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Rise Page 12

by Sarah Bale

  Trace musses, “I wonder if it’s some kind of emergency test.”

  “The TV is unplugged, Trace. I don’t think that’s how it works.”

  Knuckle says, “Shoot. I’ve got to go. Headquarters is calling me in.”

  I say to Trace, “Maybe we should go in, too.”

  He nods and we get dressed. By the time we get to headquarters, it’s a madhouse. Marble stands in the middle of it all, directing Heroes where to go. He sees me and motions me over.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Someone’s hijacked a satellite. Intel is suggesting whoever did this is about to broadcast.”

  “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  “We?” He looks around, letting out a sigh. “Trace, if your ass is over here, then I suggest putting on your coat. For now, all we can do is sit tight. We’ve got people working on tracing the link that overtook the satellite.”

  Trace puts on his coat and says, “Sorry, boss.”

  Marble runs his fingers through his dark hair. “The really shitty part is that Blot wouldn’t have had an issue tracking the hijacker down. None of our guys are as good as he was.”

  Was. I hate how much that little word hurts.

  His eyes soften. “Go to my room. I’ll come get you if there’s news.” To Trace he says, “And you, come on. I need your help with something.”

  Trace gives me a worried look as he follows Marble. I’m not doing anyone any good here, so I head toward Marble’s room.

  I’m almost to the door when I run into Upper Seven.

  “Good morning,” he says, showing his fangs. “I wasn’t aware that they called you in.”

  “I was talking to Hero Knuckles when she was called in. Hero Trace and I thought we should come in; in case we were needed.”

  “I see. I take it you weren’t needed?”

  I shake my head. “No. Hero Marble told me to stay in his room until I am needed.”

  “Very good. Or, if you’d like, we can go to my room and have a drink.”

  I really hope my mouth isn’t hanging open.

  “Uh, sure.” I let out a laugh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were allowed to drink.”

  He smiles. “We are. Come.”

  He leads me to a door marked Restricted.

  It opens and an automated voice says, “Greetings Upper Seven.”

  “I’ve never been this way before.”

  This entire hallway is different than the rest of the building. Dark hallways with torches from the walls lighting the way. It’s literally like stepping into a medieval castle. The air is getting cooler, which means we’re going deep underground.

  Seven replies, “I would think not. Heroes are not allowed here unless invited by Uppers. Marble hasn’t even been down here.”

  “Wow. Well, thank you for inviting me.”

  I’m trying to play it cool, but my gut is screaming for me to run. That this might be too good to be true. We don’t pass another soul as we walk, finally reaching a hallway with sixteen doors.

  “My brothers and I live down here,” he says, taking me to a door marked VII.

  I let out a laugh and he peers down at me.

  “This is going to sound silly, so just go with me. Since you told me your name, I’ve been thinking Seven, like S-e-v-e-n. It never occurred to me that it might be V-I-I.”

  He chuckles, too. “No, you’re right. It’s S-e-v-e-n. They just used roman numerals on the door because Upper One thinks it looks fancy.”

  We’re both laughing as we enter his room. He turns on the light and I stop.

  “Holy shit.”

  His room is the exact opposite of the hallway we just walked down.

  “As you can see, we’re allowed to decorate our rooms to our choosing. This is what I like.”

  The only way to describe the room is clinical. White walls. Stainless steel furniture. No a speck of dust anywhere. Hell, you could perform a surgery in here with no problem. And there’s not one personal touch in the entire room. Trace thought my place looked unlived in. This room makes my house look cozy.

  He gestures toward the couch, so I sit.

  “Would you like some wine?”

  I nod and he goes to a small kitchen. He comes back handing me a glass.

  “Aren’t you having a glass?”

  “The Uppers do no partake in the same feedings as Heroes and Basics.”

  I moisten my lip. “Would it be rude to ask what you drink?”

  “No, not rude. Many have questioned what we are.” He smiles. “We drink blood.”

  Oh my god. Trace was right.

  “So, does that make you a vampire?”

  “Call it what you will. I drink blood to get by, but wasn’t bitten to become this way.”

  I grin. “Can you see your reflection in a mirror?”

  “Of course.”

  “Does garlic bother you?”

  “Only because I miss eating it.” He laughs. “And, no, you don’t need to worry. I’m not going to suck you dry.”

  Reader, don’t judge me for what is about to happen. Maybe it’s the bright white lights reflecting off his pale skin, or maybe it’s the wine, but I’m suddenly overcome with a sense of longing. Yes, I want to bang the vampire-guy.

  I put my glass down and turn to Seven. “Have you ever had the blood of a Hero?”

  His gaze goes right to my neck, where my pulse throbs.


  “Would you like to?”

  “It’s forbidden.”

  I lean in and say, “No one would have to know.”

  Need fills the air and he moves closer, too. “I wouldn’t want to mark your neck.”

  My lips brush against his. “It’s a good thing there are other veins that can be sucked.”

  He’s not cold, like I expected. Then again, I’ve never kissed a vampire before, so I’m kind of talking out of my ass on this one. My above statement must have been spot on, though, because he lifts me into his arms like I don’t weigh anything and carries me across the room to his giant bed. Yeah, not sure how I missed that when I walked in.

  He smiles down at me and says, “It was hidden. I have the ability to do that.”

  “Looking into my thoughts, Seven? Be careful. You never know what you’ll find in there.”

  I’m trying to be sexy, but I’m also serious. I can’t forget how dangerous this is. If I was smart, I’d get the fuck out of here.

  His fang scrapes over my bottom lip, piercing it. “Don’t worry, Alpha. Your secrets are safe with me.”

  And then he fucking sucks on my bottom lip, which must unleash some kind of horny she-devil, because we’re naked, like, two seconds later.

  He kisses a trail down my skin. When he gets to my breasts, he covers a mound with his mouth, sucking. But I can still feel the scrape of his fangs and I writhe beneath him wanting more.

  He says, “Careful. This is not a place you would enjoy being bitten.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  He grins and moves lower. His hot breath hits between my legs and I let out a throaty moan.

  “Now this is a different story. The femoral artery. This can be deadly if punctured incorrectly.”

  He presses a spot on my inner thigh and I moan.

  “Do you trust me, Alpha? Do you trust me with your life?”

  I probably shouldn’t, but my gut tells me that I can trust him, at least in this moment.

  I spread my legs. “I do.”

  His fangs get longer and he moves between my legs. When they scrape against my skin, I moan.

  “Most movies have it all wrong, you know.” He says, kissing up my inner thigh. “When a vampire feeds, it’s not pleasurable. It’s the most intense pain the victim will ever feel in their lifetime.”

  There’s a sharp tearing of my skin and I let out a cry.

  “But, when a vampire feeds during intercourse, well, that is different.”

  His tongue swipes over my torn flesh and the pain goe
s away being replaced by intense pleasure. A moan bubbles up my throat and he smiles.

  “Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?”

  I nod and he moves to my other thigh. Again, there’s pain and then pleasure. This goes on for what feels like hours, until my throat is hoarse from screaming out his name. He runs a long finger through my folds, showing me his coated fingers. I know I’m aroused. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on, not even with the pink fog of lust.

  “Please,” I beg.

  He moves over me, eyes darker than the night. “I know I said I didn’t want to mark your neck, but I simply cannot resist.”

  “Yes,” I breathe out. “Anything.”

  His cock presses at my opening and I rock beneath him, trying to seek my pleasure. He gives me a wicked look as he bites into my neck. I scream out and, at the same time, he enters me in a single thrust. Pain and pleasure war with each other until I’m not sure which I’m feeling.

  He thrusts into me, sucking my neck at the same time. With each pulse of my heart I feel more alive. My stomach burns and I grind against him. And then I come. Hard. I cry out and the pink fog leaves my mouth, floating all around us.

  He’s still pounding into me, but says, “Now, that’s interesting.”

  I should be worried, but I’m not. The fog goes into his mouth and, like before, I’m overcome with an intense sense of longing that only Seven can satisfy. He rolls us so I’m on top and can ride him. Our slick bodies rock against each other as we seek our pleasure.

  Seven leans forward, capturing my nipple in his mouth. And then he bites. I scream and orgasm at the same time. He licks and sucks the tender flesh until I’m burning for him.

  “Come for me, Alpha.”

  With a deep moan, I come again, my pussy clenching and throbbing around his cock. He comes, too, and I’ve never felt so complete. I fall against him with a sigh and he laughs as he pushes my damp hair from my face.

  “That was unexpected.”

  I snort. “That was amazing.”

  “Were you going to tell anyone that you have a new power?”

  It’s hard to shield myself, especially when his cock is still deep inside of me.

  I sigh. “I was scared to say anything.”

  “As you should be.” He looks up at me. “Alpha, they’re not going to stop until you’re at the treatment facility.”

  “Why are the other Uppers so hell-bent on getting me there.”

  “It’s not us. It’s the government.”

  I freeze. It never occurred to me that it wasn’t the Uppers.

  “We’ve tried to protect you, but they see you as a threat. You’re too strong. Too fast. Too smart.”

  His words sink in.

  “Then they won’t stop until I’m dead.”

  “You’re right.”

  “What should I do?”

  He gives me a small smile. “I think you already know.”

  I’m blessedly saved from replying because my watch buzzes. It’s Marble.

  Seven says, “I would advise not answering that in here. Hero Marble did not react well when he discovered you had sex with Hero Trace. I’m sure this would not go over very well.”

  That makes me grin. Might be worth it just to see his expression.

  Seven kisses me. “Just remember that I’ll support anything you do.”

  “Thank you, Seven.”

  “Better get dressed. Duty is calling.”

  I climb off him with a sigh, missing him as soon as I step away. Now that’s something that surprises me.

  He says, “That feeling isn’t unusual. We’re connected now. The only thing that would make our bond stronger would be for you to have my blood.”

  “Can you hear my thoughts?”


  I meet his gaze directly. “All of them?”

  “All of them. Even those you think you’re hiding.” He smiles. “But, I let you into my mind, so that you can trust me. Do you trust me, Alpha?”


  “Then go. And know that I’m here for you.”

  I finish dressing and leave his room without a backward glance. He’s known my thoughts this entire time and hasn’t said anything. That’s a lot to process, but it also gives me hope. Maybe I’m not fucked after all.


  “Girl, you’re fucked! Marble’s been looking for you,” Knuckles says as I pass her in the hallway.

  “Where is he?”

  “In his office.”

  When I get to his office, I tap on the door. He’s sitting on the edge of his desk barking out orders on the phone.

  “Let me call you back,” he says as he hangs up the phone.

  His anger swirls in the air and I know this is going to be bad, so I step in and close the door.

  “Where in the fuck have you been? I went to my room looking for you and you weren’t there.”

  “Sorry. I was talking to Upper Seven.”

  And by talking, I obviously mean having the best sex of my life.

  His eyebrows lift. “Of course you were.”

  “Did you need something?”

  He sighs. “No.”

  “So, you went looking for me, but didn’t need me?”


  “Uh, okay.”

  His mouth opens at the same time Birdy bursts into the room. Her eyes are wild and her feathers are fluffed out.

  “I want to see my chicks. Now.” Her voice rises with each word until she’s screaming.

  Marble stands. “Birdy, I’ve told you – the chicks can’t be seen right now. They’re sick.”

  “I’m their mother. It’s my right to be with them.” A loud sob escapes her beak. “Please.”

  Regret fills his eyes. I stand, going to Birdy’s side.

  He says, “I’m sorry, Birdy. That’s not possible.”

  Her fists clench. “You’ll regret this, Marble. One day you’ll look back at this moment and realize this is the very second you lost everything.”

  She jerks away from me and leaves, her tears filling the hallways.

  “What would it hurt for her to see her babies?”

  He sighs. “It would be worse if she saw them. They’re not doing well, Alpha. I’m not sure anything can save them.”

  “This is so fucked up.”

  He looks at me.

  “Seriously, Marble, those are her babies and you and the Uppers have done god knows what to them. And now they’re dying. And Blake is probably dead, too. She’s not going to have anything left when this is over.”

  “I know.”

  “And yet you don’t do shit to stop it.” I shake my head. “I thought you were better than this.”

  I leave him standing in the middle of his office and try to chase down Birdy.

  Knuckles stops me. “The Uppers took her.”

  “To see the chicks?”

  “Don’t be naïve, Alpha. They’re going to lock her up for her outburst.” She shakes her head. “She’s not going to be there when her chicks die and I’m not sure that’s something she can come back from.”

  “Why is everything so fucked up?”

  “I’ve asked myself that a lot over the past few weeks.” She sighs. “Something’s got to give.”

  The lights flicker in the building and we both look up.

  “That’s not good.”

  Pandemonium erupts as Heroes race around.

  Trace comes toward us and yells out, “Get to a TV now!”

  Knuckles and I run to the main room and push our way forward. The screen has a logo spinning on it. A logo that looks like the Heroes logo, only upside-down.

  Marble storms into the room and calls out, “Tick. Tock. Get on that signal now. We are not going to let them air another message!”

  But, he’s too late. The screen focuses and the same voice as before speaks.

  “I have claimed another one of your precious leaders. This one not only enjoys the time with underaged minors-”
  Several images flash across the screen of the Senator doing things I can’t bear to repeat. There are gasps throughout the room and I try to remain calm.

  “But he also enjoys hurting those affected by the Changing.”

  I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut as I finally see who killed Blot. The shadow Villain was right – it was someone from our government.

  “No,” I whisper. “No!”

  The broadcast goes on. Five spotlights turn on in the room over the missing senators and congressmen. They’re bound and gagged, but otherwise look unharmed.

  The voice goes on, “I will be collecting two more men. If the government has not met my demands in twenty-four hours, I will start executing these evil men, one by one. And you all will bear witness.”

  The feed ends and everyone turns to Marble, waiting for his command. For the first time he looks lost.

  I ask, “Tick. Tock. Were you able to get anything?”

  There’s furious typing coming from the other room and Tock calls out, “The signal’s still coming from Silver City, Oklahoma.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Tick replies, “We’re working on it, Alpha.”

  Marble snaps into action. “Alpha, you and Knuckles get to Silver City now.”

  He’s barking out other orders, but I don’t wait around. Knuckles and I go outside.

  She looks down at her suit. “I really hope I don’t tear through this material while we fly.”

  My lips twitch and I say, “Well, let’s just hope you don’t flash anyone while we’re airborne. I’m sure the media would have a field day with it.”

  She snorts and takes hold of my arm. I have us in Silver City three minutes later. I’m surprised to see a light dusting of snow on the ground.

  Knuckles looks around. “I’m totally creeped out right now.”

  “I am, too.”

  None of the houses have lights on inside and there’s not a soul in sight. We make our way down the street listening and sniffing the air for signs of Doc and Ink.

  I let out a laugh as we pass Edna’s house.


  “Ironically I can smell my scent and Trace’s from when we were here the other day.”

  We reach the end of the street and Knuckles says, “Let’s split up.”


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