The Soul of Archer

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The Soul of Archer Page 1

by Michelle Kee

  The Soul of Archer

  A Blackout Security Inc. Novel


  Michelle Kee

  Copyright © 2018

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 1

  Alora sighed as she stepped out of the shower. Grabbing one of her large fluffy towels, she slung it around her body, then grabbed a second towel for her hair. Today had been long but productive. After wrapping her long mahogany locks up turban style in the towel, she quickly dried herself, slipped on her fuzzy minion pjs and headed for the living room. Curling up on the couch with her current book, Alora settled in for a relaxing evening. At least that had been the plan.

  About ten minutes into her book, the quiet of her evening was disturbed by an almost pounding on her front door. The sound startled her, causing a squeak to escape her. Placing a hand against her now racing heart, Alora took a few calming breaths as her visitor knocked again harder.

  “Alright, alright! I’m coming!” Alora called out.

  She marked her place, slammed the book closed and got to her feet. She practically stomped to the door and jerked it open. Her eyes widened when she saw who was there.

  “What the hell kept you Alora?”

  “S..Sam, what the hell are you doing here? I’ve asked that you call before you just come over.” Alora stated as Sam walked inside, almost knocking her into the wall.

  Sam was prowling the living room when she caught up with him. He seemed stressed and pissed. Yet Alora wasn’t going to take that, not anymore. Over the last few months Sam had begun to change, and it wasn’t a change she liked. Crossing her arms, she just watched him.

  “I called you at the bakery and left a message for you to call me back.” Sam said, finally facing her.

  “I did call you back at lunch and told your secretary that I would be working late and would be unable to meet you. I’ve only been home for maybe an hour.” Alora countered.

  “Why won’t you make time to see me anymore? You used to.”

  “Sam, we’re getting into the wedding season. I warned you this would happen. Already I’m booked solid for July and most of June. I own a bakery and I’m the head baker and decorator. I can’t just drop everything because you want it. The REAL world doesn’t work like that.”

  She barely had a chance to register the danger before Sam grabbed her and had her pinned to the wall. A shiver of fear shot through her as she watched his electric blue eyes flash like lightning. His handsome face contorting into an angry snarl.

  “How dare you speak to me like that Alora. I am Samuel Malconi. You are nothing but a sniveling little baker. You’re nothing without me.” He drawled, icily.

  Alora’s fear melted into righteous anger. She jerked herself free and shoved him as hard as she could, forcing him back a few steps only because she caught him off guard. “Get the fuck out of my house! We’re through Sam. Don’t call me, text me, email me, and don’t you EVER come to my house or my bakery ever again.”

  Everything happened in a flurry. One second, she was standing and the next she was slammed to the hardwood floor as pain erupted along the left side of her face. He had hit her. Sam had actually hit her. She cried out when she felt his foot connecting with her midsection.

  “You ungrateful bitch! Nobody tells me what to do!” Sam roared, delivering a kick with every other word.

  “Stop! Please!” Alora cried trying desperately to protect herself.

  Sam bent down, grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her to her feet. “You’re mine Alora. I’LL say when we’re done.”

  Genuine fear fell over her. Her entire body enveloped in its icy grip. She felt herself being tossed like a ragdoll to the floor once again. Painfully lifting her head, she watched as Sam stalked out of the living room, the door slamming behind him.


  Alora took a slow painful breath before she slipped from her car. She had no idea why she was here but yet here she was. Knowing Sam like she did she knew he would be at his home. Maybe she was hoping he had calmed down and they could talk. Quiet as a church mouse, she moved through the shadows toward the lightened window of his office. She peaked in and couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

  A man in a black suit was in a chair with two of Sam’s bodyguards on either side of him. The man’s face was bloodied and angry bruises already forming. Across from him, leaning against the desk, his ankles crossed, was Sam.

  “Omar, Omar. Did you really think that my father wouldn’t find out? That you could betray us and actually get away with it?”

  “N…no Sir. I…I didn’t…betray your father. I swear.” Omar sobbed.

  “Carmichael here saw you go to the F.B.I., Omar. That you were there for nearly an hour.” Sam replied calmly.

  “I did go…but because of my Uncle Vincent in Chicago. He was caught smuggling drugs and he told them I let him stay with me. That’s all Sir. I swear!” Omar pleaded.

  Sam gave a curt nod to his men. Alora watched in dismay as Carmichael and Branson forced Omar to his knees. Barely able to keep the cry from escaping, she watched as Sam pulled a silver pistole from his shoulder holster, leveled it and fired. The back of Omar’s head exploded back with a spray of blood and grey-matter. Turning, Alora bolted for her car.


  Lance yawned, pushing through the doors of Blackout. Last night had been another wash. He hated stakeouts like these. Some rich housewife was so sure her husband was banging his campaign manager and had hired Blackout to investigate.

  “You look beat Hawk,” Grant Whitney commented as he stepped up next to Lance at the elevators. “You find anything?”

  “I think that lady is off her damn rocker. If her husband is banging anyone he’s the sneakiest SOB I’ve ever seen. I think she’s just jealous that the campaign manager is younger, prettier and smarter than she is.” Lance grumbled as they stepped into the elevator.

  Grant laughed, “Ethan thinks so too.”

  A minute later the two stepped off the elevator and ran into Gage. “Good, you’re back Hawk. Ethan wants us in observation. He’s in his office talking to A.D.A Jamison on the phone. We got something, and it could be big.”

  Lance and Grant glanced at each other before following Gage. As they passed Lance’s office, he ducked in to drop off his stakeout bag before the three continued to the observation room. Lance saw that Tony was already there and so was Ethan’s wife, Krista.

  “Hey guys.” Krista greeted somberly.

  “Why are you here?” Lance asked.

  “She’s here because of the woman in the other room.” Ethan answered, walking in. “Let me fill you in while we wait on Nick and his assistant. Saturday afternoon just before I left I got a call from a Ryan Bowman in Houston. He said a friend of he and his wife was there and needed help. Our kind of help.

  “The woman’s name is Alora St. James. She’s the owner of Sassy Explosions over on Lavaca. According to Mr. Bowman, she showed up unexpectedly late Friday night. She had been beaten. Here’s the kicker, Ms. St. James claims it was her boyfriend, Sam Malconi.”

  This caught everyone’s
attention. The Malconi name was well known in Austin. The Malconi’s were Austin’s mob family. They were into everything from drugs to weapons and recently started dabbling in human trafficking.

  “So, what’s the game plan boss?” Gage inquired.

  “When my dad and his assistant get here I’ll go in with them. I was thinking that maybe Grant and Ethan could go too. Grant, you have that soothing big brother thing going so that could help Alora stay calm.” Krista explained before Ethan could speak, making him just shake his head in amusement.

  “You got it Baby Girl.” Grant nodded.

  “Tony, Lance, Gage, you three observe and document. After this meeting we’ll talk with Nick and go from there.” Ethan ordered.


  Alora sat at the round table, her head resting on her crossed arms on the table. When she got to Ryan and Jacquie’s house in Houston she had told them everything. The next morning Ryan told her he had called Blackout and that first thing Monday morning she was to go there. So here she was.

  Her head snapped up at the knock. A second later three men and two women walked in. One of the women she recognized immediately. “Oh my gosh! You’re Kris James!”

  Krista smiled warmly, “Yep. Alora, this is my dad, Assistant District Attorney Nicholas Jameson and his assistant, Annabelle Malconi.”

  “Malconi? You’re related to Sam?” Alora blurted out.

  “Sadly. I’ve been disowned by my family which I’m perfectly fine with. I’ve been helping Nick build a case against them for years.” Annabelle stated.

  “And these two are Ethan Blackstone and Grant Whitney. They’re members of Blackout’s Alpha team.” Krista finished the introductions.

  “Ms. St. James, I promise you we’re here to help you. Just tell us everything and then we can get the ball rollin’ on keeping you safe.” Ethan assured her as everyone took their seats.

  Alora nodded. She closed her eyes and took a few slow breaths. She only opened her eyes when she felt someone take one of her hands. It was Krista. “Well, I really don’t know where to begin. I mean I’ve never done anything like this.”

  “Alora, may I call you Alora?” Nick began. She nodded. “Alora, why don’t you start at the beginning. How did you meet Samuel Malconi?”

  “We met the first time about sixteen years ago in college. I was studying at the Culinary Institute in New York and he was attending Columbia. We met at an art gallery when we were freshmen. We seemed to hit it off. About a month later we started dating. It was the middle of our junior years was when I met his dad for the first time.

  “Ian Malconi scared the shit out of me. I…” She paused, licking her lips as she remembered meeting Ian. “I was at Sam’s apartment when his dad stopped by unannounced. God, the way that man looked at me made me want to take a scalding shower. I felt violated and all he did was shake my hand.”


  In the observation room Lance was glued to the monitor. He felt a pull to the woman like he had never felt with anyone. Her jewel-like amber eyes were hypnotizing. Emotion swimming in them as she talked. Her deep brown hair was swept away from her face in a single braid. Her face was free of make-up and smooth looking, except the fading bruise on her left cheek. Her complexion was a soft golden tan that told him she enjoyed the outdoors.

  From what he could see of her figure she was curvy in all the places he believed a woman should be. At present she was dressed in faded jeans, a Jason Aldean t-shirt and flip flops. She looked both terrified yet strangely pulled together. He mentally applauded her for her strength. He leaned in when she began speaking once more. What he heard next had him seeing red and he couldn’t explain it.


  “After the meeting with his dad, we broke up. Sam was about to start applying for law school and I was finishing up my own degree and we agreed to end it. So, I graduated and returned to my hometown of Houston. I started working at a cake shop and stayed on for about six years before deciding I was ready to strike out on my own.” Alora continued.

  She reached for the glass of water Krista had got for her and took a long swallow. “Anyway, I moved here to Austin and started Sassy Explosions. I only bought my storefront two years ago. It was about that time I ran into Sam again. We started talking and not long after started dating again. But over the last few months he’s…changed.”

  “Changed how Alora?” Nick questioned.

  “Distracted. Quick to anger. Paranoid almost. He was constantly checking over his shoulder. When he would come to my house he would prowl around like he was expecting to find me with someone. At first, I thought he was cheating but then I pushed that aside. He wasn’t acting like a cheater, but something was going on.” Alora replied.

  “Walk us through Friday night when he came to your house.” Ethan spoke up.

  Alora shivered as she remembered. “I had been home about an hour. He had called the bakery earlier that day saying he wanted to have dinner. I called him back saying I wouldn’t be able to make it. I got home, grabbed a shower, and had planned to read for a bit then turn in. Sam showed up at about nine fifteen or so. We started arguing. I told him in the real world I couldn’t just drop everything because he wanted me to. He grabbed me and had me up against the wall before I could even blink.

  “I got loose and pushed him away. I told him to get out, that we were through. Not to call or text, to stay away. He…god his eyes…. he just lost it. He threw me to the floor and started kicking me. I begged him to stop. He pulled me up by my hair and said the he would decide when we were finished. He left after that.”

  “What else happened sweetie?” Krista pushed.

  “I…. I watched Sam…. I watched Sam Malconi kill a man.” Alora stated.

  Chapter 2

  Lance stood a little straighter after hearing those words. What in the world had this woman gotten herself into? He glanced at his teammates and they all wore similar expressions. He turned back toward the monitor and listened as Alora described in exacting detail what she had seen. He was impressed at her descriptions and the fact that she was keeping it together.

  "I told Ryan and Jacquie that I was scared Sam would come after me because of what I saw." Alora said.

  "What do you mean by that Darlin'?" Grant asked gently.

  Alora took a slow breath, "He has security cameras everywhere. It's only a matter of time before he sees me on them and then what's to stop him from coming for me?"

  That was all Lance could take. Before the others could stop him, he was out the door and pushing into the room. He ignored the surprised look on Ethan's face at him barging in. He didn't care. His eyes zeroed in on Alora and her eyes locked with his. He frowned when he saw her shift closer to Krista and the fear beginning to creep in. Oh, hell no, he wasn't having that. Lance moved slowly toward her then took a knee.

  "Um, Alora this is Lance Archer. He works with my husband and Grant." Krista introduced, shooting him a quizzical look.

  "Oh. Well, hello Mr. Archer." Alora managed.

  "You don't have to be afraid anymore. Blackout can and will protect you." Lance stated.

  "But he'll know soon, if he doesn't already, that I was there and what I saw. Sam has people everywhere. He'll find me and..."

  "No, no Ms. St. James, he won't hurt you again. I promise." Lance vowed.


  Alora couldn't explain it, but she believed Lance. Her gaze still locked with his deep turquoise eyes, she reached up to tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "What am I going to do then Mr. Archer? I have a business to run, people who depend on me. I can't just up and leave because of Sam. I WON'T hide! You hear me?"

  She was shocked at the sudden outburst of anger, but it was how she felt. She was no coward and damned if she would turn into one of those cliché damsels in distress. No, she would fight back and prove that she was a fighter. She felt a flutter when Lance gave her a slight smirk.

  "And there's the tigress." Lance teased, making her heart flutter once more. "With what you have told
A.D.A. Jameson, Sam Malconi's days are numbered."

  "Hawk is right Alora." Ethan added. "I told you before I brought you in here that we would be recording this conversation. I have two friends with the F.B.I., and a brother-in-law in the DEA. I will send them copies of this and together with Nick we'll lock Sam Malconi in a cage." Ethan stated.

  For an unknown reason, Alora looked back at Lance, almost as if seeking validation to Ethan's words. Lance nodded and that seemed to calm her and build her resolve more. "Alright. So, what happens now?"

  "Alora, does Sam have a key to your house?" Annabelle asked.

  "I don't think so. I mean I never gave him one and he never asked. But with how connected he is I wouldn't put it past him to have one." Alora replied.

  "Then that's our first move. The rest of Alpha team and I will go to your home and take care of surveillance. We'll change your locks, add our security system, and such. Tomorrow we can do the same at your bakery." Ethan explained.

  "Okay, let's do it." Alora agreed but worried her bottom lip.

  Nick turned and faced Annabelle. “Annabelle, gather this interview tape from Tony and head back to the office. I’ll go to the D.A. and lay this out for him. I want you to reach out to the F.B.I. and see if they have anything on Malconi, if they do arrange the meeting.”

  “Yes sir,” Annabelle nodded.

  She gathered her things and before she left, she patted Alora’s shoulder. Once she was gone, Ethan signaled for the recording to stop. Krista moved closer and took one of Alora’s hands in her.

  "What's wrong sweetie?" Krista asked gently.

  "I don't think I could stay there tonight. I mean..."

  "I think I have the perfect solution for you Alora." Nick spoke up, "You can stay with me and my wife, Debbie. It's the last place he would think to look for you."


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