Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)

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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy) Page 2

by Virginia Wine

  I contacted Thane’s secretary and asked if he was free. She confirmed he had time between meetings and to stop by now. And if the information was true, I would have to accept that.

  “May I have a word with you, sir?”

  “Sir?” He questioned raising a brow. “Come in Bryer, have a seat.”

  “Thane.” I corrected taking my seat. “I just heard some rumors flying around, and I wanted to hear it from you.”

  “Shoot.” Thane moved forward in his seat, looking uncomfortable. I wanted to see for myself what was under the veneer of his persona. Then his eyes flickered away, landing on his desk causing my nerves to spike.

  “I heard there’s an offer on the table.” I knew he’d appreciate a straight shooter, so I just came out with it. But his focus was scattered and filled with nervous energy. There was no hint of deception in his eyes yet, my heartbeat was a steady drum, waiting to take over and before his lips formed the words, I knew.

  “You heard correctly, Bryer.”

  “And you’re considering it?”

  “Yes, there’s nothing I would like more than spending time with my family and retiring earlier than planned.”

  He was moving as far from the corporate world as possible. He was dreaming of savoring his life with his loved ones. Good for him, possibly bad for me.

  “I understand, but the new owners-- I’m a self-starter so I’m looking for independence.” I drew in a shaky breath, contemplating my own future.

  “There’s nothing to worry about. Keep in mind, your work ethic is top notch the new owners will see your department won’t require micromanaging.”

  That gut feeling was there for a reason, so I needed to trust my instincts. And once I took off my rose-colored glasses, things weren’t always as they seemed. Beneath the talk was all business, it was obvious the deal was as real as it came. His intensions were crystal clear he was moving forward with the deal. And even though I wasn’t expecting this. I tried to smile but a twitch was all I could manage.

  “And what about the staff?”

  “You’d be surprised to learn that the vast majority of employees won’t care about the buyout. As long as they have job security and a paycheck.”

  It didn’t feel real, my job should be fueling me because I was doing work that I was proud of, not sucking the life out of me. It was never about a paycheck; it was tethered by the feeling of accomplishment.

  “Okay let’s be real.” Thane said, blunt and to the point. He sat up fingers tented and paused. “It’s an offer I can’t refuse, Bryer. Whether you like it or not it’s a deal I can’t pass up, the papers are being finalized within the week.”

  Shock rippled through me; Thane decided long ago that his success wouldn’t be measured by the all mighty dollar, but by the achievements of his company. We all want, and need to feel valued in our accomplishments, recognized for our triumphs, but the end result shouldn’t be the financial bottom line. Was I living in a dream world? Was this how all businesses operated?

  “It’s a legal firm.” He said. “I can’t imagine that they’ll be hands on, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “A legal firm? I questioned suspiciously and I couldn’t help but wonder... “Why would a legal firm be interested in purchasing a design company?”

  “It’s a solid investment.”

  The implication caused my stomach to take a nose dive. Unable to come up for air I took deep breath, as the pressure intensified, and I asked.

  “Wh-what is the name of the firm?”

  I watched anxiously as he rummaged through his paperwork, finally holding the manila folder with the proposal in his hand.

  “I have no issue letting you know, Bryer, but until this is final, please keep this under wraps. I would like the staff to hear it from me.”

  “Of course.”

  “Here it is,” he said. “Kendrick, Roberts and Harrison.”

  Harrison, Cash Harrison? I could feel the blood drain from my face. I tried to settle my nerves but God help me, my world just crumbled around me. A grenade detonated in the middle of my life. Nausea consumed me, and my body began to shut down. Not only was it Cash, it was Nathan’s father’s attorney. Which only meant they had joined forces. And where there was corruption, his father couldn’t be far behind.


  I abruptly stood, seeking the quickest escape from the conversation. I was living in a toxic environment. Gut-wrenching fury, mixed with fear was a deadly cocktail.

  “Fine, I’m fine.” But I was far from fine. I stepped towards the door opened it, and closed it at my back. I leaned my head against the wooden door and sighed.

  I didn’t know what Cash was up to, but I planned to find out.

  Nathan picked up on the first ring. “Hey.”

  “I have some very disturbing news. Can you ask Steel to meet us tonight?”

  “Okay,” he said his voice laced with worry. “What is it, what happened?’

  “Cash happened.”

  And then I relayed the entire story.

  “I don’t know what his motives are.” She said.

  “Dammit Bryer You are his motive.” I answered as I paced the length of the room, running my hand through my hair. “Punch in the names of the key players and see what you dig up, Steel. My guess is you’ll find my father’s money is all over this fucking thing.”

  James Senior and Cash together, scheming, that was a lethal combination. What on earth were they up to? Nothing good.

  “They usually get their money from institutional investors, wealthy individuals with deep pockets.” Steel stated. “I can guarantee your father is funding this little venture. I researched Cash’s finances; he doesn’t have the means to pull this off.”

  Money encouraged all manners of bad behavior, without it, without his cooperation it would make their shady plan impossible. What I couldn’t figure out was, how Bryer factored in, what was their real motivation? The true reason they joined forces.

  “When does the deal close?”

  “Days, maybe a week.” She offered.

  “That’s not much time.” Steel said as he reached for his phone. “It’s time I bring in the big guns.”

  I knew business and buyouts occurred for several reasons, if the purchaser believed it could be resold for profit, or the purchaser would benefit by achieving a higher revenue. Neither of those scenarios applied.

  “I need a favor.” Steel said then shifted the phone to his other ear, and walked out of the room.

  “Nathan, Cash has to know I would leave my position before I would let him get close to me again.”

  “Aren’t you under contract?”

  “Yes, but that’s void after a buy out.”


  “That’s a question for a lawyer, one I’m sure Cash has already thought of.”

  “Speaking of lawyers, my friend has a brother.” Steel said as he entered the room, tucking his phone in his back pocket. “Alexander Storm III, corporate attorney, I have a meeting with him tomorrow.”

  “The rich playboy?” Bryer asked, in disbelief.

  Steel chuckled low and throaty. “He’s ruthless, that’s what we want.”

  “I’m not opposed to fighting fire with fire.” I said, but I couldn’t imagine what kind of turmoil they would inflict on Bryer. A gut-wrenching thought crossed my mind, this could be another attempt to get her back. Cash was a lying, two faced son of a bitch. I could see him manipulating her by using indirect or underhanded tactics. I wasn’t about to let that happen. “Sounds perfect.”

  “Look I have to get back.” Steel said, his jaw tight. “I’ll run backgrounds on the two other men and see what I come up with.”

  Steel crossed to the front door, opened it and left. Leaving us alone and on edge, the night was headed nowhere fast. So many things left unsaid, I just couldn’t find the words.

  Every time I looked her way, I reminded myself this love was the foundation of our commitment, even when test
ed. It must be solid to stand each shift, strong enough to bear the weight of instability, and solid enough to anchor our future because everything depended on it.

  “It’s going to be okay.” I whispered and held her hands in mine then kissed to top of each small hand. “Trust me.”

  “I do.” Her expression utterly serious. “It’s just that…”

  “Tell me. Whatever it is, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you feel safe.”

  “I--It’s nothing.”

  It wasn’t nothing. But her soft skin was flawless, and I was staring into my favorite pair of forest green eyes. Admiring her perfect lips that turned into a tiny smile as I held her tightly to my chest. I ached to kiss her, taste the fullness of her lips.

  “Nathan, I need you.” She muttered. “That way.”

  I angled my mouth across her lips and took what I wanted. I could feel the need of the past weeks in that one kiss.

  As I swooped her into my arms, I could feel her body trembling against mine. We locked eyes and I saw the silent plea in her deep green eyes. Her lips fell open just enough, demanding attention as my tongue took the golden opportunity to taste her.

  The kiss was hungry as I teased her lips apart, and she eagerly allowed me in. Tingles ricocheted through my body as our tongues dipped and swirled. I dragged my lips away for a much-needed breath to undress her. I needed to feel her nakedness against my own.

  Then her dress fell away, left clad only in her panties and matching bra. God, she was a sight, purring beneath my touch. Her one finger dragged over my chest, working its magic down to my belt and lower. She was urging me on, and the blood suddenly rushed downward where my erection was waiting. I felt the thick and heavy weight, just begging for release. We moved as one toward the bedroom. And once the back of her legs pressed against the bed, she tumbled back, her waves of blonde hair fanned out across the sheets.

  Positioned between her legs, I kissed the delicate interface of her thighs, eager to sample her own unique taste. Slipped her panties down her long legs, I was breathtakingly aware of her needs, as desire heightened the feelings we’d held back for so long. My tongue explored her wet core with feathery strokes. I felt a fierce flare of yearning rise in her, and I purposely let it build. My firm lips sucked on her clit as her body focused on the sensation. The frenzied pace of my tongue running over her folds had her driving her hips as she moved toward completion.

  “Right there, oh yes.” I grasped her knees and eased them apart as my greedy mouth took bold procession once more. I drew out her climax for as long as I could as her body shook with tremors. Then I climbed north, kissing my way to her mouth.

  “I’m in love with you.” I whispered in her ear, naked and hot, she nodded still breathless. I captured her breasts in my greedy hands, molding them. Her nipples stood under my touch, begging for attention. “Feel how hard I am for you.”

  “Prove it, Nathan.” Her eyes narrowed to half-mast. “Show me how much you love me.”

  I balanced on my arms, with a desperate need to witness the joining of our two bodies. It was damn potent. My slick cock disappeared into her wet, tight channel.

  Rough with aggressive need, I drove deeper as I slammed back in with great urgency. Then I powered faster and fiercer as the frenzied race to fulfillment climbed my body. Her tits were moving, swaying with the demanding rhythm as I soared into her sweet body. Her knees clamped my naked hips, her insatiable hands raced down my ass urging me on.

  “That’s it.” I coaxed her.

  Every sexy sound made me harder, my erection swelled burning with need, fiery flames that sizzled with passion. I withdrew and slid home again my body surged into hers invading her body over and over again. Joined as one throbbing inside her.

  “Oh Nathan.”

  My name on her lips coupled with my cock buried deep inside her ready to detonate as lightning raced up my spine. Her eyes slid shut in ecstasy as I pulled another climax from her body. I threw my head back; my breath grew shallow as I felt my climax climb.

  I came magnificently.

  Then I gathered her close, both arms wrapped protectively around her. I exhaled slowly expelling my breath, “Christ woman.” Her palms slid up my chest, a smile twitched at her lips.

  “Your woman.” She said and planted a heart stopping kiss, leaving me breathless.

  The scent of freshly brewed coffee and memories of the night before and the passion we shared was like a healing elixir. I’d never felt such happiness after last night, the universe had brought me my perfect match.

  It’s been said that even before you were born, the name of your spiritual half has been determined, each soul had a perfect match. Although I wasn’t sure if I believed in such matters completely. I did believe there was a perfect union who was intended to help me complete myself, become a better version of myself and push me beyond my comfort zone.

  That was Bryer.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked, as I entered the kitchen, and poured a cup of joe.

  “I did, you?”

  She was dressed professionally, in a tailored gray skirt and matching jacket. Her hair in a low pony tail with strands framing her face leaving warm streaks of caramel in between.

  “Like a rock.” I said taking a sip of the warm liquid. “I’m so glad to hear that. You know, I was a little worried after last night with Steel and all this talk of Cash, and his pose’.”

  “I know. It’s just that things are getting a little—” She paused. “Complicated.”

  The audacity of this man had me spiraling out of control. He had the power to hurt her, hurt us. He had forced himself into our lives, but for what reason, I didn’t know.

  “I’ll be meeting Steel at the gym later today, after his meeting with Alex Storm, so try not to worry.”

  “Hmm, from the sounds of it, I have every right to worry.”

  I kissed her goodbye and I watched her head out the door, just a silhouette of her against the morning light. Then I stopped briefly, blindly looking at the garden, fading in the vanishing summer. Autumn approached with the dropping of leaves from the trees as they go into a winter rest.

  I arrived on time deciding to begin my morning committed to set the tone of my day

  and direct my focus on the positive. Not to be derailed by Cash and his underhanded trickery. I’d fallen prey to his deception in the past, I wouldn’t be distracted this time, not after everything.

  “You’re late.” I glanced up to glare at Clayton, but his grin only widened.

  “My alarm clock never went off. Then I was helping an elderly woman cross the road and it took longer than I anticipated. My fish died and then there was a parade and—”

  “Okay shithead. You’re chronically late. There’s no need to conjure up some story or cook up a tale. It’s not called ‘super happy-fun time’, it’s called work.”

  So much for quiet. A rapid river of words spilled from his lips, bombarding me with lame excuses, but it didn’t change the fact that he was indeed late. But honestly, I could care less, I had more important things weighing on me at the moment.

  “What’s this?”

  My mind totally blank, I was lost in my thoughts, I let go of a trapped breath and tried to focus. I gathered the papers in front of me.

  “My list,” I said. “Pick up tuxes, book the flight, arrange the officiate to perform the wedding, and hire a cellist.”

  “I’m not wearing a penguin suit.”

  “Afraid so buddy.”

  He was throwing a hissy fit, he sucked in the air like it had suddenly became thick and dense, then the smile died on his lips. “I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” I said, standing my ground. “In fact, I’ll need you to go with me to try it on.”

  “What have I done to deserve that? I gave you my suit size for fuck’s sake.”

  “Fine.” I said. “I’ll keep that in mind when you’re wearing a lime green tux, two sizes too small.”

�You wouldn’t dare.”

  It was uncanny how Clayton could get under someone’s skin in a matter of minutes. He had the mental capacity that only used half of his intellectual ability. The other half he saved for irrelevant crap that crossed his mind in random intervals.

  “Deal with it, Clayton.”

  After I spent half the morning on the phone, answering questions the remaining morning hours were on a roller coaster of emotions and reactions. I couldn’t let every turn or every drop define me, I had to strive to achieve balance, balance inside myself.

  At one pm Steel arrived. At this point of my day I’d put my business tasks behind me and I was raring to go.

  “Alex Storm did some digging and since we already had background on Cash Harrison, he focused on Roberts and Kendrick. Roberts is just as slippery as his two counter parts. He’s the proverbial ambulance chaser, exploiting the terminally ill for profit, the list is endless. Kendrick takes any case that involves big money, but he’s still linked to your father. The three lawyers couldn’t pull this off without deep pockets, and that’s where James Sr. comes in. We found a trace through an offshore account, linking Kendrick to James Sr.”

  “Even behind bars, my father is up to his old ways. None of this makes sense. Why have they joined forces, and for what reason?”

  “Intel came back, Harrison initiated the deal, so we know he most likely needed a few snakes to help him pull this off, whatever this is. You said Harrison has interest in M&M Global also?” Steel asked not waiting for an answer. “It’s personal, Nathan.”

  Of course, it was personal, I had something Cash wanted. Or someone. Cash thought he had the upper hand; he got his hands on her once. A slip I won’t repeat, I needed the power to shift back to me.

  “He won’t benefit by sabotaging either company, they all would lose too much money.”

  “Not necessarily.” Steel said, leaning forward in his seat. “You can hide greed.”

  We don’t live in a world where you want vendettas, but that didn’t factor in living in Cash’s world. What was his stake in this? I found it hard to believe it was solely financial. But he just set himself up to do just that, I had a lifetime of being under someone’s evil clutches, I wouldn’t let it happen again.


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