Her Colorado Cowboy

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by Mindy Obenhaus

  Lassoing the single mom’s heart...

  A Rocky Mountain Heroes story

  Socialite Lily Davis agrees to take her children riding...despite her fear of horses. But now widowed cowboy Noah Stephens is determined to help her get comfortable in the saddle. And, at her children’s insistence, Lily finds herself promoting his rodeo school. As Noah and Lily work together, will Noah continue to shield his heart...or can they discover a love that conquers both their fears?

  “I usually like trying new things.”

  “Such as?” Noah asked.

  Lily shrugged. “Zip-lining, sushi—”

  “Wait a minute.” He held up a hand. “You’ll eat raw fish that could have who knows what in it, but you’re afraid to get on a horse?”

  At least she had the decency to look embarrassed. “I know it sounds silly—”

  “Oh, it sounds more than just silly.”

  She was quiet for a moment. Then, “What would be truly silly, though, is to tell my children the truth when I haven’t even made the effort to overcome my fear.” She looked him in the eye. “If you’re still willing to help me, I’m ready to accept your help.”

  His smile was instantaneous. “Then I’ll see you Monday morning.”

  Standing there in the shade of an aspen tree, he searched her pretty face, feeling his heart swell with something that hadn’t been there in a long time. Respect? The thrill of a challenge? Or something else he was too afraid to name?

  It took Mindy Obenhaus forty years to figure out what she wanted to do when she grew up. But once God called her to write, she never looked back. She’s passionate about touching readers with biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. Mindy lives in Texas with her husband and kids. When she’s not writing, she enjoys cooking and spending time with her grandchildren. Find more at mindyobenhaus.com.

  Books by Mindy Obenhaus

  Love Inspired

  Rocky Mountain Heroes

  Their Ranch Reunion

  The Deputy’s Holiday Family

  Her Colorado Cowboy

  The Doctor’s Family Reunion

  Rescuing the Texan’s Heart

  A Father’s Second Chance

  Falling for the Hometown Hero

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com.

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  Mindy Obenhaus

  Weeping may endure for a night,

  but joy cometh in the morning.

  —Psalms 30:5

  For Your glory, Lord.


  Thank you, Allison Wilson, for helping me brainstorm this story and find the outcome it deserved.

  Many thanks to Steve Wicke for sharing your roping expertise.

  Betty Wolfe, you’re one of my favorite residents of Ouray. Thank you for all your help.

  To my loving husband, Richard, where would I be without you?


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from Instant Father by Donna Gartshore

  Chapter One

  Lily Davis had lost her mind.

  She loathed horses. Yet, somehow, she’d allowed her children to talk her into taking them horseback riding. What was she thinking?

  Knuckles white, she guided her luxury SUV across the cattle guard of Abundant Blessings Ranch and Trail Rides, her gaze darting from the majestic mountains that backdropped the picturesque setting to the menacing red-and-white metal building that sat a short distance from the road.

  She swallowed hard. Any other time she would have put her foot down, but she was desperate. They’d only been in Ouray for three days, and already her kids were begging to go back to their friends and electronic devices in Denver.

  Okay, so it was her ten-year-old son, Colton, who did most of the complaining. He thought everything was boring. On the contrary, her seven-year-old daughter, Piper, had proclaimed Ouray, Colorado, the most beautiful place ever. Which was good, because returning to Denver before the end of the summer was not an option. Not if she wanted to save her son from following in his father’s footsteps.

  She eyed her firstborn in the rearview mirror. With his sandy brown hair and green eyes, he favored her, though his blatant lies were a hallmark of his father. Something Lily found increasingly disconcerting. But learning of how he’d bullied another boy at school had spurred her into action. Because despite what Wade Davis might believe, the fact that they had money did not make them better than anyone else.

  He’d agreed to let her take the kids away for the entire summer, instead of splitting the time the way they usually did. Whatever deal he was working must be big. She could only pray he wouldn’t change his mind before August 15, the date they’d agreed upon for the kids’ return.

  Easing to a stop between another SUV and a sedan, she shifted into Park. Why couldn’t they have just gone on another Jeep tour?

  The kids were out of the vehicle before Lily even turned off the engine.

  “Hurry up, Mommy.” Piper’s excitement had her blonder-than-blond ponytail swishing to and fro. The perpetually cheerful child had always been eager to try new things. A trait Lily usually admired. Until she suggested horseback riding.

  Too bad Lily hadn’t had the guts to say no.

  Setting her booted feet onto the gravel, she rubbed her arms, eyeing the two chestnut-colored horses staring at her from the adjacent paddock. Did they know? Were they able to sense that another horse had once gotten the best of her?

  “Aww...” Piper noted the pair. “Aren’t they cute?”

  Lily cleared her throat. “Horses are some of God’s most beautiful creatures.” Not to mention frightening. Her kids didn’t see it that way, though, so she wasn’t about to pass her fears on to them.

  She drew in a deep breath, the once-familiar odor of horse and hay tightening her stomach. How was she ever going to pull this off?

  “This is boring.” Colton shuffled toward the entrance. “I want to ride them, not look at them.”

  Lily’s gaze lifted to the mid-June sky. God, please help me. She glanced at her son. In every way.

  Inside, the walls of the small but tidy lobby were lined with rustic wood planks. A couple with two boys who looked to be a little older than Colton sat on an old wooden church pew that hugged one wall.

  “Mommy, look.” Piper pointed above the doorway of what appeared to be an office. “A horseshoe.”

  “It’s a horse barn.” Arms crossed, Colton rolled his eyes. “They probably have, like, a million of those things.”

  “I don’t care, Colton.” Hands on her hips, his sister glared at him. “I still like them.”

  Before Lily could intervene, the sound of footsteps on concrete drew their attention.

  She turned, feeling as though she’
d suddenly stepped into a country music video. From his boots and Wranglers to the shiny belt buckle and straw Stetson perched on his head, this guy was all cowboy.

  He stopped to address the other family. “If you all will head straight down this corridor—” he pointed to the long aisle behind him “—and to the right, Amber and Jackie are waiting with your horses.”

  As the group departed, he turned his attention to Lily and her children. “Welcome to Abundant Blessings Ranch.” Tall and clean shaven, he tipped his hat back just enough to reveal dark brown hair and even darker eyes, like a rich espresso. He was older than she would have expected. Perhaps even older than her thirty-eight years, but not by much. And while his smile was pleasant enough, it did little to put her at ease. “I’m Noah Stephens. How can I help you folks today?”

  Pressing one hand against her stomach, she fingered the silver chain around her neck with the other. “Um—”

  “We want to ride horses.” Piper stared up at the man, looking very matter-of-fact.

  “You do?” His smile grew wider, forming creases around his eyes. “Well, I guess you’ve come to the right place then.” He reached for one of a series of clipboards that hung on the wall. “I’ll just need your mother to sign these papers.” He handed the clipboard to her, along with a pen.

  The knot in Lily’s stomach grew even bigger as she filled in the required information. Why was she putting herself through this? She should have simply said no in the first place.

  But then Colton and Piper would have wanted to know why. She couldn’t bear the thought of telling them she was afraid. After all, she was their mother. The one who was supposed to be strong. And she was, most of the time. Right about now, though, she felt like that four-year-old girl who’d just been bucked off her first, and last, horse.

  “How much riding have you kids done?” The cowboy looked from Colton to Piper.

  “I’ve never been on a horse.” Piper’s blue eyes sparkled. “But I can’t wait.”

  “That’s good to know, because I want to make sure I pair each of you with the correct horse for your level of experience.”

  “What does it matter?” Colton shrugged. “It’s just a stupid horse.”

  The cowboy straightened to his full six-foot-plus height, and Lily froze. What would he do? Everyone knew cowboys didn’t tolerate disrespect. And her son had plenty. Would he tell them they couldn’t ride?

  Wishful thinking on her part.

  Arms crossed, the man stared down at Colton, his expression stern. “Actually, horses are quite smart.” His deep voice left no room for question. “And they’re able to sense what kind of people are riding them.” His gaze narrowed. “So you might want to keep that in mind, young man.”

  Under different circumstances, Lily might have chuckled. But by the time she handed the completed paperwork back to the cowboy, her stomach was churning.

  His brow lifted. “Are you all right, ma’am?”

  “Yes.” However, the more she tried to psych herself up for this endeavor, the worse things became.

  She grabbed a white-water rafting brochure from the rack against the wall and fanned herself, wondering when it had gotten so warm. All the while, the tossing and turning in her belly intensified.

  This was not good. Not good at—

  Just as the cowboy turned to talk with Colton and Piper, Lily bolted out the door. She rushed to the side of the building, her stomach in full revolt. Not once, but twice.

  Standing there, doubled over, she heard someone behind her. Oh, no. God please don’t let it be—

  “You look like you could use a little help.” That deep voice definitely didn’t belong to Colton or Piper.

  Mortified, she glanced at the cowboy and managed to eke out, “Don’t let my children see me,” before hurling again.

  When she finally collected herself a short time later, she leaned against the metal building, feeling more than a little embarrassed. And all over the mere thought of riding a horse. She wiped her mouth, praying she wouldn’t have a repeat performance.

  Returning to the stable, she spotted Piper and Colton halfway down the wide corridor that ran between a small arena and some horse stalls.

  “Where were you?” Colton eyed her suspiciously.

  “I had something I had to take care of.” She forced a smile, hoping she didn’t look as pale as she felt.

  Fortunately, the cowboy reappeared with two horses before her son could ask any more questions.

  It pleased her that one of them was nothing more than a Shetland pony, and she wondered if they might have another for her.

  The man stopped in front of them, looking far too serious. “We have a slight problem.”

  Oh, no. Her kids were so looking forward to this, and now they weren’t going to be able to ride. All because of her. Her silly fear had blown it for all of them.

  The cowboy continued, “We had another family that arrived just before you. Typically, we prefer not to have any more than six guests on a trail ride. With you three, that would be seven.”

  Piper’s bottom lip pooched out. “You mean we don’t get to ride?”

  “Man, we finally get to do something cool...” Colton kicked at clump of hay.

  Lily’s stomach tightened again. If only she hadn’t panicked. Now she’d ruined everything.

  “Of course,” the cowboy finally said, “if one of you would be willing to stay behind, the other two could still go.”

  Lily jerked her gaze to his.

  His dark eyes were directed right at her.

  He was giving her an out. But why? Was he afraid she’d get sick again while they were on the trail? Or did he know she was afraid?

  “I’m not staying,” said Colton.

  “If Colton doesn’t hafta stay, I don’t want to, either.” Arms crossed, Piper peered up at Lily.

  Looked like it was up to her to take one for the team. Something she was more than okay with this time. Thanks to Noah Stephens. However, it presented her with a new problem.

  Mr. Stephens was a stranger. Colton and Piper were her greatest blessings. A gift from God she cherished with every fiber of her being. Could she trust this cowboy with her children?

  Clearing her throat, she looked at her kids. Saw the disappointment etched on their faces. “I wouldn’t want the two of you to miss out, either.” She eyed the cowboy. He looked responsible. And he’d already shown he wasn’t the type to stand for Colton’s shenanigans. “Would it be all right if they went without me?”

  He nodded. “So long as you signed the consent forms.”

  She looked at her children. “Are you two okay with that, or would you prefer to wait until later when we can go together?” Not that she’d be any more enthusiastic, but she’d settle for less nauseous.

  “I can watch Piper,” offered Colton.

  “Yeah, Colton can watch me.”

  Lily couldn’t help but laugh. For once her children were in agreement. “Okay. But I want you to be on your best behavior.”

  “We will,” they said in unison.

  The cowboy tipped his straw hat in her direction. “I promise to take good care of them.”

  To her surprise, she actually believed him. Probably because he’d come to check on her when she was outside. Something she found very chivalrous. And as they walked away, she couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to be taken care of by someone like that. Someone strong, caring... Not self-serving like her ex.

  She quickly shook away the thought. God and her children were her only priorities. Not love or any notions thereof. Especially with a cowboy.

  * * *

  “Mom, you should have seen it.” Colton met his mother in the lobby, his enthusiasm obvious. And that made Noah happy.

  The kid was far too young to have the kind of attitude Noah had witnessed prior to their ride.
Angry. Disrespectful. The type of kid Noah hoped to help. Not that troubled kids were the focus of his soon-to-open rodeo school at Abundant Blessings Ranch. Still, Noah knew firsthand the difference horses could make in the lives of troubled kids and adults dealing with loss. They’re what helped him get past the deaths of his wife and unborn child. And he had a feeling the root of Colton’s anger had to do with some sort of loss, too. During their ride, the kid had mentioned that his parents were divorced. Was his father involved in his life?

  While Noah’s parents had loved each other until his mother succumbed to cancer three years ago, he’d had many friends whose lives had been impacted by divorce. He understood the pain and anger that came from such an experience. Especially when it was something they hadn’t chosen and there was nothing they could do to fix it.

  If only he could help those kids deal with their feelings by giving them a way to channel their emotions into something else. Or perhaps the kids would simply benefit from spending time with a good listener. He knew for a fact that horses were very good listeners.

  “We got to ride on the mountain,” Piper said.

  Cute kid. Happy, smart, energetic... If his child had been a girl, he’d have hoped she’d be like Piper.

  “Can I get a soda?” Colton watched his mother hopefully. “Noah said there’s a machine around the corner.”

  The woman—what was her name? Some sort of flower. Lily? Yes, that was it—pulled a series of ones from the pocket of her jeans. “Okay, but no caffeine. And get one for your sister, too.”

  She looked at Noah then, her green eyes void of the anxiety that had been there before. “Thank you for taking them. I...hated to disappoint them.”

  “No worries, ma’am. I’m pretty sure they enjoyed themselves.” He turned his attention to her daughter. “Right, Piper?”


  They both chuckled at her daughter’s exuberance.

  He eyed the woman again. She’d tucked her long reddish-blond hair into a crude ponytail, making him wonder if she’d gotten sick again after they left. “I trust you’re doing all right?”


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