Summer Swing

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Summer Swing Page 17

by Ben Boswell

  The girls finally returned, index cards in hand, giggling amongst themselves.

  “Hey, no cheating,” C.J. said.

  Claire rolled her eyes. “We don’t even know who was who.”

  “But you have some ideas,” Brad said.

  Claire shrugged, and Marie replied. “Some, but actually, after talking we’re more curious than ever.”

  C.J. offered the girls something to drink. Marie and Claire chose wine, while Lena took a beer. The women placed the cards on the table and huddled overtime, led by Claire in the middle and pen in hand. “Okay, so, who was with me first…”

  I was on pins and needles as the tabulation progressed. And it progressed for a long time. With each assignment of blame or responsibility, the girls exchanged giggles and raised eyebrows. When I tried to peek in, I was shooed away.

  “How do we know you’re not messing with the results?” I asked.

  “Oh, relax, Bubby,” Marie said. “You can examine the paper ballots later.”

  “Yeah, relax Bubby,” Brad echoed.

  I naturally gave him the finger. He chuckled. Fucking idiot. He was the only one who really didn’t care. It was all good news for him… him and his fucking horse cock… and fucking cuckold fantasy. No matter how this turned out he’d be happy as a pig in shit. At least C.J. had the good sense to keep his pie hole shut.

  I tried unsuccessfully to roll the tension out of my shoulders, but that just made me want to punch someone even more. I wondered if beating up a guy in a bar was habit forming. Same also with getting fucked with a ten-inch cock and hooking back up with your magic fingered ex.

  Grabbing another beer, I skulked over to the window. Across the road I saw the plump blonde glaring out of her front door at the sheets of rain still falling from the sky. I could only imagine the chaos inside that house with three kids cooped up. She was probably going stir crazy. Would I be happier over there? Well, that was likely going to be me in a few years, so maybe I should just enjoy these last opportunities to be wild. Very comforting, except that my reality at the moment was that my wife couldn’t seem to stop sucking C.J.’s cock.

  Claire stood up and cleared her throat. “So… we have some results.”

  I nearly tripped on the sofa in my haste to get closer. Brad tittered at my clumsiness, but his expression showed he was nearly as anxious as I was.

  “First,” Claire said with a shit eating grin, “some special awards.”

  I groaned, “Just get on with it.”

  She laughed. “As I was saying…”

  I shrugged and drained my beer.

  “Okay, so first. Winner of the Fat Chance award…. C.J.”

  “What’d I do?” he asked.

  Marie stepped up, laughing “You tried to get me to suck your dick.”

  “Doesn’t seem like such a bad idea, Sis. His dick is like crack to you.” Lena noted.

  “A little narcissistic though, isn’t it?” Claire replied. “Like the most enjoyable thing he could do to her was let her suck his cock?”

  Lena nodded thoughtfully. C.J. forced a chuckle, but it was pretty obvious he didn’t like the mockery.

  “Okay,” Claire continued, “second award. Winner of the Titty Master award… Dan.”

  “Whose tits?” Brad asked.

  “Mine, actually,” Claire replied. She gave me what can only be described as a loving look as she added, “He worked my nips until I was begging for it.”

  Brad clapped me on the shoulder. Good job fondling my wife. He was crazy.

  “Third award… King of the Carpet Munchers...Brad.”

  He lifted his arms in triumph.

  “Whose box?” C.J. asked.

  Lena raised her hand. I groaned softly. I knew I’d blown it with her. I again thought it would have been better to eat her out, though it just seemed too damn obvious. Even still, in retrospect, getting close to fisting her was a needless risk. It’s not even like that’s a particular fantasy of mine. I just thought… she’d enjoy it… or something.

  “And finally,” Claire said “the Willie Fistergash award… Bubby.”

  “Huh?” Brad said.

  Lena laughed. “Dan tried to tear me apart with his hand.” Marie shot me daggers.

  I shrugged. “I saw it on the Internet.”

  “So is that a positive award or a negative one?” C.J. asked.

  “All depends on whether it results in an ER visit,” Claire replied, chuckling.

  “A for effort,” Lena added.

  “A?” I asked.

  She pondered thoughtfully. “Okay, maybe more like a B-?”

  Laughs all around.

  “At least it’s passing,” Brad said.

  “Um, can we get on with this?” I proposed.

  Claire turned to me. “Why so anxious? What possible depraved things can you possibly imagine might happen?”

  C.J. jumped in. “Well, Dan’s given me an idea.” He leered at my wife, and she blushed a deep red, and I couldn’t help imagining her legs spread wide, gasping and grunting, as he thrust his fist in and out of her once-tight pussy.

  “Okay, so now, for the final results…” Claire began. She fumbled through the index cards, dragging it out. I sighed. “So the second runner up --”

  “That means first loser,” Lena translated.

  “Second runner up,” Claire insisted. She looked from me to C.J. to Brad back to me. My heart jumped into my throat. “My very own husband.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “He threw it,” Lena commented. “He’d rather watch.”

  Brad shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.

  Claire smiled at the rest of us. “Okay, so now the first runner up, who will step in if the winner is unable to discharge his duties…”

  “As in he can’t get it up?” Lena asked.

  “Don’t worry about that, Baby,” C.J. said confidently.

  Lena mocked fanned herself.

  Claire continued, “So which man will we girls have to service? Who will get to try out his deepest and darkest desires on three women who are not allowed to say no?”

  My gaze flitted between Marie and her sister. Even if I won, I knew I’d never be able to ask for my real deepest, darkest desire. But would C.J.? And would they obey? For just half a second, that consumed me, as I imagined him commanding them, and them obeying.

  “The first runner up is….”

  I held my breath, and noticed I wasn’t alone. Even after the past couple of days, this still seemed momentous.

  Claire took a breath. Then she spoke, “.... C.J.”

  I groaned… but when all eyes turned to me, I realized I’d misunderstood. If he was first runner-up, then I was… the winner.


  It seemed like my ability to command things covered also food and drink. So when I recovered from my shock, I decided to take my time with all of this. I suggested dinner.

  Claire and Marie scurried into the kitchen and got to work. Brad cracked open some bottles of wine and filled six glasses almost to the rim, and a few minutes later was refilling them as we all drank away some of the tension of the afternoon.

  I was definitely feeling tense. Okay, not just tense, but that unpleasant tinge of blue balls. The contest was, after all, basically three hours of foreplay. At least the girls had gotten off a few times. I suspected that Brad and C.J. were feeling equally uncomfortable, and I got a perverse pleasure in that. Some fantasy of mine was going to come true tonight, so for me it was a way to drag out the excitement of it. At the same time, I sort of liked that they’d have to suffer it while knowing that they might very well have to take matters into their own hands tonight. That was true particularly in relation to C.J., but I was also, to be honest, annoyed with Brad as well. No matter how many times I told myself that we were all equally complicit, all it took was thinking about my wife sitting on his huge prick to get me feeling salty even toward him. Not very mature, I know, but it is what it is.

p; I loved being the center of attention. For the first time since we’d gotten to the beach, I was in control. The challenge was, what to do with it? I let my gaze wander over the three women and my imagination run wild.

  Claire’s tits beckoned to me. I’d enjoyed pleasing her by playing with them, but there was so much more I’d always dreamed of doing. I wanted to lube them up and slide my dick between them until I spewed on her face. I wanted her to ride me up and down as she sucked on her own nipples. I wanted to fuck her doggy style, using her fat tits as handles.

  Then Lena. I wanted her reverse cowgirl so I could see her little pussy swallow up my prick. Then put it in her ass and watch her work her bunghole up and down my shaft. But she was right about me. There was a dark edge to my lust for her. I wanted to slap her nipples until they turned a dark, angry red. I wanted to finger her freshly fucked ass, and make her lick my cum-covered fingers clean.

  And Marie. I wanted everything she’d given to C.J. I wanted to fuck her ass and come in her mouth. I wanted to treat her like the dirty whore she was… or least that she was with Chris.

  “Dude, you’re acting creepy,” Brad noted.

  I chuckled. “Sorry. I’m not used to being a pimp,” I said, remembering my thoughts on the beach.

  My wife rolled her eyes and Claire chuckled.

  “Pimp?” said C.J., “I like the sound of that. You putting these girls up on the market?”

  That gave me a jolt. I hadn’t thought of that, but I got a surprising charge out of the realization that whatever gave me a lot of room for experimentation. How fun would it be to take the girls out and offer them to other men?

  I caught Brad’s gaze. “What do you think, Buddy? Should I take Claire out and sell her off piece by piece?”

  My wife gaped horrified. But Claire read me better. With a smirk, she asked, “How much would you sell me for?”

  I closed one eye and stroked my chin. “Hmmmm. Maybe $50 for a hummer. $100 for sex.”

  C.J. snorted. “You’re a terrible businessman. You could get a lot more.”

  “Sure,” I replied. “But the idea isn’t to maximize the profit, it’s to maximize the number of cocks she handles, right Brad?”

  He was crimson and almost shaking with excitement. I wondered if he’d had fantasies of his wife as a hooker, or whether I’d created a new fantasy for him right now.

  “How about my ass?” Claire asked. She grinned as Brad let out a low, long squeak as if he’d literally sprung a leak.

  I chuckled.

  “How much for Marie?” C.J. asked.

  I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

  Lena tapped the table impatiently. “For fuck’s sake. Why all the teasing? He knows what he wants. Just spill it.”

  Marie seemed to agree with her sister. “You have been dragging this out.”

  “Hmmm,” I began. And then glancing out the window, I noticed the moon was out, which meant the rain had finally stopped. “Let’s go walk on the beach?”

  Claire clapped Lena on the shoulder. “Looks like you’re going to get your sandy vag after all.”

  We uncorked another couple of bottles of wine and headed down toward the beach in a loose gaggle. Marie edged close to me.

  “What do you have in mind, Bubby?”

  I shrugged. “I’m flying by the seat of my pants,” I replied honestly.

  “You know, you surprised me earlier,” she said.

  “You mean once you figured out who was who?”

  “You’ve never been that kinky or… dominant… with me.”

  “You’ve never really let me think you’d enjoy it. You’ve always been a lot more prim with me than you’re with C.J.”

  “And maybe that’s why I’m not with C.J. anymore.”

  “How so? You can’t seem to get enough of him.”

  “Ugh, Love Bear. It’s complicated. When I met him, I was too young to know any better, so I just… you know, let him do things to me. I didn’t know how to say no.”

  We stepped onto the damp walkway and crossed over the dunes. The beach was illuminated in moonlight and empty. No fires, no one walking dogs. Just a salty breeze, the smell of damp sand, and low waves frothing against the shore.

  “It doesn’t seem like you know how now either. Nor do you seem to want to.”

  She stopped and placed her hand on my elbow to hold me back. The others continued on to the beach and we stood face to face.

  “I owe you an explanation,” she said.

  “I’d say—”

  “Don’t Bubby. You don’t get to judge me. Not after the last few days. You’ve surrendered your right to be self-righteous.”

  “You’re angry at me?” I asked incredulously.

  She sighed. “Of course I am. Jesus, Love Bear, you fucked my sister and my best friend.” She put up her hand to preclude my interjection. “And I know you’re angry with me. You have to be. Any man would be.”

  “Not Brad,” I replied.

  She shook her head. “No, even Brad. He’s more turned on than angry, but you can see it in his eyes. He’s angry at himself that it turns him on so much. And he’s angry at Claire for being so into all of this. And she’s angry that’s he’s not even more jealous. But for them, look, the anger works. It’s like fuel. For us, it’s a little different, though.”

  I nodded. “I think… I think I can move past it.”

  Marie laughed. “Me too, though family get-togethers with Lele and the parents are going to be awkward as fuck. But you never let me finish—”

  “Your explanation. Right.”

  “Why’d I screw him? I think I already sort of explained that. I don’t know what came over me. Booze, lust, jealousy, anger. Just a crazy cocktail, and I… lost control. But that’s not what I want to explain. I want to explain about the things I do with him… that I won’t do with you… the thing that really scares me about all of this.”

  “You said it turned you on to withhold things from me.”

  She nodded. “I was trying to be sassy. Thinking about what Claire might say.”

  “So you didn’t mean that?”

  She shrugged and then laughed a little. “Okay, maybe a little. I don’t know. I just said it, but it did give me a rush. So bitchy. But do you know why I broke up with C.J.?”

  “Because he wanted too much sex,” I replied. I’d been a little skeptical of that when she’d first mentioned it. But seeing him and her the last couple of days, it made sense.

  “That’s part of it.” She sighed. “And the cheating. But it was also….”


  “Look, Love Bear. I loved what you did to me earlier. It was… wild. But I wouldn’t want to do that every day.”

  “Of course not, I—”

  “You say that, but I know men, and—”

  “You know C.J.”

  “Okay, maybe, but listen. When I first met him I was twenty-one and naive—”

  “Not so naive. You’d made out with Claire…”

  “We gave each other a couple of silly pecks in college. I’d only been with a few guys.”

  I rolled my eyes. “A few, huh?”

  “Ugh. You’re making this so difficult. He was only the third man I’d had sex with. You’re five. Brad is six. I’d also sucked a couple of cocks. Okay?” She sighed. “Just let me finish.”

  I nodded and promised myself I wouldn’t interrupt.

  “Okay. So… basically, he… taught me everything. He was the first man to give me an orgasm. He taught me how to please a man. How to stroke and suck a cock. How to fuck a man and not just lie there. He was the first guy I was with who was confident enough to tell me what he wanted. You owe him a big debt of gratitude.”

  I snorted and she smiled. She’d gotten the rise out of me that she expected.

  “I’m exaggerating, but only a little,” she said. “Anyway, he also taught me other things. He was the first man I let finish in my mouth. The first I swallowed for. I let him tie me up. He loved public sex. You
heard about the taxi and beach, but he was always having me dress up in short skirts and no panties, so he could just pulled me aside for a quickie. He introduced me to anal and—”

  “But you don’t like any of that stuff.”

  “But I do!” she said, eyes flashing. “I do. But not all the time. And that was the problem with C.J. It wasn’t really that he wanted too much sex. It’s that the sex he wanted was just too much. By the end, it was whips and chains,” she said, referring back to the first time we’d talked about C.J., “and midgets.”

  I laughed. “Not literally, I hope.”

  She laughed as well, but her eyes were damp. “Love Bear, I know how men are. And I’m just worried that you’re going to want….”

  “Whips and chains. Now that I’ve seen you this way, that I’ll want it like that all the time.”

  She nodded.

  I pulled her close. “I’m not like that. From now on, it’ll be straight vanilla sex. Missionary with the lights out.”

  She slapped my chest. “Idiot.”

  I gave her a kiss and took her hand. “Come on, God only knows what our posse is up to.”


  As it turned out, they were up to a big load of nothing.

  “Did you two have fun?” Lena singsonged as we approached.

  I grinned. “Your sister sucks a mean cock,” I replied.

  Marie slapped my shoulder.

  “Better than me?” Lena asked sweetly.

  “He can’t give an honest answer,” C.J. interjected to Lena. “Now if you’ll just demonstrate for me, I’ll—”

  She cut him off with a laugh. “Sorry, Loverboy. Tonight we’re at the disposal of Bubby. He gets to decide which throbbing prick slides into which wet hole.”

  I smiled. “And I think we even agreed that we men were bound by that. So if I think it would be hot to see you and Brad…”

  He tried and failed to give me a good-natured smile. “If that’s how you roll.”


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