”

  “Hand me my purse, please, and I’ll leave the DA a message explaining what happened. I’m sure she can excuse my absence from the sentencing phase. If my rebuttal and testimony didn’t tell the judge and jury how adversely affected my life has been because of that monster, then nothing will.”

  He stood and leaned over her, their gazes locking. “You continue to amaze me, woman.” He kissed her gently on the lips, afraid anything else might trigger another contraction. “I can’t wait to see what the next eighty years with you will be like.”

  Savannah laughed. “Me neither!”

  “Just expect me to still be chasing you around the house, or wherever we’re living then, to get into your panties.”

  “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t, Sir.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Savannah fluffed up her Christmas Barbie’s dress, fighting the bombardment of memories from the morning she’d received this doll from Maman. She was supposed to be wrapping presents for Mari, José, and Teresa, but her attention kept wandering back to the doll that had miraculously found its way back into her possession after all these years. She planned to give her a place of honor on the mantel this year but didn’t want to part with her just yet. Holding the Barbie made her feel Maman’s presence again.

  “This is the last of it,” Damián said as he entered the room carrying a pile of games and toys they’d hidden in the closet over the past few months whenever they’d found something for one of the kids. Well, mostly Marisol and José. Teresa had outgrown toys, so hers came in smaller packages these days. “I’ll help you wrap, if you’d like. But don’t expect mine to look as pretty as yours.”

  She smiled at him in his ridiculous Santa hat with Feliz Navidad printed in glitter around the white band. “No, I can manage. I’ve just been daydreaming.” She set the doll up on the mantel next to a clear bowl filled with colorful glass ornaments. “Between the trial aftermath and staring at this doll, my concentration skills are nil. So you get the job of thwacking me with your evil stick, Sir, every time my focus wanders from my task at hand.”

  “I think I’ll be the one to decide the implement, savita.” Despite his stern Dom voice, he grinned and winked, a salacious gleam in his eye. “But you don’t have to ask me twice to assert my responsibilities as your Dom.”

  She didn’t intend to let her mind wander anymore, because she seriously didn’t care much for that evil thing, which made it the perfect deterrent.

  Chiquita nuzzled at her ankle. The dog had been very clingy since they’d returned from California. Savannah indulged he
r with some extra love, digging her fingers into the fur on Chiquita’s head and massaging it much the way she loved having Damián do hers.

  “Tell me what else I can do to speed things along? I don’t want you up all night wrapping presents.”

  “You could grab me another roll of superhero paper for the rest of José’s presents.”

  He went to the upright plastic bin that held wrapping paper for all occasions and brought her the roll she’d requested before sitting down beside her. “I’ll help hold down the paper while you tape it shut.”

  They worked in silence a while before her gaze wandered to the Barbie doll again. Maman’s smile had been so wide that last Christmas together when Savannah had opened that present—


  A sting against her upper arm brought her instantly back to the present. “Ow!” She reached up to rub the spot where Damián had flicked her with his middle finger.

  “I had to improvise since I don’t have the evil stick on me.”

  “Oh, I already forgot.” Be careful what you ask for, Savannah. “Sorry, Sir. I promise to stay focused from now on.” Maybe if she kept him busy, he wouldn’t notice any more lapses. “Why don’t you put these presents under the tree and bring me the Mulan gift box so I can assemble Mari’s last gift?”

  Morbid thoughts penetrated Savannah’s mood of what the words last gift would mean if, by some cruel twist of fate, this became the last gift Mari received from her mother. Her gaze darted to the Barbie then away before Damián caught her. Had Maman any inkling that her life would be cut so short when she’d given Savannah the Christmas Barbie? Tears burned her eyes at the thought of Mari growing up without her, whatever the circumstances.

  Maman and John, I hope you can both rest in peace now that your murderer has been convicted.

  Next week, she was supposed to be back in the Vista courtroom for Gentry’s sentencing, but instead, she’d prepared and mailed her victim’s statement. The judge and jury had already heard her testimony concerning the horrors of what she’d endured at Gentry’s hands and what losing her mother at such a young age had meant. She wasn’t going to put herself through anything more, even if Doctor Palmer allowed her to go back to California after going into premature labor ten days ago. Savannah was done. He’d been found guilty on all charges. Now, she only hoped he’d be put away for the rest of his life, but there was nothing more she could do to guarantee that outcome.

  Savannah refused to think about Gentry another minute. Even with a sentence that included parole, Gentry would be in his nineties or beyond before he’d be eligible for a hearing, and not likely be a threat to anyone but himself. If he didn’t die from unnatural causes once word got out to the prison population what he’d done to his daughter all those years.


  How had Damián returned so quickly? “Sorry. I was thinking about the sentencing next week.”

  “I’m proud of you for choosing not to be there.”

  “For the first time I can remember, I can live my life without looking over my shoulder or worrying about what he might do to me or my family. I’ve gotten my closure and peace of mind.” There was still the matter of the charges brought against Adam and Damián, but she wouldn’t think about that on Christmas Eve.

  She’d better finish up here and go to bed. Marisol would be up early. And Savannah’s arm was going to bruise if he flicked her in the same spot many more times. Of course, she could avoid that fate by improving her focus and staying in the moment.

  She accepted the special box she’d found in SoCal last week. Mari would want to jump right in and play when she opened the gift, so Savannah removed the first Mulan figure from its packaging.

  Damián sat beside her again and reached for the box containing Mushu, the dragon. “Let me help.” He’d always had an affinity for dragons, apparently, given the one that had been tattooed on his chest and bicep.

  One by one, she and Damián freed Li Shang and numerous figures from their boxes and Savannah tucked each carefully inside the vintage box. They fit snugly, but it would give Mari a nice carrying case for them all. She might want to take them with her to play with José, Grandpa, or Tía Grant sometime.

  “She is going to love playing with them.” Savannah smiled, picturing the scene.

  “I can just imagine José charging in and wreaking havoc with Marisol’s carefully planned campaigns, though,” Damián said.

  She agreed. “We’re in for some epic battles.” Their daughter was definitely a strategist, not to mention competitive with her cousin. She’d want to do more than simply recreate the battle scenes from the movie.

  Savannah stifled a yawn, hoping Damián wouldn’t notice. She wasn’t finished yet.

  “Time for you to get to bed.” As if Damián ever missed a thing.

  “I won’t argue with you there. Help me carry all these presents to the tree.”

  “Go. To. Bed. I’ll finish up down here.”

  This would be their first Christmas in their new home, and they’d be joined by Rosa, her two kids, and Mac for dinner tomorrow. She wished for nothing more this Christmas than to be surrounded by her family.

  * * *

  Damián didn’t expect Savannah to slap his hand as he pulled a piece of crispy skin off the roasted turkey he’d just removed from the oven. The skin was always his favorite part. She’d rubbed it with chili powder and cayenne pepper, so it had just the right kick for his taste buds.

  “Okay, your work in here is done, my dear,” she said. “I’m sure you can find something to do besides pilfering turkey in my kitchen.”

  He popped one more piece into his mouth and smiled at her while chewing slowly without an ounce of remorse. When she shook her head and rolled her eyes, he leaned in and nuzzled her neck, placing a kiss just below her even more delicious earlobe. “Anybody ever tell you you’re sexy as hell when you’re annoyed?” he whispered.

  “You think I’m sexy no matter what mood I’m in.”

  “Lo sabes.” Yeah, baby. “When did Doctor Palmer say we could have sex again?”

  Because of her premature labor scare, they’d been told no sex and very few orgasms until she was halfway into her thirty-seventh week. “New Year’s Eve.”

  He groaned, even though he knew exactly how long they’d have to wait. Both of them had been counting down the days since they returned from California. This was worse than any sex/orgasm deprivation Damián had inflicted on her as her Dom. Ironic that, when she was ready to resume her sex life after these sporadic two months, she’d be thwarted by something other than a lack of libido.

  Damián wrapped his arms around her belly to encircle their baby. “I can’t wait to show my woman how much I love her.”

  “Well, eventually, people are going to want to eat. I’ve put a lot into this meal and don’t want it to become a disaster.”

  Savannah had insisted on preparing the spicy turkey and sides the way he and Rosa remembered them. She also wanted to introduce their daughter to more of her family’s heritage. Although she’d invited Rosa in to advise and help prepare some of the dishes, she’d declared after an hour or so that she had it all under control and sent her in to be with Doctor Mac and the kids.

  He didn’t like Savannah overdoing it like this, but she’d told him this morning this would be her Christmas gift from the heart to him. With Savannah’s inheritance, she could buy him anything he’d ever want or need, but instead, she wanted to give of herself. How could he say no to such a thoughtful present?

  Still, he’d done all he could to help her out, lifting the turkey and doing early-morning prep work. Luckily, Damián had given her the best possible Christmas present this morning. If Mari hadn’t jumped out of bed before Savannah had a chance to relax in the massage chair, she’d have tried it out at home by now.

  But it was ready and waiting for her upstairs. He and Doctor Mac had just carried the chair to the bedroom and set it up. As soon as the meal was over, he’d order her to spend at least a
n hour relaxing in it.

  Savannah told him she had another Christmas present for him that he’d have to wait to open in the privacy of their bedroom. He couldn’t wait to find out what it was. Just the thought of what it might be had him grinding his hard dick against her ass. She relaxed with a sigh, melting back against him. Her natural submissiveness only inflamed him more. He’d promised her he wouldn’t come until she could, and this forced celibacy was killing him, too.

  “I’m not going to have dinner ready on time if you don’t give me a little space to move…Sir,” she added with zero reverence. Not that he gave a flying fuck about protocols. Didn’t need them to know she was his in every way that counted.

  When he answered by cupping her breasts, she hissed. They were so damned sensitive again. He grinned. She’d have his balls in a vise if he pinched her nipples and messed up her blouse if they leaked. But he also didn’t want her to have to run upstairs and change before dinner, so instead, he merely brushed his thumbs over her nipples.

  “Damián, please,” she begged. “Don’t do this to me.”

  “Do what?” He squeezed her breasts and bent to trail more kisses along the column of her neck.

  “Get me all hot and bothered when I know we can’t do anything about it for nearly a week.”

  His right hand trailed over her belly and down to her mound.

  She darted a glance to the door. “Damián, if Mari or someone comes in and finds us like this…”

  “Like I said, they’ll see that I can’t keep my hands off my woman. Besides, Marisol’s too busy executing her next campaign against José and, surprisingly Teresa, with those Mulan action figures to pay us any mind for a while. And Doctor Mac and Rosa are deep in a discussion about improvements to make at the clinic.”

  “They’re both so passionate about the work there, especially for the migrant and uninsured communities.”

  When Savannah started to turn around to face him, he held her in place with his left hand around her tits, cupping one, while his right one slipped inside her stretchy pants. Much easier than getting inside her old tight jeans.


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