Capital Falling Trilogy Box Set [Books 1-3]

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Capital Falling Trilogy Box Set [Books 1-3] Page 6

by Winkless, Lance

  Both of the girls say yes.

  “Okay, girls, try now, so you know what to do when I say its time.”

  Both girls immediately put their heads down.

  “Very good,” I encourage.

  Emily starts to sob.

  “Emily, it’s okay. Remember, do as I say, and we will be alright; are you going to be a brave girl for me?”

  “I will be Dad, I didn’t mean to cry, it just happened.”

  “I know, sweetie, it doesn’t matter. It is frightening. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  I see her wiping away her tears in my rear-view mirror.

  This time, at the end of the road we turn left onto the Edgeware Road, this larger main road having a thin haze of smoke in the air which must have travelled in the breeze down from the fires farther in the city centre. Even this main road that would normally be packed with traffic going into the city is abandoned; obviously, everyone in this part of the city is taking this situation very seriously and are all holed up inside, taking whatever precautions they can to stay safe.

  As we travel down the road, in front of us cutting across the sky and raised on its massive concrete stilts is the A40 Westway, the six-lane trunk road connecting the M4 motorway to London from the West. The road is busy, but not with the normal heavy London traffic, but with military hardware and troops. The raised road has various troop carriers, military buses, military lorries and other smaller military vehicles sitting on it. There are also various civilian-looking lorries and other vehicles. Along with the variety of vehicles, there are soldiers on foot, some marching towards the city whilst others are taking up defensive positions and snipers can also be seen through the railings, scanning their zones.

  The snipers look too far apart to be completely effective; my guess is that they have been stretched further than they should be because of the colossal area they have to cover. I would also guess we have a sniper checking us out now, but I seriously doubt whether we are the type of target he is looking for, so I expect no action.

  There are no shots being fired from the soldiers on this side of the flyover which is a good sign, as there are obviously no contacts this side yet. Let’s hope the same is true on the other side, where we are heading.

  As we come closer to the flyover, I decide to see if I can gain any intel from the sniper I have spotted positioned above and in front of us; he is aiming his rifle directly down our road. I stop the car in the middle of the road a fair distance away from the flyover, ensuring a good line of sight. Opening the glove box and grabbing the pair of Steiner binoculars, I tell the girls to stay where they are and jump out of the car.

  As soon as I get out, the sound of gunshots is everywhere and suddenly seems right on top of us, even though I instinctively know it’s not. The shooters are still some distance away, at least on the other side of the flyover, so I shut and lock the door behind me.

  Lifting the binoculars to my face with my left hand, I raise my right and signal to the sniper, asking him to report. He immediately signals back that there are no contacts in my vicinity. He then signals to ask my intentions and I point down the road, telling him I intend to move beyond the flyover. The sniper signals back, strongly recommending against this, then indicating there are multiple hostiles beyond his position.

  Suddenly, the sniper's partner and watcher next to him moves his mouth, speaking to the sniper. The sniper immediately breaks our contact, swivels his rifle down to the left and shoots; so, just as I’m thinking we have time on our side yet, it looks like hostiles have just made it to this side of the flyover!

  The sniper’s rifle, after dispatching its target, is back on me. I signal that I understand but am proceeding. He lifts his radio to his mouth. I lower my binoculars and unlock the car.

  A door to one of the houses suddenly opens on the opposite side of the street. Before I think about it my Sig is in my hand and pointing directly at a woman holding a crying baby in her arms.

  The dark-haired, petrified woman shouts at me. “Where are you going, please take us with you?”

  “I’m sorry I can’t,” is all I can reply to her, then sliding the Sig home, I open the car door, get in, and start the engine.

  “What were you doing?” Stacey asks.

  “I was speaking to a soldier ahead on the flyover to see what is happening.”


  “And it is going to get bumpy from here on, so I want you both to be ready to get down. Understood?”

  “Yes, Andy, we are ready, aren’t we, Emily?”

  “We are, Dad, but what did that woman want at that house, with the baby?”

  “She wanted to come with us, but we can’t take them. Now be ready to do as I say, girls.”

  I’m sure the sniper was radioing, informing his command to expect us to drive through. And if not, this could be a very short journey!

  Chapter 8

  As my hand reaches to put the car into drive, my ear buzzes again. Looking down at my phone, Dan’s name is displayed in green on the screen. I hope this isn’t bad news, and I press to answer.

  “Andy?” Dan says in a hushed voice before I even say hello; it is highly unusual for him to use my first name, so this can’t be good.

  “Yes, Dan. Go.”

  “Boss, we have multiple hostiles outside the walls. We are keeping low so we don’t draw their attention and give away our position. These things are in the street outside the gate and they are growing in number constantly. Are you close?”

  “Affirmative, just about to go under the flyover. ETA four minutes.”

  “Shit, I thought you’d be closer. I am ready to open the gate as soon as I hear your car approaching.”


  “Get a shift on, Boss, we need to fall back inside, A-SAP.”

  My earpiece bleeps and Dan is gone. I quickly grab the binoculars from the passenger seat and use them to scan under the flyover and beyond.

  From this distance, they look like ordinary people, but something is off; they move differently, giving them away. Some look hunched slightly in some kind of twisted walk, others are running and leaping, arms splayed. And my God, they are fast, moving towards the flyover.

  Large numbers of these rabid people or whatever they are, are swarming up the Edgware Road, straight towards our position. We have no choice; we must move, move now and move towards them. Dropping the car into drive, I push my foot to the floor as far as it will go.

  “Get down, girls, and stay down until I say. No matter what you hear, okay?” With whimpers from the back, both girls immediately comply.

  Rapidly, the car’s speedo moves up, reaching sixty before we get to the underpass. I see the sniper above us; he is not interested in this car, however. His rifle is pointed down again, repeatedly firing.

  A ‘Rabid’ comes at the car from the left, jumping right into the middle of the road fifteen feet in front of us, its grim face looking right at me! The hideous creature jumps again but it is just too late, the bottom of its legs hit the front of the car's bonnet with a sickening thud. The thing flails over the windscreen and hits the roof before I glimpse the blur of it falling back into the road behind.

  “It’s okay, girls, keep down,” I quickly say.

  About to cross the threshold of the flyover, my heart is racing, and the palms of my hands are wet with sweat. I can now see clearly just how many are swarming in the sun on the other side of the flyover. The front of this swarm is obviously under heavy fire from the flyover above, and they are getting shot to pieces and falling, but still, the swarm moves forward, and I could swear some that have gone down are getting back up!

  There is no way we are going to make it through the battle underway in front of us; we would be inundated and probably shot to pieces. My plan had been to turn right into the Basin just past the flyover, but that will be deep into the swarm! Another option is to go right up Harrow Road adjacent to the A40 and then take one of the smaller roads off t
o the left into the Basin, but the route is farther and there is no guarantee it is any clearer?

  As we leave the sunlight and move under the flyover, the decision is made for me!

  At least six lines of smoke from above where the troops are streak down into the swarm of Rabids. RPGs!

  “Stay down!” I shout.

  I break right as the explosions hit. They are massive and the car rocks heavily on its suspension as the shockwaves blast us. Balls of fire and debris hit the left side of the car, threating to implode the glass but thankfully it holds, debris raining down on top of the car and onto the windscreen.

  I ignore it, straighten the car into Harrow Road and plant my foot to the floor, leaving that carnage behind, only to probably drive into more. There is crying coming from the back seats; glancing over my shoulder, Stacey and Emily are holding hands and it looks like both are upset, as far as I can tell from the tops of their heads and the whimpers.

  “We are okay, girls, but this isn’t over yet so keep your heads down.”

  I switch on the windscreen wiper to get rid of the debris strewn across my windscreen, I see at least one severed finger and an ear wipe across in front of me, leaving smears on the glass and I pull the washer lever.

  The first left-hand turn into the Basin is quickly upon us but Rabids are streaming out of it, all of them running—if you can call it that—straight out, over Harrow Road and beyond, underneath the flyover. There are too many to count, so that entry is not an option. Accelerating again, I power through the stream coming from the street on the left, bodies flying everywhere, one coming up onto the bonnet, but I don’t slow down. Thuds and bangs reverberate around the inside of the car as we smash into the torsos and shatter the skulls.

  We break through the stream of bodies and back onto a visible road, one twisted body still riding atop the bonnet and sliding towards me; it is still moving. I swerve to the right and the Rabid quickly slides sideways off the bonnet into the road and rolls away. I’m certain it's still moving as we leave it behind!

  The next turning is only a short distance away and only a few Rabids are coming out of this road but there is a bloody car side-on, blocking the entrance to it. Fucking hell. I have to drive past it. We are now driving past the position of the Orion Building on our left and a street over, the next left turn leading to North Wharf Road. Orion’s road is some distance on, so I increase speed.

  As we approach the turning for Hermitage Street which connects with North Wharf Road, thankfully there is no evidence of Rabids coming out of it, so I take the turn.

  I’m anxious that the walls of Orion have already been overrun and that Dan isn’t there ready to open the gate for us. Has he already had to fall back into the safety of the building, or worse, did the walls or gate get breached before he made it back inside? Should either have happened, we are in the shit and our only option would be to turn around if we can and fight our way out, to try and find somewhere to hole up like the rest of the population caught in the quarantine zone. Getting back to the house is the strongest option I can think of at the moment, but not one I want to be forced to take.

  To my relief, as we drive down Hermitage Street, everything seems calm; there are no monsters jumping out at us at least. Rapid gunfire is still audible not too far away, though. Maybe the infected Rabids stay close together in the swarm so they are all at the other end of North Wharf Road?

  The girls are still huddled down in the back and I try to be as reassuring as possible, but whimpers are still coming from both of them. Approaching the end of the road, I slow the car and then creep forward until a view of North Wharf Road and the Orion Building is possible.

  There is a quite a thick haze of smoke on North Wharf Road, the breeze bringing this haze down from the billows of smoke in the distance, rising above the London Metropole Hotel. The smoke is a remnant of the fires resulting from the massive explosions that very nearly engulfed us on Edgware Road, I should think?

  This haze can’t hide what is happening at the Orion Building. The strong sun is shining through and lighting up the siege happening at the walls and gate of the building.

  Dozens of Rabids claw at the front wall whilst others are massed at the gate, but this is nothing compared to the stream of Rabids moving past them and out of the Basin. This is the same stream I have just driven through on the main road.

  The ones at the back of the mass at the gate are starting to climb over the others in an attempt to get closer; there must be something attracting them to get into the building’s compound. Dan and his team—it must be them, they must still be in position waiting for us. A determined Rabid climbing overreaches the gate and stretches up to grab the top railing of it, lifting itself up. As soon as its head raises over the top of the gate, the Rabid’s head whips back sharply and it falls back dead, getting lost in the throng below. Somebody has just shot it.

  This confirms to me that if not Dan, then somebody, somebody is still there waiting for us, waiting to open the gate! Whoever is there, they won’t wait much longer. They will have to fall back inside before the gate is overrun.

  I quickly dial Dan’s number in an attempt to tell him we are here and for him to get ready, but after a few rings, it goes to voicemail. He may not have heard it or is too busy to answer. I try to think on the positive side.

  Nevertheless, my plan remains and if we are going to get into Orion, it’s now or never!

  Chapter 9

  Meanwhile, back on top of the flyover, the sniper watches the man put his binoculars back in his jacket pocket and go to get back into his black Land Rover Discovery. Suddenly, the man pulls a handgun out, pointing it at a house across the road from his position. The Sniper cannot see who or what he is pointing it at, though? The man soon puts the gun back into its holster without firing it and gets back into the Discovery.

  Before he has a chance to see the Discovery drive off, Alan, his watcher next to him, spots another target low at two o’clock; the Sniper swivels automatically and shoots. The shot misses the head he was aiming at and only hits his target’s shoulder. The target doesn’t seem to flinch in the slightest, but keeps running across the street and jumps straight through one of the front windows of Edgeware Tube Station. The noise of smashing glass is followed by screams, human screams, that can just about be heard coming from inside the station.

  No wonder his sniper team had been ordered to only take head shots; body shots don’t even slow these fuckers down, while a leg shot might make them stumble but not for long.

  Seeing another target himself, he takes the shot, vaguely aware of the black Discovery passing beneath him. This time, the target’s head explodes, and the skull showers the street right next to its newly-released brains.

  “Great shot, Mike!” Alan congratulates me.

  One of his colleagues somewhere behind shouts a warning he can’t quite make out above the constant noise of gunfire. There is immediately a flash of light followed moments later by massive explosions. Fuck me, he thinks. That’ll sort them out, not for a second losing concentration on his assigned target area.

  But then something does make his concentration waver; to his left and ten metres below, a mass of targets erupts from beneath the flyover. Did those explosions even make a dent?

  “Alan, 10 o’clock—are you fucking seeing this!”

  “Fuck me, where the hell did they come from!”

  Alan immediately aims his automatic and starts shooting bursts into the mass of targets spreading out from below, but this seems to have little effect and they keep coming.

  “The wall, Alan, they are climbing up the wall. They are trying to get up here!”

  They both concentrate fire on the targets climbing up the walls of the flyover. Aiming for the ones climbing highest, these fall back from the wall, into the mass below, taking others with them, but still more come.

  “Keep firing, Alan.”

  Mike grabs a grenade that is attached to his body armour on the side of his chest, pul
ls the pin and throws it down towards the base of the wall. A few seconds pass before the explosion, then boom, a hole is made in the mass of bodies at the base of the wall, followed by a rising plume of smoke. Some screeches can be heard following the explosion, but the hole is filled before the smoke clears. Mike grabs the other two grenades he has, pulls the pins and throws. He then turns and grabs two more off Alan as the first two explode behind him.

  “We’re gonna need a lot more grenades, mate,” Mike shouts.

  “No shit…and more ammo, I’ve only got two mags left!” Alan shouts back.

  Suddenly, a roar of rotors can be heard over the gunfire and then the two men are buffeted and blown by strong gusts of wind from the downdraft, as what looks like a brand new Wildcat helicopter moves over their heads and takes up a position hovering five metres or so above and away.

  The door gunner sees them, and Alan immediately signals to the gunner to engage the mass of targets coming from under the flyover and trying to climb it.

  The gunner sees the signal, gives a thumbs-up and immediately opens up with his 50 calibre. He starts the attack by firing on the wall and taking out all the targets that are climbing it. The gunner then concentrates his fire at the mass on the street below and the stream coming from beneath the flyover.

  The firepower of the 50 calibre is immense; the raw of the rapid-fire, over 500 rounds per minute, overpowers everything and cuts the mass of targets to ribbons, body parts flying everywhere. Limbs fly off, bodies are cut in two and heads explode.

  The flood from below seems to have been stemmed. Mike and Alan allow themselves a small smile of relief, but they are too soon. Another bigger mass of targets bursts from below the flyover and, this time, they scatter at speed in all directions instead of massing at the base of the wall and trying to climb it.

  Many can’t escape the 50 cal’s fire and are cut down, but far more do, running up nearby streets, running under the helicopter and beyond out of the 50 cal’s range. Others crash through doors and windows of adjacent buildings across the street, many even into Paddington Green Police Station directly across from them.


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