The Countdown Begins

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The Countdown Begins Page 5

by Patrick Higgins

  Ignoring their outrage, one Witness quoted Psalm 31:18 from memory, “‘Let the lying lips be mute, which speak insolently against the righteous in pride and contempt.’”

  Then the other Witness quoted Psalm 81:11-12, “‘But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels.’”

  Then from memory, one of them quoted Psalm 22:1, “‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?’”

  All eyes volleyed back to the other Witness when he quoted Psalm 22:14, “‘I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast...’”

  Then the other quoted Psalm 22:15, “‘My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.’”

  Then the other recited Psalm 22:16, “‘For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet.’”

  Followed by Psalm 22:17, “‘I can count all my bones—they stare and gloat over me...’”

  Then Psalm 22:18, “‘They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots...’”

  “To whom do you refer?” demanded a red-faced rabbi, already anticipating the reply.

  “‘The very One you crucified, the Author of life you had delivered over to Pilate. You chose a murderer to be released over Messiah. But Yahweh raised Yeshua HaMaschiach, the Holy and Righteous One from the dead. To this we are His witnesses.’”

  Many tore at their robes yelling, “You blasphemers!”

  Another rabbi yelled, “In the old days, you would have been stoned to death for saying such things!”

  Someone else yelled, “Why can’t we stone them now?”

  Then another rabbi yelled, “Yeah! Incarceration is too kind a verdict for them!”

  Another man said, “How can you proclaim yourselves to be Jews? Are you aware that we Jews consider Yeshua anathema?”

  One of the Witnesses quoted Matthew 23:27-28, “‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.’”

  This incensed the rabbis even more. Their anger was stoked to even greater heights when the Two Witnesses took turns quoting Isaiah 53, without ever breaking eye contact. They often changed the pronoun from “he” to “Messiah” or “Yeshua” to further demonstrate their point.

  From memory, one of them quoted verse three, “‘Messiah was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.’”

  Then without missing a beat, the other Witness quoted verse four, “‘Surely Messiah has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.’”

  All eyes once again volleyed back to the other Witness when he quoted verse five, “‘But Yeshua was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.’”

  Then the other quoted verse six, “‘All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Messiah the iniquity of us all.’”

  Back and forth they went, pronouncing judgment after judgment on the house of Israel, for their great sin and unbelief. “‘Yeshua was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth,’” one of them said, quoting verse seven.

  Then the other quoted verse eight, “‘By oppression and judgment Yeshua was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?’”

  And back and forth they went reciting Isaiah 53, “‘And they made Messiah’s grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.’”

  “‘Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush Yeshua; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.’”

  “‘Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities.’”

  “‘Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because Messiah poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.’”

  One rabbi shouted, “Stop this blasphemy!”

  Many tore at their robes again.

  Before the peace treaty was signed, citizens of Jerusalem kept pleading with their mayor and other local authorities to arrest the two deranged psychopaths.

  The mayor was already in crisis management mode removing debris from the streets of Jerusalem, burying the many dead, and preparing for the peace treaty signing. He hadn’t the time nor the resources to deal with them.

  “My hands are already tied,” was his constant reply.

  But the real reason the mayor declined to take any significant action came from what took place a few times leading up to the second peace treaty signing. There were several eyewitness reports—including video footage—of citizens tossing rocks at the two men out of frustration, after they refused to answer questions from anyone.

  Miraculously, not a single stone connected. Each fell harmlessly to the ground.

  Seeing this, the mayor believed they were being supernaturally protected by the very same powerful, unseen shield that had protected Israel when enemy fire killed thousands of Gentiles in Jerusalem, sparing all Jews.

  What else could it possibly be?

  Aside from perhaps Salvador Romanero, who else on the planet could have stones thrown at them without ever connecting? They were like two strange animals no one knew how to approach, let alone capture.

  Now that the peace treaty had been signed, the only thing Israeli officials could do was monitor them very closely and keep them quarantined to the Wailing Wall area. Normally when dealing with two elderly individuals, especially, this wouldn’t pose a problem. But these men, despite their age, weren’t normal by any stretch of the imagination.

  They needed to be closely watched at all times…

  As the days passed, the number of insults being hurled at the two loud mouths kept increasing. They were laughed at, mocked and cursed from people of all nations and tongues, including many of the world’s most well-known athletes and celebrities.

  The mayor’s suspicions that the two men were being supernaturally powered and protected from above were heightened considerably when, with cameras running, a flamboyant celebrity approached the two disturbed men.

  With his husband standing by his side, the homosexual actor from Hollywood said, “Come on, guys, give it a rest! Hasn’t enough already happened? The peace treaty’s just been signed. Why don’t we all try being peaceful with each other.”

  God’s Two Witnesses ignored him like he wasn’t even there, bruising his ego and upsetting his many fans in the process.

  With the eyes of the world watching, the most bizarre thing happened. Fans of this celebrity approached the Two Witnesses, rocks in hand. The instant the four men and two women raised their hands in aggression against the Two Witnesses, without warning, fire shot out of their mouths, quickly devouring all six souls, casting another layer of mysterious fear upon Jerusalem.

  After a few startled screams and “oohs and aahs”, silence fell
upon the Western Wall vicinity. Who were these two men? Everyone wondered with fear and trembling...

  But those whose eyes and ears were open to the Word of God knew they were the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation and Zechariah chapters 4 and 5. This included the millions who saw them in their dreams the past few weeks—now-former Catholics, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.

  Salvador Romanero was apprised of the situation and asked what should be done about the two men. Knowing they were the Two Witnesses of the Bible and that he didn’t have the power to silence them, the Miracle Maker refused to take any course of action. Not yet, anyway!

  That would come in time when the Master Deceiver gave him the green light to silence them for good...

  IN OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE, ETSM members were just leaving the cabin to inspect the seven properties they hoped to have in their possession in the coming weeks, when they saw the Two Witnesses breathing fire from their mouths, consuming the six individuals who tried harming them.

  After the initial shock had passed, Travis Hartings said, “Doctor Kim, I think it’s safe to assume you can extend the crimson red line on the website to Revelation eleven, verse five now.”

  “Is that the verse describing what we just saw?”

  Before Hartings could reply, Clayton Holmes recited it aloud from memory, “‘And if anyone would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes. If anyone would harm them, this is how he is doomed to be killed...’”

  Dr. Kim said, “Done!” Crazy times indeed...



  “HEY, BROTHER TOM, HOW are you?” Brian Mulrooney said, seeing Tom Dunleavey’s name appear on his cell phone screen.

  “Not so good, I’m afraid,” the former Catholic priest said.

  Mulrooney sat up in his seat and placed his Bible on the couch next to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m in serious trouble, Brian, and need your help.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “Not on the phone.”

  Brian scratched his head, “Would you like to meet someplace?”

  “Can I stop by your apartment? Many in the community know me. Don’t want to be spotted by the wrong people.”

  What in the world? “Sounds serious. Where are you now?”

  “Again, not on the phone. All I’ll say for now is I think the Catholic Church wants me dead. After what happened today, I can never go back.”

  Brian wanted to press on but there was this unmistakable fear in Tom’s voice. “I have a second bedroom no one uses. You’re welcome to it if you want.”

  Relief flooded the former Catholic priest’s soul. He sighed deeply, “I appreciate it so much...”

  “It’s the least I can do for a fellow Christ follower. Still know where I live?”

  “How could I forget after the way you handed my head to me last time I was there?” Dunleavey said, trying to humor himself. It didn’t work.

  “It wasn’t me, brother, it was all God. At least we’re on the same team now.”

  “Amen to that.” Tom Dunleavey grew serious again. “I drove by your place earlier but didn’t want to drop by unannounced.”

  “Wish you would have.”

  “I was still thinking things through and asking God what to do next.”

  “Everything will be fine, brother. Come on over. The door will be open.”

  “Thanks, Brian. See you soon.”

  The call ended. It didn’t take long for Tom Dunleavey to arrive. When he reached Brian’s floor, just like last time, he was huffing and puffing considerably, breathing the labored breath of the out-of-shape. He gave a courtesy knock on the door then opened it.

  Brian placed his Bible on the table and rose from the couch to welcome his guest.

  “I brought donuts.”

  “Ah, you’ve discovered one of my weaknesses.”

  Tom Dunleavey smiled awkwardly and rubbed his belly. “Mine, too, I confess...”

  Brian greeted his brother in Christ with a comforting hug. Last time they met, they exchanged handshakes only. Brian felt Tom’s inner trembling. “Want me to brew a pot of coffee?”

  “Sounds good, actually.”

  “Take a load off, brother. Make yourself comfortable. It’ll be ready in a jiffy.”

  This was Brian’s first time seeing Tom stripped of his priestly garments. He wore gray slacks and a brown sweater. Now that they were on the same side, with nothing left to debate spiritually, the tension they both felt last time was nowhere to be found.

  A few moments later, they were seated in the living room.

  Brian muted his television, but left it turned on. He always wanted to be ready if and when new news broke anywhere in the world. “So, why do you think the church wants you dead?”

  Tom Dunleavey took a gulp from his coffee cup. His eyes projected unending fear and confusion. “A friend of mine who happens to be a higher up in the church sent me a chilling email this morning, advising that I’ve been placed on the Pope’s dissenters list. Not only me but many others in my parish who have also denounced church doctrine and now cling to the Scriptures only. Roughly a third of us...”

  Brian said, “After the powerful sermon you preached when me and Jacquelyn were there, I’m surprised everyone wasn’t converted. You made it difficult to believe we were in a Catholic Church.”

  Tom Dunleavey eyeballed Brian, “That’s precisely why I’m in trouble. Ever since my conversion, I knew my days at the church were numbered. Just never thought I’d defect this soon. I can’t help but feel frightened for those who are on our side. Especially the nuns and priests...”

  “Why’s that?”

  “We’re subjected more to the laws of the Church than to the laws of the land. If caught, we’ll never stand trial in a court of law. I fear all defectors who are caught will be killed without mercy.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “Don’t know. Phone’s been off all day. Only turned it on to call you. Then I powered it off again. Before leaving the rectory, I forwarded the email I received, informing the three priests and two nuns on our side that I was leaving immediately and suggested they do the same. I warned everyone else to be extremely vigilant, that they may not even be safe at home. Just hope they took my advice...This is totally insane!”

  “You can say that again...”

  The 62-year-old man took a Dunkin Donuts napkin and cleaned his thick bifocal glasses with it. “The Church means business, Brian. I’m told hundreds of thousands of Catholic dissenters, worldwide, have recently vanished, never to be heard from again, including a handful of cardinals, if you can believe that. If my source is correct, the church is mainly targeting those over the age of thirty who have been deemed as ‘set in their ways.’”

  Brian sighed. “That would include me...”

  Tom Dunleavey nodded. “The Pope’s quite paranoid these days. Just like Romanero has people monitoring social media platforms looking for dissidents speaking out against him—namely evangelical Christians and Muslims—the Pope’s doing the same with Catholics who speak out against the Church.

  “If my source is correct, as part of Romanero’s aggressive plan to drastically shrink the global population, the Pontiff plans to do his part in the coming months, by killing ten million dissidents and defectors who have fallen out of line with Church authority. I’m told many within the church are terrified.”

  There was a sigh. “With nearly a billion Catholics still on Earth, even if he kills a hundred million, it wouldn’t make much of a dent. And that’s just for starters. By the time it’s all said and done, I wouldn’t be surprised if a half-billion Catholics were slaughtered by that monster. Many of them will be our brothers and sisters in Christ.”

  Tom Dunleavey shook his head in disgust. “I gave my life to the Catholic Church. And how do they repay me? By wanting to kill me?! And for what, preaching the Truth?”

  “I understand how you feel, brother. At least we can rejoice knowing
God saved us both out of that false system.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Brian. I’m eternally grateful. But things are moving so quickly. I fear for the lives of my flock.”

  “What made you a target? I mean, you don’t seem the type to post disparaging remarks about anyone online, especially the Pope or Salvador Romanero. You’re not that foolish.”

  Tom Dunleavey covered his face with his hands. “Three men visited my church last Sunday.”

  “Who were they?”


  “How can you be so sure?” Mulrooney silently wondered if spies would ever infiltrate the Chadds Ford property, once they were settled on the land? He shivered at the thought.

  “Even before the peace treaty signing, the Pope sent out spies to Catholic churches looking for dissidents and defectors. The three men who visited my parish seemed nice enough. Everything went smoothly until...”

  “Until what?”

  Tom Dunleavey sighed. “Until I told the congregation that in its long and storied history, not a single person had ever been saved by the Catholic church. Only God could save souls, not any particular church and certainly not man. Much of what the Church has set in motion since its inception has only led to eternal destruction for so many.”

  “Wow!” Brian Mulrooney shook his head. He couldn’t be more impressed by Tom’s boldness. “I’m proud of you, brother.”

  “It feels good preaching the Truth for a change. The difference it’s making for so many in my parish is nothing short of miraculous. Anyway, after going through the customary piling on of errors handed down by the church—reciting Hail Mary’s, praying the rosary, confessing one’s sins to a priest, performing various works, the worship of saints and the veneration of angels, to the myth of purgatory, and on and on—I urged my people to seek God above all other things and to read their Bibles on their own, without church supervision.

  “That’s when the three visitors started getting fidgety. But I was just warming up. The text I chose for that day was the great praise session in Heaven found in Revelation, chapters four and five. After reading it, I asked the congregation if anyone else was being exalted other than Jesus?


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