Enforcer (Spartans MC)

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Enforcer (Spartans MC) Page 2

by Tiffany Casper

  “Dad. Need you to come home. Now.” The tone in my voice told him something was terribly wrong.

  “Okay son. On my way.” He hung up and then called the cops.

  If there was one thing his dad always taught him it was to do the right thing no matter the consequences.

  “911 what’s your emergency?”

  “I need someone here. I killed a man who was trying to rape my mom.” Then I rattled off the address and hung up.

  I sat on the front porch and waited, my dad and all of the MC arrived and he pulled his bike in the yard throwing it to the side as he jumped off and jogged to me.

  Before he said a word I said,

  “Your bedroom, she’s okay.” Was all I said as I saw blue lights and the ambulance.

  All of the brothers were outside asking me what happened but I said nothing. The cop pulled up, gun in hand and I stood. Walked to the cops, told them I shot a man who was on top of my mother trying to rape her. I told him his brain matter is on my mom and on the wall. Also the weapon is on the island in the kitchen.

  I turned around and put my hands behind my back as they read me my rights and placed me in handcuffs. I looked up and saw my mom is my dad’s arms while he had a tight expression on his face. All he did was nod at me.

  Since I was fourteen I was tried as an adult and given nine years in prison but with the possibility for early parole in seven years given I kept my record clean.

  Well as I stated earlier that didn’t exactly happen.

  When my time for parole was coming up the old man had been murdered. I sat in the isolation cell waiting for the judge to call my name. Let’s see how long I get in the pen for this one. I don’t regret a mother fucking thing I have done.

  Apparently the Judge was a good man and not a shitty one.

  “Garrison, let’s go.” The guard yelled as my prison door was opened.

  I stood up, worked the kinks out of my big body and slowly made my way to the guard. I put my hands in front of me before I left the cell.

  I was lead through E Block hall by seven guards’ and to the waiting hall. Looking around me I saw the members of my father’s MC entering the courtroom with my dad coming up in the rear. All of them in the kutte’s declaring them the men of Spartan MC. As if he sensed it he looked directly at me with my mom at his side. All he did was put his hand on his heart and nod at me.

  It was his way of silently saying I love you and you got this. I loved that man with everything in me. No he wasn’t my birth father but he was my dad in every sense of the word. Anyone ever asked, his name was the one on my birth certificate and it really was. After the adoption process had ended and the judge had ruled in our favor, he went to medical records at the hospital and had his name put on my birth certificate. My mom didn’t even know he had done it until weeks later when a copy came in the mail.

  He said,

  “I did it. Get over it, it was meant to be.” Then he grabbed another beer, walked from the room, headed to the back porch and continued grilling hamburgers for a small get together.

  We entered the courtroom and I was led to the left side were a few other inmates were already seated and waiting. I couldn’t look at my family because I knew what was coming. I didn’t want to see them freely with no boundaries then have to go back and see them with a sheet of Plexiglas between us and a damn phone.

  Out of the seven of us, two were denied parole, four were granted it and the other one was being transferred to a maximum security facility. I’ll let you guess which one I was.

  Chapter 1

  Sucker, I got paroled with a year of probation!

  See apparently the old man had written a letter to the warden about what likely was about to happen. Somehow the old man knew that I wouldn’t take him being attacked and then taken out too lightly. The warden not being an ass took it to heart and began watching any and all areas in his prison.

  Also while most were asleep or in the yard he had certain cameras put up where there had not been any coverage and the inmates knew it. It had been time to catch some rule breakers and even murderers in the joint.

  Now I don’t know if this is true or not as I don’t recall the fuckers having shiv’s in their hands when I broke their necks but on the official report is that it was all self-defense.

  Well damn.

  The judge had left my case for the end and I figured I was the one being transferred to the maximum security facility but it wasn’t me. Turned out it was the one who turned traitor against the old man and had set up the whole attack. Finding out he was the biggest snitch in North Carolina, well his time had come. Rumor has it the prison he is being sent to isn’t maximum security for the inmates. It is only for those who try to escape. I hope he rots in hell.

  As soon as the story had been unfolded I looked to my mom and saw her hand over her mouth, tears running down her cheeks as her eyes were going from the judge to me and back again. My dad had nothing but a smirk on his face as well as the members when the news had come out that I had broken their necks.

  Then he said that because of the evidence declaring it was self-defense there was no reason I couldn’t be paroled. And seeing how that particular time that had been indicated was now todays date.

  A guard walked to me, asked me to stand, put the key in the lock on the cuffs, turned and took the cuffs from my wrists. I stood there rubbing where the marks were because my wrists were too big and they pressed the confines of the cuffs.

  I looked in amazement as the judge decaled I was free and slammed the gavel down on the bench. I stood there unsure if this was a dream,

  “Dad?” I said, being unsure of everything.

  “Yeah son?” He called out.

  “Think we can get me a juicy fat cheeseburger and a beer since I turned twenty one a few weeks ago?” I haven’t had a good burger in seven years.

  “Yeah, just as soon as you get your big ass over here, give your mama a hug we can get on that.”

  I became unglued from behind the railing and made my way to my mom. The guard opened the little door for me and before I could make my way to her she came bounding out of the row, even elbowed several members to get to me.

  I caught her in my arms and hugged her tight. She was everything to me, I stood there in my orange jumpsuit as my mom cried into my shirt and I stood there and waited until she was finished.

  As soon as she was done I walked to my dad and hugged him. Today I was bigger than him in bulk but we were the same height. Go figure, my biological dad was short. Things have a way of working themselves out, don’t they?

  “Y’all didn’t happen to bring me some clothes did y’all? This orange jumpsuit sucks ass and I know I can’t fit into my old duds any longer.” Especially seeing as I was much larger than I was.

  “Nah son, we weren’t expecting this either. Get your stuff and we can run and get you something before we head go get you that burger.” Nodding I weaved around them as one and all slapped my back. Forty three members in all filled up the court room.

  I exited the courtroom and went to the front office and stood behind the line. My name was called and I walked to the window.

  “Garrison, don’t you dare come back here.” The manager said.

  “I don’t plan on it Fife.” I really didn’t, not unless someone did the unthinkable and tried to harm my family.

  “We have one t-shirt, one pair of jeans, one pair of boots, one watch, one cell phone, a wallet containing twenty dollars and an envelope with five hundred and sixty seven dollars that has been emptied out from your commissary fund. We also have with your G.E.D, your mechanic license. Sign here.” He said as he pointed to the dotted line.

  “Thanks.” I said as I grabbed it all and signed my John Hancock on the form. Luckily they had certain programs to help the inmates better their lives for once they got out. If you were in for life with no chance of parole then you didn’t have access to the programs. It was in the mechanics program that I met the old man on my third d
ay in.

  Then I went to the room and shoved my body in the clothes. My fucking balls were screaming at me and the t-shirt ripped as soon as I moved my shoulders. Great I thought. Next I pulled on my boots, they were a little tight but not uncomfortably so.

  Walking through another set of cell bars making up a door followed by another one once it was opened led me to the big red door. It was the door that led to freedom. I pushed that bitch open and breathed in fresh air that wasn’t tainted by the prison walls.

  I continued walking between the fencing and then I walked to the big metal gait with barbed wire on top. It slowly swung open and there they were. Forty three bikes, a black van waiting for me. Once I reached them I got another hug from my mom and my dad. I jumped in the passenger side of the van and we took off.

  We headed to good ole’ Wal-Mart and I walked as best I could. Headed straight to the damn sweat pants because I knew I could trust those, grabbed a large pair and went to the dressing room, tore off my jeans and pulled the sweatpants on that were gray in color. I exited the dressing room and threw away the jeans remembering to grab the tag so I could pay for them.

  “What size are they?” My mom asked, I should’ve known better. Without thinking I said,

  “Large.” And turned around and grabbed a pack of socks and boxers plus a pair of cheap shoes until I could get others. My dad came up behind me and popped the back of my head. I whipped around and asked him,

  “What the heck was that for?” I didn’t like to curse in front of my parents, I felt it was disrespectful.

  All he did was point at my mom going through the store grabbing everything she could find in a large and extra-large. I smacked my own head myself.

  “Dang dad. I should’ve known.”

  “It’s alright son. She needed this and I know so did you.”

  “Yeah dad. I know.”

  “Son something I gotta tell you before you get home. We didn’t tell you while you were locked up because we didn’t think you needed to hear the news in there. It’s about Titus. He got real sick about a year after you went in and we ended up having to put him down. Vet said it was cancer.” I stood there processing that. Titus had only been seven months old when we came to live with Garrison.

  “Well at least he had a darn good life.” I said.

  We walked over to my mom and I threw the stuff in the cart.

  “Mom, I can’t afford all this. Not with what they gave me.” Oh boy did I get a look, a look that definitely showed her crazy side.

  “Malcolm Edward Garrison you watch your mouth boy. I haven’t been able to do for you for seven years. I’m your mama and it’s my freaking right. So hush or Ill wash your mouth out with soap when we get home.” Knowing better because she would have my dad hold me down and wash my mouth out with soap. I wisely said,

  “Yes ma’am.” I may have killed people with my hands who deserved it in my eyes but I never and I mean I never disrespected my mom. If it wasn’t for her throwing herself over my body when I was five and then being brave enough to leave and having somewhere safe to take me too. I doubted I would be where I am today. That is also for the better by the way.

  I took one of the shirts she had thrown in the cart and put it on; also getting the tag so we could pay for it. I tossed that ripped t-shirt too.

  Grabbing a tooth brush, toothpaste, deodorant, some cologne, shampoo and some soap we were done.

  We made it to the checkout counter and lord help the girl ringing everything up. Her face was beat red. She kept looking my dad and I and then at my mom and back at us again every time she scanned something.

  “Look honey, I know my man is a looker and my son is damn handsome but can you speed it the fuck up? We got a cheeseburger and a beer to grab so chop, chop.” I could barely retain my laughter, my dad on the other hand could not. He was rolling with laughter. God love my mom but she had no filter.

  $193.73 was the total balance, normally I would grab from my wallet and head the girl the cash but I didn’t think my mom would like that si I kept my hands where they were and didn’t say a word.

  Grabbing the bags we headed to the van, loaded up and went to The Shed. It was the local diner in town and everyone came here for their burgers, their shakes and their Boston cream pie. Melted in your mouth it did.

  I jumped out, went inside and halted my mom. Thanks to my dad grabbing her knowing I needed to do things on my own again.

  I pulled the door open and strode in, as soon as the patrons saw it was me a lot of people did double takes and were I may have been worried that I would get pity glances and cursory looks it was not. Instead the entire diner broke out in a chorus of claps. I guess they all knew.

  Simply nodding my head I made my way to the counter and saw Gretel the owner. She saw me and came around the corner, pulled me in a fierce hug and thanked me. Her and my mom were close friends, well about as close as anyone could get. She was my sitter for the longest time while mom worked and the diner was slow. This place was like my third home.

  “I know what you need. Have a seat it’ll be out in a sec.” She said without waiting for a reply from me she put the order in and told them to make it quick. She then went and made me a strawberry shake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

  Not even five minutes later out came my burger. My double cheeseburger with chili, slaw, mustard and onions piled high on it with french-fries on the side.

  I grabbed my wallet as she was bagging it up and then for the second time today I was basically told my money was no good. I shook my head and grabbed the bag, leaning over the counter I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks Gretel.” I said as I left and headed to the van.

  Jumping in I demolished that burger, those fries and that shake.

  It took us about ten minutes to get to the clubhouse instead of the usual twenty from the diner but because of the amount of bikes a lot of people and I mean a lot of people either blocked traffic for us or they pulled over and let us go by. Pulling into the parking lot was freedom to me.

  Everyone parked their bikes, claps on the back were given and then I saw the girls, well the club girls to be exact. The good thing about being fourteen when you go to prison is that more than likely your still a virgin so being horny or wanting sex isn’t in the forefront of your mind so that helped.

  They were hot and believe me when I say hot I mean hot. Some were blondes; even a brunette and a red head. They all had on black leather halter tops, skimpy black leather skirts and hooker heels.

  Now I said they were hot. Think I am old fashioned or what have you but the thought of waiting until you found the right one definitely had me halting my thinking about grabbing one of them, the brunette in particular and finding a room.

  I made a promise to myself when I was sixteen and had first me Albert, the old man in the prison. He told me his story about himself and Elvira and the love they had shared. Rebels they were but they were faithful to one another until she had passed during childbirth with their son still born. I wanted a love and a relationship like that but I wanted it to last.

  Talk about something odd, was that he was from the same area I was from in Lincolnton, North Carolina. He used to tell me he had a mechanic shop that was the front for a lot of his dealings and when he tried to go good on somethings people didn’t like that whom he was in cohorts with. I planned to go to their grave sites and pay my respects in a few days. When one of the guards had told me the day I was released that he was being sent to be buried beside his wife in a certain cemetery I knew about. It wasn’t far from the diner either.

  Walking through the clubhouse a party was in full swing. I even turned down a few of the girls because I just wasn’t into it. I grabbed a beer that was handed to me by my dad and then handed a leather kutte.

  I stopped in my tracks as he had continued walking to the backyard to tend to the steaks that were on the grill. I put my beer down, unfolded the kutte and saw Enforcer on the front. I turned it around and there
was the clubs insignia, it was a Spartan Warrior. On the top rocker it said Spartan MC and on the bottom rocker it said Carolina. My eyes misted over and I shrugged on that kutte. Feeling like I fit in, in every way imaginable.

  I followed my dad out to the back and sipped from my beer.

  We bullshitted all night long, we rocked out to some tunes and we even went a few rounds in the cage that’s to the right of the clubhouse. It was after that when I was made aware of what my position in the club would be. I had no problem and seeing how I was now the biggest in the MC it only seemed fitting. Also I was dubbed my new road name of Mac. No its not a nickname but one round with me and everyone was saying that felt like they got ran over by a Mac Truck.

  Chapter 2

  Three days after my release I woke up to the sound of my new phone ringing same number though. My parents kept the line suspended until I got out and they reactivated it.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Is this Malcolm Garrison?” What the fuck.

  “Yeah, who wants to know.” I didn’t care if I came off as an asshole. Any time someone said is this and your name or can I speak to and your name it was either trouble calling or it was a telemarketer.

  “Mr. Garrison my name is Thomas Stallings of Stallings and Stallings Law Firm. Do you happen to know a Mr. Albert Hooper?”

  “Look buddy, if you calling me for a story or anything on him you can eat shit.”

  “No, no,no Mr. Garrison this is nothing like that. Judging by your answer I know you knew him. I have something for you that I need to read to you. Mr. Hooper had something in place for when he passed.”

  “Oh umm, yeah sure. When?” What the hell old man, what have you done now?

  “Can you come to my office in about an hour?” Well that was quick.

  “Yeah shouldn’t be a problem, where is your office located?”

  “It’s beside the bank uptown.” Since there was only one bank up town that wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Okay I’ll be there.” I disconnected the call.


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