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by David Grinspoon

Bowie, David, 310

  Church, the Catholic, 17–18, 22

  Bracewell, Ronald, 314–315

  Chyba, Chris, 200–201, 234

  Bradbury, Ray, 41

  civilizations, Types I, II, III, 302–303,

  Brecht, Bertolt, 17




  Clarke, Arthur C., xxviii, 20, 41, 191,

  Crestone, Colorado, 343–344, 384

  197, 332, 399, 405–406, 408

  “Cretaceous/Tertiary impact event,”

  “Clarke’s Third Law,” 332–333, 337,



  Critique of Pure Reason, 29

  climate evolution, 174

  crop circles, 362–364

  climate modeling, 175

  Crowe, Michael, 34

  Clinton, William, 64, 237

  CSETI, see Center for the Study of

  Close Encounters of the Third Kind,

  Extraterrestrial Intelligence


  Cusa, Nicholas of, 15–16, 18

  CNN, 289

  Cocconi, Guiseppe, 290, 292–293,

  Darling, David, 238


  Darwin, Charles, 35–36, 237, 254

  Cold War, 59–60, 62, 370

  Darwinian evolution, 107, 136, 270

  Collier’s Weekly, 291

  data mining, 211

  Commoner, Barry, 229

  Dawkins, Richard, 352

  communication with extraterrestrial

  Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 321

  intelligence (CETI), 305

  Dead Sea, life in, 129

  Communism, 227

  Deep Space Nine, 29

  comparative astrobiology, 276

  degrees Kelvin, 46

  comparative planetology, 56

  Demon Haunted World, The, 380

  compassion, 384

  Derham, William, 26

  complexity theory, 269–274, 280,

  Descartes, René, 254


  deuterium, xxiii

  Condon, Edward, 339

  Dialogue concerning the two chief

  “Condon Report,” 339

  World Systems, 16

  Consolmagno, Guy, 197

  Dick, Steven, xxvii

  Construction of the Heavens, The,

  dimethylsulfide (DMS), 268–269


  directed panspermia, 132, 321

  contamination, accidental, 258

  disbelief, suspending, 365

  contingency, role in biological

  disclosure, 364–366

  evolution, 44

  Disclosure: Military and Government

  convergent evolution, 44–45, 64

  Witnesses Reveal the Greatest

  Conversations on the Plurality of

  Secrets in Modern History, 421

  Worlds, xxx, 21–26, 417

  DMS, see dimethylsulfide

  Copernican revolution, 8–10, 14,

  DNA, 84–85, 100, 104–106, 108,

  16–18, 108

  118–119, 140, 202, 265, 327

  events following, 19–21, 72

  double helix, 103

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 9–10, 18, 156,

  Drake, Frank, 293–295, 297–298,


  302–303, 305, 313, 315–316,

  Cosmic Connection, The, 227, 230,

  401, 406, 421


  Drake Equation, 295–297, 299–300,

  Cosmic Evolution, 69–72, 74–76, 80,

  311–312, 392n, 402–403

  85–86, 114, 117, 119, 128, 148,

  Dylan, Bob, 69, 409

  225, 391, 401, 412

  Dyson, Freeman, 405

  cosmic microwave background, 76

  Cosmos television series, 234

  Earth, xvii–xxviii, 88–96

  Counting Crows, 358

  becoming habitable, 131, 176–178

  creationism, 144n

  biosphere of, 176–177

  “intelligent design,” 20n

  birth of, 133



  Earth (continued)

  Darwinian, 107, 136

  born in steam, 90–92, 167

  thermal, 156

  a giant heat-engine, 157

  “evolutionary divergence,” 131

  holding water, 92–93, 168

  exobiology, xxxi, 112, 147, 221–236,

  inside out, 88–89

  233, 236, 419

  setting the scene, 94–96

  Cosmism, 223–227, 301

  size of, 275, 277

  detecting and protecting life,

  Earth-centered worldview, 9, 14


  Eberhart, Jonathan, 189

  Sagan and the little green men,

  Edgett, Ken, 187


  Edwards, Tim, 340

  Vikings on Mars, 229–233

  Edwards Air Force Base, 365

  Wolf Traps and setbacks, 227–229

  EG&G, 368

  “Exobiology: Approaches to Life

  ego death, 385

  beyond the Earth,” 222

  Ehman, Jerry, 307

  Exobiology Division (NASA), 223

  Einstein, Albert, 69, 238, 305, 312

  exoplanets, 205–220

  Encyclopedia Galactica, xv

  discovery of more, 207–213


  on the edge of knowing, 216–219

  of accretion, 157

  the first hundred, 213–216

  geothermal, 123

  good news for modern man,

  Enlightenment era, 30, 33, 65, 256,



  mediocrity of Earth, 205–207

  entropy, 269–270

  “Explanation for the Absence of

  Epicureans, beliefs about other

  Extraterrestrials on Earth, An,”

  worlds, 29


  Epicurus, 7


  Epsilon Eridani, 293

  interstellar, 219

  equilibrium, 277

  planetary, biocentric, 248

  Erhard, Werner, 377

  extraterrestrial (ET) life

  ESP, 332

  debate over, xxvii–xxviii, 43

  EST, 377

  resurgence of scientific interest in, xiii

  ET, see extraterrestrial life

  “Extraterrestrial Highway,” 306

  eukaryotes, 119

  “extraterrestrial hypothesis” for

  Europa, 192–193

  UFOs, 355

  biosphere of, 200–201

  Extraterrestrial Retrieval Team, 367

  first close encounters with, 240

  extremophiles, 130, 139–140

  ocean beneath the surface of, xiii,

  59, 111, 187–204

  “face,” on Mars, 323, 358–362

  possibility of life on, 283

  Fermi, Enrico, 311

  radiation on, 201

  Fermi-Hart paradox, 313

  European explorers, 21

  Fermi’s paradox, 310–333

  European Space Agency, xxi

  absence of evidence, 310–311

  evidence, philosophizing in the

  evidence of absence, 311–313

  absence of, 8

  the great silence, 321–323


  Hart’s answer, 313–317

  arguments for, 36

  magical solution, 331–333

  chemical, 99, 165

  message in a virus, 324–331

  climate, 174

  where the aliens are, 317–321

  convergent, 44–45

  51 Pegasi, 208–209



  First All-Union Conference on

  globalization, 397n

  Extraterrestrial C
ivilizations and

  GNR technologies (genetics,

  Interstellar Communication, 301

  nanotechnology, and robotics),

  First Astrobiology Science Conference,



  Golden Fleece awards, 305

  First European Workshop on

  Goldin, Dan, 64–65, 239–240

  Exo/Astrobiology, 239

  government conspiracies, belief in, 6,

  First International Conference on

  337, 343, 365–368, 372

  Communication with

  Great Sand Dunes National

  Extraterrestrial Intelligence, 303

  Monument, 231, 344

  Fiske, Martie, 241

  Greece, ancient

  flying saucers, see saucer sightings

  beliefs about ET life, 7

  Fontenelle, Bernard de Bouvier de,

  beliefs about other worlds, 29

  xxx, 10n, 21–26, 130n, 206, 226,

  Gaia as Earth goddess, 266


  Green Bank group, 294–295,

  “Foo Fighters,” 338

  298–301, 403

  fractal geometry, 272–273

  “greenhouse warming,” 83, 161–163

  Future of Earth and Mankind, The,

  Greer, Steven M., 365–371, 421


  Grof, Stanislav, 378

  Ground Beneath Her Feet, The, 34,

  Gaia Hypothesis, 121n, 128, 144, 265,


  270, 275, 280, 401, 413, 419

  Gulliver instrument, 228

  Galactic Life Detection Manual, 218

  galaxies, clusters of, 29

  habitable zones, 21–26, 163, 294, 420

  Galilei, Galileo, 14, 16, 18, 156, 192,

  on Earth, 131, 176–178

  202, 254, 255n

  Haggadah, 71

  Galileo, 59, 61, 64, 174, 193,

  HAL9000, 317

  197–198, 239–241

  Halley, Edmund, 30

  Gamow, George, 139

  Halley’s Comet, 30

  Gandhi, Mohandas, 396

  Hammerstein, Oscar, 51

  Ganymede, 192

  Harjo, Joy, 86

  Gas Chromatograph Mass

  harmonic convergence, 64

  Spectrometer (GCMS), 231

  Hart, Michael, 313–314, 316

  Gas Exchange experiment, 230

  Hartl, Herbert, 404

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 291

  Hat Creek Observatory, 309

  GCMS, see Gas Chromatograph Mass

  Haute-Provence Observatory, 208


  Heinlein, Robert, 41, 317

  Genesis, Book of, 15, 45, 71

  heliocentric worldview, 9, 12

  genomes, 329

  Herschel, William, 30–31, 254n

  geocentric worldview, 9, 14

  Hewlett, Bill, 306

  geophysiology, 267

  Hill, Betty and Barney, 376–377

  George III, King, 31

  Hindu cosmology, 72n

  geothermal energy, 123

  Hippocratic oath, 262

  giant planets, 213

  history of beliefs about ETs, 1–65

  Ginsberg, Allen, 335n

  the planets at last, 51–65

  Giraudoux, Jean, 310

  plurality of worlds, 19–33

  Gleick, James, 379, 381

  spirits from the vasty deep, 3–18,

  global cycles, 274–275


  global self-destruction, 60

  a wobbly ladder to the stars, 34–50



  Hoagland, Richard, 360n

  possibility of life on, 283–286

  “holotropic breathing,” 378

  IR, see infrared radiation

  hominization, 127

  “Is Bacteriophage fX174 DNA a

  “Homo cosmicus,” 224, 411

  Message from an Extraterrestrial

  Horowitz, Norman, 232, 418

  Intelligence?”, 324

  Hoyle, Fred, 237

  It’s a Wonderful Life, 303n

  Huang, Su-Shu, 294

  Hubble Space Telescope, 77, 85, 218

  Jeans, James, 324n

  Huggins, William, 36

  Jehovah’s Witnesses, 70

  Hugo, Victor, 19

  Jesus, planet-hopping, 15–18

  human childhood, 115–134

  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 58,

  coming together, 117–121


  explosion of life, 124–125

  Jong, Erica, 150

  extremophiles, 129–131

  Joy, Bill, 394, 399

  going cellular, 115–117


  nervous systems, 125–127

  moons of, xviii, 14, 138, 192, 284

  panspermia reconsidered, 131–134

  see also Europa

  photosynthesis, 123–124, 136–137,

  Jupiter-class planets, 209


  “psychozoic age,” 127–129

  K/T impact, 95

  reason for the wait, 121–123

  Kafka, Franz, 389

  humans, cultural aspect of, 126

  Kant, Immanuel, 27–29, 254, 255n

  Hunten, Don, 235–236

  nebular hypothesis of, 40

  Huygens, xxvi, 61

  Kardashev, Nicolai, 302–303

  hydrogen sulfide, 276

  Kelvin, Lord, 46

  hydrogenous exodus, 146

  Kepler, 217–218

  Kepler, Johannes, 10–13, 20, 249, 254

  ICARUS, International Journal of

  Kepler’s laws, 12, 208

  Solar System Studies, 267, 324,

  Kidder, James, 109


  Klaatu, 321

  immortality, 332

  Kon-Tiki, 114

  the immortals, 389–407

  Kubrick, Stanley, 238n

  Independence Day (movie), 372

  Kuhn, Thomas, 255n

  infrared (IR) radiation, 160–161

  Kurzweil, Ray, 399

  infrared spectrometer, xxi

  Kyoto Protocol, 320

  Inquisition, 14

  “intelligence,” 142–143, 396

  Labeled Release experiment, 228, 230,

  true, 402


  “intelligent design” creationism, 20n

  ladder of beings, 29

  Intelligent Life in the Universe,

  ladder to the stars, 34–50

  226–227, 420

  biological pessimism, 43–45

  International Astronomical Union,

  chemistry of life, 48–50


  evolution revolution, 35–37

  International Journal of Astrobiology

  Lowell’s legacy, 39–43

  (journal), 239, 404–405

  Lowell’s Martians, 37–39

  interplanetary war, 368

  nothing from which to reason, 34–35

  Interrupted Journey, The, 376

  panspermia, 45–47, 131

  interstellar exploration, 219

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 32–33

  Io, 192, 196

  Lederberg, Joshua, 153, 222



  Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 24

  living worlds, 266–286

  Lennon, John, 85, 408

  beyond Earth, 273–275

  Les Misérables, 19

  complexity of life beyond what we

  Lessing, Doris, xxviii, 393

  know, 269–273

  Levin, Gil, 228, 230

  criteria for, 276–278

  Lewis, John, 164, 197

  Earth as living, 266–269

  LGM, see little green men

  possibilities on Io, 283–286

to Kill,” 409

  possibilities on Venus, 281–283

  Lick Observatory, 323

  renewed interest in Mars, 278–281

  life, 97–114

  Lockheed Martin, 368

  based on water, 177, 200, 262

  Lomax, Alan, 334

  as a capability of the universe, 220

  Los Alamos National Laboratory,

  code for, 103–105, 327


  creating in a laboratory, 109

  Love 22, 10–11

  defining, 97–99

  Lovelock, James, 266–267, 279

  the double helix, 105–107

  Lowell, Percival, xxiii, 3, 190, 193,

  as a game, 100

  229, 291, 406

  history of, 121

  Lowell Observatory, 37

  independent of starlight, 199

  Lucky Starr fiction series, 150–152,

  inside of planets, 199–200


  microcosmic gods, 108–113

  missing link in the RNA world,

  Mack, John, 375–376, 378–379,


  381–382, 386–387, 421

  as multicellular, 120–122, 141

  Madonna, 237

  Occam’s razor, 107–108, 132, 386

  Madwoman of Chaillot, The, 310

  origins of, 92, 99–100, 126–127

  Magellan, 57, 61, 240

  as a process of self-organization,

  images from, 158, 170, 173, 175


  Man and Dolphin, 294

  as self-perpetuating, 98

  Man’s Place in the Universe, 43

  workings of, 100–105

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 291–292

  Life and Death of Planet Earth, The,

  Marcy, Geoff, 209–211


  Margulis, Lynn, 266–267

  Life Everywhere: The Maverick

  Mariner 2, 55, 152, 154

  Science of Astrobiology, 238

  Mariner 4, 180, 183, 228–229

  Lilly, John, 294–295, 356

  Mariner 9, 41, 52–54, 229

  lipids, spontaneous formation of, 115

  Mars, xvii–xxviii, 53, 158, 167–190

  liquid water, 163, 200

  atmosphere of, 161

  lithosphere, 93n, 127

  “canals” on, 37–38, 41, 187–190

  little green men (LGM), 233–236,

  changing views of, 182–183


  deserts of, xix

  the lives of planets, 150–166

  “face” on, 323, 358–362

  beginning of the end, 154

  landing on, xix

  chance factors, 163–165

  magnetic patterns on, 182–183

  comparative planetology, 156–160

  moons of, 12–13

  distance from Sun, 160–163

  new interpretations, 183–187

  Earth’s uniqueness, 166

  photographs of, xxi, 181

  field of dreams, 154–156

  possibility of life on, xviii, xx–xxi,

  following the clues, 152–154

  xxv–xxvi, xxvii–xxviii, 43, 55,

  and Lucky Starr, 150–152

  65, 153, 231–232, 278–281, 283



  Mars (continued)

  litter on, 258

  possibility of “macrofauna” on, 231

  secret alien bases on, 323

  possible fossils on, xxix, 178–179,


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