Hearts and Arrows

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Hearts and Arrows Page 6

by Lewis, Tasha

  I’ve never felt worse in my life than I do today. I thought that sickness would bypass our house. None of us got hit with anything, then mid-February come, and bam! I’m hit. Down for the count. And Mason and I were just talking about this.

  Speaking of Mason, it still amazes me that we’re together—living with each other. At first, I thought it would be weird living in the house that he grew up in, but now it just feels like home—even if we are holed up in the basement and his teenage sister lives above us. I love and adore Shelby so much. She loves to cook and has become quite a good one. Each night she makes a different meal, and the next day Mason and I are fighting over leftovers. Today’s chicken noodle soup is no exception.

  “Shelby, this is perfect. Not too heavy and yet filling in all the right ways.” I bring the spoon up to my mouth, grateful to have someone cook for me while I’m sick. When I was single, it sucked being under the weather. I was alone, fending for myself, which meant that I wouldn’t eat unless I was basically dying. Sometimes I could convince Kat to bring something over for me. If she did, she’d leave the food on my doorstep for me to grab because she didn’t want to be contaminated by germs.

  I’d always made it work in the past, but having a partner with me makes things better. And having his sister around is a total added bonus.

  “Thanks.” She grins over her own bowl.

  “Do you guys have the Sweetheart’s Dance coming up? Did you finally narrow down who you’ll be taking?” I ask and watch as her cheeks start to glow red. She looks over at Mason to gauge his reaction.

  “Umm, yeah, I narrowed it down to a guy,” she mumbles as she eats her soup faster. For whatever reason, talking about boys with Mason totally embarrasses her.

  “Which guy?” I keep investigating.

  “Nathan Hallowell. He’s in my anatomy class,” she tells her bowl of soup.

  “And what does this Nathan look like? Did you get tickets? Isn’t the dance this weekend?” I fire off questions wanting all the details. I know if Mason wasn’t here she’d be spilling them to me. Moving my gaze from her to him, I see he’s grinning from ear to ear, ready to make some silly comment like he normally does.

  “Did this boy say yes?” He asks her.

  Shelby takes a deep breath and answers in one go. “He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Yes, I got tickets. Yes, it’s this weekend, which means I need money for a dress.” She looks over at Mason exhaling and expectant. He gets his card out of his wallet and hands it over to her, his eyes bright. He looks happy for her

  “Pick out whatever dress you want. Maybe you both can go tonight?” His look is hopeful. I so don’t feel like dress shopping—in fact, all I want is my bed. But this is her first dance that she’s excited about and wants to attend. Prior to Mason and I she didn’t go to school dances, but since I’ve been around she’s really opened up.

  “Can we go tonight? I know it’s getting late, but I’m sure there are a couple of places open that we can check out.” Her embarrassment is forgotten and excitement bleeds from her.

  “Yeah, we can go tonight. Let me just get some meds in me before we go?” My voice a little scratchy.

  “Maybe tomorrow night then, if you’re not feeling up for it.” Mason suggests as he finishes up his bowl of soup. I know he’s been under a bit of pressure this last semester, so Shelby and I have been spending a lot of time together so he can study and focus.

  “No, let’s go tonight. I’m fine.” I tell them, and myself.

  We finish up dinner and leave the dishes in the sink, then head out.

  “This is going to be so much fun!” Shelby exclaims as I pull out of the driveway in my new Jeep Compass. It was a Christmas present from Mason. Well, it was something that we’d both decided that I’d needed. Up until that point we were sharing his Jeep Wrangler, and that got to be a little difficult balancing our schedules.

  “Yes, this will be a blast,” I say as she blasts Bruno Mars on the stereo. We both sing our lungs out until we pull into the mall.

  After trying out several dresses in different colors and styles, Shelby finally decided to go with the first dress she’d tried on. It’s a beautiful royal blue gown with a lace halter top. It flows down to the floor, but the best part I love about it is that it includes pockets—and we all know most all women love pockets. We have about an hour before closing and she wanders over to the shoes and tries on several pairs. The sales associate helps her find a cute strappy pair of three-inch heels.

  All in all, I think Mason would approve. Both of us had agreed that she had to have everything covered. With it being a bit cold here in the Rockies, she’d need something a little longer. Granted, she will be inside dancing, but it’s the logic I go with.

  We leave right before closing with her dress in tow.

  “You happy with your purchase?” I ask while carrying her dress.

  “I am, and thank you for carrying it for me.” We head to the jeep and I open the up the back to put the dress inside. She follows with the shoes.

  “What about the price though? Will Mason be upset?” She asks as she gets into the passenger’s side.

  “No, he’ll be fine with it. It’s your first dance, and we should be celebrating it. Plus, you only live once.” And I’ll give him some money for it, as the dress was really pricey.

  When Mason and I first got together, Shelby was extremely closed off. She’d kept to herself. Since I’d moved in, I’d seen her open her shell a little more every day.

  “So, this Nathan guy,” I start to ask her, “have you known him for a while, or did you just meet this semester?” I click on my blinker as we pull out of the lot and into the nightly traffic.

  “We’ve known each other for a little while. No biggie. This is our first class together though. He was on the soccer team last year, and said he wanted to do tryouts again this year.” Her excitement starts to fill the jeep as she gushes about this kid. I listen with half an ear, the other one listening to my inner voice of wanting to get home. Let’s just get home. I really hope it’s not the flu.

  I pull into the driveway. Shelby chatters on about school and this guy, informing me that just because they are going to the dance doesn’t mean they are a couple.

  “So, you guys are going as friends?” I ask a little confused, as I haven’t really kept up with the convo.

  We stop on the porch, her dress in my arms, and she turns to me. “Not friends, just a date. Something fun.” She pauses for a minute and studies me. “Are you feeling okay? You haven’t really been listening to me.”


  “I’m sorry, Shelbs. I’m just not feeling the best. I’m glad we’re home so I can crash and pray that this isn’t the flu. I know your brother was wanting to do something for Valentine’s Day. I’m really hoping that I’m not sick.” She pulls the door open and Mason’s sitting at the kitchen table asleep on his homework. Can’t say this is the first time we’ve come home to a passed out Mason, sprawled out and snoring with his head resting on his books.

  “Honey,” I softly call out to Mason as I place Shelby’s dress on the couch. I approach Mason and gently wake him. He moves to kiss me, but I pull away and shake my head.

  “No kisses. I think I’m sick.”

  “What kind of sick?” He asks me, standing from his chair to wrap me in his arms. I fall into his embrace, resting my head against his chest, and stand there to let his warmth invade me.

  “I’m tired, so, maybe it’s just that.” I keep a positive mental attitude. Please let it just be that. I’m so tired though.

  “Why don’t you rest up and Shelby will show me her dress? How much was it?” He asks.

  “Our firstborn,” I joke. He pulls me away at arms distance from him and his eyes bug out of his face.

  “Our firstborn?” He looks to my stomach, his expression in shock.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant. It was a few hundred dollars. With this being her first dance, I figured it was worth it.” I hope I eas
ed the blow of the expense.

  “Okay, then. Now that my heart rate is back to where it should be...” he kisses my forehead and moves over to Shelby. “You going to try it on for me?” He asks her and she shakes her head up and down a little bit excited.

  Despite not feeling well, I figure I can stand around a little longer to see his reaction.

  “Ray, can you help me with the zipper?” She calls out after a few minutes of being in her room. I enter to find that she’s caught it on the bag of the dress. Oops. I carefully zip it back up, placing my hand between the dress and the zipper, and pull it down to make sure it doesn’t catch again.

  I help her get dressed then trail behind her as we appear before Mason. I can’t wait for his reaction, my eyes trained on him.

  He lights up with wonder as she enters the room. The royal blue illuminates her skin and the gold in her hair shines under the lights. She truly looks beautiful, and with her hair and makeup done, she’ll be breathless. Shifting my attention back on Mason, I see a reverent look cross over his features. I know he’s in awe of his little sister. He struggles with her growing up so quickly. If he had it his way, she wouldn’t ever grow up, but none of us have the luxury of stopping time.

  He looks her up and down as she twirls around a few times showing him all the angles.

  “What do you think?” Shelby asks him, sounding a bit breathless.

  He smiles sweetly. “You look amazing. Mom and dad would be really excited for you, just like I am.” I watch as both of their eyes fill with a few tears, both of them emotional over the moment. Shelby approaches him and Mason holds her tightly in his arms. My heart falling a little more in love with him. The love he has for his sister amazes me.

  “Just have fun, okay, Shelbs?” He muffles in her hair, sniffling a little.

  “I will don’t worry.” She smiles up at him and comes over to me.

  “It was the best dress you tried on,” I say as we head back to her room to get her out of the dress.

  “How many did you try on?” Mason asks from the kitchen.

  “Eight dresses and this one was the first that I’d tried on.” Shelby turns to tells him.

  “Of course. Girls.” He chuckles as she turns back to me and we head into her room to get her undressed.

  * * *

  “How’re you feeling?” Mason asks as I wash my face in the bathroom. He stands shirtless against the door jam.

  “Like crap,” I say as I finish drying up.

  “That’s not good. Anything I can do or get you?”

  “No. I’ll just have to sleep this off. I’ve taken all the meds that I can for now. I just pray that the sleep will cure me.” I try to move past him but he holds his hand out and yanks me into his arms. I curl into him as he holds me.

  “Thanks for taking my sister out tonight, even when you weren’t feeling the best. She told me it was really fun.”

  “It was. Her and I always have a good time together.” I look up at him and move my face out of his range as he leans in to kiss me.

  “If I’m sick I don’t want you to get this. You have school and can’t afford to catch this thing.” I say in exasperation and move out of his arms and into the bedroom.

  I finally change from my day clothes into my PJ’s. I crawl into bed, and I pray that sleep will come quickly.

  “Night, Ray. Hope you feel better. And if I can do anything let me know.” I feel him slip into bed. I’m sure I said something to him, but the meds have kicked in and I’m out like a light.

  Chapter Three


  Rayleigh’s been sick for the last few days, and there’s only day left before Valentine’s Day. I don’t see her getting out of bed anytime soon. On top of that, I still haven’t found a ring that’s perfect for her. After Shelby had told me she wanted mom’s ring, I decided against giving it to Rayleigh. Part of me wonders if this is the universe's way of telling me to hold off the proposal. My gut, however, is telling me to go for it.

  One step at a time, I remind myself as overwhelming feelings take hold with all that needs to happen. Maybe I’m blowing this up in my mind and I need to relax. Turning to the next chapter in my textbook, I start to read the words out loud so my brain can concentrate.

  After some time, I see Rayleigh come up from the basement tucked into a blanket. Her hair’s a mess, and not the messy bun that she normally looks cute in, but the kind that’s flopping on the side of her head with huge strands coming loose from all sides. My poor girl.

  “Hey, love, you feeling any better?” I turn to her in my chair as she stands at the top of the stairs looking a bit dazed.

  “I’m hungry, I think.” She looks so lost and I’m half tempted to go and pick her up, but last time I tried that she yelled at me and then attempted to bite me. This girl doesn’t do sickness well.

  “You want some chicken broth?” I ask, still not moving from my chair.

  She nods and sits across from me. She wraps the blanket around her head and lays it down on top of my stack of papers. She’s so damn cute.

  I traipse to the kitchen and get the chicken bullion cubes from the cabinet. I put them in a cup with a little water and slide it in the microwave to boil.

  My poor, beautiful girl. God, I love her. I think to myself as I wait. I know that our plans for tomorrow are gone, and I’m crushed. I’ve got a sick woman and no ring. Perhaps I should forget it all. Rayleigh and I had talked about a late summer wedding, but it might be better to wait until next year.

  The microwave dings, and I pull out the full cup of broth. I feel the sides of the cup for the temperature and it’s way too hot for her to drink right away. I put an ice cube into the cup. That’ll help it cool faster.

  “Ray, here’s your broth, sweetheart.” I place my hand on the top of her head. She moves the blanket out of the way and reaches for the cup, sipping on the broth carefully.

  “Thank you.” Her voice is a bit hoarse from coughing.

  “You’re welcome. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.” I sit hopelessly next to her. I’d move heaven and earth for her if I could.

  “I know you wanted to go out tomorrow. Can we postpone it?” The look she gives me breaks my heart I know she’s worried that she’s ruined my plans. I won’t let her take that on, though. It’s not her fault she got sick.

  “Of course, sweetheart. Don’t even worry about it. Just get better, okay?” I watch as she downs the rest of the broth and looks around for some table space to put the cup. I grab it and take it to the sink.

  “Come on, I’ll help you down the stairs. Sometimes your man can be a knight in shining armor.” I swoop in and pick her up. I’m not all that useless. I can carry her.

  “No, I don’t want you to get sick.” She wriggles against me in protest.

  There’s a time and place to respect her wishes, but right now she needs to be in bed. I need her better. I don’t think I can survive much longer without getting to kiss her.

  “Mason, no.” She continues to shift in my arms. I grasp her tighter to me.

  “I love you, Ray, but I don’t want you falling down the stairs. Let me take care of you for a second, then I’ll leave you alone.” She folds herself into me, and I take her to our room—which is now her room as she’s kicked me out the last few days. I’ve been sleeping on the couch because Rayleigh is so concerned about me getting sick.

  I put her in bed, place a kiss on her forehead, and walk back upstairs—a little defeated that my plans won’t be coming to fruition.

  * * *

  It’s Thursday, Valentine’s Day, and I’m still not allowed to be around Rayleigh. I get that she doesn’t want me to catch her cold, but I miss being with her. I miss waking up together. I miss holding her, touching her, kissing her. I also miss my mattress...well, my back does. It’s had a kink in it from sleeping on the couch.

  “Bye, Mason,” Shelby says from the door. I give her a hug as she heads off for school.

  The hous
e is eerily quiet. I’m not sure what to do. Well, I can mope and do chores around the house before heading to work, or I could go into the out-of-bounds bedroom and see my girlfriend. I decide for the latter, sickness or not.

  Ray exits the bathroom, freshly showered and looking more like herself.

  “How you are feeling?” I ask her.

  “I’m a little stronger. I figured I could shower today and at least look semi-decent. Maybe it’ll help me feel refreshed.” She walks into our room and changes into a clean pair of pajamas. “I’m still not leaving this bed just yet, so—” I watch as she climbs under the covers.

  “Ray,” I slip under the covers along with her.

  “No, Mason. You can’t get sick.” She pulls away from me as I’m wrapping my arms around her, and I growl in frustration.

  “Rayleigh, sick or not, this has to stop. Stop using my work as an excuse for me not to be near you. If you don’t want to cuddle because you don’t feel well, I’ll respect that. But I want you, Ray. In sickness and in health. I need to be close to you.”

  She turns to study me. I sigh in defeat as I continue, “Look, my mom and dad never spent a night apart. Not being with you has me tied up in ways I didn’t think I could be. It just doesn’t feel right. If you’re sick, then you’re sick, I understand that, but I don’t ever want to sleep on the couch for any reason. I want to sleep in our bed, with you, near you. I can’t be without you.” I plead with her as I turn on my back. Part of me feels like giving up.

  “They never slept apart?” She timidly asks me.

  “No, never. My dad told me that his place was at my mom’s side, regardless of sickness, disagreements, or any other reason.” I lean to face her.

  “After my dad’s accident, he always slept in his chair. I don’t recall ever seeing my parents sleep together unless they do now. I’m not sure.” She puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arm around her.

  “Well, I never want that to be an issue for us. In sickness and in health, for better or worse, I want you by my side forever, Ray.” She tilts her head up and gazes into my eyes with love. Right now would be a great moment to be able to read her mind, but alas, I don’t possess that superpower. In fact, I feel pretty helpless right now with a sick girlfriend I can’t help and dashed plans.


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