Boys of Two Cities

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Boys of Two Cities Page 6

by Zack

  Ben nodded, his attention now torn between the sex action and Will’s cock. Will took over stroking himself with his left hand and let his right drop down on the sofa between them. After a minute’s unbearable tension, he started to scratch the rough material of Ben’s jeans, along the thigh. It’s now or never. If he doesn’t stop me doing it, he’ll probably let me go further.

  Ben glanced at the intrusive fingers, but said nothing. Eyes back on the TV, he continued stroking, allowing more cock head to rise above his fist so Will could see it better. Will inched his hand up onto the top of Ben’s thigh, lightly scratching with curled fingers. The other stared at the screen, suddenly unable to look at his friend, but he made no move to make Will desist.

  Will curled up a finger and back slightly until it brushed against Ben’s working fist, dipped underneath and stroked the wrinkled skin of his ball sac where it squeezed up from the gap in his fly. Ben’s whole body tensed, but still he did and said nothing. Will moved his hand up over Ben’s working fingers, felt the wetness of the smooth cock head. Ben gave a low gasp.

  On the screen, the taller boxer came off spectacularly, covering the young sucker’s lips and extended tongue. Then he did it again in slow motion.

  Ben relaxed, let go of himself and allowed Will to take over jacking him. But Will wanted more, so he went easily. His mouth was dry as he formulated his next words. “Was that scene a turn-on?”

  “Hhmm…I guess, if you like that kind of thing.”

  All of Ben’s reactions pointed to the fact that he did enjoy it, and Will began to wonder whether he was being fair; whether perhaps his friend was hiding his inclinations from himself. In spite of having turned eighteen late last year, Will regarded sex as a casual benison to be enjoyed, whatever the circumstances. He wasn’t so sure about Ben.

  “Well… what do you say… if I run it back to the start of that scene and play it again.”


  Will slid down to the floor, kneeling between Ben’s legs, but not risking engaging his attention in case eyes would betray his naked desire. “Then… if you want… I can do to you what that kid was doing.”


  Ben was obviously shocked, but a glance up from under his dark eyelashes showed Will that he was torn between uncertainty and want. Will took his friend’s cock in both hands, gently manipulating the foreskin over the glistening dark pink glans. Will had never done before what he now proposed. The casual sex at school had only been mutual masturbation, quick toss-offs in secret corners, but he knew he wanted this now.

  “Er… what are you saying?” Ben murmured hoarsely.

  For an answer, Will bent around with the remote, set the counter to zero at the point the boxer shot his load, and wound the tape back to the start of the sequence. The counter read minus five minutes, twenty seconds. He looked up at Ben. “Enough time?”


  “You concentrate on the video while I do you and work yourself up to come off when the guy does on screen.”

  And without waiting for further comment. Will pressed PLAY, dropped the remote on the floor, and bent over Ben, gently stroking his stiff cock. The boy gave a faint moan as Will dropped his salivating mouth over the firm crown and began to suck it gently. In seconds, he realized just why his older brother loved doing this. Ben’s cock was a sexy taste of warm flesh and something else. Running his mouth up and down the sides of the ribbed shaft sent electrical thrills through his body, as he hoped it was doing to his friend. He dropped one hand down between his legs and started stroking himself as his mouth reached top center again, and his tongue rolled around the sensitive tip. Ben moaned again. He was getting off on it.

  As the sequence on the television screen picked up pace, so did Will, finding an increasing ability to go right down on his friend’s dick until its tip pushed at the top of this throat and he could use all the muscles in this cheeks, tongue, and throat to clamp down on the length, rotating his head as he had seen the guy on screen doing, to give Ben an even better feeling. Ben’s legs began to twitch involuntarily as his orgasm built, and his clamping knees against Will’s hips and waist added to both boys’ pleasure.

  Will had no idea he could exercise so much power over another being before, and the sight of Ben arching his back, his neck stretched as his head hit the sofa back, his mouth gaping open, made it all the better. Will took a few seconds to unfasten Ben’s jeans and tug them down out of the way so he could get at the boy’s balls properly and cupped them up tightly.

  Keeping a brief eye on the counter, Will saw that there were barely two minutes to the climax. He began building the pace and increasing the suction, as his head bobbed up and down. Ben had thrown his head fully back and arched his upper torso outward, but Will could see him peering from under half-closed lashes to take in the screen and his own cock between Will’s pursed lips.

  Will sensed how Ben thrilled to the warm, wet rhythm. Saliva poured from his glands, making the business slipperier and easier for him to engulf the thickening bulge of the knob. Ben’s panting breaths drove Will wild. He couldn’t believe how much he was enjoying himself and the thought that his friend was letting him do this made him shudder.

  The cock tasted more strongly of that other piquancy and he suddenly understood what caused it, because his own jerking hand was waxy with pre-cum—and his balls boiled with the need for release. Where his fingers gripped the base of Ben’s cock he could feel the other’s balls bunching up tight under the shaft. The mounting groans from the boxer mingled with those of Ben. And then, incredibly, he actually felt the vibration in Ben’s cock through his frantically sucking lips and a moment later…


  A gush of hot cum splashed Will’s palate and filled his mouth. He quelled an instant’s reaction to gag and pull back, and instead went down deep on the throbbing cock as Ben shot more and more of his seed into Will’s throat. To swallow was natural and made room for another hard spurt of jism, which he gulped down. His own balls convulsed, his stomach lurched deliciously, and he exploded with the force of an orgasm like he had never experienced since his first when he was twelve. He came all over the floor, but in the heady moment he didn’t care, just kept jizzing onto the hard parquet floor.

  Ben finished shooting but Will kept on sensuously sucking his cock head, gently easing his tongue up and down Ben’s cum slot, teasing out the last drops. Finally, he sat back on his haunches, grinning stupidly with pride at what he had achieved. Ben was slumped back in the curve of the sofa, an indecipherable expression on his face, both hands covering his genitals protectively. Eventually, Will slid both hands up Ben’s legs from his knees to the tops of his thighs and gripped him.

  The silence between them dragged out, filled only by the sounds of the continuing video. Will wormed a hand under Ben’s to feel his softening cock, still soggy with saliva and cum. “Are you embarrassed?” he asked softly.

  Ben’s answer was a noncommittal grunt.

  “Are you okay?” Will persisted.

  Ben rolled his head sideways against the back of the sofa. “I don’t know. We shouldn’t have done that…”

  “Why…?” cautiously.

  A slight grin crossed Ben’s lips. “I kind of liked it, but I’m not qu—gay.”

  The videotape came to an end and stopped with a clunk.

  Will continued squeezing and rubbing his friend. Ben let his hands fall to his sides, and Will smiled as he felt his stroking having an effect. “Want to go again…?

  Ben sounded surprised as, after a second’s pregnant pause, he said, “You want to?”

  “Only if you want to.”

  “I’m really not… but… it really felt nice.” He laughed. “Okay, quite a bit more than nice.” Will waited. Ben looked at him. “You really want to?”

  Will grinned crookedly. “Sure, yeah, I do, but this time, you do the work.” A flash of alarm crossed Ben’s face. Will grinned. “No, I don’t mean that…unless you want to… No,
better save up your initiation into milking for another day.” He gave Ben a slow, sly wink. “Get up.” Ben got unsteadily to his feet. Will pulled his jeans down to his ankles.


  “Step out of them. It’ll be easier.”

  Ben pulled his shoes off and the jeans over his feet as Will settled himself on the sofa, resting his head on top of the arm. He dragged Ben down to straddle him across his chest, and then pushed the boy’s underpants up and to the side to free his bobbing cock and balls. Gripping him firmly at the back of his thighs above the knees, Will forced Ben to shuffle up closer. Ben got the idea, and moved in closer until the tip of his cock was within easy reach of Will’s face. Will brought Ben’s arms forward to lean either side of his head on the sofa’s arm. He dipped his head forward and took the boy’s cock back between his lips, relishing the nice cummy flavor. Ben stiffened up almost immediately into a full boner and started to ease himself in and out of Will’s mouth, intensifying to a regular fucking motion.

  “Uhn… wow… I’m really fucking… that feels… goood.”

  “Mmmmm,” Will mumbled, and he opened his mouth as wide as he could to engulf the full length of Ben’s pushing cock.

  Then Ben leaned up a little straighter to remove one hand from the sofa so he could reach down behind him to take Will’s dick in a firm grip. The feel of the rock-hard flesh seemed to drive him into a frenzy of mouth fucking. Will watched as Ben looked down in fascination at the sight of his cock sliding in and out between Will’s distended lips. “I’m fucking, I’m really fucking!” He gasped out.

  If Will turned his head a little to the right he realized he could see the two of them reflected in the now darkened TV screen, his head almost obscured under Ben’s straining body and the sides of his undone shirt, bucking forward and backward, and the briefly visible rod of cock penetrating him. The incredibly arousing sight got him hot and bothered. They both built the tempo as Ben jerked Will hard. Pre-cum poured from the tip of Will’s cock, and he could taste Ben’s drool as he worked up into a frantic pumping action, lost in complete abandonment.

  Will was the first. He was so excited he couldn’t stop himself from going over the top. He came with a jet of jizz that soaked the back of Ben’s shirt. It was too much for Ben, and for the second time in fifteen minutes, he fed Will a generous helping of thin cum, falling down over him, trapping him under his heaving body, fucking the last of his orgasm into Will’s mouth.

  Ten minutes later, still lying exhausted on the sofa, the sound of keys in the front door galvanized both boys into a scrabbling action; Will tucked in his shirt, zipped up, and frantically wiped with a handkerchief at the puddle of cum on the parquet floor. Ben was still hopping around trying to get back into his jeans when the front door slammed shut. Fortunately, Will managed to get between Ben and the living room door so his friend could finish doing up his jeans as Mike walked in.

  “What’s up, guys?” Mike looked the two boys over suspiciously. Will looked too angelic and his young friend seemed embarrassed as he tucked a resisting corner of shirt into his waistband.

  “Hi,” Will started lightly. “You’re back early.”

  Mike narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. Will’s friend definitely looked flushed and his expression was one of nervous defiance. “Yeah, we finished a scene ahead of schedule.” He went over to the round table and dumped some papers on it.

  “You know Ben?”

  Mike nodded at the other boy. He had seen him with Will once before, but they hadn’t exchanged in much talk as he’d seemed tongue-tied in the presence of his friend’s older brother. Now he marked a careful scrutiny, as though the boy was seeing him differently to the time before.

  “What are you working on?” Ben asked

  Mike smiled at the boy’s enthusiasm, directed at him like a car’s headlight beams. “You know the Pink Floyd album, The Wall? It’s being turned into a film and I’m on the crew.”

  “Awesome! Have you met any of the band?”

  “No. Not yet anyway. I’m not that important.”

  As Ben turned around to pick up a jacket from the floor behind the sofa, Mike saw a two-inch damp patch on his shirt, and again wondered what his little slut of a brother had gotten up to.

  “I’d better get home,” Ben announced, punching Will lightly on the shoulder. “See you later.”

  “Yeah, see you.”

  Will and Ben exchanged unreadable looks.

  “Nice to meet you again,” Ben said, addressing Mike with another appraising look that lasted a second longer than it should.

  “Sure.” Mike waved a hand, and turned to shuffle through his papers. “And you’d better get off home as well,” he said to Will when Ben had let himself out.

  There was a clatter behind him as Will carelessly tossed some object into the box in the corner. It sounded like a magazine. Mike gave his brother a pale smile as the boy saluted and followed Ben out.

  Mike stretched and yawned. He thought he would run a bath and lounge in it. He was still a bit sore in the ass from his encounter with Rosen and a bath helped, and at the same time he could wallow in the pity of so terribly missing Gil. That’s when he saw the TV was still on, and the video. He went over and pressed the eject button on the remote and a tape cassette slid out. Mike bent down to pick it up, saw the title.

  “Hah!” So that’s what it was all about. He called back the strange looks Ben had given him, as though seeing him in a new light. What had Will told his friend and, more to the point, had they been up to something they shouldn’t have been doing? Ben was attractive enough.

  Shit—I think he’s got a crush on me….


  Out in Mar Vista

  The temperature had risen each day of the week, so Gil’s father was out in the backyard getting the gas-operated barbecue up to heat. Gil was feeling listless. He was excited about starting work on Blade Runner next week; it was the afternoon and evening ahead that robbed him of energy. He watched his father from his bedroom window, and his mother who came out far enough to call.

  “Norman! How much longer? Sam, Jason, and Janice will be here any minute.”

  His father waved her down. “I told you, Eunice, another ten minutes and you can bring the ham out.”

  Gil was all too aware of the reasons behind this Saturday get together. Janice Prosser. His Mom was determined to rope them into some sort of relationship.

  “Gil? Are you up there? You’d better get down here ready to greet our visitors. Gil!”

  “I’m coming, Mom.” He gave a long sigh and checked the mirror. Sex with Jeff and the joy of a proper job had done wonders for his complexion, which was almost back to its normal shine, and his irises looked unclouded. Freshly washed hair shimmered flaxen in the slanting light from the window. He wondered about getting it trimmed ready for work. The front cascade kept getting in his way, which he didn’t mind, but he didn’t want to develop an irritating tick of flicking his head every minute to shift it out of his vision. Headbands were in at the moment, mostly among the beach volleyball players, and he had tried one, but decided it was far too camp.

  Now he was dressed in a new gray guayabera cotton short-sleeved shirt with two broad vertical stripes of light blue embroidery running from the shoulders to the hem, worn outside a pair of chestnut-colored knee-length pants in a light twill. He tried smiling. Not bad. He would probably knock Janice dead—which wasn’t exactly the point. In fact he had chosen the outfit for the day on the grounds that it wasn’t designed to show off his wares. He remembered that Janice, a princess in her parent’s eyes, was actually a full-out groper. Something he had enjoyed before. Looking at him now, dressed as he was, Mike would probably have called him “a wanker,” for looking like it. He found it a little easier to think about Mike, but it still hurt badly, both the loss and the harsh way it had happened.

  The early part of the afternoon went off okay. The Prossers arrived and, after admiring Norman Graham’s carp, all flashin
g glints of silver, red, and gold in the dark pool, everyone settled in easy outdoor chairs in the hot backyard. They sipped at cocktails while Norman fussed with the smoking barbecue, chatting with Jason Prosser. The barbecued ham, served with baked potatoes and corn, various salads, and a brightly colored blueberry and strawberry gelatin, was appreciated by the guests. Gil picked at his food and tried being affable with everyone, thus avoiding too much close conversation with Janice. She was an attractive girl, whose generous mouth offset a sharply defined face. She kept trying to engage Gil’s eyes, shooting him microwave messages he carefully deflected. But he knew it was only a matter of time.

  Gil’s parents were not avid entertainers, so when they did have guests, they usually made a meal of it, or in this case, typically, two meals. The barbecue was just a light luncheon before a relax and then a swim for everyone in the pool they shared with the next-door neighbors. More cocktails and a hefty dinner, which Eunice had been preparing for two days, would follow post-pool showers. Gil said he did not feel like swimming, he was too full.

  “You barely touched anything,” his mother remonstrated.

  “I’m just not that hungry since I got back. You know, Europeans eat a lot less than we do, and I guess my stomach’s shrunk.”

  Janice laughed. There was no spare weight on her frame. “Gil’s right. We do eat too much. In fact, we ought to walk it off. Would you like to take a stroll with me?” she addressed Gil.

  It was the last thing he wanted.

  “That’s a very good idea,” his mother said to Janice. “Off you go, you two, and leave us oldsters to splash about.”

  Gil sighed inwardly but accepted with good grace, though he failed to see the enjoyment of walking the sidewalks of McLaughlin or the nearby blocks. The houses might be pleasant enough, but the streets were something of a wilderness; not like Aberdare Gardens and Swiss Cottage. How his eyes ached for the greenery—even in winter—and the elegant Victorian buildings.


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