November Twenty-Seventh

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November Twenty-Seventh Page 6

by Kate Speck

  “May I watch you? I can help you. I can watch Nancy help you. I truly wish to stay with you.” Darcy pleaded.

  Elizabeth fondly caressed his cheek, “Yes, my love. Stay with me always. I promise I will not disappear.”

  Darcy leaned his forehead against hers, “I feel it all a dream. I fear I will wake up and I will be all alone in my empty bed and you will be in Longbourn who still detests me and lost to me forever. I never wish to be alone again.”

  “It is not a dream, my husband. I am your wife and I love you. If this is a dream, we shall dream together and spend an eternity loving each other. Come; sit with me while I undress.” Elizabeth pulled him into the dressing room with her.

  “Nancy, Mr. Darcy is here to evaluate how quickly you can have my dress unbuttoned and loosen my hair.” She spoke to her maid who was blushing to see the master in the mistress’ dressing room.

  Darcy smiled and sat in the corner to watch his beautiful wife undress, and after the proficient maid quickly worked to untie Elizabeth’s hair and unbutton the back of her dress, he handed Nancy a coin and thanked her before she left.

  “Close your eyes and stand up, William.” Elizabeth commanded and slipped off her dress completely.

  Darcy did as she bid and she touched his torso to slowly take off his waistcoat. She pulled his lawnshirt over his head after untying his cravat, and after trailing several kisses on his chest, she unbuttoned his trousers to expose his excitement. She giggled and swatted his hands that kept attempting to fondle her breasts and waist, then pushed him down to sit.

  “Keep your eyes closed, husband.” She helped him take off his shoes and stockings and pulled off his trousers completely.

  After pulling him back up to standing, she spoke again, “You can open your eyes now, William. We stand here as we were born, and as God and man were our witnesses today, I pledge to you my love and honour and fidelity for the rest of my life. I will commit myself to you for the rest of my days and I will be by your side for as long as I live. This is not a dream, my husband. I will never leave you and you will never have to fear again that you are alone.”

  “I love you, Ellie, until my last breath, I will love you and only you. You are my first and my last everything.” Darcy leaned and kissed her with all the love in his heart. “Let us bathe so I can spend the rest of the night pleasuring you.”

  He carried her to be large tub and carefully placed her in it. As they sat to wash and continue their kisses, Darcy stated, “We have made love so many times before but I find myself nervous tonight. I do not understand why it feels so different. It is as if we are starting over, my love. We were intimate only this morning.”

  “Because you were laying with your mistress before but now it is with your wife. Should I lay demurely and not make a sound?” She giggled.

  “Minx! Well, if you do not move, I could certainly take my time with you and control myself better but I wish you to enjoy yourself as well. No, Mrs. Darcy, we will love each other thoroughly and repeatedly.” Darcy chuckled. “But do tell me if I am too much. I know I have been a brute. My friends speak freely of their conquests and some are so enthusiastic to share that they had taken their mistress two or three times in one night but I know am constantly on you and daily except during your courses. I have attempted to control myself but I hope you will allow… at least for the next two days…”

  “I knew it! I was speaking with Jane this morning about your ardency and I had suspected that you were holding back.” Elizabeth exclaimed. “Oh, my love, she heard us last night and this morning, by the by. She knew you loved me three times and they will need to remodel the house with thicker walls.”

  Darcy laughed, “I hope she was not too embarrassed by it. I care not if anyone hears us. We love each other fearlessly and I hope to see how often I can love you.”

  “Do your worst! I should rather say, do your best, husband! My courage always rises and I will never tire of you.” Elizabeth giggled again.

  Darcy helped her out of the tub and after they dried themselves, he carried her to the bed.

  “I wish to pleasure you, my wife. I wish to kiss you and taste you below. Will you permit me to return the favour of what you have done for me?” Darcy asked as he lay over her and kissed her neck.

  “Yes, husband, if you will allow the same. Perhaps there is a way for both of us to pleasure each other at the same time.” Elizabeth moaned while he caressed her breasts.

  “Later, my love.” Darcy trailed his lips from her face to her breasts to her womanhood and inhaled her sweet scent. He began with gently caressing her pleasure nub with his fingers and soon replaced it with his tongue. He kissed her gently at first but soon was diving his tongue deeply inside her as his manhood would and he thrust his fingers in and out of her as she began to yell out her climax.

  After her breathing calmed, he wiped his face with the sheets and lay over her again.

  “Ellie, I want to release inside you from now on. If you are not ready for a child, I will withdraw again as before but I want to give you my child, our child together. I want to love you as often as possible and we can move to the master’s rooms when this bed is uninhabitable, but I wish to fill you. May I love you fully tonight?” He asked.

  Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, my love. I am your wife now. Take me as you would a mistress but fill me as you would a wife. I will be both to you and you will never need another.”

  Darcy frantically kissed his wife and entered her in one swoop. He rocked in and out gently at first but was soon thrusting into her like a mad man and plunged into her until she screamed her pleasures again and grunted loudly as he released inside her for the first time.

  Instead of pulling out to recover, he kept himself inside her before he began to deflate and moved himself to continue the lovemaking. Soon, his manhood grew full again and he pumped fervently.

  Elizabeth pushed him onto his back and sat on him to ride him and Darcy grabbed her buoyant breasts and lifted his hips to meet her half way. She moaned loudly then collapsed onto his chest while he thrust up another dozen times and released again.

  They held each other’s sweaty bodies and puffed for air for several minutes.

  “Good lord... that was… best… you… ever…” Darcy finally huffed out.

  Elizabeth could only nod. Darcy carefully laid her down onto the bed and kissed her affectionately. He reached for the towel at the bedside table and wiped her then himself.

  “I love you, wife.” Darcy caressed her face. “Thank you for marrying me. I may wake you in a few hours to repeat the experience. You are so wonderful. My beautiful wife.”

  Elizabeth kissed his nose and lips. “Thank you for marrying me, husband. I may wake you to sit on you again. That was most pleasurable.”

  They both lay with smiles and fell asleep soon.

  Darcy was true to his word and made love to his wife twice more during the night. Elizabeth also awoke her husband to enjoy him early in the morning and they were finally satiated after three nights of absolute marital bliss, having achieved seven completions in one day.


  “Are you sore, my love?” Darcy asked after entering her again and she took a sharp intake of breath. He remained still over her and frowned.

  Elizabeth softly smiled, “You have certainly overworked me but it is not bad. The salt bath helped last night but we ended up making love in the tub again.”

  Darcy lifted himself off and lay on his back. He was silent for several moments and did not touch her again.

  “What is the matter, William? Do you not wish to love me again?” Elizabeth asked worriedly. “Have I displeased you?”

  Darcy turned to her and sighed, “No, my love. I have been beastly and it is all my fault. I have hurt you and I cannot forgive myself for abusing my wife so. We have calls to make today and I wanted to fortify myself before finally leaving our room but I caused you pain and I will leave you alone for several days.” He sat up and turned his face away from her. �
�I know we loved each other daily before but I did not think I could desire you so much. I am sorry, Ellie. I will restrain myself once again.”

  Elizabeth sat up and wrapped her arms around her husband from behind. “Oh, William, I do not want you to restrain yourself. Remember that I initiated more than half of our sessions.” She began to kiss his neck and shoulder. “I love that you desire me. I cannot get enough of you and although I am sore, it does not mean your attentions are unwelcome. Please love me again, husband.” She caressed his arms and chest. “I need you inside me. Love me again, William.”

  “But you are hurting. I cannot...” Darcy turned to argue but she began to kiss his lips.

  “I want you. I need you, William. It feels better when you are inside me. We have all day to rest today and I need to fortify myself as well.” She lifted herself to sit on his lap. “Love me, husband.”

  Darcy was quickly aroused again and gently entered her as slowly as possible as she sat herself down onto him.

  “That is better, husband. That is what I needed.” Elizabeth sighed her contentment and began to rock up and down.

  Darcy waited for her to reach her ecstasy first and quickly released. “I love you, Ellie. I will give you as much rest as you need. Thank you for your love, my dear wife.”

  “I will take another bath and I know I will be recovered by tonight, husband.” Elizabeth replied. “I hope we repeat this again often, my love. I believe constant practice is needed to improve. I love loving you, William. I love being loved by you.”

  Darcy tenderly kissed her mouth. “You are my world. Thank you for marrying me, my love.”

  With both smiling brightly, they prepared for the day to spend as a married couple in public.

  Chapter 8

  After calling on the Matlocks and Georgiana together, the Darcys visited the Gardiners, and the Gardiner children took an immediate liking to the tall man who was constantly smiling.

  Jane told Elizabeth about her shopping excursions and thanked Darcy for his generosity. “I have never had such a wonderful experience at a modiste’s, Lizzy. She knew exactly what colours would look best and her suggestions for accoutrements were beautiful. Without mama there to force her choices and Aunt Madeline’s good taste, I believe I will have the most beautiful wedding gown.”

  Elizabeth handed her a wrapped parcel. “I am so glad. You and I shall go to a few more places tomorrow as well. This is for you, Jane. My gift for standing up with me.”

  Jane gasped as she opened it, “It is beautiful! It is the most beautiful lace I have ever seen!” She lifted the Belgian lace veil and smiled. She handed it to her aunt to look at it and embraced her dear sister. “Thank you, Lizzy. You and Darcy have been so kind and I am eager for my own wedding. Papa sent some funds for you as well and I bought you several gloves and hats that I thought you would like. I know your taste, Lizzy.” She handed her several packages.

  Elizabeth beamed and hugged her sister. “These are perfect! You know me so well, Jane!”

  After luncheon, the Darcys left to return home to complete some correspondences and to rest until the theatre outing this evening.


  “Darcy!” Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam burst into his study. “Are you in here? Have you tired of your wife by now?”

  He saw Darcy sitting on his chair with his head leaning back and heard him growl, “Damn it, Richard. Do you never knock? I thought I locked the door.”

  Darcy sat up and Richard froze, as his cousin helped his wife stand up from behind the desk. He saw her wipe her mouth quickly and she was flushing red.

  “Colonel,” she curtseyed and quickly left the room while Darcy buttoned up his falls.

  “Damn you, Richard. I needed ten more seconds. What are you doing here? I thought you were working today. I saw your parents this morning.” Darcy snarled.

  Richard exclaimed in shock, “Damned lucky bastard! I cannot believe your wife... Damned lucky.” He sat down and smiled, “So, how many times? I know you have not left your bed for two full days.”

  “I am not going to tell you! Mind your own business!” Darcy chuckled as his cousin grinned from cheek to cheek.

  Richard pressed, “Tell me all, Darcy. How many times since you took your vows? My dear brother is on a weekly schedule with the viscountess and sometimes skips it, while he uses his mistress two or three times a week. I know you were bedding her often as your mistress. I also know you have no one else to speak of such a thing and I will keep your secret, cousin. How many times total?”

  Darcy proudly smirked, “Six...”

  “Six?” Richard replied. “That is a decent...”

  “...teen.” Darcy finished.

  “WHAT?! Sixteen? In three nights? How is that possible?” Richard gasped.

  “Well, it would have been seventeen if you did not interrupt us, you arse. What do you want?” Darcy irritatingly asked. “I want to go back to what I was doing with my wife.”

  Richard scratched his head. “I never thought it was possible. Wow... and she is still standing? Damn...” He coughed and crossed his legs to cover his own stimulation. “I came to ask if you were still planning on going to the theatre tonight and if I could invite Miss Grey to the outing but I think I will need to go make a quick visit to see a woman first. Wow, I cannot believe it. You, my virtuous, shy cousin... sixteen...”

  “You are welcome to join us in our box, Richard. Ellie will like your Miss Grey. She likes you enough and I want her to have good company.” Darcy replied. “But no more barging into my private rooms, cousin. I am married now and I expect you to respect my wife as due to her station. She is going to be mortified that you caught us in the act but I am proud of it.” He smiled. “She loves me and although I exhausted her these past days, she is still generous to grant me my deepest desires to love her again and again.”

  “She is probably the most generous lady I have ever met, Darcy.” Richard answered. “Believe me, my respect for her only increased that she would do that for you. You will never need to seek another outlet for the rest of your life.”

  “I know it, Richard. I know it.” Darcy agreed. “I need no one else and she will always have me.”

  Richard stood, “Well, I will need to make a visit to Madam Marionette’s for my outlet. Damned lucky bastard.” He laughed. “I will see you tonight. Perhaps I can convince Miss Grey to be my mistress!”

  Darcy smiled and thought of his cousin after he departed. He knew Richard had several courtesans he visited and his cousin’s appetite was large. He visited those women twice a month and he spent hours at a time to take his pleasures. But near the same time that Darcy had begun his relationship with Elizabeth, Richard had become more inclined to find a partner for life. Miss Grey was a pretty twenty-three-year-old daughter of a gentleman with a £15,000 dowry and she was demure as expected. With a decent dowry and good lineage, Darcy knew this lady was good enough for Richard but he could not fathom life without Elizabeth and no one would ever exceed her.

  He left his study and rushed to find his wife in the library. After ensuring that the door was locked, he drew her into his lap and kissed her fervently. “Thank you for being my wife. I could not be prouder to have you with me.”

  “I am so embarrassed, William. I do not know if I can ever look at your cousin in the eyes again. He knew what we were doing?” Elizabeth blushed.

  Darcy chuckled, “He knew exactly what we were doing and was quite aroused by it. He hurried to go visit a courtesan so he could be satiated but he has the highest respect for you now. Not many wives would do such a thing for their husbands, Ellie.” He kissed her neck, “He wishes to join us at the theatre tonight with Miss Grey and he would have been constantly aroused, knowing how much you pleasure me every day.” He bared her breasts and licked one nipple at a time. “I wish to finish. Would you mind...”

  Elizabeth smiled and knelt at his feet to caress him again and mouthed his phallus. Darcy leaned his head back and moaned softly until his breat
hing became uneven and loud. He grunted as he released into her mouth and remained relaxed for several moments while holding his dear wife in his arms.

  “You are precious to me. Even if we cannot make love like this all day long, I will be content to hold you in my arms and kiss you and love you with all of my heart.” Darcy kissed her lips tenderly. “Seventeen times in less than seventy-two hours has been amazing. Absolutely amazing. I promise to return the favour later and I will attempt to control my ardour for you.”

  “Hush, now. I love that you want me and we will pleasure each other as often as possible.” Elizabeth replied as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I know you have more correspondences to see to and I would like to rest. I am exhausted from my husband’s constant demands and I should like to nap for an hour.” She quirked her eyebrow, “If you should happen to be tired in an hour, please feel free to join me in bed as I will be sleeping quite naked in your bed and we can go for number eighteen.”

  Darcy laughed, “You can count on it, wife. I will allow you to rest, my mistress, and I will pleasure you next. I love you. Allow me to walk you back.”

  Elizabeth quickly fell asleep in the giant bed in the master’s rooms and Darcy fulfilled his promise to return later and pleasured her before taking his own satisfaction once again.


  “Mrs. Darcy, it was very nice to call on you earlier today.” Richard kissed Elizabeth’s hand as they greeted each other in Darcy’s luxury box. He discreetly wiggled his eyebrows up and down and Elizabeth flushed bright red.

  But instead of avoiding his eyes, she looked directly at him and spoke softly, “I heard you had a call of your own to make after your visit. Were you able to finish what you needed to do?” She quirked her own brow in challenge. “You will not bring it up again, Colonel. My husband tells me everything and I know it all. Nothing is more sacred than marriage vows between husband and wife.”


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