The Juggling Act

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The Juggling Act Page 14

by Carol Maloney Scott

  “I guess…”

  “So Jack will help her out down there and get her to come back up. I have this bucket here if she needs to get sick again.”

  Claire will just love that.

  “And I am going to turn this boat around. There’s an area where you can still get in the water, but it’s not quite as pretty as the reef. She’s going to resist, but we need to get her in the water. She can’t swim at all, right?”

  I nod my head in shame. This was such a bad idea.

  “That’s okay. We’ll get a life vest on her and you’ll take her in the water.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but I am interrupted by the older and seemingly wiser man.

  “You said you wanted to help her overcome her fears, right? Well, this will do it. She’ll feel better, and she will see that she is perfectly safe and we aren’t going to let anything happen to her. And you’ll be the hero instead of the chump you are now.”

  He laughs and slaps my back.

  “Awesome.” She’ll be calling me a dick again, like she used to a few years ago.

  “Hey, too bad she’s married because you could definitely…oh, here she is. Sit down over here, Claire.”

  “I’m so sorry. I thought the Dramamine would work. It always does.”

  I wish she wouldn’t cry. That only makes it worse. And I wish I was better at comforting her, but the pros seem to have it under control.

  They go on to explain to her that this level of rocky seas may require more medication, or different types. She is calmed down now and they have her sipping water. Unfortunately during their discussion, she had to throw up again. But I think she feels so horrible she doesn’t care anymore.

  The color is returning to her face, but she’s looking more nervous as they explain that she is going in the water. Something about the way they talk to her has her nodding and agreeing. Thank God because I don’t think she would go as easily for me, and I have a feeling if Brandon asked her she would completely freak out. Maybe more familiarity does breed more conflict.

  Greta may have a point.



  The overwhelming desire to jump overboard and drown myself has diminished, and I am starting to feel a little more human. I guess now I know to avoid sailboats. But I can’t believe they want me to go in the water.

  Justin keeps apologizing and I asked him to stop. It’s not his fault. I also have a suspicion that he is paying for this cruise. Bella Donna is fairly generous with expenses, but a private sunset cruise is over the top. Thank God the other people canceled. I’m sure they were all seasoned sailors with cast iron stomachs.

  “I’m sorry, guys. I know I keep saying it, but I hate to ruin your time, Justin. Or inconvenience you guys. I sure hope you have a cleaning person because that bathroom is not good.” I make a face and blush again.

  They assure me it’s fine, and it’s their job to deal with whatever happens on the boat. Before I know it, we’re stopping in calmer waters.

  “Okay, little lady, here’s your life vest.” Jack helps me into the contraption and tightens it in all the proper places.

  “It feels like a straitjacket. I knew some day I’d end up in one.”

  We all laugh as Justin leads me to the back of the boat and into the water.

  I feel very small and vulnerable as he eases me into the ocean, giving me plenty of time to get up the courage to take the plunge. As soon as I do he holds onto me, even though the life preserver will clearly keep me afloat.

  Our crew looks down at us and Jack gives the thumbs up signal, which Justin returns. They yell back and forth about timeframes and how we’re going to have all this food and WINE after we get back on board. He must be smoking crack. There is no way I am drinking wine. Does he want me to throw up some more? I am happy I kept the water down and I feel somewhat normal now.

  The water is cool and refreshing and I immediately feel even better.

  “Do you feel better? You look a lot better.”

  Justin is holding my hands in the water and I am not too keen on letting go. Really I would prefer to get much closer. If he were Brandon, I would be wrapped around him like a sausage casing.

  “I do feel better. I guess those guys know what they’re talking about. Aren’t you going to snorkel?” I just now noticed that he left the gear behind, but maybe he’s going to bring me to the sandy beach and go back and get it.

  “Nah, I’m going to sneak out to do that tomorrow. I signed a software deal with the guy I met this morning so tomorrow I’m free. Maybe you could sneak out early, too, and get a massage or something.”

  “No, I already left early today, and I have a few workshops and some appointments with editors tomorrow. I think there are a few promising manuscripts for me to bring back to the office.”

  I kick my feet in the water. I actually can swim a little bit, like a newborn puppy, but I absolutely can’t tread water, and the puppy has way more stamina than I do.

  “Hey, maybe I could teach you to swim a little bit.”

  “No, I’ll look like a dork. Although, now that you’ve seen me vomiting up my spleen, I don’t know if that matters.”

  We go on to work on some simple swimming strokes. I feel a bit like a child, and I know Justin doesn’t mean to treat me that way, but his praise sounds condescending.

  “You’re doing great, Claire. You could totally learn how to swim. You should take classes at the Y. I think my gym offers adult classes, too. Or maybe that women’s gym where Gina teaches yoga.”

  “Pilates. Yeah, Barbell Babes. They do have a pool. Rebecca joined because Steve’s neighborhood doesn’t have a pool. I’ll think about it.”

  We continue to float around and eventually I get tired and Justin leads me to the beach, where I lay down for a minute. We were told they have shampoo and a shower on board for us, too, so I don’t care if I’m full of sand.

  I almost fall asleep when I hear Justin’s voice. “Claire, let’s get back. Time for our little feast before the sunset.”

  Now that I’m feeling better, I notice how incredible he looks with his shirt off, water dripping from his face and chest, with his strong arms outstretched to hold me.

  As he guides me back to the boat, I try to remember a time Brandon made me feel this safe. He did rescue Dixie, when she ran away. But that was before we even started dating. Maybe Greta is right, and relationships are breeding grounds for contempt and distance. Wow, that is a bit more than she said, but that’s where my mind naturally went.

  That really blows all of my romantic fantasies, some of which I’m trying to ignore so I can get through the next couple of days and home to my husband. I am even more determined to work things out with Brandon. I used to feel this warm and fuzzy about him, and I will again. Unless of course someone else has already gotten to him…


  The sunset was beautiful and romantic, and I am very grateful that we were not alone. Claire was quiet for the rest of our time on the boat, letting the men talk around her, asking her how she was feeling periodically.

  The water did wonders for her. Not only did she overcome her fear of being in the deep water, she did master a bit of swimming technique. And she was able to eat the fruit, cheese and crackers with no problem. She did wisely stay away from the wine, and even though the guys argued that she would be fine, I know Claire and wine.

  We took some pictures of the sunset, and Claire relented and allowed me to take a few of her. Jack took one of both of us, but I made sure I wasn’t sitting too close to her, in case the photo surfaces somewhere and people get the wrong idea.

  We thanked the crew and I paid my tab, giving them a generous tip, and Claire and I were off into the night. It gets chilly this time of year after the sun goes down, but it’s still early so we decide to walk back to the inn and enjoy the night air.

  “That was fun. Thanks, Justin.” She bites her lip and stops on the sidewalk. “Did you pay for that? It must have been very pr
icey, and I know Pam isn’t going to let you expense something like that.”

  “Yeah, I did. But it’s okay. I did it for myself, too.” I begin walking again and encourage her to do so as well by placing my hands softly on her back. Her eyes get big and I say, “Claire, I earn a good salary, I live in an apartment and I have no one to take care of but me. I can afford a few luxuries now and then.”

  “Okay. Well, thanks.”

  We laugh about how I gave them a big tip since they had to deal with her unfortunate incident. Then Claire makes a face and says “Let’s not talk about that anymore. I’m still so embarrassed.”

  On the way back to the inn, I have to fight the overwhelming urge to hold her hand. I try to sneak glances at her wedding rings to remind myself that she is off limits. I know I feel way more comfortable than I should because we are alone here in this artificial bubble. This trip isn’t real life.

  We chat about our plans tomorrow, and it sounds like she has a full day planned at the conference. It’s probably good that there’s no time for us to do something together. And maybe she’d like to go shopping or just sit by the pool after work anyway. Working mothers never have any alone time, and I need to start distancing myself from her a bit. In a couple of days we will be back home, and she’ll be with her family, and I’ll be back to my role as the cute, funny, single guy at work.

  We reach the inn, and even I feel exhausted from the night’s events, or maybe from too damn much thinking. As I punch the code in the front door, two familiar faces pop up behind us.

  “Hey, you two? Did you see the sunset? It was awesome, wasn’t it?”

  The couple from the Italian restaurant must be staying at our inn. At least I hope they are. I don’t want to inadvertently let a couple of stray loonies inside.

  “Yeah, it was. Hey, do you happen to remember the code? I’m messing it up.”

  Henry says, “Sure. I’ll get it in a jiffy.”

  Fran waves, even though she is standing right next to us on the porch. She is staring at Claire, and if I didn’t know better I would say she’s looking her up and down like a guy would.

  Okay, Henry must be a registered guest, as he has the code punched in correctly and holds the door open for us. “Ladies, first,” he says.

  He is also ogling Claire, but that’s more normal. She did change out of her bathing suit and is actually wearing a sweater with her cover up skirt, but it’s still easy to see how perfect she is…

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” I zone out and stop listening to Henry, as we all enter the foyer. Their room must be upstairs. Fran already has one foot on the staircase, but she’s still beaming at both of us.

  “I said, have you two gotten over to the rooftop bar we were telling you about? The Royal Pelican?” He winks at Claire. What the fuck is this guy’s deal?

  “No, we haven’t.” I need to politely wrap this up. I can see Claire is exhausted and wants to make a getaway, but is too polite to make a run for it, especially now that these people are staying here, too. “We’ve been busy with…anyway, thanks for letting us know. Maybe we’ll get to check it out before we leave.”

  I turn and put a protective hand on Claire, even though I don’t think there’s really any threat. I’m hoping the gesture sends the message to Henry that we aren’t in the mood to mingle.

  “Well, it’s early. Maybe you guys could pop over tonight.” Now Fran is winking.

  Maybe they’re both on drugs. I know, they’ve probably been married for years and they are dying for company. I feel a little twinge of guilt for being suspicious, but I still don’t feel like hanging out with people my parent’s age. Especially with the way they are acting towards Claire.

  Claire finally finds her voice. “Thanks, it’s very nice of you, but we just went sailing and we’re pretty beat.”

  Henry smiles and shrugs. “Sure, I understand.” More fucking winking.

  Now he’s winking at me. He leans in towards me and lowers his voice, even though there’s no one else here and the women are still in earshot of his next annoying comment. I can hardly wait.

  “We just thought…me and Fran…that you guys would like the rooftop bar. We saw you two in the hot tub the other night.”

  He moves back towards his wife and returns his voice to normal volume. “Anyway, we’ll be there most nights, so come by and say hello.”

  Fran follows her husband up the steps, still grinning like an idiot. If she’s not careful she could trip and tumble…


  Here comes Fran. I lean over to grab her before she makes it all the way down the stairs. My heart races—even though these people are weird, I don’t want to witness any broken necks tonight.

  As I help her gain her footing, Henry comes charging back down the stairs, but backs off as he smiles at her smiling at me. More like leering.

  My first instinct is to drop her crazy ass, but instead I hand her over to her husband. “Whew, that was a close one. Better watch where you’re walking, Fran.”

  We all say good night, and Claire’s eyes widen at me as we move towards the back of the inn. I intend to walk her to her room, and if she isn’t interested in dinner, I may hit a bar or two by myself tonight.

  She grabs my arm when we get to the back patio, and shakes like a dog. “Oh my God, what the hell was that all about? What freaks. Did you see the way they were looking at us?” She puts her hand up to her mouth and gasps.

  “What?” I look behind me expecting to see a large iguana ready to pounce on my head.

  Claire lowers her voice now, like Henry. “Maybe they’re swingers.”

  “What a repulsive thought.” I rub my chin and lead Claire towards her room. “You could be right, but I would think they would target people their own age.”

  “And hey, what was he talking about when he said he saw us in the hot tub? We haven’t been out here.”

  She gestures towards the empty pool of hot water, and I want to hide in it. I was hoping she wasn’t paying attention when he said that, in her haste to make a getaway.

  She is staring at me now with her arms across her chest.

  I want to gag when I realize that creep Henry saw Claire running around naked on her Ambien-induced tour of the grounds. I am not telling her she did that. Somehow Brandon will find out, or she’ll use it against me at work, even though I did nothing wrong. At the very least she will act weird with me forever, and I can’t have that.

  “I don’t know. I think they’re on drugs. Maybe they mistook us for the lesbians. Now that I think of it, that one woman was almost as tall as me. I think she was the manlier one.”

  Claire punches me in the arm and giggles. “You’re bad. But I guess they are just nuts. Fran’s stare was awfully glassy. They could be on drugs I’ve never heard of.”

  I am able to squash this line of conversation by asking her what she wants to do about dinner. She says she’s exhausted, and plans to take a bath and go to bed early.

  I agree that she should get some rest, and tell her I’m going to grab a drink at one of the bars across the street. I watch her close her door and I look around, especially at the upper windows. I could swear I just saw someone quickly close the blinds. Sorry, crazies. No show tonight.



  “Claire’s mother is coming today. The fun never ends.”

  Once again I am running around cleaning shit up, wondering where my nanny is. Aidan is happily smearing food all over his highchair. Great, it’s in his hair now, too.

  “Hold on, Zoe.”

  I hold my phone away from my mouth and yell, “Tatiana!”

  I return to Zoe. “Maybe I should tell her the KGB is after her.”

  “I don’t know if that organization still exists, but either way, you’re going to hell. But that’s obvious. Anyway, so you think Claire, Senior is coming to check up on you? Maybe she just wants to see the baby, and help you out. It’s so funny that she and Claire have the same first n

  “Yeah, it’s hilarious. And you have never met Claire’s mother. Oh my God, what if…Aidan, stop throwing oatmeal on Duncan.”

  Zoe cracks up laughing. “I’m sorry, I just got a visual of that.”

  “Well here’s a better one. Dixie the Dipshit is licking it off his head.”

  “Stop, I can’t take it…” More laughing. “When does Claire come home? Tomorrow night?”

  “Yes. I really should go to the airport to pick her up. Even though she said the company has arranged transportation. We both know that is code for ‘Hey, Douchebag, do you love me enough to meet me at the airport? If not I can fuck Justin in the cab on the way home.’ Shit.”

  “What nonsense. And you really should watch how you talk in front of that baby. Pretty soon he’ll be saying it back and it won’t be cute.”

  “Yeah, yeah, since when are you an expert on babies? I just spied Claire’s mother pulling up. I gotta run.”

  “Okay, maybe you should put Aidan and the highchair tray on the floor and let the dogs do the rest of the cleanup.”

  “Haha, good bye.”

  She’s early just to fuck with me. And I just remembered that when I talked to Claire this morning, she mentioned that her mother bought new curtains for Aidan’s room, which is a mess. That fucking Tatiana. We must fire her ass…maybe I can sic Claire Senior on her.

  I make a mad dash for the nursery as I see my mother-in-law slowly getting out of the car, gathering all of her crap. I shouldn’t say that because she is very generous, but I’m sure she’s muttering about how I should be out there helping her, as if I’m a fucking mind reader.

  Claire, Senior

  That lazy son-in-law of mine! Can’t he see I am weighed down with the curtains and all of these toys and treats? Like I’m going to come empty handed to my daughter’s house? I swear that boy can be so clueless.

  As it is, I feel guilty that it’s taken me this long to get here this week. Claire is home tomorrow night. I hope she’s enjoying her time away. The poor girl works so hard. I don’t know what the hell that nanny does. I should probably come over more often, but I hate to interfere in my children’s lives. As it is, with Jackie’s pregnancy and that left wing liberal husband of hers…


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