Secret Wishes and Summer Kisses on Lily Pond Lane

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Secret Wishes and Summer Kisses on Lily Pond Lane Page 16

by Emily Harvale

  'Yes. I think so. She said she was going to and Aurelia agreed that it was okay for Garrick to know. He won't be convinced about the magic of the place, but I noticed a change in Bree as soon as the water had been drunk. It was as if a weight had lifted from her shoulders. And Ella says she's seen a difference in Bree too. When anyone asked her how she and the baby cygnets, as they've become known, thanks to Ella, were doing, Ella said a crease of worry would appear between Bree's eyes. Since The Witch's Tears, that doesn't happen.'

  'That in itself should make things easier for her then. And for Garrick too.'

  Mia nodded and cuddled closer to Jet.

  'Tabbie's finished her blog post about Jennet de Witt, her life, her loves and her descendants, which she's called The Witch's Tears. I thought Aurelia might ask her to change the title but she seems fine with it. Oh, and her interview, Dinner with Justin Lake is going live tomorrow.'

  'I've got some news about Justin, but keep it to yourself because he hasn't told Tabbie yet. Oh wait.' Jet glanced at the clock beside the bed. 'It's almost eleven so he probably has.'

  'What? What is it?' Mia leant on her elbow and looked into Jet's eyes.

  'He had a call about a film offer today, which means he'll have to return to L.A. in a couple of days. But he says he can't bear the thought of leaving Tabbie, so he's asking her if she'd like to continue their relationship in L.A. and see what happens.'

  'Wow! That's fantastic. But not very romantic. Is he really going to use those words? “See what happens”. It sounds like he's not really bothered either way.'

  'He's bothered, believe me. The last time I saw a man as bothered as he is, was when I looked in a mirror soon after I met you.'

  'Aw, darling! Now that's romantic.'

  She kissed him on the lips and he wrapped his arms around her.

  'I think what he's actually going to say is something along the lines of would she be interested in continuing their 'Summer Kisses' in the City of Angels. Her mum uses that term, apparently. He doesn't want to put too much pressure on her because she's concerned about leaving her mum, so he's trying to keep it light-hearted. But I'm telling you, Mia, that guy's in love. Maybe not quite as in love as I am with you, but he's well on the way, believe me.'

  'They'll still be kissing come winter.'

  'And for many summers and winters to come, if I know Justin at all – and I do.'

  'When is he leaving? Did he say?'

  'This weekend. But he says he'll pop back far more often from now on. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he moves back here you know. I don't think it'll be long before Jenny and Glen tie the knot the way their relationship is going. She'll move into Rectory Cottage which means Baker's Cottage will be free for Justin to come back to. Until he finds somewhere more suited to a Hollywood star.' Jet laughed and ran a finger across Mia's cheek.

  'Well Gill's put his house in Cambridge on the market today, so it's all happening. Ella's so keen to find something in the village that she told me she wants to go to ask for help from The Witch's Tears tomorrow. Especially after Toby announced in the pub last night that he'd asked Christy and Dylan to move in with him and was buying Hollow's End Cottage on Frog Hill Lane which had suddenly become vacant after Christy paid a visit to The Witch's Tears.'

  Jet shook his head. 'Hmm. I think that had more to do with Phyllis and Peter Worrell wanting to move to warmer climes than it did with Christy drinking water from a spring, but I suppose it does no harm to ask.'

  'She's going to ask for a cottage on Lily Pond Lane for her and Gill to live, love and laugh in for the rest of their days on this earth. And, because she's headed Aurelia's warning to be precise, she's going to imagine herself and Gill, two kids, one boy, one girl, a dog and a cat all sitting in the sitting room of the cottage between Sunbeam and Duckdown. Garrick said it's called Tumblewell Cottage. He says he can still remember it from the first day we all arrived here, but the sign he said he saw that day is no longer there.'

  'It is called Tumblewell. I can remember that. Two kids, eh? So how many did you ask for?'


  Jet grinned at her. 'Yes, my darling wife. That was what you asked for, wasn't it?'

  Mia grinned back. 'Maybe.'

  'How many?' He looked her in the eye and his grin turned into a sexy smile. 'I'm only asking because if it's more than two, we'd better make a start. These things take time and practice.'

  'It was more than two,' she said. 'So stop talking, darling husband and kiss me again right now.'

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  'Have you set a date for your wedding?' Mia asked Ella on the day of the annual Summer Fête.

  'No. Bree's got enough on her plate what with her clients' weddings as well as planning her own and I'm running around like a mad thing trying to help her out. I'd rather concentrate on getting our cottage, but I'm leaning towards a winter wedding. I know that sounds mad but I want lots of sparkle and lights and snow, and to arrive at the church in a sleigh, drawn by your reindeer, of course. So we're thinking about December.'

  'I don't think that's mad, but I do think you should get it booked in with Glen. I don't think it'll be too long before Jenny and Glen and Cathy and Leo are setting wedding dates too, so you don't want to find you can't get the date you want.'

  'And Christy and Toby and Alexia and Bear. It's hard to believe that so many people have found love on Lily Pond Lane.'

  'Tabbie and Justin technically found love in Aurelia's pond. He told Jet that he knew the minute he saw Tabbie after getting her car out of the pond that she was someone special. That maybe, she was 'The One'. I'm so glad she went to L.A. with him. And with her mum's blessing. Although they'll both be back for her mum's big birthday in September. And for Bree and Garrick's wedding in October.'

  'Hmm. I believe they actually found love after she slapped his face in your sitting room. Or maybe I'm being too precise. I'm so careful with the little details after hearing about Hettie and Aurelia and that bloody bay leaf.'

  Mia laughed. 'I know. I feel the same way.'

  'Do you really believe that we'll all get what we want from The Witch's Tears? There's no time frame involved, is there? Not like The Wishing Tree.'

  'I do believe it. I think. But that's why we're here. There's a certain fortune-teller I want to see and there's something I want to ask her.'

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Mia hesitated as she approached the fortune-teller's tent. What if Jezebella told her something she didn't want to hear? But wasn't it better to know than not know? She straightened her spine, pushed her shoulders back, took a calming breath and stepped inside.

  'Take a seat,' Jezebella said.

  She looked at Mia as if she recognised her. But that was ridiculous. She must see thousands of people in villages all over the country. She would hardly remember Mia. Mia wondered if she should tell Jezebella that she knew who she was. But now was probably not the best time.

  Jezebella stared into her crystal ball.

  'I see wonderful things ahead.' She glanced across at Mia and gave her a fleeting smile. 'Fortune has indeed smiled on you, hasn't it? And now you're wondering if your luck has run out.'

  How could she possibly know that? Mia shifted in her seat. But wasn't that why she was here? Because she hoped Jezebella knew everything. Because she believed Jezebella could give her the answer to the one question that was still plaguing her, in spite of The Witch's Tears.

  'Yes.' Mia met Jezebella's eyes. 'I came here last year and everything you told me came true. But you said I'd have happiness and joy beyond my wildest dreams.' Mia fiddled with the black pearl bracelet Jet had bought her on their honeymoon. It had two intertwined, platinum hearts.

  'Haven't you?'

  'Well yes. Yes, I have.'

  'But there's something else you still want?'

  Mia glanced down to her lap and crossed her fingers. A ludicrous thing to do given her situation but she couldn't help herself. Suddenly, too emotional to speak, she simply nod
ded. When Jezebella hadn't responded after several seconds, Mia looked up and saw that she had leant back into her chair and was studying Mia intently.

  'It's bad news, isn't it?'

  A sardonic grin crept across Jezebella's mouth. 'What makes you say that?'

  Mia fidgeted in her seat once more and her tone was raised more than she had intended when she replied: 'Because if it wasn't, you would've told me by now. And you probably would've told me last year, so the fact that you didn't must mean it's not going to happen, in spite of everything.'

  'Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. We don't always get everything we want, and you've got more than most.'

  'I'm well aware of that. So that's it? That's all you've got to tell me?'

  Jezebella shrugged and sat upright. 'I didn't say that. Patience is a virtue. And it's something you should consider. Why are you in such a rush?'

  'I'm not. Not really. It's just that … Well, as I said, if it was going to happen, you probably would've told me so last year.'

  Again the grin. 'No, I wouldn't. If I told you everything your future held in one sitting, you wouldn't have come back this year, would you?'

  Mia's eyes and mouth grew wide. 'You mean you held something back on purpose?'

  Another shrug. 'We've all got to make a living. Besides, it's not wise to tell people too much at once. They might miss something important. Like a warning, perhaps.'

  She was definitely Aurelia's sister.

  'So there's more? You do have something to tell me?'

  Jezebella stared into her crystal ball which seemed to have grown cloudy and undergone a slight change in colour since Mia had entered the tent.


  'What is it?'

  She shot a disapproving look at Mia from beneath her lashes. 'Patience.'


  'I still see happiness and joy beyond your wildest dreams. I see a house. A large old house with several bedrooms, only one of which remains for guests. The rest are filled with laughter. It's a happy house now. A fortunate house. One that won't see sadness as other houses might.' She was silent for a second or two before leaning back in her seat once more, a crooked smile on her mouth but a twinkle in her eye that indicated she was genuinely happy. 'You'll get what you've been wishing for. You'll get it in abundance. Fortune definitely smiles on you.' She shot forward and reached across the table towards Mia, tapping the table top just in front of Mia as if trying to make her pay special attention. 'And it's not just fortune who smiles on you. Remember that. Remember her.'

  'Mattie? You mean Mattie?'

  Jezebella merely held her gaze without response.

  'And are you saying I'll have five children? Five? It's a seven-bedroomed house, so with one for me and Jet and one for guests, that leaves five.'

  Jezebella shrugged. 'I say what I see.'

  'Oh my God! I'm so happy. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.'

  'I think I do. That'll be £20 please.'

  '£20? It was £15 last year. Sorry. I'm not complaining. I don't even know why I said that.' Mia grabbed her purse.

  'Everything goes up. Blame Brexit, ducky. I do.'

  Mia smiled and put a £50 note on the table. 'I'm so happy I think I'm actually going to cry.'

  'I can't change a £50 note.'

  'I don't want change. It was worth every penny.' Mia stood up and her smile grew wider.

  Jezebella smiled back and it was genuine. 'That's why fortune smiles on you. Share what you have and fortune will give you more. Good luck, Mia. I wish you well. Not that you need my well-wishes.'

  'You know my name!' In a way, Mia wasn't surprised.

  Jezebella nodded and gave a knowing smile. 'I know everything.'

  Mia grinned from ear to ear as she headed towards the August sunshine, but she stopped at the opening and turned back towards Jezebella.

  'Then I don't suppose you could tell me when I might expect some news, could you?'

  Jezebella raised her brows. 'I assume you're asking if I will, not if I can.'

  'Absolutely. Will you tell me? Or at least give me some indication. Please.'

  'You obviously didn't hear what I said about having patience.' She sounded cross, but her smile belied her tone and when she concentrated on her crystal ball she was still smiling. 'As you said “Please”, I'll tell you what I see. Children are like buses. We wait and wait and suddenly they all come along, one after another. And if that isn't the answer you want, I'll also tell you this. Not this Christmas, but the next one, you'll be sharing exciting news with your husband.'

  'So I'll be pregnant by not this Christmas, but the next? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That's fantastic news. I can't wait to tell Jet.'

  'And before you ask – No. That bit won't cost you extra. That bit is free.'

  Which was exactly what Jezebella had said to Mia this time last year.

  'Thank you.'

  'I'm surprised you needed to come here today. I thought you'd already asked for what you want. I'm glad you did. It's not often someone gives me a crisp one of these.' Jezebella smiled as she waved the money in the air. 'Oh, and if you see my sister before I do, please tell her I'm here as always, and I'll be round for supper, as usual.'

  Mia's mouth dropped open in astonishment but she shook her head and smiled.

  'I'll be sure to do that, Jezebella. But I think she already knows.'

  Mia left the tent and beamed at Ella.

  'It's your turn, Ella,' she said. 'I'll see you in half an hour at The Frog and Lily. There's something I need to tell Jet.'

  'Wait! Aren't you going to tell me?'

  'As much as I love you, you'll soon find out that there are some things you want to tell your husband before you tell your best friend. But I'll give you a hint. Christmases are going to be five times more expensive in the not too distant future.'

  She beamed again and gave Ella a massive hug as she let her words sink in.

  'Wait. What? Five times!' Ella shrieked, as Mia turned away to find Jet and break the news. 'Bloody Nora.'

  Coming soon

  Well, this book was definitely the final book in my Lily Pond Lane series and I really hope you've enjoyed each one. I'll be sad to say goodbye to Mia and the gang but it's time they were left to their own devices.

  There's an interactive map of Little Pondale on my website. If you haven't seen it yet, do pop over and take a look.

  Thank you for all the love and support you've shown for this series. It means so much to me.

  It's now time for me to continue with the other projects I'd put on hold. That means a new series which I'll tell you about very soon.

  There'll be news on my website, in my newsletter, in my Facebook Readers' Club, and also via social media. Please make sure we're connected via at least one of those, to ensure you're in the know.

  I'll also have a new, Christmas book out later this year and I'm working on a book I've wanted to write for a long time. I'm excited, but it's early days on that one.

  A Note from Emily

  Thank you for reading this book. A little piece of my heart goes into all of my books and when I send them on their way, I really hope they bring a smile to someone's face. If this book made you smile, or gave you a few pleasant hours of relaxation, I'd love it if you would tell your friends.

  I'd be really happy if you have a minute or two to post a review. Just a line will do, and a kind review makes such a difference to my day – to any author's day. Huge thanks to those of you who do so, and for your lovely comments and support on social media. Thank you.

  A writer's life can be lonely at times. Sharing a virtual cup of coffee or a glass of wine, or exchanging a few friendly words on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is so much fun.

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  I'm working on my next book right now. Let's see where my characters take us this time. Hope to chat with you soon.

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  Also by Emily Harvale

  Highland Fling

  Lizzie Marshall's Wedding

  The Golf Widows' Club

  Sailing Solo

  Carole Singer's Christmas

  Christmas Wishes

  A Slippery Slope

  The Perfect Christmas Plan

  Be Mine

  It Takes Two

  Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row

  The Goldebury Bay series:

  Ninety Days of Summer – book 1

  Ninety Steps to Summerhill – book 2

  Ninety Days to Christmas – book 3


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