Betrayed by Blood

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Betrayed by Blood Page 5

by Allison West

  He knew his strength came from within. Facing his father and brother at the guillotine would prove difficult at dawn. Could he send someone else to perform the task and ensure its success?

  No. Aaron needed to prove his loyalty to the people. He just hoped his people would prove their loyalty to him, protecting him against any individuals trying to revolt.

  Chapter Eight

  Aaron couldn't sleep. No amount of shutting his eyes or counting sheep did shit to help him. He was exhausted and worse, the thought of what he'd face at dawn only made him further anxious.

  Perhaps if he thought of the men he was executing entirely as criminals and not family, it would have been easier. Aaron didn't have the ability to forget who they were.

  He slipped from bed and padded down the stairs and around the back of the palace to the entrance of the dungeon. He grabbed a torch from the stone wall and carried it down past the guards. Unlike anyone else that would be forced to explain themselves for attempting to visit, Aaron now had special privileges. Being a king wasn't all bad.

  "Aaron!" Gideon rushed to the metal gate, his arms outstretched, attempting to touch his son. "I knew you'd come for me."

  "Us," August said, correcting his father. He sat in the back of the cell on a thin mat of hay.

  The newly appointed king laughed at his father and brother. "Do you honestly think I'm going to let you escape?" If he did, he'd probably be sentenced to treason as well. He wasn't going to let that happen. "I came here to talk to both of you." What he wanted was a reason to be able to sleep at night, to not feel regret fill his heart for what he had planned.

  "Talk to us?" August laughed and stretched further out onto the hay, prepared to fall back asleep.

  "We can still forgive you, Aaron."

  "Forgive me?" Aaron laughed at his father's words. What had he done wrong? His father on the other hand, had sold countless women into slavery, among other horrific crimes.

  "Yes, for betraying your family," Gideon said. "We can erase that pain, be together once again and remind the people why our legacy is important. You can't blindly rule my nation without our help."

  Aaron stepped closer to the cage, just out of his father's reach. "It's no longer your country, and I don't need either of your help. I'm capable of helping the people more than either of you ever done combined. I've already aided in destroying the courtesan slave trade," Aaron said, boasting his betrayal. "There will be no more harem."

  "You can't do that!" Gideon said, gritting his teeth. "We need the courtesans. You won't be able to survive with just one woman, Aaron. It's wrong to ask that of a king. You'll see that, after you've been in power for a few months. You'll need the sweet release from multiple women. They'll admire you, love you, beg great things of you, and then you can push them away when you crave fresh virgin blood."

  Staring at his father and brother, it seemed easier than he imagined. Had that been how Lorelei had found herself capable of murdering her uncle? He'd been an evil man, tried to destroy her life and anyone he came into contact with. Her uncle and Aaron's father weren't so different. It made sense they'd come to know one another and had worked the courtesan slave trade together.

  "Aaron wait!" Gideon shouted as the young king retreated up the stairwell without a word. "Please, I beg of you, I'll do anything, Aaron!"

  All the begging and pleading didn't do any good for the former king. His sentence would be enacted tomorrow at sunrise.

  Aaron quietly entered back inside the palace, walking past several guards, including Peter that had given the verdict.

  "I'm surprised to see you up this late," Peter said.

  "I couldn't sleep." Aaron saw no reason to lie to the rebel guard. The anger he'd harbored at Rhys had begun to fade, with time it would disappear completely. He hadn't been delighted to watch Rhys take a bullet and die on the palace lawn, but it had taught him something about loyalty. Rhys's men were loyal to Aaron because he'd been in the leader's good graces. It had done him well to return to the palace.

  "Yeah, me either," Peter said. "Are you really going to go through with it tomorrow? The execution? I mean I know the verdict says you have to, but I couldn't imagine putting my own father or brother to death, let alone both of them."

  Peter wasn't making it any easier for Aaron right now. "I've made my peace with the situation," Aaron said. His voice remained firm and even, showing no hint of regret. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to try and get a few hours of sleep before the execution."

  "Of course."

  Aaron headed down the hall and up the back stairwell, climbing to the top floor. With soft footsteps, he approached the bedroom door and turned the handle, listening to the floor groan and the door creak.

  "Aaron?" Lorelei's voice was tinged with slumber. "Come to bed." She held out an arm for him to join her.

  He slipped out of his clothes and climbed naked beneath the covers, basking in the warmth of her body heat.

  Aaron shut his eyes, wrapped his leg and arms around her, finally able to relax and drift to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Aaron awoke before dawn. He showered and dressed though he felt as if another shower might be necessary after the sentencing was carried out.

  Today was a day to celebrate the country, the new regime, and the loyalists that supported him. How long would he last in favor as the new king? Rhys had intended to dissolve the monarchy and though it had seemed possible for a few days, now a king had been put into power.

  He recognized that he needed to listen to the people, unlike his father that had been selfish and arrogant. The first order of business after the execution was the harem and then the slave trade. Aaron didn't wish to dismantle the royal harem. Many young women still found a home at the palace and girls like Luna had nowhere else to go. Aaron would have to offer something to the people to prove his loyalty to them. He needed to think on it and fast.

  Walking outside, the palace lawn was covered in thousands of bodies, awaiting the execution of his father. Were they all eager to see Gideon dead, or were they here to find out what Aaron planned for the nation? He would be expected to speak.

  The executioner was selected previously by Rhys when he'd been in command. Aaron had no qualms with the man who'd been picked to carry out the sentencing. So long as he wasn't the one forced to do it, Aaron didn't care.

  August was brought out first in front of the citizens of Brayleigh, his charges and conviction read by Peter in front of the mass of people. His arms and legs were bound, making it difficult for him to walk. A gun poked at his back, urging him forward with nowhere to run. He followed up the stairwell onto the platform set up so everyone even in the far back could see the execution.

  "Do you have any last words?" Peter asked before August's head was placed into the guillotine.

  "May you all rot in hell!" August shouted.

  Peter rolled his eyes and shared a glance with Aaron as he stood beside him on the stage. What was the rebel soldier thinking?

  "Go ahead," Aaron said, giving the official order to the executioner.

  August's head was placed on the block of wood.

  Aaron wanted to turn away but as king, he needed to show courage and commitment. Lorelei stood on the packed earth, her eyes on Aaron the entire time. He felt her stare and knew she probably wanted to be up there beside him, but she wasn't yet his queen.

  The executioner released his tight grip on the rope, forcing the blade to come down and slice off August's head.

  The new king may not have looked away but his stomach flopped, and he grimaced at the sight before him.

  Gasps erupted through the crowd as many winced and turned their head.

  Another guard stepped forward, mopping up the mess as one man tossed the body and head into a wheel barrel, carting the deceased prince away.

  Blood stained the metal blade as the executioner pulled on the rope, raising the glint of silver to the top.

  A guard brought Gideon out in front of the crowd. His h
ands remained cuffed and legs chained together as he walked toward the platform. Peter read the charges and conviction. "Do you have any last words?"

  "I never thought my son would have the courage to do the execution. Seems I was right, ordering someone else to drop the axe."

  Aaron shook his head disgusted with his father. "Put him on the chopping block," Aaron said, walking over to the executioner. He took the rope, gripping it with two hands, waiting to release the metal that would end his father's life. His heart palpitated and his skin was slick with a sheen of sweat. He would not look like a coward in front of his country and his people.

  "You will never hurt another soul, I shall see to it," Aaron said, releasing the rope through his hands letting it burn his skin as the blade dropped, slicing off his father's head. It rolled forward and Aaron glanced down at his black shoes and pants, covered in splashes of red. He wanted to shower and wash the blood both seen and unseen from his clothes and skin. As king, he couldn't do that, not yet.

  "Citizens of Brayleigh," Aaron said, calling their attention as the guard hoisted Gideon into the wheel barrel. "Today is the beginning of a new day, a new time, a better life for all its people. We will continue with Rhys's mission to eradicate slavery."

  Whispers traveled through the crowd but Aaron continued to speak with a ferocious intensity that forced everyone to listen.

  "Anyone caught harboring a slave will be executed immediately." Aaron wasn't going to allow the nation to fall apart under his regime. "If you are currently harboring slaves, you will release them at once. If they have no home or family, they may stay at the palace, until we can ascertain much more suitable arrangements in the future."

  A grumble rippled through the people. Were they displeased by his decision or surprised that he was serious and intended to enforce it?

  "What about courtesans? Are they still forced to stay at the palace?" a male near the back of the crowd shouted.

  "The royal harem will be rebuilt and converted into living quarters for displaced slaves, courtesans, and others that are in desperate need of a home. We may not be able to house everyone at the palace, but we will do our best to find accommodations for everyone." In truth it wasn't exactly what Aaron wanted. He would have preferred to keep one of the royal harems open to please both the king and soon to be queen. However, he suspected Lorelei would be displeased if not jealous. They were on good terms and that was never his intention, to hurt her.

  "What about the courtesans already at the harem?" Luna asked from the crowd. "What happens to us?"

  "For now you may stay at the palace, while we try and get you situated with your families or with new jobs."

  "What about the brothels? If the women aren't slaves, will they still be open?" Another male asked from the crowd.

  Aaron knew that the brothels had all been run illegally by slave trade owners. They had mimicked the royal harem. His father had turned a blind eye, providing courtesans to some of those vile men. "If my men discover any brothels, the property will be ceased immediately, the men both running the brothel and there for pleasure will be executed, and the women that need a home, will have a new place to live with guards protecting them from monsters preying on innocent women." Aaron wouldn't stand for the old ways of Brayleigh. Maybe he was an idealist but it was up to him to make the laws and ensure the citizens abided by them. He refused to cower or show an ounce of fear. These men needed to know he meant business. He executed his father, it would take nothing for him to slay a man that had hurt an innocent woman.

  Peter walked beside Aaron. "The laws will be posted to the markets and outside of the palace."

  "Do we get a vote for the new laws?" a gentleman buried in the back asked.

  "No." Aaron bunched his hands into fists at his side. How could someone even suggest voting on whether or not to allow brothels, slavery, or the repercussions of breaking the laws? "This isn't a democracy. We've seen what happens when people run amuck, nothing gets done and the Gem Apocalypse happened. We will not fall again. I am, however, recruiting more members interested in aiding our military and explorative army. I want to know if there are survivors and whether they need our help. The war is over, it's time we rebuild together."

  "I'll go, I volunteer to serve the EA." Lorelei stepped forward.

  Aaron's eyes widened and his nostrils flared. He wanted to scream at her that she was stupid for suggesting to go. He couldn't go with her. Anger boiled inside of him.

  Several additional citizens stepped forward, some rebel soldiers, others he didn't know. Whispers erupted as they spoke amongst one another. He couldn't tell what was being said. Did it have to do with Lorelei volunteering first? He wanted to tell her she couldn't go, but what good would it do? He'd make a mockery of the entire process. Perhaps instead tonight, he could change her mind. Aaron would have to, there was no other choice. He wasn't letting her travel across the Pacific into who knows what environment where people could be hunting one another for food. The worst most vile thoughts crossed his mind. No, she wouldn't risk her life, he wouldn't allow it.

  Chapter Nine

  "What do you mean you forbid me from being part of your explorative army? You were asking for volunteers!" Lorelei paced the length of the bedroom, the door remained shut, not that it gave them much privacy.

  Aaron felt certain everyone down a floor could hear them shouting at one another.

  "Yes, from men that have nothing to lose. I can't lose you, Lorelei."

  "And you won't," she said, placing one hand on her hip. "You can't stop me from going."

  He wanted to throw her over his knee and spank the bratty girl right out of her. "The hell I can! As your king, I order you to remain in Brayleigh."

  Lorelei laughed under her breath. "What are you going to do, shoot me? Imprison me for breaking the rules? You're being ridiculous, Aaron. I'm not a doll made of china or a tea cup that could break. I've fought grown men and I assure you I'm fully capable of looking after myself."

  His jaw clenched and face grew grim. "You don't get it. This could very easily be a one-way trip. You would need to find fuel for a return trip home."

  "Oh," she whispered. "I see." She shifted on her feet. "Well, I wouldn't be alone."

  "That's right, but I won't be there with you." Aaron couldn't afford to leave Brayleigh. The nation was very much unstable thanks to the rebels and his father.

  "What about the airplane?"

  "I've covered our coast and both north and south. The land above us, that was once Canada had been depleted of food and fuel over the last decade. There are no longer any survivors. They froze during one of the harsh winters."

  "And south?" Lorelei asked.

  "There's been nothing spotted in Mexico. Not a surprise considering the devastation that resulted during the Gem Apocalypse."

  Lorelei ran her fingers down Aaron's arm. "Where will you send your soldiers? What nation do you think has the greatest chance of survivors?"

  Aaron had to think back about the war and everything he'd learned. The plane or boat would need enough fuel to travel across the Pacific to reach land.

  Ideally, he wanted to send three fleets but that required three more ships than he currently had in his possession. He had one plane but it couldn't sustain the journey, a boat would be easier to acquire.

  "I don't want you on that ship," Aaron said, his voice low, barely above a whisper. "I may never see you again." The thought tore his soul and ripped his heart into a million pieces. What good was ruling a nation without Lorelei at his side? He'd grown to love her, everything about her made him want only her.

  She didn't meet his sapphire stare. "You could reestablish the harem," she said.

  Aaron couldn't believe she meant the offer. He'd seen the look of jealousy and she'd told him that she wanted to be solely his. Would she really share him with other women so freely? "You don't really want me to do that." She had been the reason he opted not to continue to bring courtesans to the palace. He wouldn't have made it
mandatory at eighteen, but a small part of him wanted the freedom to choose the women he desired, and to have more than one. He'd learned over the years that each woman brought him something unique, and he had a taste for exotic pleasures.

  A soft sigh left her lips. "No. I don't," she said. "I'll miss you terribly when I'm away."

  "Then don't go." Aaron entwined his fingers with hers, squeezing her hand. "Stay in Brayleigh. There are plenty of brave soldiers that can travel across the ocean. I'm sure I can think up a few other important tasks you could perform here." His lips dropped to her neck, tasting the sweet freckled flesh as he felt her pulse throbbing on his descent down her body.

  She moaned softly, her fingers slipping from his hand as she tangled them into in his hair. "Like what?" she asked, letting her eyes shut.

  He turned her around, moving her hair over one shoulder as his lips descended down her creamy skin. "A king needs his queen at his side." One hand moved over her hip and across her stomach, inching down across her clothed pussy. He wanted to feel her wetness, but not yet. She needed a firm hand across her bottom for what she'd done.

  "Are you asking me to be your queen?" Her head turned slightly back, trying to look at him.

  "That depends on whether you can learn to obey," Aaron said. He guided her forward to the mattress, her legs dangling from the bed. She needed to remember her place in Brayleigh. Women weren't guards or part of any military. Maybe Rhys had made some changes when he created his rebel army, but Aaron would not allow Lorelei to leave with the chance of never returning home.

  His hands pulled her bottoms and panties down to her ankles, staring at her pale luscious rear. "Do you know what comes next?" he asked.

  "You're going to spank me?" Her voice was small, timid.

  Aaron didn't delay. His hand came down across her bottom, marking her skin. Her legs kicked and her backside jumped. He steadied her, keeping her from moving. "You are not getting on that boat." His hand came down, smacking her rear again and again.


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