Kissing My Best Friend: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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Kissing My Best Friend: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 9

by Sullivan, Piper

  “I’m thinking that we’ll have Jase in his turnout pants, nothing but his turnout pants and surrounded by all that wild brush on your land. What do you think?”

  I think that my panties are already damp from thinking about how hot that photo’s gonna look taped somewhere discreetly in my bedroom. “I think that you’re enjoying turning our guys into sex objects.”

  She giggled. “It’s more fun than I thought it would be, plus turnabout is fair play, right?”

  “Yeah, sure. Let me know when so I don’t accidentally shoot you, and if it turns into a big production, everybody goes.”

  “I’d expect nothing less, Bo. Thanks.” With a salute and a wide grin, Janey left me to my thoughts and once again, they were all about Jase.

  Damn distracting man.


  “Did you miss me?” Bo spun around and glared at me before she pulled back and punched me in the gut.

  “Stop sneaking up on me like that, Callahan!”

  I could only grin because of course Bo wouldn’t let a little thing like the hottest kiss I’d ever had stand in the way of putting me in my place. “I called your name like four times. Maybe stop daydreaming in the middle of the day. What if I’d been a burglar?”

  She raised up her Bo’s General t-shirt and flashed the gun she kept pinned to her side when she worked the store, which made me feel a hell of a lot better about her working late nights on the weekends when tourists roamed the streets in droves. Too bad my mind wasn’t focused on the Smith & Wesson at her hip, but on the smooth tan skin of her flat stomach and the sexy little belly button I couldn’t wait to dip my tongue into. “If you were a burglar you’d have a serious case of lead poisoning right now.”

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever been more attracted to you than I am right now.” Watching Bo stammer over her words, unsure what to say to that was more amusing that it should’ve been but Bo was always most attractive when she was out of her element.

  “Because I threatened you?” She shook her head. “You’re out of your damn mind, Jase. But thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me for telling the truth, babe. So, did you miss me?”

  “Maybe. What do I get if I say yes?”

  That was exactly the answer I was hoping for and I put my hand to her waist and pulled her in close. “What do you want?” I didn’t have enough patience to wait for an answer and as soon as she opened her mouth, mine was there ready to devour her. Bo tasted like mint and coffee and some chocolate she’d probably snuck when she thought no one was watching, as if anyone would dare say anything to her about her not-so-secret chocolate addiction.

  The kiss went on and on and on, right there in the back storage room of the general store, like a pair of horny ass teenagers. She tasted like heaven and summer time and Texas all in one big bite and I couldn’t get enough, didn’t think I would ever get enough of her. But the bell in front would not or could not be ignored.

  Bo groaned and pulled back. “Customers await.” At least she sounded disappointed about it. “Did you just come here for a make out session?”

  “Would you judge me if I said yes?” Her lips twitched but to Bo’s credit she never let the smile break free.

  “Only a little and not to your face, if that helps.” This time she did laugh and I didn’t mind one bit, especially when she put her hands on my shoulders and leaned in for another kiss. Her lips were soft and insistent and the friction was so damn delicious my hands slid down her back and cupped her ass.

  Bo moaned into my mouth and I was a second away from taking her right there in the General Store, up against the wall. But that damn bell rang. Again. “You gotta go,” I said with a grunt.

  “I gotta go,” she agreed and leaned in for another kiss before she took a step back and licked her lips.

  “You better go now, while you still can.”

  To her credit, she took another step away from me and closer to the two, maybe three customers milling around out front. “Then consider me going. Is that truly all you came by for?”

  “Maybe. Is there something else you want, Bo?” My shoulders fell in disappointment when a long moment passed and she didn’t answer and dread settled when she turned and walked away, even as I enjoyed the view of her legs and ass in a pair of jeans.

  She wasn’t ready to admit anything yet, but her kisses didn’t lie. Neither did the heat that flared in her eyes when she looked at me or the way she licked her lips after our kisses like she needed one more taste. Bo was skittish as hell so I had to be careful, and I would be.

  But if I waited for her, I’d be waiting forever.

  After taking a few minutes to get my mind—and body—under control, I squared my shoulders and prepared to run into any number of locals, all of whom would either comment on my relationship with Bo or worse, try to trip me up until I admitted it was all fake. That wasn’t gonna happen so I prepared myself but I should have prepared myself for the impact of seeing Bo again.

  She was behind the counter wearing her bland customer smile while she bagged up some bait and snacks for a pair of old-timers in fishing hats. One of them cracked a joke and her smile transformed, stunning both men. “Sweetheart say the word and I’ll move here and marry you now.”

  Bo laughed and shook her head. “I don’t think I could handle your sass, Jerry, but if I don’t get any better offers I might take you up on it.”

  Both men bellowed at her words, the guy who wasn’t Jerry shoving an elbow into Jerry’s side. “Better go get that pacemaker checked out before the end of the day.”

  “Bring back an impressive amount of fish and then we’ll talk. And remember to reapply that sunscreen in a few hours,” she told them with an admonishing finger wave.

  “Yes ma’am.” They were off, still laughing over the conversation while Bo took care of the next customer just as three more entered, which meant I wouldn’t get anymore of her time any time soon.

  “Hey, Jase,” she called out just as I reached the door and turned to see her smiling, eyes full of mischief.


  Her lips curled into a grin. “Dinner tonight at my place?”

  Maybe she was ready after all. “Sounds good. I’ll bring the booze.”

  “And dessert,” she called after me and I didn’t even need to look back to see the smile I heard in her voice.


  Mikki rushed out of Pretty Feathers, looking like a proper southern belle in her yellow strapless dress with matching wedge shoes, long brown waves falling around her shoulders as pretty as a picture. “Sorry I’m late, again. I swear I feel like I’ve been runnin’ around like a chicken with her head cut off!” She shook her head, talking more to herself than to me as she locked up the shop and fell into step beside me.

  “Why? Your shop seems like a well oiled machine.” Despite being put together as she always was, there was an undertone of harriedness about her.

  She blew out a short breath that sent a strand of hair flying in the air. “Oh, the shop is fine. Mostly. I had to run to Mississippi for the weekend to handle a few things and, well let’s just say that family gatherings aren’t what they used to be.”

  “Is that why you wanted to reschedule lunch, family stuff?” She nodded and looked everywhere on the street but at me. “Is everything all right?”

  She shrugged as we rounded the corner and the scent of Reese’s barbecue hit us both. “As all right as it’s ever gonna be between us, know what I mean?”

  I knew what she meant more than I even wanted to say but Mikki was a nice woman and it seemed like she needed to talk, plus it would get me out of talking about me and Jase, which I wasn’t ready to do just yet. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what you mean, Mikki.” I pulled the door open and the low hum of chatter came along with the scent of garlic and maple and smoked meat. My favorites. We found a booth near the back, away from the lunch rush.

  “You and your family are close?”

  “I have no family,” I told her simply
and waved off any sympathy before she could offer it. “My mama split when I was about ten so it was just me and my daddy, BoJack. Oh and the bottle he couldn’t seem to put down. Ever. In fact it was still clutched in his hand when the police found him wrapped around a telephone pole.”

  Mikki gasped and brought a hand to her chest. “My goodness, Bo, I’m sorry to hear that. Here I am going on and on when you’ve got your own stuff.”

  “No, I don’t, actually. But that doesn’t mean you can’t talk about your family stuff, sounds complicated and messy.” Two major reasons I shied away from more connections, but hell, there was some fire in Mikki I appreciated. Respected. “So?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing major, just the first family gathering with my ex who is now my brother-in-law. I’m the bad guy because I want nothing to do with my sister or her new husband. The usual.”

  Hell. “What say we add a little bit of booze to this lunch? Sounds like we could both use it.”

  At those words, her hazel eyes lit excitedly. “Oh yeah? Tell me more.”

  I groaned just as Reese stopped by in her barbecue sauce stained apron. “Why did I open my big mouth?”

  Mikki laughed and Reese did too, bumping my hip to get me to scoot over. “Open your big mouth about what? That holy hot embrace between you and Jase?”

  “Wait, what?” How in the hell did anyone see that from the back of the store.

  “See for yourself.”

  I did just that, whipping out my phone and tapping the app I looked at more this year than I had in the past five years. And sure enough, there it was. A covertly snapped photo of Jase with his arms around my waist and my hands on his shoulders. It was a second before I kissed him and holy hell, we look like two people madly in love. And deep in lust. “Shit.”

  “Oh, lemme see!” Mikki snatched my phone and moved her fingers over the screen to zoom in. “Hot damn, y’all are smokin’ ass hot. Did that lingerie do the trick?”

  I shook my head discreetly but it was useless. “Lingerie,” Reese asked and Mikki opened her mouth to explain but I shut that down. Quickly.

  “We’re day drinking, let’s just leave it at that.”

  “Fine.” Reese stood and folded her arms to let me know she wasn’t pleased with me. “I’ll bring some of my JD ribs with some extra Jack in it, yeah?”

  “Sure. And as soon as I find which of those old ladies took that photo, I’ll need you to figure out how to sneak ribs and booze into prison for me.” Reese and Mikki both laughed like it was all some big joke, but I was deadly serious.

  “So the lingerie didn’t work?” Mikki sounded so disappointed that I almost felt bad for her until I remembered that kiss on my deck and the size of that erection pressed between my legs.

  “It’s not that, Mikki. I wore it but…we haven’t slept together. Yet.” That felt important to add because with every kiss and every passing day it felt more like an inevitability than a question.

  “But that photo,” she said in disbelief.

  “I know.”

  “But you haven’t?”


  “I applaud your restraint, honey, because I’m not sure I could kick that man out of bed. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s complicated. We’re friends. Best friends.” Going there would change things and I couldn’t be sure Jase wouldn’t leave. Everyone else I’d ever given a damn about had so what would make him any different?

  “I get that, but Bo how will you know if this thing is worth risking everything for if you haven’t done, well, everything?”

  “You make a lot of sense, Mikki.” She didn’t let my grumpy words get to her, instead she laughed. “Stop it.”

  A waiter interrupted us with drinks and complimentary biscuits which we both eagerly dove into. And then Mikki paused and pointed her biscuit at me. “I’ve been thinking. What you need is a seduction plan.”

  “I’m a woman Mikki, all I need to do is strip down in order to seduce.” Lingerie was a pretty frilly indulgence, but completely unnecessary where the other gender was concerned. Men were easy, visual creatures. Give them something nice to look at and you could do have pretty much whatever you wanted.

  “That’s true, but you want an unforgettable seduction and for that you need sexy lingerie. And I have just the thing!”

  I was scared. Terrified really, but deep down I was also intrigued. “Have you forgotten you already stuffed three lacy things into my last purchase?”

  Mikki grinned and rested her chin in her hands. “Oh Bo, don’t you know you can never have too much lingerie?”

  I groaned and hit my head on the table. “You know, Mikki, I was just starting to like you. Now I’m beginning to rethink this friendship.”

  Mikki response was another laugh.


  Standing on Bo’s doorstep waiting for her to answer the door was the most nerve wracking experience of my entire life. My heart raced and there was a thin sheen of sweat coating my skin that I might be able to blame on the Texas humidity, but I wouldn’t dare, not when the night sky was perfect for romance. And other things.

  I could hear her feet on the hard wood floors, gracefully athletic and probably skidding around on socks in her hurry to open the door. Just because I could, I rang the bell again. And knocked. “Hold your damn horses,” she grunted even as she yanked open the door. Looking annoyed as hell.

  Her face was annoyed but the rest of her was looking fine as hell. So fine, I let out a low whistle that sent a sexy pink blush staining her chest, neck and face. “Bo, you’re looking mighty fine this evening.”

  “Yeah, you think so?” Oh, this was a flirty version of Bo, one I didn’t get to see too often but I always loved when she showed up. “Thanks.” Her gaze slid down her body and then back to mine, but I was still too busy studying her curves to notice.

  She wore shorts like nobody’s business but tonight she wore a little denim dress that hit her at mid-thigh, showing off miles of tanned and toned legs. The top was extra feminine with the heart-shaped neckline that drew the gaze to her cleavage. “Any chance I can get another twirl?”

  Her arched eyebrows said there was no way in hell I’d get her to do that tonight but I shrugged. “Not unless that’s all you want tonight.”

  Damn, point taken. “It was worth a shot.”

  She shook her head and gave me the eyeroll I was expecting since she opened the door and nodded for me to follow her inside. “It was. Feel like a drink?”

  “In a minute,” I told her, my gaze glued to her round denim covered ass while I used my height advantage to close the distance between us. “But first, how about a proper hello?”

  “Proper?” She frowned. “I don’t do proper, I thought you knew that.”

  “So damn sassy,” I told her and then pulled her in for a proper hello in the form of a kiss so hot and tantalizing that my eyes would’ve crossed if they weren’t closed. I was too hungry for her to pull back just yet so I speared my fingers through her hair and tilted her head back, reveling in the way she purred deep in her throat. The sound ricocheted through me and bounced off the walls around us, pushing us closer.

  One of Bo’s hands curled around my shirt and pulled me closer as she leaned against me. Smiled against my mouth. Then, she pulled back with a sexy, sleepy smile. “Let’s get inside before a video of all this appears on social media before the night is over.”

  “Saw that, did you?”

  “Hard to miss when someone stops you every ten feet to make sure you’ve seen it.” Bo sounded annoyed but she still pulled me inside and kicked the door shut behind us. “Damn nosy ass matchmakers.” I let her tug me down the hall and into the spacious kitchen where music played and a bottle of scotch sat on the table, right in the middle of two place settings.

  “Wow, you went all out. For little ol’ me?” I batted my lashes and she threw me a look that said she wasn’t amused.

  “Not for you. For us.”

  “I like the sound of that.”
I liked it a whole hell of a lot. Too much, if the truth be told. “I don’t know what smells better, you or the food.”

  She laughed. “Not sure if that’s a compliment or not so I can’t be sure if I’ll drop your food on the floor. Or not.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Probably not, but only because I actually cooked this food and it took time. Lots of time.”

  “And I appreciate it, Bo. So damn much. My only wish was that you had on nothing but a sexy little apron so I could watch you cook.”

  “You’d really want to see that?” Her dark brows dipped in confusion as if she couldn’t imagine such a thing.

  “Hell yeah. Is there a chance for that?”

  Bo shrugged and flashed a sultry smile over her shoulder. “Maybe. For breakfast.”

  And just like that, a good ounce of scotch went flying across the table and both place settings. “Don’t tease me, Bo.” Just the idea of having breakfast with Bo and what it meant for tonight, and for us, had my cock stirring behind my zipper.

  “Who’s teasing? The night is still young, after all Callahan.”

  I didn’t know what to do with that. Well there was one thing in particular I wanted to do, which was get started on our first sleepover, but I had to let Bo take the lead on that. Didn’t I? “You’re teasing me.”

  “Maybe a little, but you make it so fun.” Using her hip, she closed the oven door and set a giant casserole dish on a cooling pad with a heavy sigh. “Hungry?”

  “You have no idea,” I told her with a smile.

  “I might have some idea, Jase. But you can give me some details, just to make sure we’re on the same page.” Then, as if she hadn’t just thrown down the gauntlet, Bo picked up a big wooden bowl and brought it to the table before turning back with extra swing in her hips.

  “Since when do you eat salad?”

  Bo shrugged, drawing my attention to the curve of her shoulders and the graceful way she moved without even trying. “Since I made this heavy meal that contains about a bottle of wine. Maybe a bottle and a half. Since when do you have a problem with salad?”


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