The Soul of Archer

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The Soul of Archer Page 14

by Michelle Kee

  She pulled back and looked up at him. "Yes. You and me. I love you."

  He cupped her face and smiled, "And I love you too."

  Alora rose on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. Lance's hands slid from her face, down her neck, her shoulders, her back before enclosing around her waist holding her to him. Alora tightened her hold on him and sighed. Alora broke the kiss and laid her head against his chest as he softly stroked her back. Despite knowing there was still a threat looming over them when they returned, Alora couldn’t help but enjoying this moment. This very moment. Lance holding her as the ocean ebbed and crashed to their right. Seagulls calling in the sky and the salty sea air engulfing them, caressing them. A thought struck her, and she giggled.


  “Well, you said that you’d take me on your boat.” She said.

  Lance laughed, “I did, didn’t I.”

  “So, Sir,” she winked, “when are you going to do that huh?”

  Lance let out a low sound. She knew he liked when she called him Sir and it usually got him worked up. Hell, it got her worked up too, but he didn’t need to know that. Before she could speak, he had her hand and was pulling her back toward the SUV making her laugh at his caveman behavior. He opened the door and helped her inside then a few moments later they were pulling away from the beach and back on the highway.

  “Um, where are we going?” she asked, holding in a laugh.

  “The Phoenix.”


  “You’ll see.” He winked.


  The Phoenix turned out to be Lance’s boat. When Alora had seen it, she was awestruck. The second Lance helped her from the SUV, she bolted from him, down the dock and was lovingly caressing the rail of the boat. Lance loved how enthusiastic she got about something new to try. She had told him before she had never been on the open ocean, and no, Galveston didn’t count. Watching her pay his boat the same loving attention she had his dad car was fascinating. Seemed his woman appreciated anything of beauty. Cars, boats, food, hell just about everything.

  “It’s beautiful Lance.”

  Lance stepped up behind her, his arms coming around her, “Dad gave her to me after I passed my Captain’s test in high school. When I joined up, he took care of her for me and still does now that I’m in Austin.”

  “How big is she?”

  “She’s a fifteen-footer. Not as big or fancy as some of the other boats out here, but she’s perfect for me.” He turned her, so she was facing him, “Like I said before, the only women who have ever been on this boat have been family. You’re the first and only woman I’ve brought here.”

  Alora placed her palm against the newly formed beard he was sporting. She thought he looked good with a beard and mentally made a note to say so. He kissed her sweetly before they boarded. As Lance started the engine, Alora sat and watched him. He was in complete command of the vessel. It was a huge turn on for her to see him in control like this, well, honestly to see him in control period. He was methodical. Following everything step by step with exact precision. Cupping her chin in her hands, she smiled as Lance eased the boat from its dock and out into the water, the sun glittering over the gentle waves.

  “So where to Captain?” she asked, standing and joining him at the controls.

  “Well, straight ahead we can go up the eastern seaboard, to the right we’re heading toward Portugal and Spain, behind us toward Florida and left, well we just go back to port.” He replied. “Where do you want to go?”

  Alora moved behind him. On a sigh, her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek rested on his back. “Surprise me Lance.”

  One of his hands covered both of hers at his waist as he navigated out of the inlet and further into the ocean. It was still a bit early for a Saturday, but already she could see several other boats out. Some like Lance’s, sail boats, catamarans, even a trimaran which she found interesting seeing it book across the water. When the boat picked up speed, Alora left Lance and hurried to one of the seats at the bow, the wind causing her loose hair to fly free behind her. Unable to stop herself, she stood on the seat, arms spread out wide. Casting a glance behind her at Lance, she winked but didn’t yell out the now infamous line associated with boats and bows.

  Chapter 19

  Alora sighed and pushed her empty plate away. Lance had indeed surprised her and now they were currently sitting at a restaurant at the marina in Norfolk, Virginia eating some of the best shrimp scampi she had ever had. Sighing happily, she looked out at the different boats moored at the marina. To their left she could just make out the Naval base and could see some of the different vessels.

  “How was your lunch?” Lance asked.

  “It was delicious.” She beamed.

  “Dad told me about this place right before I took my Captain’s test. After I passed, and he gave me The Phoenix, I brought him, mom, Jack and Jessi out here.”

  “It’s amazing. I mean, you have all these regular, excuse me civilians,” she teased him, “then just over there you have the Navy ships and personnel.”

  “Places like this, Jacksonville, Fayetteville and others you see that. Civilians and military mingling and working together. I see it more here on the east coast than the west, but it’s still there.”

  “Were you ever stationed on the west coast?”

  Lance took a sip of his sweet tea before he answered. “For my first enlistment I was at Camp Pendleton at the Sniper school. I got thrown there because my drill instructor at boot camp thought I’d make a good fit there. Before I got to see combat with them, MARSOC came recruiting. The rest is history. I re-upped, joined MARSOC, met my boys and well, there you have it.”

  “And because of that, we found each other.” Alora added, reaching for his hand.

  Lance took her hand and squeezed it. Yes, because of the decisions he made, he was now sitting across from the most beautiful, sweet, and fierce woman he had ever met. A woman he loved and would do anything and everything he could to keep her safe from the Malconi family or any other threat that came their way. She was his and he was keeping her damnit. He signaled for the check when inspiration struck. Something that had been happening more and more this week. He excused himself, headed for a corner and pulled out his cell and called his mom.

  “Hey mom.”

  “Hey baby. Are you and Alora okay? You two have been gone for a while.” Carmen replied.

  “Yeah, we’re fine I took Alora out on The Phoenix. That’s why I’m calling, we’re here in Norfolk and I was thinking of me and Alora staying the night on the boat.”

  “Oh, I think she’d love that. In that case, I think I’ll drag your dad to that new Thai place in town. You two be safe and enjoy yourselves. Just be back by noon tomorrow. Jessi is stopping by and we’re going to have a family Sunday dinner before you and Alora leave on Monday.”

  “Yes ma’am, we’ll be back. I love you ma.”

  “I love you too Lance. Now go on and we’ll see you tomorrow.” Carmen laughed before hanging up.

  Lance chuckled as he made his way back to the table. Alora lifted a brow. “How would you like to look around Norfolk for a bit?”

  “I’d love to, but don’t we have to get back?”

  “We’re not in a rush. I figured we’d do a little sightseeing, maybe grab dinner then start heading back. Maybe find a secluded inlet where I could drop anchor and we could spend the night on the boat.”

  Alora’s eyes widened. He then saw that spark she got when she was excited. When that spark hit her eyes, those amber colored windows to her soul just shined. “Yes! Oh Lance, I’d love that.”

  “Then let’s go.” He said.


  Alora sat at the bow watching the moon rise over the water. After sightseeing Lance had taken her to the Naval base and she got to see some of the ships up close and personal. They then had dinner back at the marina before boarding the boat again and making their way back toward North Carolina. About halfway there, Lance man
euvered his boat into a secluded inlet and dropped anchor. He was currently below deck while she stayed topside to admire the view. And what a view it was. The stars coming out one by one and the full moon rising slowly casting its glow over the rippling tide.

  “It’s quite a sight isn’t it?”

  Alora glance over her shoulder and smiled, “It sure is. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”

  Lance sat beside her and pulled her onto his lap, “See the reflection of the moon there? They call it a moonglade.”

  “I actually did know that. I read this book a few years ago called In the Shadows of the Moonglade, and it was mentioned. I think I still have a copy at the house, you’d like it.”

  “I’ll just have to read it to find out.”

  Alora giggled, snuggling deeper into his embrace. This past week had been amazing for her. Seeing Lance with his family, him telling her he loved her, hell them just being them. No worries, no concerns. Just two people in love and having a nice little vacation. She also knew their little slice of peace would be taken away when they boarded the jet on Monday to fly back to Austin. After that nothing was certain except that she and Lance would face whatever the Malconi’s had planned together.

  Alora shivered. Lance’s hands were moving. They had been resting on her knees but now they were gently sliding up. Over her thighs, teasing the hem of the sundress she had thrown on that morning. God, she loved when he touched her like this. His fingertips teasing, slow, barely making contact with her skin. It made her blood begin a slow boil and her anticipation build. One hand moved further under her dress while the other was blazing a slow trail up her side. When he brushed the side of her breast, she couldn’t help but gasp. Already her breath was becoming labored. Another effect he had on her.

  “How does that feel?”

  “It feels so good. I love when you touch me Lance.”

  Lance placed a slow kiss against the pulse point at her throat, his tongue flicking against it. “I like touching you Tigress. Feeling you slowly submitting to me. Your body relaxes, your legs part for me like they are now.”

  He emphasized his point when his hand under her dress cupped her as her legs indeed parted more for him. Alora’s eyes drifted closed as her head tilted back against his shoulder. Lance chuckled, slipping a finger under the side of her panties to tease her. His chuckle turned into a low moan when he felt her wetness. Another thing he loved was her body’s reaction. She was always ready for him. Of course, he was always ready for her as well. Their bodies couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. Lance shifted his hold so her back was draped over his arm. He looked down and kissed her while at the same moment slipping his finger inside her. He swallowed the cry that escaped her. Her hips moving, pressing herself into his hand. God, he wanted more. She whimpered when his finger left her, but it wasn’t for long. With one hand he divested her of the silky panties she wore, and his hand was back to her center. Alora cried his name breathlessly when two of his fingers entered her again.

  “That’s it Alora. Move for me. I want you wet. Trembling. I want you burning so when I slip my cock in that sweet pussy of yours, you’re tight around me.”

  “Fuck yes. Lance, I want…”

  “What do you want Alora? Tell me.”

  “God…I want…” she tried to catch her breath to explain what she wanted to try, “I want to…submit…”

  Lance froze at her words. He was pretty sure he knew what she was asking. Yes, he had experimented with the whole Dom/sub culture and found with the right partner he was a good Dom and it was hot as hell. Yet this was Alora St. James. He removed his fingers and switched her position, so they were now eye-to-eye. He wanted to be one hundred percent sure this was what she wanted before he went any further down this road.

  “Alora, I need you to be completely sure. I think I know what you’re asking me. Yes, I’ve done my share of experimenting in this area, but while it can be hot and fun, it can also be dangerous. I need you to tell me exactly what you want.”

  Over the last few years Alora had been doing a little reading into that lifestyle. While she knew she would not want to live in it, having a bit of fun with it in bed peaked her interest. “I want you to take control Lance. I want to just feel. My wrists bound so I’m at your mercy. I want to feel you tease me till I’m begging for more. I want my nipples tugged, pinched. I want to be so turned on that I can’t think, that all I want is you inside me.”

  Lance was rock hard by the time she finished telling him what she wanted. He could definitely give her what she wanted. His hand clamped around the back of her neck, pulled her to him and kissed her. His other hand took hold of her wrists and pinned them behind her at the small of her back. Her body went lax against him as she met his brutal kiss, her hips rocking forward pressing into his erection. Lance broke the kiss.

  “Go below. Strip and lay on the bed. I want you in the center spread eagle.”


  Alora was on her feet and on jelly legs, hurrying below. At the foot of the bed she stripped, moaning when the fabric of her bra and dress brushed against her feverish skin and sensitive nipples. Following his instructions, she lay on the center of the bed spread eagle. The boat slowly rocking with the current only added to the atmosphere. Closing her eyes, she let the sway of the boat ease what last bit of nerves she had. About a minute later she heard Lance coming down the steps. Opening her eyes, she followed him as he went to each porthole and pull the shades over them. The only light now came from the low lights that ran along the floor.

  “You look delicious Tigress.” He smiled, pulling off his shirt and dropping it to the floor.

  “So, do you. Sir.” She breathed, drinking him in.

  Lance stood at the foot of the bed in only his jeans. His tattoos standing out against his tanned muscled torso. She could look at him for hours. She watched him reach into one of his back pockets. He lifted his hand to show her a length of braided cord. Alora knew what he was going to do with that and she couldn’t wait. Lance moved toward the counter to her right. He opened one of the drawers and removed two handkerchiefs. Without a word he stepped up to her right side first.

  Methodically, he gently wrapped one of the soft handkerchiefs around her wrist before slipping the cord around it. Draping the other end across her chest he moved to her left side. Alora gasped and her eyes fluttered closed when he tugged the cord so that it rubbed across her nipples. They were hard, and throbbing and the soft cord only excited them more. She barely noticed him binding her left wrist in the same fashion he had with her right.

  “How do you feel Alora?”

  “Excited. Hot.”


  Slowly her eyes opened again just to see him pull a carabiner from his other back pocket. He took hold of the middle section of the rope, slid it through the metal before attaching it to the bar of the headboard. He checked her wrists to make sure the cord wasn’t too tight then shed his jeans. Alora drank in his nude body. He was a vision to her. That Adonis V of his drove her nuts. He climbed onto the bed kneeling between her open legs.

  “Christ Alora, you look beautiful like this. Bound and open for me. My own personal buffet.” Lance growled.

  Alora couldn’t speak. His turquoise eyes alight with pure lust, making them seem to glow in the low light. He leaned over her and seconds later she bucked and cried out when his mouth engulfed her left nipple. Tiny tremors shot through her feeling his tongue lap at the bud. The friction was amazing mixed with the warmth of his hand cupping her breast. His other hand took hold of her right breast, rolling and tugging the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He was setting her on fire and she loved it. The rocking of the boat made her own movements seem more pronounced.

  “Yes Tigress. Feel the pain and pleasure mixing.” He said, tugging her nipples. “I want all that pain and pleasure to pool down to your sweet pussy for me.”

  “It is Sir. God, I feel myself…getting wetter…” she gasped
, bowing her back up off the mattress.

  Lance’s mouth started moving over her feverish skin. Everywhere he kissed, his tongue followed by drawing lazy patterns. From her breasts, down her sternum to move from left to right across her stomach. She was trembling now, wanting him lower still. As if sensing her need, Lance moved lower. His breath washed over her clit and opening. His name escaped her mouth moments before his mouth covered her.

  Alora dug her feet into the mattress to elevate her hips giving him better access. He nipped at her nether lips. The pain swirling with the pleasure nearly sent her over the edge, but she held back. No, she wouldn’t come until he told her to. He moaned low and deep, plunging his tongue deep inside her, his thumb moving up, so it rubbed her clit in rhythm with his tongue. She was so close, she was burning with need for more. For Lance.

  “Fucking delicious. I love your taste baby. I want you to come. I want to taste you on my tongue for days.” Lance ordered, then dove back in to devour her.

  She screamed his name as she exploded for him. Her body locked and trembling as he drank every drop that poured from her. What felt like a small eternity later, she sank against the mattress as Lance slowly continued to drink. Cleaning her, teasing her, building her back up for him. Alora was moaning and writhing again by the time he moved up her body and was over her, his palms flat on either side of her head. Their eyes met before he kissed her. She moaned at tasting herself on his lips. Only with Lance had she kissed a man after he had gone down on her. With him it seemed so erotic.

  “Please Sir. Please, I need you…inside me.” She begged breathlessly when he broke the kiss.

  “How bad do you want my cock?” he demanded, rubbing the head against her.

  “Fuck! Now! Oh, Now Lance! Please…please…take me. Fuck me now.” She screamed.

  Lance thrust hard and deep. Alora was shocked when she came again after that one thrust. But Lance gave her no recovery. He did as she begged, and he took. His cock moving in and out of her as her climax just rode on and on. She cried for more, for him not to stop as he rode her faster, pushing her higher and higher. Lance reached up and twined their fingers together as he fucked her faster and faster.


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