The Gossamer Mage

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The Gossamer Mage Page 34

by Julie E. Czerneda

  Harn let out a blissful sigh. “See? That’s singing.” Then blushed, having written the gossamer, and looked helplessly around the table. “I can’t go up now.”

  “You’d better,” Dom told him with a mock scowl. “I put good coin down with Tambler to get you an audition. Go on.”

  Maleonarial joined the chorus urging Harn to the stage. When the former student broke into the first tentative line of a seaside ditty, the barge crew and dockworkers in the inn let out a roar of approval, mugs swinging in time. Relieved, Harn launched into the earthy refrain with vigor.

  “Why?” Affarealyon pointed at the mage’s head.

  “It’s lighter.” Maleonarial combed his fingers through curly stubble, enjoying the sensation and its meaning. “I’m free. We all are.” Mostly black his hair, with gray over the ears, as his body was mostly hale and strong, but mature. The knee complained of the approach of winter.

  A season he’d live to see, and many more. Magic no longer had that ultimate, personal cost. No longer had that seductive pull stronger than food or love, though rewarding? Maleonarial smiled into his beer. Wait till the existing masters learned that magic had a mind of Her own and what they could now create?

  Might serve a purpose, if interested. Or not.

  More likely would giggle in their face.

  Nedsom shook his head. “What I want to know is why you want us to rebuild the school. With magic itself awake and aware, and it’s everywhere, by the way, even here. A gossamer swam in a bucket of mortar this morning. Mixed it well, but added—” He raised his hand, showing bronze glitter stuck to the palm. “With magic doing whatever it pleases, what’s the point of more?”

  A sensible question. The true answer, that She who was magic wished for the world to return to what it was before ice and fire and the Eaters, thus there must be more gossamers created to replace those lost, many more, was, Maleonarial decided, something for each person to discover on their own. The world would change. For people to have a place in it, they’d best hope gossamers continue to “like” them.

  “The point of magic?” He formed an intention then wrote Her Words in the air. Small but intense the spark that followed.

  Small but brilliant, the gossamer that appeared. It stretched like a little panther, rubbed around Nedsom’s mug of beer, then disappeared with the flick of a tail, leaving behind the scent of baking.

  And a generous heap of steaming battered fish.

  “Help yourselves,” he said, blithely taking a strip and plopping it in his mouth. Delicious, hot and spiced exactly as he remembered from a visit to Nor Hold’s market, when he’d stopped for a meal at one of the vendors by the dock. “We need a school to teach a new kind of intention. How to give life to our fantasies without fear, and accept the result.”

  Affar sampled the fish. Her eyebrows rose in approval, then lowered to frown. “Not all fantasies are benign.”

  He’d made a promise to Nim, one no longer his alone to keep. “I believe nothing we create will cause harm to the land or its life. She won’t allow it.” He shrugged. “What we do to ourselves or each other—that may depend on the gossamers as much as us. They do have a sense of humor.”

  “We rebuild the mage school, then.”

  “A school for everyone who hears Her Words and wishes to create gossamers,” he corrected. “Including daughters. Our ancestors, I’m told on the best authority, made one choice. We can make our own.”

  Their ancestors not having had the chance to see, as he had and would forever remember, the sky become wings and the sun an eye of dazzling topaz.

  Maleonarial leaned forward. “What’s your fantasy, Affar?”

  And watched her face light with the astonished hope of a child.

  * * *

  Winter dressed the pines with white fluffy shawls and caps. Stilled the brooks and creeks, for a time. Nipped noses and rosied cheeks and Leksand Loggerson pulled his scarf close around his neck after he left Pincel’s sled to walk the path home.

  And there it was, snug in the clearing. Smoke curled from the chimney, tinged with the scent of curing sausage. Laundry hung, frozen stiff as boards. Someone didn’t know to hang clothes indoors. Nim, helping his great-uncle.

  Leksand slowed, then stopped. He was home.

  But he wasn’t, was he? He’d no home, now. Choices, yes. Insom the Second, recovered and understanding as no one else the wounds he carried, had urged him to stay, even offered the chance to sail the seas together and explore.

  Maleonarial had sent word of a new school, for anyone who’d do magic. He was welcome, always.

  He’d had enough magic for a lifetime. Didn’t want, yet, to travel. As for what he did want?

  Leksand shook his head wearily. Peace. Time—

  “What’s wrong, laddie?”

  Because he’d always answered with the truth, as best he could, Leksand replied, “It’s not home, Momma,” before remembering he was alone and she was gone.

  Then who’d spoken, in her voice?

  A breeze, warm as spring, caressed his cheek. “Why not?”

  “Because you’re—m’Mom’s dead. I don’t blame you,” for now he knew who spoke. The woman of the woods.

  The world.

  “She gave her life willingly,” he told the air, told himself too. “I don’t blame you. I’m just—it’s not home, without her. Not anymore.” He wiped a foolish tear from his cheek before it froze.

  “I’d not be so sure, laddie.” Snow lifted, became a shape, one his heart knew before his eyes. Color raced to cheeks and lips, swept over what was now a warm wool cloak, her favorite, and made a familiar pattern on sensible knitted mittens.

  “Gossamer,” he accused.

  “Aie.” A mittened hand gave his chest a familiar pat. “But also Kait Alder, who kept me safe inside her and saved us. All she asked in return was I care for you as she would.”

  He caught up the hand. Held it as he searched the face that couldn’t be, but was, hers. Saw the gentle little smile bloom he knew best of all. “Momma?”

  “For as long as you need me, laddie,” she promised. “Now, let’s get ye home.”

  * * *

  For it came to pass the goddess named deathless did die, praise to the great Maleonarial. Mage scribes from that day forward no longer gave life for Her magic—

  Sayshun, late of Lithua, looked up from the page. “Mage scribes? Really? I can’t believe this is still required reading.”

  “Consider it informed metaphor.” Her new friend and classmate didn’t stop writing, tongue sticking out sideways in concentration, wings neatly folded.

  “If magic agrees with your intent, you create with it. If it doesn’t, you create in other ways. Everyone knows that.”

  With a laugh that smelled like roses, her friend put down her pen and gave her full attention. “You left one out. If you are magic,” the gossamer said, “you share a name.”

  Sayshun shook her head. “That again? You can’t all be Tananen.”

  Topaz eyes sparkled. “Don’t be so sure.”


  ealyon, meaning: “promised to The Lady”, pronounced: e-A-lee-on

  eonarial, meaning: “debtor to The Lady”, pronounced: e-on-AIR-ial


  woman who has received Her Gift and chooses to serve the hold daughter and The Lady; willing to give her life to The Lady as Her Designate


  Alden’s Hold Daughter

  Alden Hold

  hold that stands between the mage school and rest of the world


  servant at the mage school


  heartland holding; one of the holds cleansed by The Lady

  Arcoeonarial (only as Arco)

  master mage scribe

  Arnsey (“Bitters”)
  crew on russet barge, husband of Nanse, twin of Senert

  Atta Moss

  one of the three daughters of Woodshaven


  student at mage school

  Bense Groomson

  driver of Insom’s freight wagon


  acolyte of Tiler’s Hold


  village in Nor Holding


  Saeleonarial’s younger brother; now a master mage

  Burgan d’Struth

  mapmaker from Whitehold Isles


  student at mage school


  author in mage school archives


  Riverhill knacker’s apprentice


  author in mage school archives; wrote Fundamental Lexicon of Tananen Vol. 1


  title used in holds with elaborate courts to indicate a woman of the highest possible rank (not a Daughter)


  great beasts who dig silt from the canals, leaving it along the banks


  month corresponding to our December


  person with Her Gift able to speak Her Words; selected to rule the Daughter’s Portion and reveal the dictates of The Lady to the holding

  Daughter’s Portion

  area from which daughter and acolytes observe the court


  master mage scribe


  northern holding


  author in mage school archives

  Dolren Keeperson

  Insom’s manservant

  Domozuk (Dom)

  Saeleonarial’s servant (scribemaster’s)


  servant at the mage school


  prospect for Tiler’s Hold Daughter from Meadton


  author in mage school archives

  Esteonarial (Est)

  master mage scribe

  Ferden Haulerson

  Kait’s mother’s brother; Leksand’s great-uncle; lives with them both


  made-moths able to start fires; popular student project


  Sael and Bran’s last name before becoming mage scribes


  author in mage school archives


  author in mage school archives


  northern holding


  author in mage school archives


  master mage scribe

  Hardly Bakerson

  servant at mage school; grandparents have bakery in Alden Hold

  Harn Guardson

  student mage scribe who accompanies Saeleonarial


  the name Harn would earn once a mage

  Helly Pelly Creek

  stream that runs through mage school to border marsh and canal near Alden

  Helthrom River

  largest river in Tananen, empties into Snarlen Sea at Tiler’s Hold

  Her Fist

  mountain ranges protecting Tananen

  Her Gift

  a connection to The Lady that arrives in a dream at puberty; women with Her Gift serve The Lady and help govern; men with Her Gift become mage scribes

  Her Mouth

  sheltered harbor at Tiler’s Hold; where the Helthrom River empties into the Snarlen Sea

  Her Soul

  tower reputed to be in the middle of Her Tears; home of The Lady

  Her Tears

  mist-shrouded fen hiding Her Soul

  hold, holding

  hold = capital city; holding = province


  country across the sea; trades at Tiler’s; known for clever clockworks, etc.


  holding in the mountains known for its lapis mines


  author in mage school archives


  devoted to the science of better inks

  Insom Fisherson

  Insom’s name before becoming hold lord

  Insom the Second

  Tiler’s Hold Lord. Pylor’s cousin

  Jowen Hammerson

  inkmaster at Tankerton

  Kait Alder

  one of the three daughters of Woodshaven; mother of Leksand


  Kait Alder’s name in more formal courts


  Kait’s nickname


  Leksand’s name should he become a mage scribe

  Leksand Loggerson

  Kait’s son; father Rogeonarial


  acolyte of Tiler’s Hold; chosen as Her Witness and Designate


  month corresponding to our May


  country on a distant continent; trades at Tiler’s


  northern holding


  anyone who studies the magic of Tananen

  mage scribe

  one with Her Gift able to write an intention using Her Words and create what didn’t live before

  Mal Merchantson

  Maleonarial’s name before becoming a mage scribe


  former scribemaster and loremaster; known as the hermit mage since leaving that post

  master mage scribe

  a mage scribe who has learned all he can from the mage school and goes forth to do magic-for-hire; masters retire to the school to teach


  village in Tiler’s Holding


  northern holding


  prospect for Tiler’s Hold Daughter


  author in mage school archives

  Nanse Heronsbill

  bargemaster of the russet barge


  northern holding

  Nathrom River

  river in Tananen


  Alden’s Hold Lord

  Nelisti Barnswallow

  cook at the mage school


  author in mage school archives

  Nim Millerson

  farmer from Riverhill

  Nor Hold

  capital of Nor, a heartland holding


  author in mage school archives


  northern holding

  Pacthrom River

  river in Tananen


  master mage scribe and historian

  Pincel Hopper

  one of Woodshaven’s daughters

  Pylor Ternfeather, Damesen

  Insom’s cousin, chemist, very high rank in court at Tiler’s Hold

  Rid Smithyson

  scribemaster’s driver


  village in Tiler holding


  mage scribe who fathered Kait’s son in Woodshaven


  student at mage school

  Sael Fisherson

  Saeleonarial’s name before becoming a mage scribe




  student at mage school


  head of mage school; represents it to hol


  crew on the russet barge; twin brother of Arnsey


  great beasts who grasp barges and pull them upstream along the canal using their wings


  monster living in one of the mage school ponds

  Snarlen Sea

  ocean bordering Tananen


  northern holding


  island in the Whitehold Isles famed for glass work

  Tambler’s Inn

  tavern in Alden Hold


  domain where The Lady rules


  village in Icot holding


  northern holding

  Tercle Kelptassle

  Pylor’s apprentice and friend; chemist; Tiler’s Hold

  Terrhom River

  river in Tananen

  The Brutes

  rocky islands forming a barrier near Her Mouth

  The Hunger

  treacherous strait between The Brutes and Tananen

  Tiler’s Hold, Tiler’s Holding

  only place in Tananen touched by the outside world

  Tobin Piperson

  student at mage school


  mage scribe who wrote/created Slog


  author of book in mage school archives


  senior acolyte at Tiler’s Hold

  Wend Sharktooth

  Wendealyon’s name before becoming Hold Daughter


  Hold Daughter of Tiler’s Hold

  Whitehold Isles

  archipelago of islands that form a country; trade at Tiler’s


  remote mountain village in Tiler’s Holding


  master mage scribe teaching at the school


  heartland holding; one of the holds cleansed by The Lady


  heartland holding


  northern holding


  Unusual roots, this book has. Mage began as a novella for Eric Flint, eleven years earlier. Thinking it’d be science fiction, I set aside time for it, only to learn it had to be fantasy. Since I’d yet to write more than a short story, I—hesitated.

  For one thing, I’d no ideas. (Other than my imaginings of what would become A Turn of Light.) Then I flipped through our Lee Valley Tools catalog and read about pens. I became consumed with the notion of written magic, of pens and inks, and of magic that lived. All of which would have stayed there, as the novella, except that I loved the concepts and world with such passion, I told my editor-dear, Sheila Gilbert (of two Hugos, yay!), I’d inadvertently discovered a book. She agreed with me.


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