The Soul of Archer

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The Soul of Archer Page 19

by Michelle Kee


  That evening, Lance stood at the grill with his team and Danny while a few feet away Alora sat with Krista, Krista’s publisher Stacey Carlin who was visiting from New York and Krista’s girlfriends. “Congratulations Hawk. I think you and Alora are a good match.” Gage grinned.

  “I never thought I would ever consider marriage again, but then I met Alora and well, here we are.” Lance chuckled, flipping the burgers.

  “That’s usually how it works. It hits you when you never see it coming.” Tony said. “Least, that’s what my ol’ man keeps telling me.”

  “It was like that when I saw Krista again. Hell, even before I left for the Marines I never really considered a family. Marriage sure, but not the kids’ part. Yet last year when I saw her again, I wanted the whole damned package.” Ethan added.

  Lance nodded. “I feel ya brother. Before with Tegan, kids were never mentioned. With Alora though, fuck man, I can pretty much picture them. Little girls with her eyes, her attitude, my hair. Boys that are a perfect blend of both of us. God, I sound like a fuckin’ Hallmark movie or something.”

  The guys all laughed at the mushiness coming from Lance. Of the six of them, he was the last one to spout out romantic and sentimental stuff. Even Lance found it a bit strange to hear those words coming from his mouth, but what the hell was he gonna do about it? Not a damn thing, that’s what. So what if he was changing a little? His dad always said that finding the right woman will change a man but for the better. That’s what was happening with him and he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world. His Alora could handle him in any type of mood it seemed. She had seen him mad, happy, scared, and still she stuck by him.

  “Hate to change the subject but I figured tonight would be a good time to bring this up since we’re all here.” Danny spoke up.

  “What’s up Danny?” Ethan questioned.

  “It’s about that job offer you made me Ethan.”

  “You’ve made a decision?” Grant asked.

  “I can start in two weeks if you guys still want me.” Danny answered.

  Ethan clapped his brother-in-law on the shoulder. “Guys, what do you say?”

  “I say welcome to Blackout. Brother.” Lance said, his teammates echoing the sentiment.

  Chapter 24

  Lance sat at his desk. It was his first week back at Blackout in nearly a month. After the events in Terrell, Lance had been by Alora’s side. The day after she came home, his mom and Jessi had arrived and were currently staying at Lance’s house, which had been repaired right before the showdown with the Malconi’s. Yet one thing about the case still bothered Lance and the others. Where the hell was Monica Malconi? That one last loose end had caused the delay in Danny leaving the D.E.A. and joining Blackout. The week following him saying he was coming to Blackout, his bosses informed him that Monica was M.I.A. When the authorities had gone down to Costa Rica to apprehend her, they found she had fled and there had been no trace of her since.

  Lance hated loose ends and from her history, Monica was a dangerous one. He had no doubt that she knew her husband and children were dead and that she would be out for blood. That meant, Alora still had a target on her back. Leaning back in his chair, he ran his hands over his face trying to clear his head enough to focus on the report he was working on for the D.A.’s office on what happened. He was brought out of his musings by a knock on his door.


  The door opened, and Alex stepped in. “Catch you at a bad time son?”

  “Hey dad.” Lance smiled. “I thought you were coming in tomorrow?”

  “Decided to surprise you.” Alex replied, sitting across from his son. “I just came from Sassy Explosions and your mom and Frank filled me in on where things stand from the administrative stand point. Jessi seems to have a handle on the bakery end. In fact, Frank said if she hadn’t already promised me and your mom she’d run our bakery and coffee shop back home, he’d snatch her up here.”

  Lance had to laugh at that. Alora had said the same thing when they had stopped by a few days ago after her appointment with Dr. Tinedale. “Alora said the same thing. Dad, Alora and I can’t thank you, mom and Jessi enough for all the help. I know it’s kind of inconvenient what with the book shop and new construction going on back home…”

  “Stop right there. You’re our son and Jessi’s brother. You’ve always gone out of your way for our family. With me and your mom, Jessi and Jack while in school. Now it’s our turn to help you and Alora. And it’s not an inconvenience. I’ve got the time saved up and the staff at the shop back home are fully capable of running things. Plus, helping Alora out gives Jessi some experience that will benefit her later.” Alex interrupted.

  “Still, thanks. For everything.” Lance said.

  Alex nodded. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your report. I’m heading to the house drop off my stuff and figured I’d take my future daughter-in-law out to lunch.”

  “She’d like that. She’s over at Ethan and Krista’s. Since we still have no effin’ clue where Monica Malconi is, she and I agreed she won’t be left alone.”

  “Smart move. I talked to Danny Jameson and Ethan when I came up and from what they told me, Monica may be an even bigger threat than her husband and children were.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of dad.” Lance sighed in agreement.


  Monica gnashed her teeth as she watched Alora St. James walk out of the house and climb into the truck with an older man. How dare that woman live while Monica’s husband and children lay dead in the ground. All because of this sniveling little bitch. She would pay, and Monica would make sure that Blackout knew her wrath. Slipping on her sunglasses, Monica pulled away from the curb. She still had planning to do and she would need help. Luckily, she had friends in low places and the resources to make her plans for vengeance come to fruition.


  Alora pushed through the pain and completed one more rep before placing the hand weights on the floor. “Good. Well done Alora.”

  “Thanks.” Alora sighed. “The exercises are getting easier.”

  “That means the therapy is working.” Lisa, Alora’s therapist replied. “You’ve been making excellent progress in a short time. You’re not trying to do too much too soon, which I see too often.”

  “Trust me, a week in the hospital was enough. I don’t want to go back anytime soon.” Alora stated.

  Lisa chuckled, “Well, I think we can call it a day. Remember, when you get home take a nice soak. Even though these exercises are getting easier, your muscles have been out of active use for nearly a month and you need to build up their endurance again.”

  Alora nodded, rising off the bench. “Oh, Lance wanted me to ask if a gentle massage would be a good idea?”

  “Actually, it would be beneficial. I wouldn’t suggest a Swedish or Shiatsu massage, but a gentle rub down would be a good idea now that you’re using the muscles more. I recommend using some kind of oil or cream for aching muscles.” Lisa answered.

  “I’ll tell him. See you on Friday then.” Alora replied with a wave and headed off to meet Lance who was picking her up. She stepped out of the therapy office and saw Lance already waiting for her. She climbed in the truck, gave him a kiss, then buckled up. “How was your day?”

  “It was good. I supervised Bravo team’s weapon qual today. Filed the report then went to do a check-up on one of our systems in the financial district.” Lance explained.

  “Sounds fun. Lisa said I’m making progress. She also said a gentle rub down after my sessions would be fine and would help at this point. She suggested using an oil or cream for aching muscles with the rub down.” Alora said.

  “I have something I used when I was in the corps. Hell, still use it sometimes after I do the combat training refresher course each year.”

  They fell into a comfortable silence the rest of the drive home. Since Jessi and Alex were staying at Lance’s house, he had practically moved into Alora’s.
When Alex came out the previous week, Carmen had flown back to North Carolina to check on things. She was due back at the end of July. By then if everything stayed on course with Alora’s physical therapy and such, she could return to work. It would still be another month before she would be able to do any physical work at the shop like decorating, lifting and such, but Alora just wanted to get her life back to normal. Jessi said she would stick around at least until the bakery at the book shop was complete which would be in mid-September.

  Lance eased his truck into the drive beside Alora’s Subaru. He climbed out and went to her side and helped her out. “Why don’t you go on up and soak in the tub. I’ll get things ready in the bedroom for your rub down. Then I was thinking ordering take out from Snow Pea.”

  “Mmm, that sounds like a plan.” Alora hummed.

  They walked into the house and while she headed upstairs, Lance headed for the kitchen. She entered her bedroom, stripped then headed for the bathroom. She studied herself in the mirror as the tub filled with water. Slowly, she reached up and traced the scar on her chest. Normally, Alora wasn’t a vain woman, never had been, but she had been worried about Lance’s reaction to seeing it. Those worries had been unfounded. The stitches had been removed two days ago, but even before then every night Lance softly kissed the entire length of the scar. The first time he had done so, she had blushed and got teary eyed. Lance told her she had nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. To him that scar was not ugly but beautiful because she was beautiful. She doubted she would ever get used to seeing it, but now it warmed her very soul when he kissed it. Alora turned off the water and slipped into the steaming tub, sighing as the warmth sank into her body. Vaguely she could hear Lance moving around the bedroom.

  About half an hour later, she stepped out of the bathroom and found Lance standing at the side of the bed. The sheets and comforter had been folded down to the foot of the bed and the candles she had scattered around the room were lit bathing the room in a golden glow, with the scent of wildflowers filling the air. Lance held out a hand to her and with a smile, she placed her smaller hand in his.

  Lance led her to the bed and eased her down, so she was laying on her stomach. Without a word, he sat beside her, pulled her silky robe down so it pooled at her waist. Once that was complete, he reached for the oil he had waiting on the nightstand, poured some on his hands and began his massage. He chuckled when she moaned as he rubbed her upper back and shoulders, taking care around her left shoulder.

  “How does that feel?”

  “It feels wonderful.”

  He fell silent again as he worked. Under his hands he could feel her body relaxing more and more. He finished up, wiped off his hands then eased down beside her, pulling her into his arms. Alora sighed happily. “I love you Alora.”

  “And I love you Lance.”

  “Why don’t you get dressed then come downstairs. I’ll call Snow Pea and order dinner. Any requests?”

  “I like everything on their menu so whatever you pick is fine by me.”

  Nodding, Lance kissed her before getting off the bed and heading downstairs. He walked into the kitchen, picking up the cordless phone as he headed for the coffee pot. He quickly placed their order and hung up as he poured himself and Alora a cup of coffee. He turned with his hands holding the mugs and froze.

  “Where is she?” Monica demanded.


  Alex climbed into the truck and backed out of the back lot of the bakery. He had been so impressed with the business his future daughter-in-law had built for herself. She was not only a talented baker, but a sharp business woman. That made him and Carmen helping over the last month that much easier. She kept excellent records on payroll, inventory, orders and billing. Jessi had told him that day that Alora’s staff were amazing to work with and some of them had even taught her a few things she hadn’t learned in culinary school.

  As Alex came to a stoplight a sudden feeling of unease hit him like a bullet. It was a feeling every parent dreads, the feeling that their children were in trouble. As soon as the light turned green, he pressed the gas and shot down the street. He needed to get to Lance and Alora. On instinct, he called Ethan.


  Alora clung to Lance as they sat on her sofa, staring at the barrel of Monica’s .45. “What do you want with us?” Lance asked.

  “Revenge, just good old-fashioned revenge.” Monica spat. “You two took my husband and children from me.”

  “M…Mrs. Malconi, please don’t do this.” Alora stuttered.

  “You shut the fuck up bitch. You are the reason this all happened. You.” Monica hissed.

  Alora shivered. She hadn’t been scared when Annabelle had taken her, hadn’t been scared when she was bound in that crumbling hospital. But in this moment, seeing the crazed look in Monica Malconi’s eyes, Alora was terrified. She and Lance were at this woman’s mercy and they had no way to get word to Blackout. The security was still disengaged, and both their cells were in the kitchen charging. She glanced up and met Lance’s eyes.

  “I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I was going to do to you both. I thought maybe killing you both and dumping your bodies on Blackout’s doorstep, blowing up your cars, blowing up the house as you two slept. But finally, I came to the perfect price for what you did to me.” Monica sneered, shifting so her gun was now pointing at Alora’s head. “Tell me Mr. Archer, have you ever seen what a .45 does to a person’s head at close range? Hmm?”

  “No. Please, please don’t…” Lance began, but he was silenced when Monica swung her pistol hand, catching Lance across the cheek with such force it knocked him off the sofa to the floor.

  Alora let out a cry but the pistol was once more in her face before she could do more than lift partially off the sofa. She could feel tears now flowing down her cheeks, but her eyes remained on Lance as he slowly sat up. Their eyes locked and held. In that look so many things were said between them. When the gun cocked, Alora still didn’t look away from Lance. If she was going to die, Lance’s face would be the last thing she saw. As that poem by Dylan Thomas said, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” No, she would not go gentle. She would not give Monica Malconi the satisfaction of seeing her fear any longer. Alora felt a calmness wash over her.

  “I love you Lance. I always will.”

  “Alora…” Lance stammered.

  A single gunshot echoed through the room, followed by the sound of a scream of pain and someone hitting the floor. Alora and Lance both looked and saw Monica on the floor clutching her gun arm and Alex standing over her, his own gun pointing at her head. “One move, one twitch, I will fucking kill you.” Alex hissed.

  Lance was off the floor and quickly grabbed Monica’s gun where it had fallen and stood beside his father. Alora let out a relieved breath as she heard the sirens growing closer. Lance kept the gun trained on Monica as Alex rolled her onto her stomach and slapped a pair of handcuffs on her, ignoring her cries of pain from where he had shot her. Now that she was secured, Alora stood and hurried to Lance who pulled her against him.

  “You two alright?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah. Yeah, dad we are.” Lance nodded. “How did you…what are you doing here?”

  Alex holstered his gun, but before he could answer, Ethan, Danny and the rest of Alpha team barged into the room.


  It was nearly an hour later before Alex, Lance and Alora were once more alone in the house. Alora was curled up on Lance’s lap on the sofa while Alex sat in one of the arm chairs. “Dad, how did you know to come here?”

  Alex took a sip of his coffee before he answered, “Son, a parent always knows when their children are in trouble. I was leaving the bakery when my gut told me you two needed me. On the way I called Ethan and told him to get over here.”

  “My mom used to tell me that. She told me that no matter where I was, if I was ever in serious trouble she would know and would move heaven and earth to get to me.” Alora said.

s, that’s exactly right. While Lance may not be my biological child, he’s still my child. As much as Jessi and Jack are.” Alex nodded.

  Lance felt himself get chocked up at those words. Oh, he had always known Alex loved him and thought of him as his, it still got to Lance to hear Alex verbalize it. As if she sensed his emotions, Alora shifted a little and wrapped her arms around him, adding her own love to him. Lance kissed the top of her head. He looked up and saw Alex smiling in understanding. After years of struggling to find his place, the heartache and pain he had suffered, Lance finally had what he always dreamed of. He had his soulmate.




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