A Little Blood Magic (Here Witchy Witchy Book 10)

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A Little Blood Magic (Here Witchy Witchy Book 10) Page 1

by Kessler, A. L.

  A Little Blood Magic

  Here Witchy Witchy

  Book 10

  A.L. Kessler

  Copyright © 2020 A.L. Kessler

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced without the author’s expressed permission

  Editing: No Genre Left Behind

  Formatting: Imagine Ink Designs

  Cover: Mia Bishop

  Blood & Ink Press thanks you for supporting indie authors

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dear Reader

  Connect with me

  To the Secret Readers Group


  Thank you to everyone for being so patient with the release of this book. 2020 has been crazy for all of us, so thank you for coming on this journey with me. Thank you to Jasmyn for edits and Mia for the beautiful cover. To my husband for cheering me on with the late nights and supplying coffee. Huge thank you to The Sprinting Group, because without you guys this would have taken even longer to finish.


  Liz and I sat in front of Boss Man’s old desk, staring down his replacement.

  Agent O’Donald wasn’t a fan of us, and he’d made that clear the moment he’d taken over the office. Now, I wasn’t sure why we were sitting there, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “Special Agent Collins and Special Agent Jefferson,” he started and folded his hands on the desk. He looked almost snake-like with his little nose and big eyes. The light from the windows reflected off his bald head, which made me wonder if he polished it on a regularly. “Do you two know why you’re in here?”

  I glanced at Liz. She was my lead and my part-time bodyguard. I figured I’d keep my mouth shut. We hadn’t been on many cases lately, and none that would have gotten us in trouble.

  “Because the tabloid has another headline on Abigail,” Liz offered, and I frowned.

  How was that my fault?

  Stephanie’s stupid tabloid was getting out of hand. Ever since Levi outed himself out as the King of Vampires, Stephanie was having a field day.

  O’Donald nodded. “Yes. And this time she’s including PIB, so Agent Collins,” he turned those big dark eyes to me. “We have a problem.”

  “I haven’t read the headlines, so I don’t know what to tell you.” I tried to keep my voice even because his next words would most likely piss me off.

  He tossed the paper in my direction, and I looked over the front page. “PIB Endangers the Vampire Princess.” I blinked at the headline and then looked at O’Donald. “I don’t see the problem here.”

  Liz pressed her lips together. “You think that Levi is going to take this seriously?”

  “Levi knows how dangerous my job is. He also knows that I’m not going to give it up.” I pushed the paper back. “Now, if we’re done here—”

  “I’m moving you to office work.”

  I stared at him. “What? No. You can’t do that.”

  Liz sucked in a deep breath. “I can’t lose Collins on the field. She’s a damn good agent.”

  “It’s too much of a media fiasco to have her out there. She needs to lie low for a little bit, and office work is the way to do that.”

  I wasn’t even injured, and he was going to stick me on desk duty. “And if I refuse?”

  “Then I’ll suspend you.”

  I took a moment to wonder if Levi was behind this. A compromise of me keeping my job but being out of danger. “I’m going to get bored behind a desk.”

  “You can’t take my best agent.” Liz tried again.

  “She can do your research, make your phone calls, and the like. You aren’t losing her. If I was taking her, I’d put her on front desk duty.”

  It was like I wasn’t even in the room. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I rubbed my eyes. “Fine, desk duty. For now.”

  “Until I say otherwise,” O’Donald threatened.

  I liked it better when Boss Man was alive and didn’t bother the agents unless someone fucked up. O’Donald nodded toward the door. “Dismissed”

  Both Liz and I stood up and headed out of the office. We didn’t say a word until we got to the stairwell. “Desk duty? Liz, I’m going to go crazy.”

  Liz actually laughed. “Well, let’s face it. You’ve seen a lot of action in your office too.”

  “Not the point.” I nudged her with my shoulder as we walked down the stairs. “The point is, I want to be on the field.”

  “Then take it up with Stephanie. She’s the one trying to ruin your life.”

  It was tempting the find Stephanie and threaten her, but then I’d probably just end up in another headline. “Levi and Mario should be happy with this arrangement.” I crossed my arms and stuck my lip out.

  “Don’t worry, it’ll blow over, and you’ll be back in the field in no time.” Liz stopped in front of my office. “Take the time to do some research on Samuel.”

  I’d let her in on the secret that Samuel had hired the Cult of Ra to kill my mother and Tobias. She had encouraged me to investigate it further. Since thanks to O’Donald cutting Levi off, Levi had lost most of his connections to PIB, he didn’t get as many notifications on search histories. I didn’t have to worry about him tracking my searches anymore. I swiped my key card and walked into my office. To my surprise, Liz followed me. “If I get anything I can’t handle, I’ll go against O’Donald and pull you in.”

  “Mason will call me in too. He won’t work with many other PIB agents. I don’t think O’Donald has realistic expectations.”

  Liz snorted. “Let’s just make sure we don’t get you suspended. Okay?”

  I nodded. “Bright side, if I’m doing desk work, that means I’ll be off in time to have a date with Simon.”

  “Glad to see he’s sticking it out. How many times has he made it into headlines in the last couple of months?”

  I smiled. “At least twice, The Vampire Princess’ Lover.” I drew out the word ‘lover,’ and Liz laughed in full.

  My phone rang, cutting off Liz’s laughter. I sighed as I saw Mason’s name flash over the screen before I picked it up. “Special Agent Collins speaking.”

  “So, I have a scene.”

  “Which is why you normally call me, yes.” I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice.

  Mason hesitated.

  “What is it?”

  “I’d rather you just come down and take a look.”

  I glanced at Liz, who shrugged. “They put me on desk duty. I’ll send Liz down.” But I wanted to see what had shaken Mason. Was it a body in pieces? A shrunken head? What?

  Mason grumbled. “I’ll text her the address.” He disconnected the call, and a moment later, Liz’s phone dinged.

  I pouted. “I want to go.”

  “I’ll tell you all about it when I get back. Until then, research.” She motioned to my computer, and I let out a huff.

  “Fine.” I went to my desk and dropped into my seat.

  She walked out, and I turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up. The small machine wasn’t the only thing on my desk. Over the years, I had added a creepy look-a-like doll, with its dark brown waves, big bro
wn eyes, and dainty fangs. The fangs were the only thing I didn’t have. That and the frilly black dress. On the bottom of the stand was a protection ruin that kept people from trying shit in my office.

  The other thing actually sat next to the desk, a pink flamingo with sunglasses on it. They both helped give the room a bit of personality without giving away too much about me.

  The computer chimed as it started up, and I went to work.


  A few hours later, the sun was sinking behind the mountains, and I had come to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to get far on the Samuel research.

  I also hadn’t heard from Liz yet. I resisted the urge to text her, and instead, I shut the computer down and grabbed my bag. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. I expected Mario to be there the moment the sun went down, but I was surprised to find no one was waiting for me at the car.

  This car was a junky piece of crap. It ran, and that’s all I really needed it to do. I was tired of my newer ones getting destroyed. It was bad enough that the Hummer had gotten damaged a few months ago. I climbed into the car and started the engine. My phone rang as I headed home.

  I put it on speaker. “Special Agent Collins speaking.”

  “Abigail, where are you?” Mario’s voice came across the receiver with a hint of his Italian accent.

  “Heading home. There was nothing to do at the office, so I left. I’m thinking of seeing if Simon wants to come over and have pizza.” I tried to keep my voice light-hearted. “Where are you?”

  “I’m at the PIB office.”

  I chuckled. “Sorry, I should have texted you. I was put on desk duty, so there was no reason for me to stay late.”

  “Did you get in trouble?”

  “No, not exactly. Stephanie’s headline didn’t go over well with O’Donald. It’s no big deal. Once he gets over himself, I’ll be back in the field. Until then, it’s all paperwork.”

  Mario didn’t know that I was given information about Samuel. I’d kept that to myself because I didn’t want either him or Levi involved.

  “Levi wanted to see you tonight. He had something he wanted to ask you about your birthday.”

  I’d almost forgotten that it was a few days away. It didn’t make any sense to celebrate with Clarissa gone. A small ping of grief hit me at the thought of her not being here to celebrate with me. “He can call me, or if he wants, he can come to the house.”

  “I’ll let him know. Is Liz with you?”

  “No, she’s out on a case, but I’m fine. I’m heading straight home.” I sighed. “You guys can let up on the bodyguard routine. Nothing has happened since Levi came out.”

  Mario snorted. “It has been unusually calm. We’ll see you later.” He disconnected the call.

  I tried not to roll my eyes. It had been unusually calm because all anyone did lately was follow me around. No one had a chance to cause issues.

  I eventually pulled up to the house and texted Liz.

  ‘Home safe. Hope the scene was interesting.’

  Then I texted Simon, ‘off early, come over for dinner?’

  He’d given Travis more responsibility with the pups, and Simon had been spending more time in the city, which was nice. On occasion, if it was closer to the full moon, I’d stay up at the cabin with him.

  Neither of them got back to me before I got to the house.

  I disarmed the alarm the moment I got in. When I walked into the kitchen, Merick was standing at the breakfast bar with a glass of wine in his hand.

  His black hair had recently been cut, letting me see his slim jawline and his dark eyes. His dark tan skin was from his heritage and not from too much time in the sun.

  “You’re home early.”

  Merick had become my unofficial housemate. Whenever Levi or Mario was around, he spent his time masquerading a sphynx cat.

  “Yeah, long story, but Levi’s going to be stopping by tonight.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “I’ll make sure that I stay in my room or in cat form. Anything interesting that he’ll be here to talk about?”

  “No, just my birthday celebration. I’m hoping he’ll just call instead.” I shrugged and went to the fridge. Instead of scarce leftovers, I found it full of food. “Oh, you went shopping, thank you.”

  He laughed. “You weren’t going to do it.”

  The doorbell rang, and Merick nodded to me before he shifted into a cat. He sat on the countertop, and I grabbed the glass of wine he’d had. I walked to the door to see Levi and Mario standing outside.

  I smiled at the fact that Merick’s anti-vampire spell still kept them from popping in the house. “Good evening.”

  “Abigail.” Levi nodded and walked in. Mario followed.

  “Where’s your nighttime guard?”

  “They’re around,” I promised and sipped the wine. “Mario said you wanted to talk to me about my birthday celebration?”

  Levi nodded, and we all walked into the living room. I sat on one end of the couch, Mario sat at the other end, and Levi took the chair.

  “I was hoping we could get together the weekend of your birthday.” Levi met my gaze. “For a party.”

  I raised a brow. “For a party?” Levi didn’t throw me parties. He had problems keeping human holidays straight, which was why he typically assigned things like that to Clarissa. “You don’t have to throw me a party.”

  “The council would like to throw you a party,” Mario corrected.

  I glanced at him and then to Levi. “I’m not a vampire.”

  “No, but you are technically the princess, and they think it right to throw you a proper celebration.” Levi crossed his arms.

  I pressed my lips together. “There’s no getting out of this is there?”

  Mario laughed. “I told you she wasn’t going to like the idea.”

  I glared at him. “I’m not used to my birthday being a big deal. Growing up, I was always shooed out of the house when there was a vampire party, so excuse me if I’m not warming up to the idea right away.”

  Levi nodded. “It would be rude for you to not show up.”

  “Can Simon come?”

  Levi smiled. “Yes, Simon can come. Liz, too, if you’d like. It is your party, after all.”

  “Okay, then, yes.” I leaned back on the couch with my glass of wine. “Now I have a question. You aren’t trying to mess with my job at PIB are you?”

  Mario raised a brow and looked to Levi.

  “No, I’m not. Why?”

  “Because Agent O’Donald pulled me off the field and put me on desk duty.”

  Levi sat there, silent for a moment. “O’Donald refuses to work with me on any matter. Unlike Cornelius.”

  Cornelius had been Boss Man. I sighed. “Okay, well, I’ll be off the field for a little bit.”

  “Liz didn’t fight it?”

  I shrugged. “We both tried. I have Stephanie to thank for it. Her headlines are getting out of control.”

  Levi shrugged. “They are, but there’s not much I can do about it.” He stood. “Mario and I will take our leave. Thank you for meeting with us tonight.”

  I felt like there was something they were hiding, but I didn’t want to push right now. All I wanted to do was enjoy the glass of wine and wait for Simon to get here with pizza. “Of course.”

  Mario disappeared, but Levi stayed for a moment. “Abigail, there’s been some news of Samuel traveling. By vampire law, he must tell me when he comes into town.”

  I swallowed. “But we know that not everyone follows the law. Have you heard anything more from him?”

  “Not since my meeting with him a few months ago. Just please be careful. Let Catalina know if you’re planning on leaving tonight.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Simon’s bringing pizza over, and we’re going to watch movies.” I smiled.

  “I’m glad you and Simon are becoming more serious.” Levi laughed. “He’s around more often than not now.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just what you

  “Good night, Abigail.” Levi disappeared without another word.

  An hour later, Simon showed up with pizza. I opened the door and smiled at him. “Hey.”

  He pecked me on the cheek and walked in. “Off early tonight?”

  I shrugged. “Something like that.”

  “Not enough black magic going on to keep you busy?” He guessed again, and I snorted.

  “No, they moved me to desk work for a little bit.”

  “You pissed off the new boss man, didn’t you?” He walked into the kitchen and set the box down on the breakfast bar.

  I followed him and tried not to roll my eyes. “I don’t know what I did to make him dislike me so much. No, Stephanie posted a stupid headline.”

  “Oh, yeah, I saw that. I wasn’t going to mention anything.” He went and got plates.

  Merick wandered into the kitchen. “I’m just going to grab a slice and head upstairs. Since your other bodyguard is here, I’m going to eat and go to bed early.” He grabbed a plate and picked up a piece of pizza before heading up the stairs.

  I glanced at Simon. “He’s giving us alone time.”

  “It’s sweet, really.” Simon laughed. “Because we’re never alone at the pack grounds, and Levi doesn’t like you at my house because of lack of security.”

  I shrugged. “We could up the security at your house.”

  He seemed to think about it for a moment, but then went back to dishing up the pizza. I grabbed my plate and went into the living room, and he followed.

  “How’s Travis doing with the pups?”

  Simon grinned. “He’s really taken to them. He’s rough on them, but we haven’t had one step out of line at all, so I think it’s going to work out with him up there and me down here.”

  I nodded. “Good, I rather like having you down here.”

  “So does Levi. Apparently being allied to him has some perks, but the downfall is—”

  “The meetings.” I cut him off.

  “So many meetings. How does he get anything done?”

  “Seriously, I feel like every time I sneeze, I have to inform the council.” I cleared my throat and used my best Mario voice, “Princess Abigail sneezed, I am worried she’s getting a cold.”


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