Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 36

by Elizabeth Knox

  The only bed in the room.

  I dig into the bag of plain potato chips and open the coke, taking the few minutes of being by myself to refuel my body. The water comes to a stop as I’m onto a granola bar and eyeing the chocolate. Damn, why couldn’t there be a restaurant close by? Oh well, we’d make it work. We’d been doing this well so far, and with only a few more hours to drive. We shall survive.

  The bathroom door creaks as it opens. My eyes dart to the source and I see Kathryn wearing one of my old KISS tee shirts, her wet hair hanging over her shoulder.

  She’s a fucking vision.

  “Hope you don’t mind. I needed to change into something…new,” she stammers, and I don’t mind. How could I? The only thing I’d mind is if she fucking ran.

  “Nah. You’re good. I got some grub, eat while I shower. I’ll be ten minutes.”

  I leave her picking through the different options of junk food as I take a few minutes to myself, wiping away every bit of grime and sweat from our travels. Driving for this long sucks the life out of you. It’s worse than being on the back of the bike, at least then you have the wind blowing against you, it feels like you’re one with nature. In an SUV you can’t say that shit.

  When I walk back out into the motel room I’m wearing nothing but a towel around my waist. If I say I don’t have ulterior motives, I’d be lying straight through my teeth. I want to catch her eye, to see her look at me the way she did when she thought I wasn’t paying attention. She thought I never saw her, but I did, every damn time.

  I make my way over to the duffel bags, eyes focused on hers with every step that I make. Neither one of us are breaking eye contact, both of us knowing that here she doesn’t have to stay away. Maybe I don’t want her to. Maybe, just maybe, I want her to come running into me.

  I’ve sure as fuck dreamed about it enough.

  She was off limits, the only girl that I couldn’t have. That didn’t stop my mind, or my dick, from wanting her, though.

  Let’s be honest, nothing will. She could’ve been married to a fucking King, and I still would have gone after her.

  I look through the duffel, finding a pair of boxer briefs. I remove my towel, tossing it on the floor and start to slide into them, stopping when I see her eyes haven’t moved from me. For a second, I think she might look away. How I should have known better. “See something you like?”

  Her face is stoic, unwavering. I can’t read her even if I try.

  I chuckle, lowly. “Fine. Play the quiet game with me, sweetheart. When you finally own up to wanting me, you’ll be begging for my dick inside you. Just you wait.”

  “I don’t beg.” Three words with so much power behind them. I don’t know how I offended her, but the saltiness laced in her voice tells me that I did. I could’ve chosen my words a little more carefully, but I’m not the kind of guy to sugar coat shit. I say it the way I want, whenever I want.

  “You will, you just don’t realize it yet.”

  An hour passes us by, both of us drinking soda and eating what’s left of the snacks. I make my way to sit against the headboard, Kathryn gets a little comfortable and does the same, sipping slowly on the sweet tea she’s started on a few minutes ago. She’s shaking, and instantly I press a hand to her forehead. She’s burning up, and I know exactly what’s the matter.

  Rage gave her drugs, all the damn time. I don’t want to say she’s an addict, but her body is so used to them. She’ll need to slowly wean herself off of them bit by bit, and if she doesn’t, she could likely die. I hop off the bed and go in my duffel, opening a compartment, praying that I still have subs in there. A few of the girls at the club would take them, doses getting smaller and smaller by the day to help get themselves off. I’d do the same with Kathryn, it’s not her fault that Rage gave her every fucking pill on the face of the planet.


  I find the baggy and pull out a pill, zipping it back up and putting it back where it was. I give her the pill and she takes it, not asking any questions. “I’m not going to do what Rage did,” I tell her.

  “I know,” she says quietly, giving me a half smile.

  “We’re going to get you off of that shit, okay? It’ll take some time, but I’m going to wean you off of them.”

  “I never wanted them in the first place.”

  “Yeah. I had figured that. He did a lot of things that you didn’t want, didn’t he?” The question was so dumb. Why the fuck would I ask her that when I damn well knew the answer?

  “I need to tell you something, Trig.” Kathryn looks over to me, her dark eyes incinerating me. I don’t speak but listen closely as she starts to. “My uncle is the Prez of the Reapers MC. That’s where you’re taking me, to the club.”

  My goodness, and the girl finally starts to trust me.

  The Reapers, Rage’s sworn arch nemesis, the club that he’s been trying to annihilate for years. What she doesn’t know is that I know, so this means I have to act like a dumbass, as if I don’t know anything.

  “It’s been a long couple of days, and I don’t want to get into it. I haven’t seen any of them since I was thirteen, it’s been so long…and I just need to sleep. Can we talk more about this tomorrow?”

  I nod, hopping off the bed and turning the light off. I hear the bedsprings creak as she gets settled into a comfortable position, moving the sheets up, I slide into bed next to her. When I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her back towards my chest I expect a struggle.

  What I get next surprises the hell out of me.

  “I’ve wanted you to do that for a really long time,” she whispers it lowly, almost so quiet that it’s inaudible.

  I yank her closer to me, positioning her so my chin is on the top of her hair and I can smell the tropical shampoo that she used. “You’re a flight risk, no way am I letting you run away.”

  “You’re not the one I wanted to run from”. Her words awaken a deep, dark part of my soul. This girl has been through so much, and I don’t even know the half of it yet. That will change, though. In the past two days I’ve learned more about her than in the past few years. All I wanted to do was learn more about her, more about Kathryn, a woman who intrigued me like no other.

  Chapter 7

  Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave – even if you stumble a little on your way out the door. -Mandy Hale


  Shock takes over my entire body. Shock that I’m even here right now, that I managed to get away from the Demons of Hell, the fact that I’m not with Rage…but instead I’m in a motel room with a man I’ve had lingering eyes for, a man who I’ve told bits and pieces about myself for the past couple days. Maybe I’m not in shock, maybe it just feels like I’m in a dream, like I’m going to wake up back at the clubhouse with Rage’s hand around my throat.

  That seems like the more likely option of the two.

  On this day I know that my life will change so much. I’m back in Montana after being gone for years. I wonder how my family will take my arrival, if they’ll be happy to see me, and then I wonder if they even want me back…

  I’ve changed so much, no longer am I the bright eyed and bouncy Kat. Over the years I’ve been transformed into a void of the person I used to be. Will they even want me back considering what I am now? How I’m damaged? Can I even call myself damaged, or is that an understatement?

  I stayed in the bed with Trig for a while until I peered over and saw that it was just past ten in the morning. At that point I needed to get up, straighten my legs. I couldn’t stand to lay down and stay still any longer. My nerves were shot, anxiety soaring through the roof at the impending events.

  I paced the length of the motel room sixty-three times before I heard him cough, “You done, yet?”

  “No,” I mutter quickly.

  I take another step forward, before I know it Trig is off the bed and has his hands on me, his breath hot and heavy against my forehead, just hitting the top. I glance up, staring right into those i
cy irises. For years I wanted him to be looking at me the way he is right now, with something more. Only now there is no Rage to put a stop to whatever could’ve happened, to whatever is about to unfold before my very eyes. I’m accepting, reciprocating everything that is bound to be running through his mind.

  “If you needed to burn off some energy you should’ve just asked, Kitten.” Trig’s words are rolling off of his tongue, so smooth that I could do just about anything he asked right now. Almost not noticing what he called me.

  “I told you not to call me that.”

  “No, you asked me. I’m choosing not to listen.”

  The nerve. No, hell – the audacity that he thinks he has right now. He was the one who forced me here today, the one who’s making me look forward. Trig is the sole reason I am even still breathing, the man wants me to live and is adamant about it and here we are, him calling me the one thing I don’t want to be called. I don’t want anything associated with Rage or his pet names for me.

  “I know what you’re thinking right now,” he murmurs, trailing his fingers softly up over the skin of my hand until he’s going further up my arm, touches my shoulder and finally ends up holding my chin firmly in the palm of his hand. What he doesn’t realize is that he’s holding far more than just my chin, with every moment his hand is on my body I feel static, like a super charge is about to explode.

  “You think it’s tied to him. It isn’t, and never was. You aren’t Rage’s kitty anymore, Kathryn. Fuck, I shouldn’t even be doing this. Standing here with you, staring deep into your fucking perfect eyes, thinking about how much I want you to be mine. How much I’ve wanted you for so long.” Moments pass us by, staring at each other, silence surrounding us. Trig’s eyes linger over my lips, focusing until his eyes return to mine. “You may not understand it now quite yet, and maybe you will as time passes us by…Kat, you don’t belong to any man, not even me. I call you my Kitten because it’s what you have always been to me, soft, silent and sweet, just like a kitten. But that doesn’t mean you belong to me, it’s quite the opposite really. I belong to you. Do you understand that?”

  His hand cups my face as he dips his head towards mine, our lips crash together like the ocean meeting for the very first time. Suddenly, I don’t hate him so much for bringing me to this moment. I thank him for it, for showing me what this could be like. My imagination could only do so much. Never did I think I’d be here today, kissing him.

  “Do you want me?” he asks, whispering against my lips, halting our kiss.

  He knows the answer, deep down I know he does. Maybe he was doing all of this out of the kindness of his heart, and while I don’t doubt he has a good heart, I know what this is. A declaration.

  “Yes” I breathe, revealing what I believe to be my deepest secret. I slide my arms up around his neck, moving slowly, gauging his reaction as my hands travel further and further.

  His lips turn up, a sly smile spreading across his face.

  I gasp when he lets go of my chin and quickly brings his hand up under the shirt I’m wearing, his hand on my hip, squeezing gently.

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time…” I admit, breathing slowly as his hand inches higher and higher up my shirt, slowly grazing over my skin.

  “I know.” Trig hisses it out, rising the shirt up higher and higher. I’ve never had soft and sweet, and while I want it at some point…I want whatever this is more, and I want it now. No more waiting. I want it.

  “A long time,” I emphasize, bringing my hands down, trailing down his chest, brushing my hand against his chest hair, until my hand is setting right next to his dick. I take a step forward until we’re both completely touching, there has been so much distance between us, and there’s absolutely no reason for it now.

  Trig lifts me up quickly with his hands, setting me on the office desk directly behind me. It’s cold, causing me to jump. He chuckles lightly, pulling his dick out. I can feel him against my leg, and when I look down, my jaw almost hits the floor.


  “You can handle it, trust me.”

  Instead of getting straight into it, he rubbed himself up against me, the sensation getting me wet as I shut my eyes. Trig’s hand was on my chin, though, hard. “Don’t you dare close your eyes. I want to see the light in them as I fuck you,” he growls out, making my mouth gape open as I meet his eyes. The intensity there is not something I had expected.

  It fucking scares me.

  After all I have been though, I should chalk this up to a one-night stand; a one-time fuck. If he ever asks out loud, that’s exactly what I’ll say, but damn does the look on his face tell a whole different story.

  I will not dare to hope that after all is said and done he will be done with me, but I am going to let myself enjoy the moment.

  Trig’s hand slinks around my neck, holding it and rubbing it in just the right way, and it is in that moment that I am okay with being his fucking kitten, ready to purr in his capable hands.

  His lips touch mine, biting at my bottom lip as I feel like I am melting under the heat of him. Then, they taste down my neck to my collarbone, and my legs open more, practically begging him to just take me. Take me on my terms rather than someone else’s. It is hard to let myself want, I think, but fuck, do I want this.

  He wasn’t wrong about me being able to take him. Trig pulls me against him and slams into me in one quick movement. I quickly adjust to him, biting my bottom lip and moaning every single time he moves. At a point, he stops moving, afraid he is hurting me. My moans aren’t anything close to painful, if anything…they are sinful.

  Something tells me there are many more sins I’d be confessing to before the end of this.

  Fuck, Trig, don’t stop. Please. You’re not hurting. It feels so fucking good.”

  “Shit,” he groans out, barely audible through his own lust and pleasure. I wrap my legs around his hips and adhere him to me, having a hard time maintaining eye contact as I feel him filling me up, my wetness making his slipping in and out so easy.

  He begins to slam into me, picking up the strength and pace of his thrusts, and I moan loudly, his name escaping my lips once again. This only seems to keep him going, urging him to get me to just where I want to be.

  Then, my legs begin to shake, my whole body out of my control as a rush comes through me like I am taking a roller coaster downhill. Just as I scream, probably disturbing whoever shares this wall with us, my insides squeeze his cock so that his own climax rocks him inside of me. This is how sex should be. I hope this is how it will be from now on.

  Chapter 8

  The biggest fight you’ll ever have is between who you are now and who you are capable of becoming.



  Trig and I spent the morning getting to know each other quite well. The morning turned into the afternoon, and before we knew, it the sun was starting to go down. For the life of me, I didn’t think we had a plan. There was no calculated decision on how we’d approach my family, or when. Really, it was touch and go.

  I stared at the clock for hours, my stomach turning into a million agonizing knots as each minute passed us by.

  Deep down, I don’t think that I ever expected to get back to Montana. After years with Rage and the Demons I expected to die there, and he never let me believe otherwise. He made it a point to tell me that’s where I’d die, with him, that he would bury my body in an unmarked grave and no one would ever grieve my loss. That is the kind of man I had to spend my days with. Years of hearing it, over and over again, I just began to not care anymore. Now I find myself wanting to care, or maybe I’m simply trying to care since my future is so unknown.

  Before, I knew what to expect, or at least had a general idea, and here I am, with the biggest curveball ever. In a bed with Trig, who somehow decided he wanted to be my knight in shining armor and save me.

  I didn’t ask to be saved, nor did I want it. However, today…I am starting to become thankful. Maybe the
re is more to live for, and I have a feeling I’ll find out soon enough.

  I won’t lie, today is scaring the daylights out of me. So many years have passed, and so much has changed. My mind keeps wandering through every possible situation, and until I come face to face with my family, I won’t really know.

  Honestly, I’m silently torturing myself.

  “C’mon. We’re not gonna sit around any longer,” Trig tells me as he takes my hand and leads me out to the SUV.

  I sit silently as he drives us out onto the interstate and takes an exit when he sees a sign for an outlet. I didn’t tell him to turn, and he didn’t ask. When I give him a puzzled look, he informs me that I need some new clothes, and I do. We left everything behind at the Demons clubhouse. I only had the clothes on my back and was grateful to have something new to change into.

  Trig pulls up to a small secondhand store, telling me I can get anything I want. It feels wrong, to accept it. Of course, I wasn’t used to receiving anything without some sort of catch.

  He walks with me through the entire store, grabbing things that peak my interest when I don’t. I catch him shaking his head a few times when I walk by something, still, he adds it into the pile that he has in his hands.

  “It’s probably best if you’re not wearing my shirt when we see your family,” he comments, putting his hand on the small of my back, continuing to guide me along.

  I can’t help but agree with him, the shirt I am wearing is way too big, and while I don’t mind wearing Trig’s shirt, it would be nice to have something that fit me right.


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