Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 56

by Elizabeth Knox

  “But what?” Damon asks. I look back over to Booger and see his eyes form into slits, showing me just how angry he is.

  “He told me that they’re not going to stop until their boss gets me, so to enjoy the time that I have with the Reapers, because everyone will be dead soon.”

  Damon’s nostrils flare as he looks over to Amara, who doesn’t look much happier. “You need to leave.” I think that I’ve heard Damon wrong, so I crank my neck and take another look at him.

  Furrowing my brows in confusion, “What?” “You need to get the fuck out of here, Camila.”

  I stand up from my seat and look to everyone in the room. It feels like I’m being punished. Maybe I deserve to be for what I did, but not like this. I don’t deserve to be sent away from the club.

  “No. The Reapers are my home. I’m not leaving!” I shout, wiping the tears away from my cheeks.

  “Dammit. I’m not asking you. You and Boog are going to get the fuck out of here and go lay low somewhere for a while. I can’t have you here, Camila. Your life is at risk and so is everyone else’s. As your Prez, I need to make sure you’re safe. It’s Boog’s job to make sure you are. So, for the love of God just listen to me and go hide somewhere.”

  “No!” I shout in response.

  “You’re getting your ass outta here and this is the last time I’m gonna tell you. I’m not doing this because you did anything wrong, Camila. It’s because I want to make sure you stay safe. Today…with what happened.” Damon pauses for a minute and looks over to Amara for a split second.

  Just as he’s about to speak, she starts to. “It’s too risky. Keeping you here isn’t safe right now. You may not be in Brotherhood, but Damon and I have made an oath to protect everyone. We can’t keep you here because it isn’t safe. We’re gonna deal with these fuckers, Camila. I can promise you that, but if you’re here while we’re trying to sort out our plan, it won’t be good for anyone. We’ll be too worried about you to focus on what we need to, and during that time, shit will go down. Cause we’re not dealing with some calculating motherfuckers. These guys act on impulse, so do what we’re telling you to. Go lay low somewhere for a bit.”

  I look over to Boog, not really sure where we can go. I can think of one place where we should go, but not for me. For him. If there’s ever been an opportunity to go to Iowa, now is the time. We have to lay low for fucks sake. Where better to do that then in the middle of nowhere? I just have to talk him into it.

  “I can’t believe you.” Boog tells me in a disappointing tone, stuffing clothes into the duffel bags. “Look what you did. We have to fuckin’ leave now.”

  I’m thanking God that Cobra didn’t come back into the mobile home. Maybe he knew that Boog and I were going to hash it out. “I didn’t think anything of it.”

  Booger’s eyes nearly pop out of his head, “Obviously!”

  I cross our bedroom and grab the duffel bags straight off the bed, tossing them into the corner. “I’m sorry that I’m not this picture perfect person who doesn’t make any mistakes. I know it was wrong, and believe me, I’m regretting it.”

  “I don’t know what to believe right now. How could you be so careless, Camila? Don’t you realize that everyone here cares so deeply about you? Do you realize I would’ve been lost without you if anything worse had happened? I would’ve fucking died!” He turns quickly and slams his hand through the drywall.

  I take in a quick breath, placing my hands on him. Fuck, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t intend to get grabbed in the grocery store by some creep. Nor did I want anyone to be upset with me, or cart me off like the liability I very much am.

  He turns his head slowly, peering down at me. “What?”

  I know there’s nothing that I can say to him right now. No words will make this better, so while I can’t say a word to him, I can show him. Sliding my hands up his arms, I cup his face and lean up on my tippy toes to press my lips against his. He doesn’t kiss me back at first, but when he does, I smile.

  He’s not slow and caring. Everything about this kiss tells me that I belong to him, that I’m his girl and he cares for me. His hands venture over my body in a forceful, commanding tone. He tears his lips away from mine, tipping my chin up to look at him. “Don’t you ever do something that stupid again. You hear me? I can’t ever lose you, Camila, and today we came too close. Shit could’ve been so much worse.”

  I nod my head once, leaning up again to kiss him. I know that I don’t have to speak right now, that my actions are enough to show him what I think and how I feel. I won’t ever be so careless. Never again.

  He pushes me against the wall and as he does it, I feel the hardness of his cock pressing against my stomach. I unbutton his pants quickly, pulling his cock free and wrap my hand around it, stroking his cock. He unbuttons my shorts and yanks down my panties. I lift my leg up against his hip and line his cock up with my pussy.

  Right now, I don’t want any foreplay. I want rough, savage, animalistic sex and that’s what we’re going to have.

  He slams his cock inside of me, causing me to lead my head back against the wall. While he’s rough, it doesn’t hurt one bit. It feels dominating, sensual in a way that I’ve never experienced before. I grab the back of his head and yank his hair down to me, needing his lips on mine. When he meets my lips, he suckles my bottom lip into his mouth and takes a harsh bite before scattering kisses along my jawline. He bites my neck harshly, causing me to get wetter.

  I cry out, “Fuck!”, pulling him closer to me.

  His cock swells inside of me and I hear his growls of pleasure. “I’m going to cum inside your cunt, Camila.” Just as my name spills from his lips, I feel him halt inside me, pushing his cock as deeply as it can go. There’s something about a man releasing himself inside of you that is so erotic.

  When he pulls himself out of me a couple of minutes later, I kneel down and take his still hard cock into my mouth. I palm his cock, caressing him slowly while I lick his head. I lick the taste of us both off of his cock, main-taining eye contact the entire time. His scowl grows into a smirk as his hands tangle in my hair. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

  I pull my mouth away from his cock to reply, but as soon as I do, he’s yanking me up to him, slamming his lips against mine. “You have no idea how truly precious you are to me, Princess. I won’t ever lose you.”

  I kiss him chastely one last time, and look over to the clock. “You’re not going to. We need to go, though. Damon wants us to get out of town before they realize I’m gone…” I say it lowly, remembering how angry Damon sounded.

  Booger nods, pulling me close against him in a hug. “You’re damn right. Where we goin’?”

  I know where we need to go, and I’m just hoping that Boog doesn’t put up a fight with me. “Iowa.”

  Chapter 24




  Out of all the places where we could lay low in Iowa, I let her talk us into visiting my parents. Why - I have no idea. I haven’t spoken to either of them in years. After seeing how they treated me, I chose to stay far away from them. The fact of the matter is, they didn’t want to be in my life. I respected their decision and chose to live my life to the fullest, without them in it. At first, it was a hard thing to adjust to, but I did exactly that – I adjusted.

  My own blood decided it was better to live without me, so I found my family in the cut. The same place I found my faith, according to Camila.

  She turns to me from the passenger seat of the truck, a huge smile spread across her face. I already know her opti-mism is going to come barreling out. “Are you excited?”

  I give her a knowing look, one that tells her I’m anything but excited. “No, not really. This is going to go to hell in a handbasket pretty soon, babe.”

  “You don’t know that it will. You’re just assuming that it’ll be bad. You won’t know until we get there.”

�It’s been years, Camila. After what they said previously, and knowing how they are as people, I’d be dumb to think they’d change their minds. Good chance is that we’ll have to end up finding some shitty ass hotel to stay in after they tell us to get lost. And you know how much I love that.”

  “When I end up being right, you’d better give credit where it’s due.” She says it so quickly that her accent comes out even thicker than usual. She’s been good at trying to hide it as of late. I don’t know why she does it, but I just want her to be happy so I don’t ask.

  I’m about to respond to her when I hear her squeal, “Oh! Is that it? The mailbox says Jennings.” I look over to the right and realize we’ve quickly approached my family’s farm. Talking to her always distracts me, no matter what I’m doing.

  I turn the truck to the right, down the long gravel drive-way. If she think’s that we’re going to just arrive at the house, we aren’t. It’s a good three miles back. As an adult, I never really minded it much, unless it happened to snow. Then it was a bitch to clean.

  A few minutes later, we’ve arrived. I see my Dad’s old Dodge Ram parked next to the barn. It’s lookin’ a little rough these days, though. I see it rusting out near the bottom. It might be odd, but that shit concerns me. I’m wonderin’ if he’s just so old that he doesn’t care anymore, or if he’s sick and just can’t take care of it in the ways that he used to. I’m sure he hasn’t aged gracefully over the years, but smoking and liquor will do that to ya.

  The storm door flies open and I see a small older woman holding her hand out above her eyes, trying to scope out who’s parked. I’m thinkin’ she’s probably gonna shit herself when she sees me. That, or wanna give me a mean right hook.

  “It’s now or never,” I say to Camila, unbuckling my seat-belt, I open the door to the truck and exit the vehicle. My Mom stays on the porch and I stay a couple feet away from the truck. Her eyebrows furrow together as she tries to figure out who I am, and as she recognizes me, I speak “It’s been a long time,”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she reminds me like she did when she would reprimand me as a child. “That it has.”

  “I thought that maybe we could talk or something.” I blurt it out, not knowing the right words to say. It’s not like we have an average situation right now. In fact, there’s nothing ordinary about our family at all. Especially when their only son has basically been disowned.

  “Sure, but you’d better let that girl of yours out of the car. What’re you afraid I was gonna do, kill her?”

  “Nah. I just didn’t know if you were gonna tell me to screw off or not. I figured it’d be best to keep her in there for a bit.”

  “On the contrary, we have a few things to discuss. I wasn’t ever gonna reach out to you unless you showed up or made the first move. Now that you have, well…there’s a lot that you don’t know.”

  “Sure, I expected as much.” I reply, turning back to the truck I wave my hand and motion for Camila to get out. “Is Dad home?” I ask out of curiosity, cause I’m surprised he didn’t also greet me. His truck is by the barn, so the old timer could just be avoiding me. I wouldn’t put it past him to be honest. He made it apparent years ago that he didn’t want anything to do to me, even told me to never show my face around here again. Now, look where I am.

  “That’s one of the things I need to talk to you about,” She says it with a tone in her voice that tells me something has happened.

  Chapter 25




  My mother walked away into the kitchen a few minutes ago to make some hot chocolate. Even if it was the dead of summer, she’d be doing the exact same thing. Some women make tea, or coffee. My mom always preferred to make hot chocolate. As a kid, I always enjoyed it, but now I’m kinda feeling a little awkward being here.

  This isn’t the living room that I recognize from my child-hood. The aged brick has now been painted white, with a brand new mantel. The old cherry wood is replaced with a light oak. There are quite a few updates from the looks of it, the furniture being lighter and brighter. I remember my parents getting in numerous fights through the years because my father didn’t agree with her style.

  “You okay?” Camila asks. I know she’s just concerned, but I can’t have her hovering right now. My mind is going crazy as it is.

  I shrug my shoulders, “Yeah. Just have the feeling that something is up.” I can’t explain it, but an eerie feeling washes over me. As my mother comes back in the living room with the hot chocolate, I notice that there aren’t pictures up on the wall anymore. My gut feeling is causing my stomach to roll at this point. Something has happened, and I’m pretty sure I have a good idea what did.

  “Dad’s dead, isn’t he?” I blurt it out just as she sets the tray down on the coffee table with our mugs.

  The look on her face says it all. A combination of both shock and sorrow. “He died a few years ago, Winston.”

  Camila’s more shocked than I am. The rusted truck, lack of photographs and updated interior gave it away before my mother ever had the chance. “How?” I don’t know why it matters. He’s been dead for years, but for me… he’s just died right in front of my fucking eyes. I’m not one of those emotional types. Sure, I feel shit, but I keep it buried deep down until I can deal with it in private.

  “He didn’t want to listen to me and change his diet. High cholesterol kills everyone if they don’t follow their physi-cian’s orders. He had a blockage, and passed in his sleep. Surgery was scheduled because we knew it was bad, but he kept delaying it.” She closes her eyes and shakes her head from side to side. All I can think about is how hard this must’ve been for her, to have to deal with his death alone. “I hoped that one day you were going to come around, because I’ve wanted to speak to you for so long. It didn’t feel right reaching out on my own, so I waited. I knew God would send you back to me when you were ready, and here you are.” Throughout my life, my mother has always been very cold. I’m kind of annoyed at the fact she isn’t being so emotional, talking about my father’s death in a nonchalant way. But, I have to remember that she grieved his death years ago.

  “God didn’t send me back here. She did.” I look over to Camila. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t even be here today.

  My mother offers her a bright smile, “Thank you for encouraging him to come back here. He and I have a lot to talk about. I…” She looks down at her hands that lay on her lap and then glances back up to me. “I won’t ever blame your father for what happened. On how our family fell apart, because it wasn’t him. It would probably be the easy choice to just blame him since he’s dead and can’t defend himself, but I can’t bring myself to lie to you like that. Your father didn’t have a problem with your biker friends. It was me. I had heard awful rumors about those types of people and outcast you from our family because I couldn’t bear the thought of it.”

  “What you did is so screwed up.” I refuse to sit here and act like what happened is okay. It isn’t. In no way, shape, or form was it ever okay to treat me like that. “I can’t even believe I’m here right now.” I say, cursing under my breath.

  “I can’t blame you for the anger you have towards me. That is why I wanted to speak to you face to face. I wanted to be able to apologize for being so close minded. After your father passed, I felt how it is to be truly alone. To have a son who thinks you hate him when you were just terrified for him. When you didn’t know how to process or understand the decision he was making.” She keeps trying to defend herself and before I can say anything super shitty back to her, Camila opens her mouth.

  “You are a very religious woman, correct?” My mother nods.

  “I was raised in the catholic church. So, I believe I can understand your associations with the faith, even if you are another denomination. You have faith in the cross, just as I do. It is a symbol that we will be protected by God. That he will forgive us for all of
our sins and grant us eternal love.” Camila stops speaking for a moment and grabs my hand, “Boog was never able to feel that same faith as you and I do. But, what he found was something very similar. He found a type of faith in his cut, the club, the bikers. He found a broth-erhood that he could never find in the church, and that is okay. Not all of us do find it in the church.”

  I see my mother accepting what Camila has told her. The truth is, I couldn’t have ever said that any better. This woman has a way with words, that’s for damn sure. “I know that things will never go back to the way they were before, but I’m hopeful that we can have a new beginning.”

  I nod, wanting the same thing.

  “How long are you two in town for?” She asks us both. “Well, we’re going to stay around for a bit. I’m guessing

  that it’ll be a couple of weeks. Is anyone staying in the apart-ment?” We have an apartment above one of the old barns. My parents used to have the helpers stay in them, as an added bonus to them working here.

  “No, they stay in the old farmhouse at the back end of the property. Feel free to stay in the apartment for as long as you two want.”

  Camila grabs my hand and smiles widely at me. “Thank you so much. I’ve never been to Iowa before today, so I’m looking forward to staying here.”

  “It’s no problem at all sweetheart. I’m gonna go get a few things handled, but I’ll see y’all later.”

  My mom walks out the front door and leaves Camila and me to be alone. I don’t know what’s headed our way, but I know that this will be interesting. “What happens now?” Camila asks, pulling me out of my own head.

  I look over to her, cupping her face in my hand and bring her lips to mine. I kiss her sweetly, showing this amazing woman just how much I fucking care about her. I hope some-time soon I’ll be able to put it into words, but we’re just not there yet. There’s no doubt that we will be soon, though. “We relax for a couple weeks while Damon and Amara figure out what the fuck to do with Ricardo. We don’t have to do a thing except stay alive, princess.”


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