November Twenty-Seventh

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November Twenty-Seventh Page 11

by Kate Speck

  “I love you, William.” Elizabeth kissed his lips tenderly. “I love being loved by you.”

  “And I love you, Ellie, with all my heart. I am sorry I was an obnoxious arse when I was here last. If I had never offended you and acted so haughty, you would not have so readily believed Wickham’s lies. I gave you no cause to doubt him because of my horrid manners and you and the merchants of Meryton have suffered for it. I will repay your father for the debts he purchased as I wrote to him and with the additional debts I hold, Wickham will be gone from our lives.” He kissed her lips tenderly. “Everyone will see that I treasure you. Do you think… I know your father gave us his blessing, but will you be well when we visit tomorrow? I know you are eager to see your sisters.”

  “All will be well. My father wrote his apologies and I will make mine in person. I know he loves me and he regrets his actions. It was foolish of me to run away from my problems as well, even if I did entrap the handsomest man of my acquaintance!” She merrily laughed.

  “Minx! You did no entrapping whatsoever. The only thing you had to do was to enter my home and I was yours.” Darcy held her in his arms. “Now, are you tired or would you like to walk the gardens? I plan on kissing you behind every hedge and tree there.”

  “Walking sounds wonderful, husband. I was eager to get out of the carriage for some freedom of my limbs but we had to free your other limb first.” She teased.

  The two Darcys toured the gardens while the servants unpacked, and after many shared kisses, they returned indoors to see to their duties. Darcy was to resume teaching Bingley of estate management and Elizabeth would plan for the next week before her sister officially became mistress of Netherfield.

  Chapter 16

  Longbourn was exactly the same as Elizabeth had left it on the outside. She felt a hint of sadness that this was no longer her home, and her task, after greeting her family, would be to pack up some of her belongings. She looked next to her and saw her husband’s eyes trained on her as always and smiled tenderly at him.

  “I know you are nervous, Ellie, but I will be with you and all will be well. I intentionally left Georgiana at Netherfield so that your first interaction with your parents would have privacy, and at the first moment you feel uncomfortable, we will depart immediately. Your father sent word through Jane that you are welcome but if anyone causes you distress, we will leave and never return. You are my wife and are no longer under their rule.” Darcy comforted her as he kissed her temple.

  “Thank you, my love. As long as you stay with me, I am confident that all will be well. I am anxious but am relieved to finally face them. I cannot believe how my life has changed that fateful day after the ball when I ran away from home in anger, but I cannot imagine a better place to be than with you, William.” Elizabeth responded as she wrapped her arms around his torso, “I am so loved and I will always remember it.”

  The grand carriage came to a stop and they saw the Bennets lined up by the front awaiting their visit. Elizabeth could see her father appearing much older than she remembered and he was quietly whispering to her mother with a stern face. Her mother looked as excitable as her wont with a large grin and nodding to whatever her father had said to her.

  “Welcome to Longbourn, Mr. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy!” Her mother immediately screeched as they disembarked. “Ooh! How well that sounds! And the first one to marry, Lizzy! I am so proud of you!”

  Elizabeth smiled at the woman who was ever the same. She looked at her father and he, who rarely showed emotions in public, stepped forward and immediately embraced her.

  “Lizzy, my dear daughter, I am glad to see you here and looking very well. I have missed you and I am so sorry, I cannot be sorry enough that I had mistreated you in your time of need. I hope you forgive me, Lizzy. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.” Mr. Bennet pleaded.

  Elizabeth immediately had tears in her eyes and hugged her father. “All is well, papa. I hope you will forgive me as well. I should not have been so wilful and unreasonable but I was determined to have my freedom and ran away without thinking. I am sorry, papa.”

  “All is forgiven, Lizzy. We will forgive each other and we must celebrate your wedding. We will have a grand dinner in Mr. Darcy’s and your honour tomorrow if you are agreeable.” Mr. Bennet responded as he wiped his eyes. He turned to Darcy and bowed respectfully. “Mr. Darcy, I thank you for your kindness to my daughter.”

  They began to walk inside as Elizabeth greeted her sisters and her mother was gushing her excitement.

  Darcy quietly responded, “I love her, sir. I loved her before the Netherfield ball and I was a coward to leave her but I was given a new chance when I was able to court her, Mr. Bennet, and I will care for her until my last breath. If you will agree, I would like to show you the settlement papers as it should have been done. I did ask Mr. Gardiner to sign before our wedding so it is legitimate.”

  Mr. Bennet shook his hand, “It would be an honour, Mr. Darcy. Thank you.”

  “Please call me Darcy, sir. Thank you for your warm greeting. I know Ellie was nervous for this moment but you dissolved the tensions quickly and she is happy.” Darcy smiled softly.

  Mr. Bennet was surprised at Darcy’s obvious affection for his daughter. Having never witnessed the stoic gentleman smile before, he knew his Lizzy must have been responsible for the change in his demeanour. “Ellie?” He quirked his brow.

  Darcy chuckled, “I shortened her name, sir. Something that only I call her by.” He was impressed with Mr. Bennet’s apology and saw the similarities from father to daughter.

  Mrs. Bennet exclaimed as soon as they took their seats, “That dress is beautiful and you look very well, Lizzy! It is obvious your husband has taken good care of you. I do not know why it was such a rushed business, for you to marry so quickly without family attending you, but at least Jane was there and I understand your husband was very eager to have you quickly.” She leaned and attempted to whisper but it was overheard by all, “He was not too burdensome, was he, Lizzy? He is very tall and I cannot imagine you would be prepared for married life without having me talk to you about it first.”

  Elizabeth blushed brightly from mortification, having her maiden sisters in the room who did not know of what her mother was speaking, and she hoped Darcy would not be offended. She opened her mouth to speak but was unable to continue.

  “She is the best wife I could have ever asked for, Mrs. Bennet, and I know she has learned much from your prior lessons and has been a wonderful mistress to our home. I thank you for having your daughter whom I cannot fathom being without, madam.” Darcy spoke earnestly with a broad grin.

  The room was silent for many moments, as most had never seen Mr. Darcy speak so much and so genially before. The change in his countenance was incredible and he was the handsomest man they had ever seen.

  Jane softly laughed and squeezed Elizabeth’s hand while her sister giggled.

  “La! He is better looking than even Wickham, Kitty! I told you Lizzy knew what she was doing when she left to go catch herself a husband in London.” Lydia spoke crassly.

  Mr. Bennet coughed and the young girl lowered her eyes, “Sorry, papa. I am honestly attempting to improve my manners. Jane has been teaching me and I have been paying attention to Mary’s sermons and I am learning, papa! Can I please be out again? I am so tired of the nurser…”

  “No, Lydia.” Mr. Bennet sternly replied. “After all the accusations that Wickham has been stirring up, you will not be out until at least seventeen and perhaps twenty. I will no longer have the silliest girls in the neighbourhood and you know fully well that with Lizzy’s marriage to Darcy and Jane’s to Bingley, it is vital that you become a respectful lady.”

  Darcy and Elizabeth’s eyes met, and as they had planned before, Darcy wished to speak with Mr. Bennet in private and Elizabeth with Lydia.

  Darcy turned to Mr. Bennet, “Sir, if you do not mind, I would like to go over the settlement papers with you now. The ladies can speak and have time to plan t
he celebration dinner and I know Ellie had wished to go to her rooms to see to her belongings as well.” He turned to Mrs. Bennet, “We would be happy to stay for luncheon as per your invitation.”

  Mr. Bennet agreed and the gentlemen left for the study.

  “Lizzy! It is most fortunate that Mr. Darcy asked you for courtship when you went to town! You did not have an attachment before going there?” Her mother asked. “Your father assured me that your wedding was rushed because of Mr. Darcy’s impatience to have you as his wife but I thought you would return large with child. He forbid me to mention anything of it but you will not have an early babe, will you?”

  “Mama! Papa forbid to mention it to both Mr. Darcy and Lizzy!” Jane chastised her mother. “Lizzy will not have an early babe and Mr. Darcy will be offended to hear that you offended his wife!”

  “Oh! I am so sorry, Lizzy! I am beyond excited to have you back home and when he smiled, I was certain you could not refuse such a man. He is so handsome and so rich! It is absolutely incredible that you are married to the grandson of an earl! I shall need my smelling salts. Mary! Fetch my smelling salts! Now, Mary! I feel my faintness coming!” Mrs. Bennet exclaimed while waving her handkerchief.

  “Well, I would like to go to my room and sort through my belongings and see what to give to my sisters. I did bring everyone presents and Mrs. Hill placed the packages in my old room. I will have yours brought down, mama, and I will gather a few of my meagre possessions.” Elizabeth smiled.

  Mrs. Bennet immediately straightened and clapped in joy, completely forgetting about the salts.

  Chapter 17

  Elizabeth walked upstairs with her sisters and sorted through the packages on her bed to give each of them what she brought for them. She handed Jane hers and her mother’s and whispered, “I would like to speak to Lydia alone, Jane. Could you take the girls out and have them open their gifts with mama?”

  “Of course, Lizzy.” Jane turned to her sisters, “Mary, Kitty, bring your packages so you can show mama and open them downstairs. Lydia, you stay here until Lizzy can find yours. It must be here somewhere.”

  Lydia pouted and looked under the bed and behind the dressing table. “Why is my gift the only one missing? Here is papa’s and even Betsy’s!”

  After the girls left, Elizabeth took a deep breath and began. “Lydia, I have your gift for you hidden away but I wanted to talk to you in private before I give it to you. I was shocked to hear that our family name was being blackened by George Wickham and that my name as well as yours were involved. I know why he is doing it to me, because of Mr. Darcy’s letter to papa that explained Wickham’s debts, and papa took to task to purchase them, but I am married and I know exactly what he has not done to me. I understand you have told papa that you were not ruined and Mary had been walking with you after I left Longbourn, but I want to know the truth, Lydia. What has he done to you that he believes he can tell everyone that he has taken your virtue?”

  Lydia immediately sobered and stiffened. “I do not wish to say it, Lizzy. You will think badly of me and I do not want anyone to know!”

  Elizabeth had compassion for her young sister who began to cry. Knowing what Wickham had done to herself, she only prayed that Lydia was still a maiden. “Lydia, I am now a married woman and I understand what it means for a man to be interested in a woman. My dear husband was wounded because of years of Wickham’s deceptions and misdeeds. He wishes to protect our family and will do everything he can, but he cannot protect us if he does not know the truth. Wickham has ruined many women before and my husband will not think less of you because you were tricked into giving that evil man something that did not belong to him, but we cannot take our next steps until we know what we are facing. Tell me all, Lydia, and Mr. Darcy and I will keep your secret. I know our neighbours trust us and they believe it to be a desperate man attempting to lie through his guilt, but until we can fully clear our name, there will always be doubts in some minds.”

  Lydia sighed, “I am still a virgin, Lizzy. He… we did not have… relations, whatever that means. he did not put anything inside me but he might have, if Mary had not…” She took a deep breath. “We were in Meryton a few weeks ago and I had arranged it with Kitty to distract Mary while I ran off to the alley to flirt with Wickham. He laughed that I was able to sneak away from Mary and pulled me into an unhitched carriage that was being fixed at the blacksmith’s and kissed me like a mad man. He fondled my breasts and pulled my dress down, then he told me to lift up my skirts and lay back and he began to unbutton his breeches but then Mary started calling out my name loudly, so I fixed my dress and left the carriage. I do not know what he was about to do but he did not violate me. I do not know how one gets violated but he only kissed me and touched my chest. I think I am still a virgin. I am, right?” She began to weep.

  Elizabeth sighed in relief. She was grateful that Mary was diligent in her duties and that Wickham had not time to do more. She agreed with her husband that Wickham might be spewing his lies of taking both girls’ virtue in desperation to get Darcy to pay to marry Lydia, now that it was common news that she was Mrs. Darcy. That rogue would do anything to get out of his debts and find a way to weasel more funds out of Darcy.

  “You are still unsullied, Lydia. You should not have run off with Wickham like that in the first place and you would not have been harassed, but you are still a maiden and we will clear your reputation. You do understand why you have be resigned to the nursery for a long while, do you not?” Elizabeth thoughtfully asked.

  “I know, Lizzy. I was stupid and I know I flirted too much. He probably thought I was begging for his attentions and wanted to do things to me. I thought him handsome but I only wanted to make Denny jealous! I did not think Wickham would say such things about me. I just wanted him kiss me and I have kissed Denny and Johnny Lucas and a few other boys before and I liked kissing. I never meant to be ruined or for Wickham to lie to everyone that he took my virtue.” She cried.

  Elizabeth was upset that Lydia was so loose with her kisses and it would have been a matter of time before she chose to give away her virginity, but she spoke calmly, “Lydia, no man has the right to take what does not belong to him. Without vows and commitment, you must safeguard your heart and your body until you find the man that you will spend the rest of your life with. Now that I am married to the man of my dreams, I cannot imagine experiencing anything with another. You will find someone you love and you will give your heart and body completely and have happiness beyond imagination. Be patient, sister. You do not have to grow up so fast. You must wait until I throw all my sisters in the paths of rich men!” She made her sister laugh. “I love you, Lydia, as I love all of my sisters. Do as Jane and Mary have been teaching you and you will be rewarded in the end. Marry for love and be worthy of your husband. If you are worthy, you will attract worthy men, not a blackguard like Wickham or someone who will use you and break your heart.”

  “I understand, Lizzy. Thank you for your care. I hope you can clear up Wickham’s accusations and leave no doubt of our innocence. I do not understand why he would lie about you, though. He is an awful human being and I hope you and Mr. Darcy destroy him! Can I have my gift now?” Lydia finally smiled.

  Elizabeth was glad her sister was so distracted that she did not have to explain. “Yes, Lydia.” She walked to the windowsill and fetched the gift behind the curtains that she had requested Mrs. Hill to hide. “Go downstairs and join the others. I am going to take a few moments to look through my belongings.”

  Lydia squealed and hugged her energetically then left to return downstairs.

  Elizabeth examined her possessions and gathered a few items of jewellery and her journals. She had Betsy box several items and would return to distribute the rest of her dresses and bonnets and anything else that her sisters might want. She saw her old belongings and realised that she was new person now. Her old items belonged to Miss Elizabeth Bennet while her new items were appropriate for Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. She was
thankful to have her family in her life but she loved her new family and returned downstairs to eagerly await her husband’s return from her father’s study.


  Darcy spoke candidly to his father-in-law, “Mr. Bennet, Ellie is speaking with Miss Lydia to find out the truth about what Wickham has done and no matter what might have happened, unless you wish it, Lydia will not be bound to that scoundrel and I will make sure your name is clear. Wickham will be imprisoned or transported and out of our lives forever. Now, here is the settlement paper. Although it is already signed, if you wish, please add your signature at the bottom. I hope you will be satisfied.” He handed over the document and looked outside the window.

  “This is… I cannot believe it! Mr… I mean... Darcy, you have been more than generous and I cannot fathom anyone giving so much. She will be comfortable for the rest of her life and if you predecease her, she will still have Pemberley and your other properties. Your estate is not entailed and she will be comfortable, even with only what you have settled on her. Such generosity… My Lizzy deserves the best and I am glad she found you. I worried that you might not deserve her but she seems smitten with you.” Mr. Bennet was grateful and in awe.

  “And I with her.” Darcy smiled. “Do you have any questions for me, sir?”

  “You will be leaving immediately after Jane’s wedding? When… when can I see Lizzy again?” Mr. Bennet hesitantly asked. “I am still so regretful that she felt she had to leave home but I missed her so much and I hope I will see you both again soon. Gardiner wrote to me often that she was happy with her circumstances in London but I should have ridden over to apologise. We were both too stubborn for too long and she belongs to you now.”


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