Be My Light : A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 4)

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Be My Light : A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 4) Page 14

by Nia Arthurs

  “He’s not one of mine.”

  “You sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure, Kayla. I didn’t slip a fourth contender into the game.”


  “Don’t look at me. I paired her with black guys.”


  “It just worked out that way. I swear.”

  Ina glances up.

  I focus on her. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” She offers a watery smile. One that tells me she’s doing her best to put on a brave face. “How did you know I was here?”

  “Nellie called.”

  “Nellie?” She glances behind me. “I don’t see her.”

  “She must have gone outside with Jonas.”

  “Jonas is here?”

  “Yeah. He came as soon as he heard.” I brush one of her twists away from her forehead. “I hope you understand. He can’t come inside. It’s a long story.”

  “Nellie told me some of it.”

  “I’ll tell you the rest some day.”

  She nods.

  “Ehem.” A woman with long, curly hair and bright brown eyes steps forward. “Ina? Who’s this?”

  “I’m Lucas.” I stick my hand out. “Ina’s boyfriend.”

  The woman reels back. “Boyfriend?”

  Another woman approaches.

  She has dark hair and darker skin. “What’s his name?”

  “Lucas,” the first woman says.

  “Definitely not one of mine.”

  “Me either.” A woman in a powerful pantsuit joins us. “Venus?”

  “She found this guy on her own.”

  Ina stands protectively in front of me. “Can we not do this right now?”

  “Do what?” Venus tilts her head. “I can’t meet your secret boyfriend?”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  “I think there’s been some misunderstanding here—”

  “Yes. Please explain.”

  “Ina and I—”

  “Don’t, Lucas.” Ina glares at Venus. “We don’t have to explain anything.”

  “You’re right. You don’t have to, but it would’ve been nice to know you were dating someone when we were trying to set you up.”


  “Why wouldn’t you tell us you already had a boyfriend?” Venus yells.

  “Babe, let’s hear her out.” A guy turns her around. “Ina says it didn’t happen intentionally. And you know she’s not like that.”

  “Why don’t we all take a breath?”

  “Good idea.” Venus’s boyfriend draws her aside to sit in the corner.

  “I’m Amina.” The woman with beautifully dark skin points to herself. “And that’s Kayla.”

  “Hi.” Kayla wiggles her fingers.

  Amina leans in to whisper. “How did you get past all the guys we set her up with?”

  I squeeze Ina’s hand. It wasn’t easy. I can tell her that.

  Ina shakes her head. “It just happened, guys. I swear. I didn’t mean to deceive any of you. ”

  “It’s fine. Life is like that sometimes.” Kayla turns to me. “Did you know about our bet?”


  “I asked him to be the lookout for me,” Ina admits.

  “But he ended up swooping in at the last minute, huh?”

  “I got lucky.”

  “You two are cute.”

  Ina glances at Venus with a worried expression. “Let’s hope that thought catches on.”

  “Trust me. Venus will get over it.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Ina worries her bottom lip.

  Amina and Kayla exchange glances.

  Just then, the sliding doors open.

  A doctor steps out.

  “Evan!” Ina drags me forward.

  “How is she?” Venus demands.

  He pushes his glasses up his nose. “She’s okay.”

  The collective sigh of relief threatens to push the roof off the place.

  “It would’ve been bad if we weren’t there,” Evan says. “Fortunately, we got her to the hospital in time. From now on, she’s going to have to watch her diet. No more fried chicken. No more overdosing on salt and sugars.”

  “Mom’s gonna hate that.”

  Ina pushes forward. “But she’s okay now, right? Her blood pressure…”

  “It’s back to normal.” He dips his chin. “Sorry we couldn’t let you assist. You okay?”

  She nods.

  Evan’s gaze shifts to me. He arches an eyebrow when he sees me holding Ina’s hand.

  “Can she have visitors?” Ina asks.


  Venus clears her throat. “I’ll go in first if you all don’t mind.”

  “Of course.”

  Venus disappears inside.

  Evan shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I can’t just fly over this.” He points to our hands. “Ina, since when can you… you know?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “It’s actually a short story,” Amina says.

  Kayla nods. “He’s her boyfriend.”

  “Thanks, guys.” Ina shakes her head at the matchmakers.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I turn to her. “You should go in. I’ll wait outside with Jonas.”

  “You don’t have to leave.”

  “She’s right.” Evan steps aside and gestures to the room. “Go on. Something tells me Mom would like to meet you.”

  I wonder what he means.

  Ina doesn’t give me time to ask. She drags me into the room, dropping my hand and sobbing when she sees the patient lying in the hospital bed.

  Mrs. G is an older woman with dark skin and short hair.

  Her eyes light up in recognition when she sees me.

  “Mrs. G!” Ina runs to the side of the bed. “Don’t you ever do that again.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Venus frowns. “You should have seen a doctor when we told you to.”

  I hang back.

  Mrs. G catches my eye. Raising a hand, she beckons me closer. “You’re the one?”

  I glance questioningly at Ina.

  She nods. “Yes, this is Lucas.”

  “Good.” Mrs. G looks me up and down and then turns to Ina. “Where’s my money?”

  Ina grabs her purse. Plucking out a five-dollar bill, she offers it to the older woman. “I’ll get the others to hand in their payments later.”

  Mrs. G laughs and slips the money into her pocket.



  “You’re still in class?” I pull the café’s door with one hand and adjust the cell phone with the other. The scent of coffee and fresh comic books fills my nose.

  “We’re in the middle of a test.”

  I cringe. “My bad.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “You should get back.”

  “I’m not in a hurry.”

  “What if your kids cheat?”


  “You’re that confident?”

  “I’m that good.”

  I laugh.

  Lucas’s voice crackles with warmth. “I wish I could be with you right now.”

  A thrill shoots down my spine.

  “Should I ditch class?”

  “If you want to get fired,” I tease. “I don’t mind the wait. It’ll give me a chance to sneak in a blind date.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Who said I was joking?”

  He doesn’t bother responding to that. “I’ll be there as soon as class is over.”

  “Don’t rush on my account.” A yawn chases the rest of my words. “I might just take a nap or something.”

  “I doubt you’ll want to do that.”


  “New shipment came in.”

  Excitement chases my exhaustion. “It did?”

  “That’s right.”

  “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  He chuckles. “I was waiting on you.”
br />   “Such devotion.”

  “It was truly a struggle.”

  “But you held yourself back. Just for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you, Ina.”

  My heart beats out of time.

  Fancy flowers and extravagant dinners? Not my style.

  A man who’d deny The Flash’s latest installment for me? Be still my heart.

  “Ask Denny to show you where I keep the stash,” Lucas says.

  “I’ll wait until you get back. We can read them together.”

  “Sounds like you’re asking me out on a date, Ms. Lopez.”

  “Think whatever you want, Professor.”

  “Is that our first pet name?”

  “Don’t you hear students calling you that everyday?”

  “It’s different with you.”

  “Well, it fits.”


  “You taught me how to kiss.”

  “That was your first time?”

  “Wasn’t it obvious?”

  “Not to me.”

  “I didn’t…” I glance around and whisper, “I didn’t know what to do with my tongue.”

  He chuckles. “Next lesson.”

  “Yes, Professor.”

  “You’re driving me crazy, darlin’,” he growls.

  I giggle. “Sorry, Professor.”

  “Say that one more time.”

  “Would you rather I call you ‘Prof’?”

  “See now. You’re teasing me.”

  “Because it’s fun.”

  “I hope you still think it’s fun when I’m torturing you later.”


  My body flushes with heat.


  What exactly does he have planned for me?

  I picture Lucas wrapping me in his arms.

  Kissing me.

  Going a little bit further…

  The dial tone beeps loudly in my ears.

  My heart skitters out of time.

  He always does this to me.

  Leaves me on the edge of my seat.


  Wanting more.

  Tingles start at the base of my spine.

  The time away from each other has only made me crave his touch like a drug addict missing her last fix.

  I don’t know if this is healthy.

  No. I’m sure this isn’t healthy.

  But I’ve somehow lost control of my senses.

  I pocket my cell phone.

  The heady aroma of coffee and fresh books fills my nostrils.

  I nod at Denny, Lucas’s part-time worker.

  He approaches, slapping a towel over his shoulder. “Boss isn’t in.”

  “I know. He’ll be here later.”

  “You want a drink?”

  “Yes please.”

  “The usual?”

  “That would be lovely.” I collapse on a beanbag. Drop my purse on the floor. Arch my back to work out the kinks.

  My shifts at the hospital have been extremely hectic, but my most ornery patients have nothing on Mrs. G.

  The woman has a stubborn streak three miles long. If not for the emergency last week, she probably would have held to her guns and avoided the hospital like the plague.

  You’d think a mini-stroke would be enough to scare her.

  No way.

  Doctor’s orders are more like suggestions.

  Everything is a fight.

  The truth is, Mrs. G knows exactly what she’s doing to her body. She just has no interest in cleaning up her diet, taking medication or exercising.

  The bad habits are too deeply ingrained.

  And she’s too deeply addicted to chips—the chocolate and potato variety.

  I love her, but… I’m starting to see why Venus gets so frustrated.

  Not that I’m complaining.

  Okay, I’m complaining a little.

  Between my shifts at home and at the hospital, my schedule’s been crazy hectic. I haven’t met up with Lucas in over a week.

  I really can’t wait to see him.

  Selecting an old favorite from the shelf of books that Lucas offers in his in-store comic book library, I thumb through the pages.

  The story hooks me, but it’s been too long since I’ve had a quiet moment to myself.

  I end up nodding off.

  A soft touch against my cheek pulls me out of my sleep.

  I blink hazily.

  Lucas’s face shifts into focus.

  Dark brown hair.

  Deep brown eyes.

  Full lips.

  My lips relax into a smile. “Lucas.”


  “Mm.” I lean into his touch. Throw my head back so his fingers can drop to my neck.

  It does.

  “You trying to score another massage?”

  “Maybe” I lick my lips. “My back hurts.”

  “These bags weren’t meant for naps, darling.”

  I chuckle. Stretch my arms over my head. Try to shake off the drowsiness.

  He climbs to his feet and offers his hands.

  I take them, smiling as he helps me stand. “You’re here.”

  “Mm-hm.” He pulls me into his arms and traps me against his chest.

  I press myself against him. Lock my arms over his strong back. Listen to his heartbeat.


  My entire body sighs in contentedness.

  How could I have made it so long without hugging anyone?

  It’s fantastic!

  Or maybe it’s Lucas that’s fantastic.

  Either way, I win.

  I close my eyes. “You smell good.”

  “I do?”

  “Mm-hm.” I nod against his shirt.

  When he tries to let me go, I hold on. “Not yet.”

  He laughs.

  His chest rumbles, vibrating against my cheek.

  I hug him for a few seconds longer and let him go.

  He stands back, his hands on my shoulders. “You missed me?”

  “I missed your body.”

  He gestures to the stairwell. “Should we take this upstairs?”

  “You promised me comic books.”

  “We can go on our own adventure.”

  I laugh. “Stop. Don’t… ha.”

  He winces in mock hurt. “That was my best line.”

  “You must get all the girls.”

  “Only one matters.”

  “Wonder Woman?”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Wait here. I’ll get the books.”

  “I’ll get the drinks.”

  We head upstairs a few minutes later.

  I expect Lucas to attack me as soon as the door is closed, but he doesn’t.

  Instead, he holds my hand and leads me to the couch. “Next lesson.”

  “What is it?”

  He sits and pats the seat next to him. “You said you always wanted to cuddle.”


  “You have another suggestion?”

  I swallow. Shake my head rapidly.

  He juts his chin at the chair.

  I fall in beside him.

  His fingers curve into my shoulder, pulling me as close to his side as we can both manage. I settle in and tuck my feet up, resting my head on his chest as I read.

  It still amazes me that I can do this. In the past, every step I made on my journey to self-healing felt like the last. It was always tough. Always exhausting. Always disappointing. I assumed that I’d hit the ceiling with no more room to grow because the next step always felt impossible to reach.

  Being with Lucas, I realize I’m capable of much more than I ever thought.

  Not that it’s been easy.

  Or quick.

  Or perfect.

  But if the Past Ina hadn’t taken those baby steps, I would have never gotten as far as I have. I would’ve never been able to sit quietly in Lucas’s arms, reading a comic book, murmuring to him about the parts that make me laugh or make me cry or make me swo

  I would’ve never been able to feel his chest swell and fall with every breath. His pale fingers toying with my short hair. His thigh pressing against mine in a warm, hazy heat.

  Gratefulness swells in my throat.

  I wish I could go back in time.

  I’d visit that Ina. The one who drowned herself in black clothes, motorcycle gloves and hopeless thoughts. The one who would keel over if she ever saw me now.

  I want to give her a hug.

  And tell her that it’s all going to work out.

  That she won’t hurt tomorrow as much as she hurt yesterday.

  And that, someday, she can even be happy.

  The pictures start to blur on the page.

  I don’t realize I’m crying until Lucas brushes a tear away. “Ina, what’s wrong?” He tries to peer into my book. “Did someone die?”

  “I’m happy.”

  “You’re happy... that someone died?”

  “No.” I stare into his brown eyes. “I’m happy to be here with you.”

  He smiles an I’m so in love with you smile. “What else?”

  “I’m happy I can touch someone like this and be okay. Because… because I never thought I’d be okay.”

  He gathers me in his arms. “I promise. You’re safe with me.”

  “I believe you.” I bury my head in the crook of his neck. “I never told you, but… something happened to me. When I was a kid. Someone who was supposed to take care of me took advantage of me. And I let that break me for a very long time.”

  He pulls back. “I’m sorry.”

  “I trust you, Lucas.”

  He rubs my cheek.

  “I like you.”

  “I love you.” Then he pulls me in for a long, sweet kiss.



  Ina’s confession about her past bothers me. I didn’t let it show then. I let it stew for a couple days, but I can’t hide the rage anymore.

  I want more details.

  I want to find the man who hurt her and make him beg for mercy.

  But that’s not something I feel I should discuss with her.

  Not now anyway.

  Maybe not ever.

  That night, I saw the light in her eyes in its totality. She hadn’t descended into the past to live there. She told me about her pain so she could break from it.

  I saw it.

  And I was humbled by it.

  She was closing that dark chapter and starting a new one.

  With me.

  I want to give her the happily ever after she deserves.

  But the villain of the story hasn’t disappeared yet.


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