Fae War

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Fae War Page 23

by R L Medina

  I used my magic to shield myself against all the outpouring emotions. I didn’t know who would make it out, and I knew that there weren’t enough carriages for everyone to escape. The image of Mom falling flashed in my mind. I pushed it away, trying to clear my mind.

  We flew out of the White Court and I didn’t dare look down to see what was left of it. Despair spread through me, but I shook it off. I couldn’t give up yet. Forcing away my emotions, I concentrated on the Raj’ani. The connection we had shared was gone. My chest heaved. He’d released me from the link.


  I glanced down at the bottle Baba Yaga had given me. Confident, it would protect my memories, I focused my mind on the Raj’ani. Ignoring the throbbing pain in my head, I threw out my magic to search for him. Unlike in the Outer World, my power came quickly and washed over me. With my mind cleared of my past, the magic felt sharper and stronger. It whispered to me of all the incredible things I could do. Mind control was just the beginning. A shiver ran down my spine. Belle’s pale face flashed in my mind. Even with all her power, she hadn’t been able to stop the creature.

  How could I?

  You can do this. Focus your magic on the creature and ensnare it with your mind. You have the power. You are the only one who can do this.

  Tears filled my eyes at the sound of the unicorn’s voice. His words stirred my emotions. This was our last chance.

  “What will happen to my mind?”

  You are stronger than you believe, Ren. You have always been.

  I took a deep breath and let my magic envelope me. The familiar warmth spread over me and filled me with energy. I closed my eyes and envisioned my magic spreading into the air. The Raj’ani’s large blue eye filled my mind.

  Where are you?

  Silence surrounded me. I built my barriers, pushing out everything except the creature. I had to find it. Pain blossomed in my head, but I refused to give up. Ignoring the fear of breaking my mind, I threw more power into the search.

  There. A strange power called to me from ahead. It had to be the Raj’ani. Excitement stirred as I stretched my magic toward it. A sharp pain speared through me as I reached for it. Dizziness hit me as I pressed myself closer against the dragon.

  I’m not losing you. We need you.

  The creature didn’t respond, but I felt its anger as it tried lash out at me once more. I steeled myself and envisioned a net flying from my hands. It fell over the creature and I quickly pulled back, tightening my hold on it.

  This time I had created the connection and although it was shaky, it held fast. I searched the Raj’ani’s mind, bracing myself as it tried to push me out. My stomach churned and my head pounded as I got past its defenses. Its anger and surprise at my strength hit me full force.

  Images flashed before me. Black cliffs. Dark sand. The Black Court? No. I sucked in a breath.

  Valley of Shadow’s End.

  The one place in Feylin, I’d never stepped foot in. I only knew of the place from the old history books and lessons Grimera had given me long ago. It was where all the lost spirits and souls were trapped and where Aunt Maloret had led my father. Where he had been possessed by B’Zahir.

  “Take us to the valley, Fearless.” My voice rose over the wind.

  Chills crawled over me. I pushed away the fear, determined to remain strong. I could do this. I had to do this.

  Without a word, Fearless turned from the Black Court and flew past darkened earth. I swallowed a lump in my throat. The Gray Court. The loss still weighed heavy on me as I thought about all the poor fae and creatures we’d lost. If I couldn’t get to the Raj’ani and stop the abyss, the rest of Feylin would suffer the same fate.

  When Fearless landed, I slid to the ground and looked around. The sky had darkened overhead, and wind blew the black sand all around us. In the distance, dark cliffs stood tall. All life had long disappeared from the place and I couldn’t help but think it the perfect setting to end it all. Dismissing the morbid thought, I summoned more magic to me.

  I turned back to the dragon. “Go back and help them, please. Get as many out as you can.”

  Yes, halfling.

  Squaring my shoulders, I turned back toward the giant cliffs and scanned they sky. I had to find that creature and fast.

  Pain spread through me, making my head spin. Ignoring it, I pushed through. There. A tug.

  Images flashed in my mind. A dark cold cave. I shivered. The Temple of Lost Souls. Fighting off the wave of dread, I straightened and headed toward it. In the distance wind howled, urging me faster. We were running out of time.

  My boots pounded against the sand. Sweat poured from my brow. I held on to our mental link with all my strength. I couldn’t lose the creature now.

  As I came to the towering cliffs that housed the temple, I sucked in a breath. There. At the top. The Raj’ani hovered in the air, battling something invisible.

  Before I could take another step, a mass of creatures poured out of the crack in the cliff. My heart leapt into my throat.


  They screamed in unison, their voices sharp and piercing. I grit my teeth as their hands reached out for me and their screams tore through my mind. The link between me and the Raj’ani faded.

  No! I grabbed for it, desperate not to let go.

  I am here, Ren. I jumped at the sound of the unicorn’s voice in my mind. Hearing him was a comfort.

  I wasn’t alone.

  I stared down the spirits. Their faces and bodies were twisted and pale. Almost like ghosts, but not as translucent. They surrounded me. A form appeared between me and the spirits. White wisps swirled around. I backed up and watched as the unicorn’s spirit appeared. My chest tightened. In its spirit form, the unicorn still had his horn.

  The ground trembled beneath me. My eyes widened as I watched more spirits pour from the temple. They advanced toward me, their cries deafening.

  Wingbeats echoed from behind. I turned to find a mass of fairies flying toward us. The wild fairies and Aunt Maloret’s dark fairies. They filled the sky. A smile spread across my face as they descended upon the spirits.

  The wild fairy queen led the army into the chaos and raised a glowing horn into the air. Light poured from it and struck the swarming spirits. Their screams rattled me as I watched the unicorn’s magic rip them apart.

  I summoned my own magic and let it wash over me, renewing my strength. It was time to end it. I let my allies do their work while I made a run after the Raj’ani.

  It would not escape this time.

  My heart thundered against my ribs as I ran. How was I supposed to get all the way up there? Sweat poured off my brow, but I wasn’t stopping. This was the final hour and I would make the creature bow to my will.

  Pain ripped through me, making me stumble to the ground. Sand filled my eyes as I tried to ease my fall. It stung as I tried to blink it away.

  “Get up.” A harsh voice echoed in my ear.

  I stood, blinking against the sand. The queen stood before me. I jumped back in surprise.

  “What are you waiting for? Get the creature!” she shouted over the noise.

  I snapped my mouth shut and raced after her, shock still reeling through me. Was she here to help? I pushed away the suspicion rising. With her help, it would be easier to stop the creature or at least have someone pull me back if things took a turn for the worse.

  Her hand wrapped around my wrist. I shivered as ice spread through me. My head spun and spots filled my vision. I felt my feet lift off the ground, and I shouted in surprise. Ice swirled around us. I closed my eyes shut. What was happening?

  When I opened my eyes, I reeled. We were up on the cliff. She’d gotten us up. I turned to her in surprise.

  “Get the creature,” she snapped, not bothering to look at me.

  My eyes narrowed on her. I wanted to ask why she didn’t use the wand she’d stolen from Baba Yaga, but I kept my mouth closed. Now wasn’t the time to fight with her.

  The Raj’ani pu
shed back with its magic, making me stumble. Already, my mind had been pushed to its max capacity and without Belle and Mom’s strength, I didn’t know if I could do it. Darkness clouded my vision. Somehow, I was still moving. I was vaguely aware of the queen pulling and dragging me along.

  My breath came out in gasps as we neared the edge of the cliff. The Raj’ani spotted us and tried to take off, but its wing was too damaged. It had been attacked by the spirits too.

  It tumbled against the sand with a pained cry.

  The queen smiled in triumph. “Nowhere to fly now.”

  A tremor rumbled through the ground. My heart sank. No. Not here. Not yet.

  I leapt toward the Raj’ani and laid my hand on top of its cool, feathery head.

  “You have to help us. Your life depends on this too.” My voice rose above the wind.

  Fear shot through me. The wind was moving closer. We were running out of time.

  “Do it! Do it.” the queen screamed.

  I threw my magic at the creature. My hands trembled. Power, unlike, anything I’d felt before ripped through me. A scream tore from my lips. Pain, excruciating pain, filled every part of me. I pushed through it and focused my mind on the Raj’ani.

  The queen’s eyes widened. “Her magic… it’s passing to you.”

  Her words rang in my ears. Belle’s magic? I stared down at my shaking hands. It felt like my skin was on fire, that I was tearing at the seams. Dizziness washed over me. I couldn’t give in. Not yet. I had to finish this.

  I closed my eyes and let my power run through me. I could feel the creature’s mind writhing in my grasp. It was trying to get away. Summoning more strength, I directed everything I had towards our mental link. Pain spiraled and fire burned through my veins. I screamed. I was on the brink of cracking, of my mind splitting apart. I could feel everything starting to unravel.

  The queen’s hand fell on my back. Her cold touch made me shiver. “Do it,” she hissed.

  I turned to the Raj’ani. I wrestled with the creature’s mind, desperate to end the struggle. Images flashed and flew around me. My memories and his. Fear spread through me as I saw one from the Outer World. The Raj’ani had broken my necklace. I didn’t have time to grab the memories as they scattered. If I let go of its mind, it would be too late for us all.

  Sounds and colors clashed around me. I was unraveling. Shapes morphed in my vision. Screams echoed in my ears. Pain rained down on me as I held on. I was falling into a void.

  Then something snapped. I opened my eyes and stared into the Raj’ani’s face. It blinked at me, its mind a blank slate. It was mine to control.

  “The abyss,” I croaked. “Destroy the abyss.”


  Wind whipped around us. The ground trembled and cracked. I forced my mind to hold on to the Raj’ani. I couldn’t lose control. With Belle’s power, I had enough to funnel into his mind.

  Blackness swirled in my vision and sounds clamored around me. They were screams, I realized. All the lost fae, spirits, and creatures that had disappeared into the abyss. Pain spread through me as I unleashed the Raj’ani’s power. My body shook violently. I was vaguely aware of two cold hands, holding me down. The magic rose inside me and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold it. It wanted out. It wanted to burst free from my human shell. My head throbbed.

  I refocused my mind on the Raj’ani and sent him flying into the heart of the abyss. An invisible weight crushed me. I couldn’t breathe. Darkness and destruction engulfed me. Then finally, a light appeared. I sent the Raj’ani toward it, my body trembling. Blood poured from my nose.

  The wind stopped. Silence surrounded us. I shivered as the magic left me hollow and cold.

  “You did it.” The Queen’s voice sounded far away.

  I shuddered and opened my eyes. Something burst inside me and I blacked out. Panicking, I reached out for the Raj’ani again, but it was too late. He had freed himself. In my mind, I saw him glance back at me with his blue eye and fly away. I didn’t have the strength to go after him.

  Instead, I let the connection fade.

  You will never trap me again. His voice echoed in my ears.

  My body was still shaking, and I stared over the cliff in disbelief. Had we done it? Had we really stopped the abyss? I waited, dreading what came next. My eyes roamed over the land, but all was calm.

  A sob escaped me.

  I turned to face the queen. “Thank you.”

  She stared at me. “Don’t thank me just yet.”

  “What?” My brow furrowed in confusion.

  Her eyes narrowed. “There will never be a place for a halfling in Feylin.”

  I gasped as a sharp pain bit into me. I looked down, stunned. Blood poured from the gash on my side.

  “Goodbye, halfling.” Her words were cold.

  She struck me again, making my body jerk.

  No. No. No.

  I watched her fade away, unable to comprehend what was happening.

  She killed me.

  Not with her magic, but with a blade. One that I should have expected but hadn’t. It had been so easy. So simple and quick.

  I searched around frantically, looking for… what? I was losing too much blood and If the others didn’t find me soon, it would be over.

  Coldness filled me as I swayed on my feet. I thought about Mom, Sacha, and Mag. Des, Aunt Cindra, and even B’Zahir. What would they do when they found me? Found me dead.

  I staggered forward, struggling to stay upright. Dots clouded my vision and sounds clashed around me. Was this the end then? I looked down at my shaking hands and sank to my knees. The black sand swept over me, but my body was too numb to feel it. To feel anything.

  Wrapping my trembling arms around myself, I blinked away tears. I didn’t want to die there alone.

  I didn’t want to die at all.

  Anger swirled inside me. Was this the sum of my life? All I had worked so hard for didn’t matter in the end.

  In the distance I saw Fearless flying toward me. He was too far to hear me and by the time he came, it would be too late. Weariness spread through me.

  I laid down and closed my eyes, shivering.

  A voice called me from so far away. It was a voice I knew but couldn’t remember who it belonged to. I thought I must be dreaming.

  Warmth encircled me. I moaned. My whole body was burning up and yet there was also an icy coldness that spread within. A coldness that was buried so deep it would have been impossible to reach without ripping out my bones.

  A voice echoed in my ears. It grew louder and closer, but I still couldn’t make out the words or what it wanted. I clung to the darkness, wrapping it around myself like a blanket. I didn’t want to let go.

  “Renée, come back.” The voice rang clearer.

  Back? The word confused me. Where was back? What did it mean? I didn’t want to go.

  “Come back to me.” The voice insisted.

  My eyes flew open. A face stared at me, dark eyes bearing into mine. I gasped. My head spun as everything came back to me.

  The Raj’ani. The abyss. The queen.

  Anger roared to life. I shot up, pain exploding in my temple. A cry escaped me as I held my head in my hands. The pain was excruciating.

  “Easy.” The voice spoke again.

  “B’Zahir.” The word left my mouth and sounded so raw.

  His hand felt heavy as he laid it across mine. “I am here.”

  Wincing as another wave of pain struck me, my mind raced. How had he gotten there? I glanced down at my memory pendant. The glass was shattered.

  “It’s alright. I restored your memories. They’re all back.” His tone was soothing, but there was a tightness in them.

  My eyes met his. “You saved my life?”

  He gave me a sad smile. “Yes.”

  I squeezed his hand, my throat thick with emotion. “Thank you.”

  “It is what any father would do.”

  Throwing my arms around his massive frame, I hugged him an
d let the tears spill out. Pain, his pain, radiated in the air. I pulled back and stared at him in confusion.

  “A life for a life. I’m afraid saving you means that mine and your father’s soul are fading. Along with this body.”

  Alarm filled me.

  “What? No!”

  He patted my hand. “It is what any father would do.”

  Tears spilled down my face. It wasn’t fair. We’d saved Feylin from the abyss, but we had still lost so much.

  “Your mother is safe and waiting for you in the Green Court.”

  His dark eyes met mine. “It’s up to you now.”

  I frowned in confusion.

  He sighed. “It was your magic that saved us. And it will be your humanity that saves Feylin.”

  I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”

  “The future of Feylin rests on you and the others. Don’t let them destroy it with their hatred and war.”

  I sniffed. “I thought war was what you wanted.”

  He grunted. “I was wrong. Promise me you will help them. Bring back peace.”

  Tears rolled down my face. “I promise.”

  I watched as he lifted a trembling hand and a faded piece of paper appeared.

  He floated it toward me and smiled. “Goodbye, Renée. I will always love you, my daughter.”

  “No, wait! What about Mom?”

  He smiled at me. “Tell her I love her.”

  The paper dropped into my lap. My heart twisted in two. Grief washed over me as the light faded from his eyes. He fell hard against the sand, making me shudder. Fearless landed behind us, sorrow filling the air around him.

  I held up the paper, blinking away tears. It was a letter. For my mom written by my dad. My dad before he’d been possessed. I skimmed through the words:

  Dear Aubri,

  Meeting you was the happiest day of my life. It was the first time I truly believed in your future Feylin. That things would be better. That you could do it. We could do it. I only ever wanted to see you happy. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to see you again. To kiss you and hold you. I believe in you and I know you can change things. I’m sorry I won’t be there to see it. Be strong and fight for us. Your people need you. I will love you and our child forever.


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