Crossing Quinn (Coletti Warlords)

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Crossing Quinn (Coletti Warlords) Page 1

by Gail Koger

  Coletti Warlords:


  Gail Koger

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Loose Id Titles by Gail Koger

  Gail Koger

  Coletti Warlords: Crossing Quinn

  Copyright © December 2017 by Gail Koger

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781682524497

  Editor: Kierstin Cherry

  Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 170549

  San Francisco CA 94117-0549

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.


  This book is dedicated to my parents.


  To say my family is unique would be an understatement. My mother named me Xenia after some warrior princess on Earth. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she spelled the name wrong. Plus, I look nothing like the princess. I have silver hair, pointy ears, and I lack her rather awesome cleavage. My mother did get the warrior part right. While most Farin females are delicate, timid creatures, I’m an anomaly like my great-aunt, Detja. We’re throwbacks to a time long, long ago when Farin females were warriors.

  My family tree is a bit cockeyed. It’s full of odd characters, villains, warriors, and a few heroes. Detja’s mate is a prime example. Zarek is the Overlord of the Coletti clan. He’s one scarily powerful warlord determined to save his people from extinction. Some consider him a hero. Others think he’s a villain because he does what’s necessary to accomplish his goals. Like raiding different planets and species for their prized psychic females.

  My mother, Eleni, is one-of-a-kind, and that’s not always a good thing. She’s afraid of everything and has fainting down to an art form. There’s a multilegged insect on the floor. Eeek! Down she goes. Any loud noise, and I do mean any, and she does a face-plant. Mami has broken her nose more times than I can count.

  Believe it or not, my mother is a scholar. A rarity for a Farin female. Her specialty is ancient civilizations. She’s determined to find the Nabatean’s lost world and artifacts of the Wadjet, an extreme Nabatean religious sect. There’s just one tiny problem. Mami couldn’t leave the Federation of Archaeological Studies research ship. If she did, she swooned. Repeatedly. To her, the outside world is a frightening place. The other archeologists thought this was the perfect excuse to get rid of her and kicked Mami off the exploration vessel.

  My father, Lysis, loved Mami so much he quit the emperor’s elite guard, bought a small spacecraft, and became a relic hunter. Papa and I are responsible for the actual dig. Mami uses a computer program she designed to study the artifacts we collect.

  I was twelve years old when my unique psychic powers began to manifest. Not only can I start fires with my mind, I can cast illusions. In other words, if I want someone to see an enraged Askole or a Gorum, they will. Papa knew if anyone found out what I could do, I would be hunted down and dissected or sold to the highest bidder.

  My mother is such a blabbermouth. She bragged to her aunt about my rare abilities. Detja was seriously impressed and immediately ratted me out to the high and mighty Overlord. Two weeks later, Zarek and Detja showed up at our dig site. To my parents’ shock, Zarek announced he was taking me to Tanith, whether they liked it or not. Let’s just say that made Papa a tad angry. They didn’t call my father the Berserker for no reason. His psychic gifts allow him to sense his enemy before they attack and instantly know his opponent’s next move. His mental shields cannot be breached by anyone. Zarek had met his match. Literally.

  To keep them from killing each other, Detja stopped the fight by stunning both idiots. Goddess, the fury on their faces still gives me nightmares. Detja stunned them two more times before she could get them to listen to reason. Mami spent the entire brawl passed out on the floor. Me? I was locked in a hidden compartment and watched the battle through a peephole.

  The Overlord and my father finally came to an agreement. When I turned twenty-one, Papa would bring me to Tanith to be mated to a warlord Zarek had chosen. I would widen their gene pool and hopefully produce a male with my talents. Gak! On the bright side, Coletti warriors liked a spunky mate while the Farin males preferred a submissive female. Zarek also granted Papa the power to veto any warrior he didn’t consider worthy of me. Did I get a say in the matter? No. When I pointed out it was my life they were discussing, they just ignored me.

  After nine long years, we finally located the Nabatean’s home world of Qeeturah. The bad news is, I turn twenty-one in six weeks, and I wasn’t about to leave the greatest find of the century to hook up with some Coletti. Not happening. Ever. Those reminder messages from Detja? They sort of got deleted. The dozen or so warning vids from Zarek mysteriously vanished too. Those darn solar flares were such a menace.

  Was I worried about the deadly hunter Zarek threatened to sic on me? Nope. We were in uncharted space, and the subatomic particles bombarding this planet made psychic communication difficult and most tracking scanners useless.

  The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stood up. I was being watched. I turned, and my eyes widened in surprise. A big, muscle-bound Coletti warrior studied me from the vid screen. He had high cheekbones, a firm jaw, and a determined glint in his silver eyes. A predatory smile tugged at his sensual mouth. “My name is Quinn Jones and dealing with troublesome females is my specialty. Do yourself a favor and give me your coordinates.”

  Mami let out a bloodcurdling scream as a small
orange iplo lizard skittered across her console. Her eyes rolled back, and she toppled over.

  “Troublesome? You don’t know the definition of troublesome.” I cut the link.

  Chapter One

  Unfortunately, Dolon, my mother’s not-so-loving brother, and his henchmen did find us. Mami never did grasp the concept of secrecy. The minute she mentioned the legendary Nabatean’s treasure, Dolon came running.

  My first clue something was up was Mami’s long, green, empire-styled gown. She only wore it for special occasions. “Why are you all dressed up?”

  Mami laughed nervously. “Dolon’s coming.”

  “What? Here? Now?”

  “Yes, I’m so excited.”

  Drekk! “How did he find us?”

  “I gave Dolon the coordinates to Qeeturah and the security codes a week ago. I wanted to surprise you, so I waited until you and your father left the ship to issue the invitation.”

  I stared at her in utter disbelief. How can someone so smart be so dumb?

  My father walked in, took one look at Mami’s gown, and psychically linked with me. “Did I forget a special occasion?”

  “No, we’re expecting guests.” Thankfully, Mami didn’t have a lick of psychic ability. My father and I used mind-talk whenever we needed to discuss her unanticipated actions and how to deal with the consequences.

  Papa’s communications bracelet began to beep in warning, and at the same time our command console flashed an intruder alert. “Your mother invited someone here?”

  “That would be a yes.” Through the view screen we watched a battered, laser-scored ship settle in Qeeturah’s red dust. Gigantic monoliths of vermillion stone stood a short distance away.

  “Why didn’t you stop her?” Anger laced Papa’s mental voice.

  “I was checking the western quadrant when she issued the invitation. She wanted to surprise us.”

  “She has,” Papa growled.

  Mami eyed my black biosuit in dismay. “Hurry. Go change. I want everything to be perfect for his visit.”

  “I don’t think Dolon’s going to care what I am wearing.”

  “Dolon?” The muscles in Papa’s left jaw twitched. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Tears welled in Mami’s eyes. “Dolon’s family. Is it wrong to share our success with him?”

  “Yes. Your brother is wanted by the enforcers on ten different planets,” Papa pointed out.

  “All silly misunderstandings.”

  “Misunderstandings? He has a criminal record as long as my arm.”

  “Dolon is a bit high-strung, but he means well.”

  Papa tugged on his left ear in frustration. “How in the nine hells did he find us?”

  “Mami gave him our coordinates, along with the codes to pass safely through our kill zone.” Papa had set up laser cannons to protect the site, and Mami had just made them useless. I watched the landing ramp extend from my uncle’s ship. Wonder if Dolon knew they needed to wear a shielded biosuit to protect them from the subatomic particles bombarding this planet?

  My uncle and his goons stomped down the ramp in filthy gray jumpsuits. Guess not. Hope they weren’t planning on having children or living a long life.

  Dolon was a mercenary, smuggler, sometime pirate, and downright nasty male. Papa hated him. My uncle would be exceedingly handsome if it weren’t for his bulging eyes. It looked like someone had stomped on his head.

  The henchmen could pass for triplets. Big, ugly, and dirty.

  Mami opened the hatch, and, with an excited laugh, threw herself at her brother. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Avarice in his gaze, Dolon looked around. “Nice ship.”

  “Which I’ve equipped with biometric locks to keep sticky-fingered thieves from taking it,” Papa responded. His right hand dropped to the butt of his laser pistol.

  Dolon snarled. “You’re calling me a thief?”

  “Yes,” Papa answered.

  Mami’s fingers fluttered nervously. “Would you like some tea?”

  “Got something stronger?”

  “It’s chai oolong tea from Earth,” Mami babbled proudly.

  My father’s gruff voice sounded in my head. “Do your dutiful Farin daughter act.”

  “I’d rather shoot them.”

  “You shoot them, you deal with your mother.”

  Smothering a groan, I gestured to our metal dining table. “Please sit, honored guests, and I will serve you.”

  Dolon eyed my formidable father for a long moment, then sat. His goons followed suit.

  “Lysis, please join us.” Mami held out her hand.

  My father reluctantly took a seat next to her. What Mami wanted, Mami got. Be it tea from England, a trip to an Earth theme park, or traveling the galaxy looking for ancient historical objects. Papa pulled his combat knife and casually cleaned under his fingernails. “Dolon, did you know you’re worth five million credits, dead or alive?”

  My uncle stiffened in alarm.

  “Lysis, they’re our guests,” my mother chided.

  My father bared his strong white teeth in a menacing smile. “For the moment.”

  Holy Goddess, this wasn’t going to end well. The tea hadn’t steeped for the required five minutes, but I didn’t think anyone would notice. The Wedgwood tea service was my mother’s pride and joy. The teapot was covered in ugly yellow daisies. I added some iced cakes to the tray and carried it over to the table.

  “I’ll pour,” Mami said.

  I set the tray down and stepped back. Mami had a vid that showed the proper way to serve an English afternoon tea, and she followed every step. Meticulously.

  A flicker of movement caught my attention. The Coletti warrior was back on the vid screen, and he seemed to find our tea party highly amusing. I had to admit watching the thugs drink from the tiny, delicate cups was comical.

  “Find out how the Coletti is able to bypass my security programs,” my father instructed.

  “Yes, Papa.” I waited until Dolon’s attention was on my mother before backing into the command center. I closed the door and turned to face the warrior. The direct approach was usually the best option when dealing with Coletti warlords. I took one look at the Coletti’s arrogant expression and decided to have some fun. “What did you say your name was again? Troublesome?” I shook my head. “No. That wasn’t it. Sorry, I’m not good at remembering the names of Zarek’s servants.”

  “My name is Quinn Jones. I am Zarek’s hunter and I hold warlord status,” he responded with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

  “Whatever.” I hid a smile. The egotistical ass really didn’t like my dismissive attitude. He had expected me to be in awe of his amazing good looks and the fact he held the prestigious rank of warlord. “My father wishes to know how you managed to circumvent our security protocols.”

  Quinn shrugged. “I have my ways. Give me your coordinates, and I can help with your guests.”

  “Papa doesn’t need your help.”

  “Four warriors against one? Not good odds.”

  “You haven’t met my father, and it’s not your problem.” I severed the link.

  The screen popped back on. “It is my problem if you’re injured or killed.”

  “Let me set you straight. One. Papa is quite capable of dealing with our guests. Two. I might look harmless, but I’m not. Three. I. Am. Not. Going. To Tanith. Go start a war or steal some other female.”

  “I will find you, and I will take you to Tanith,” Quinn promised in a quiet, scary voice.

  Gak! Typical stubborn male. “Do you always do what the Overlord tells you?”

  “Yes, and I never disappoint Detja.”

  A smart male never did. “My father says Coletti warriors mindlessly follow orders and are ball-less. Is he right?”

  Quinn raised an inquiring eyebrow. “Curious about a warrior’s body, are you, darlin’?”

  I blinked in surprise. I had expected more threats, not for him to start flirting with me.

  He grinn
ed, pure devilry in his eyes. “Want a peek at my goods?”

  For a brief second, I was tempted. His black battle suit displayed his heavily muscled form to perfection, but Papa hadn’t raised a fool. I plastered a love-stricken expression on my face and gushed, “Oh, I know exactly what you look like, lovey.” I projected the image of a wrinkled, hairy body with sagging male breasts and thick clumps of fibrous warts obscuring the groin. “Dead on, right?”

  Quinn laughed. “Clever girl. Detja said you were full of surprises.”

  Why was he being so charming? Was it a delaying tactic? Did Quinn have a way to track my transmission? “A word of warning. No one messes with my father. Not even the Overlord.”

  “Zarek’s eager to add a fire-starter and illusionist to the Coletti gene pool. What the Overlord wants, the Overlord gets. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Quinn stated, dropping his flirtatious manner.

  Quinn had finally revealed his true self. A relentless hunter with a bit of a temper. And we had a conundrum. Since there was no honor among thieves, and Dolon had a big mouth, there was a good possibility every relic hunter in the galaxy would show up in the next day or so. We were going to need help to protect the site. How did I get Quinn to stand down? The Overlord’s interest in old relics was well known. If he knew we had found Qeeturah, would Zarek order Quinn to help us guard it? Only one way to find out. “Tell Zarek we found Qeeturah.”

  Quinn tilted his head, obviously intrigued. “Quite an accomplishment.”

  “It is. Which is why I’m not leaving the find of the century to travel to Tanith.”

  “Your father gave his word. The Overlord deals harshly with oath breakers.”

  “I still have six weeks to show up.” I winced as my psychic senses screamed a warning. When that happened, it always felt like someone had shoved a bristly bush into my head and twirled it around.

  Quinn demanded, “What’s wrong?”


  A loud crash was followed by Mami’s shriek and the sounds of a fight.


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