Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 63

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Maybe. Who the fuck knows. That girl … Tania.”

  Hawk crosses his arms and looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. “You mean the Jackal that shot you?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So, you’ve lost your fuckin’ mind! The bitch shot you. Go look for some other type of pussy, brother. One that doesn’t wanna shoot your heart out.” I think about what Hawk’s saying and while he’s playing it safe … it’s boring. I’ve fucked boring bitches my entire life and I don’t wanna keep doing it.

  I grin, thinking about the things I want to do to this woman. I wanna lay her out over the pool table and slam my cock into her pussy while my brother’s watch. I wanna splatter her out across the island in one of the trailers and shove my cock down her throat while I feast on her pretty, pink pussy. Just thinking about it makes my cock hard.

  “Yo, let’s load up and get outta here. The Jackal’s meeting us back at the club, so let’s get going.” Damon shouts to the two of us. I see Dixon standing next to him and they both head off to where we left the bikes.

  In a matter of minutes were on our bikes and headed back to the clubhouse. This compound is about fifteen minutes away from the club, but with our speed demon tendencies, we make it back in a little over seven.

  As we arrive, I see a huge van and an RV parked out back. I know that isn’t any of ours, so it must mean that the Jackals are here. We park our bikes near the front of the clubhouse and Damon walks inside. As I enter, I see a woman with a Pharaoh style mask on, and right beside her is Sphynx. My mind is putting two and two together. She must be the Pharaoh’s right hand, kind of like her VP I guess. The rest of the Jackal’s have on their masks, and even though I know it’s Rose behind the mask, I won’t act like I do.

  “It seems our troops work well together, Damon.” Rose states. I listen to her authoritative voice and think about how far the kid has come. I can remember her when she was a wee little tyke, and now here she is, running an army. “I believe we should continue this fruitful relationship. However, I do have a question for you.”

  “Ask away,” He says, trying to hide back a chuckle. Sphynx catches sight of his disrespect and starts to get up,

  but Rose holds her hand up, causing her to stop. “The Jackals will help you bring down Ricardo, but you will owe us a favor at some point. A favor that can be redeemed whenever I see fit. You will also help us in our efforts against Rafael, when the time comes.”

  “I don’t owe you anything. It was your choice to come here tonight and help us. A conscious choice as a matter of fact.” Damon challenges Rose, and I can tell that he’s chal-lenging his sister and not the leader of a gang. He needs to remember his place, to be respectful to this woman because as far as everyone else knows, she is a stranger. He wouldn’t ever be this ballsy if he didn’t think he could get away with it.

  “You couldn’t have done this without us. Or dare you forget the help we have so kindly offered you this night? I can make your life hell, Damon. It’s best you not forget that.” I watch the way his eyes widen, assessing what he’s going to say next. I want to tell him to shut up and not be a gloating pig, but it’s not my place.

  “I will not help you on the road to your deathbed,” Damon sneers at her.

  Sphynx shoots up and cracks a whip at Damon. In a second, she has his wrist wrapped in her rope and is yanking him down. “Don’t forget who it is that you speak to. I have killed men for less, and I have no problem in killing another.” Dixon has his gun trained on Sphynx and I see Hawk has done the same. For each man, there is a weapon pointed at the other. Pharaoh rises from her seat and approaches Damon, taking the whip off his wrist. “That is the only chance you will ever get, brother. Next time, I will let her kill you.” She whispers it out so low that I know only I can hear it. I act like

  I don’t, drawing my brows sternly as I stare at her.

  “I will tell you again. I owe you nothing. If there is a time where I feel we have a mutual understanding in defeating Rafael, I will be sure to take part in it. Otherwise, do not come to me with your demands. I am not the type of man who enjoys being threatened.”

  “And I do not tolerate being disrespected. It seems as if we both have a bit to learn,” She raises her hands and I watch as each of her Jackal’s lowers their weapons. Damon gives everyone a signal that tells them to follow suit. “We will see the outcome of the madness we ensued tonight very shortly. I will see you in the morning,” She walks past us, out the door and each of her Jackal’s leave with her minus one.

  Sphynx stays behind for a moment, eyes focused on me and walks past me. I follow her out the door, grab her by the back of the hair and put my hand over her mouth as I make sure we’re behind a trailer. She manages to bite my finger and I curse to myself, yanking it away. “Motherfucker!”

  I take her shorts and shimmy them down, shooting my uninjured hand right to her center. Ah, just like I thought. “You’re dripping wet,” I move my lips right next to her ear and whisper what I’ve thought about doing all night long. “I keep thinking about sinking my cock into that wet cunt of yours.”

  The grabs me by the face and digs her claws into my skin, “Stop thinking and just do it. Or are you a pussy bitch?”

  I free my cock from the confines of my jeans and slam myself into her. Fuck! This bitch is tight. She wraps her legs around my torso and I pound myself into her. I hear the sound of our bodies slamming together, while she moans, digging her nails into my face deeper. I don’t mind it one bit, I want this feral cat to mark me, to show everyone how much she enjoyed my cock being plummeted inside her.

  “You can do better than that, can’t you?” She snarls. I pinch her clit and revel in the sound of her scream, slamming myself deep inside her. I can feel the head of my cock swelling as it slams against her cervix, and the way her pussy tightens around me. If I don’t pull out, I’m going to come inside her and I can’t do that.

  I pull my cock free and play with her clit hard and fast, making her squirt for me. Fuck, if I wasn’t attracted to her before, I sure am now. I can’t wait to make this girl squirt for me again.

  I shove her down, tear off that fucking mask, and jam my cock down her throat. I fuck her mouth as ferociously as I just was her pussy. My balls tighten and within moments I feel myself shooting my seed down her throat. She tries to go back a bit, but I don’t allow it. “Ah-ah,” I tsk, shaking my finger. “Take it all, Tania, and get used to it. This won’t be the last time my cock is in your mouth.”

  Chapter 16




  Today is the day where my life changes as I know it. I sit in the quiet corner of a coffee shop, staring down at my chai latte, hoping that this is all a dream. But it isn’t, and I need to accept that fact here and now.

  For so long I was able to live a peaceful life, a quiet one where I haven’t been bothered by another person. More importantly, a life where I was able to hide from him for years. I didn’t want him to ever find us, but he would have one way or another. I curse myself now, realizing that my job would’ve given me up one way or another. Fuck, I don’t even know how he found me. Did he see my face while he was passing through Las Vegas, or did he send a private investi-gator after me? Shit. He could’ve even looked up my name change. It is considered public record after all. Not every state has the same privacies. It’s really easy to find anything about anyone online. As sad as it is, privacy is a fairytale in this day and age.

  I glance over in the corner and see Nikolai sitting by himself, scrolling away on his phone while he enjoys his Americano. He insisted that he’s coming with me today and I didn’t argue with him. This meeting has given me so much anxiety and still continues to do so. As I’m thinking, I bet I shouldn’t have grabbed anything with caffeine. It’s just going to make my anxiousness so much worse.

  I see Widow walk in and notice he spots me immediately, but he doesn’t come over and sit across from me in th
e booth. Instead, he walks up to the barista and grabs his own coffee before coming over to sit down. “You look like shit,” He tells me. There he is, good ol’ Widow.

  “You smell like shit, but I never bring that up.” I counter back, showing him that I won’t let my nervousness take over me. I need to show him that I’m the one in control, not him.

  “So, let’s cut to the chase. You need to introduce me to our daughter, and you sure as hell better tell me what it is that you told her. If you told her I didn’t want to be in her life, Rebel … I’ll lose it.”

  I sit up a little straighter and think about what he’s just said. What Widow doesn’t realize is that he’s not in control. I don’t even have to be sitting down right now. We could take this a completely different way and involve the courts. I have no problem using the fact he’s in a club against him in order to keep Zoe safe. I won’t let him break her heart too. She deserves much better than that. “Calm your shit. You better remember who it is that you’re talking to. I can take this legal, Widow. I should let you know that I have no problem doing that.”

  “Try me. You took off and ran from me when you were pregnant. I didn’t even know she existed until recently. I’m betting the courts would eat that shit up.”

  “I feared for our safety.” I say aloud, imitating just how I would tell a judge, lawyer or anyone else who would ask me.

  His eyes widen and nostrils flare. Good, he knows I’m not bluffing and it’s best this way. He stands up from the table and towers over me. Alright, well I wasn’t expecting him to go full on caveman in here, but I see where we’re headed.

  Within a moment, I see Nikolai approach our booth. He stands next to me and I scoot in, feeling the need to have him beside me. I don’t think Widow would hurt me physically, but then again, I don’t know if he would or not. Time changes people, and I don’t believe he’s the same man I knew all those years ago. Widow gives Nikolai a once over, “Who the fuck is this, your bodyguard?”

  “No, I’m her boyfriend. Now sit the fuck down.” His accent pours out of his mouth and I stare at him in complete awe. I don’t know if it’s because he sounds hot as can be, or if it’s because he called himself my boyfriend. Either way, I’m not complaining.

  Widow sits back down, narrowing his eyes at me. “I’m going to see my daughter, Rebel. I never did anything to you to make you run off like you did. Never did I lay a hand on you or hurt you in any way.”

  “That’s a crock of shit. You hurt me in the worst way.” I hiss, trying to keep my voice low. We are in a public setting after all. Anger boils through my body and I start to shake, years of this shit finally starting to seep out.

  “What did you tell her?” He asks again, so focused on this question.

  “I told her that I left her father when I was pregnant because he wanted to be with someone else.” I will never hide anything from Zoe and I feel that what I’ve told her is as close to the truth as possible, while still keeping it kid friendly. She doesn’t need to know that he fucked my best friend, or vice versa.

  “Idiot,” Nikolai grumbles, starting right at him. “How you could cheat on a girl like this, I have no clue.”

  Widow cocks his head at Nikolai and chuckles, “You picked a real interesting one to shack up with here, Melody. Where’d you find him, Russian mail order husbands?” He spits out my name like venom, knowing very well that Melody isn’t my name anymore.

  “Fuck you.” I snap, trying to hold in my emotion. Every time he speaks I find myself losing control a little bit more. I never was able to cry all those years ago because I didn’t want to risk hurting Zoe. My doctors kept telling me how stress was bad for the baby … but now I don’t have to worry about my stress. Now … I can feel everything. I just don’t want to feel it.

  “You can try, but it won’t happen.” Widow wiggles his eyebrows at me, showing me that he’s only become more of an ass. “I need to see my daughter and we need to work this fucking co-parenting thing out.” Widow sticks his hand down and pulls something from his pocket. Nikolai tenses up but as his hand comes back into view, I see it’s a white envelope.

  He hands it to me, “I’ve sure missed a lot of child support.”

  I should be thankful for this because so many women don’t have their baby daddy’s throwing money at them, but I’m not like every other woman. I push it back, “I don’t need your money.”

  “You might not, but Zoe will when she decides to go to college, or buy her first car. Just take the fucking money and put it in her college savings account. I know you gotta have one of those for her.” I wait a moment and take the cash. He’s right, I do have one and she will need it.

  “I don’t fucking like you,” I furiously tell him.

  “Ditto, but we have a kid and have to work this shit out.” Widow stops and looks at Nikolai, “Even with your boyfriend observing our lovely conversation.”

  I decide to get a little shitty with him. “That’s alright. You could’ve brought Amara to the party. Things would’ve really been interesting then.”

  It’s like what I’ve said has cut him deep, and I honestly don’t care, but I am taken aback. It makes me wonder what’s happened, because something obviously has. “Listen closely, I’ve already lost one child and I won’t lose another. When am I meeting my daughter?”

  I pull out my phone and try to process the riddle that he’s just told me while I’m scrolling through the calendar. “We can fit you in on Tuesday after school. She doesn’t have any extracurricular’s that day.”

  “Alright. Text me the time, when and where. I’ll see you then.” Widow grabs his black iced coffee and exits the booth, shooting out the door and down the street until he’s out of view.

  “He’s a piece of shit if I’ve ever seen one.” Nikolai tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  “Yep, and you don’t even know the half of it.” I murmur, leaning my head against him. Now I just need to face the fact that Zoe is going to meet her father on Tuesday night. Oh, and I guess I’d better tell her about it.

  Chapter 17



  “Have you ever thought of letting us know where the hell it is that you’re running off to?” Amara begins snapping at me the second I dismount off my bike.

  It shouldn’t be a surprise to her that I’m in a bad mood, and a very sour one at that. “I just met up with Melody to discuss visitation with my daughter.” I hiss out, still not used to calling her by her new name. She may be Rebel now … but she’ll always be Melody to me. I’ll admit, I didn’t expect her to bring a bodyguard to our meeting. I also didn’t foresee her having a new love interest. That was dumb on my part though. She’s always been a gorgeous girl, and even more so now.

  Amara’s mouth drops open and a small “Oh,” comes out. I stand here and stare at her for a few moments before she starts to speak again. “Sorry, you caught me off guard with that.”

  “You did ask where I was.”

  I know that this shit isn’t easy for either of us. Her and I …shit, our relationship only formed because of a selfish act, which led to us relying on one another. We only got together because we had no one else and we’ve been doing this shit for years. I may love Amara in a way, but I’m not in love with her, not in the way a man should love a woman. Honestly, I think I can say the same about her. I think it was a little different for Amara, though. The way she looked at me after I told her what I was doing … she looked like she was in pain, like it fucking hurt her. If anything, it shows me that she’s having a harder time letting go. “She made sure to bring her boyfriend along with her,” I add, seeing if that will help.

  Immediately I can tell Amara isn’t as uncomfortable. She’s always been a good woman at hiding her feelings, but there’s something about her trying to hide them with me – she sucks at it. Even though our relationship was different … I don’t know if our break up would classify as different. She must b
e like any other woman who has a hard time seeing her ex with another woman, but Melody isn’t any other woman she’s the one. Or so I thought she was all those years ago. It just turned out she was the one I needed to push away, the one who was too good for me.

  I know what I did was wrong, fucking Amara and making Melody leave. Maybe if I had done things differently, my daughter would have been in my life from the get-go. It’s no use thinking about it now, though. I won’t ever be able to change the past, but I sure can make sure that the future is a hell of a lot different.

  I want my little girl, Zoe, to know that I love her so much. I wanna be able to show her that she has a dad who will always be by her side and all the little things that girls need.

  Soon I’ll have that opportunity and honestly, I’m fuckin’ terrified. “Oh … I didn’t know she had a boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, some Russian bastard from the looks of it. ‘Mar …” I call her by her nickname, which shows her that I want to discuss something serious. “Be honest with me. Were you trying to push me back to her? After you found out she had my kid and all that?”

  “Yes,” She confesses in a breathless whisper. “I thought that I’d just … do what I needed to do … and you’d hate me so much that you’d run right back into her arms and become father of the year at the same time.”

  “I seriously doubt that’s going to happen. She’s a completely different person, ‘Mar. She’s a lioness, callous and cold as hell. She grew some balls, and even thought I was on the opposite side of it … I’m proud of her for learning to stick up for herself. Melody … er … Rebel and I will never be together again. It just won’t happen.”

  “Never say never,” She mumbles, looking up at me.

  A gust of wind blows sand up, shocking us both for a moment. “No, trust me. She seems pretty smitten with the Russian dude. Plus, she’ll never forgive me for what you and I did. On top of that, she’s a changed woman and let’s be frank … I’m a changed man.”


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