Wynter Reign

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by Emmy R Bennett

  Wynter Reign

  Book 3 Storm Bloodline Saga

  By Emmy R. Bennett

  Copyright © 2020 Emmy R. Bennett

  Published by Emmy R. Bennett

  Library of Congress Control Number 18328426581

  © 2019 Cover Artwork & Design: Consuelo Parra

  Model: Maria Amanda

  Edited by Rebecca Jaycox

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any other form, to include photocopying, recording, or electronic methods, without prior written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations for book review.

  Wynter Reign is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  To learn more about the author visit:





  ISBN: (pbk) 978-1-950501-02-1

  ISBN: (Ebook) 978-1-950501-03-8

  Storm Bloodline Saga

  Eyes of Wynter Book 1

  Dfferent Shade of Wynter Book 2

  Wynter Reign Book 3

  Wynter's Fury *Coming soon Book 4


  To my grandma June: Thank you for believing in me.

  Author’s Note

  This book is a little different in the sense that I’ve written in multiple points of view with four characters. I struggled at first writing this story because there was so many aspects that needed to be told, and having one point of view was posing as a challenge.

  Originally, I had planned to write a prequel to the next series which will branch off of Wynter’s storyline through the eyes of Rory. That’s when I decided to combine the story of Wynter and Rory, together. These are two stories, happening at the same time, on the same timeline, and will come together in book four.

  Many readers have come to me expressing the desire to see through the eyes of other characters other than Wynter Storm. It worked out great, in my opinion. I hope you enjoy Wynter Reign.


  What do you do when you discover your life wasn’t real? That the childhood you thought you lived was a lie? And because of that lie, you’re thrust into an alternate reality where a whole new world is waiting for you to rule. What does that even mean? Now that I know who I am, am I supposed to pick up where they think I should?

  I must figure out how to deal with this new reality, but something deeper is hidden away, something waiting to be discovered, and it’s not just finding the Sword of Valor. I’m beginning to realize that everything is interconnected. That all species have a purpose.

  It isn’t about finding out who I am anymore, it’s much bigger than that, and I’m smack in the middle of it with no other choice, but to fight back. Sarmira will not get away, even if it takes my last dying breath to bring her down.


  Wynter Reign

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


  Wynter’s thoughts

  Escaped from Storm River manor–Check.

  Found out my great gift–Check.

  I discovered a new power, oh, and apparently, I’m the lost princess of Ladorielle –Double check.

  But the biggest discovery of all, I know who I am…

  The first lesson I learned: the truth was looking me right in the face. I’m not just a Storm, but a Deagon, too. All those years of my childhood spent with Dad and Aunt Fran, grooming me for the future, were steering me to the gates of Ashengale, leading to this…

  Chapter 1

  Maura Moyer

  A Long Time Ago…

  “Maura, honey, what are you looking at?” My mother stands behind me, brushing my hair. “These tangles are such a fright. You really should remember to comb them out once in a while.”

  I point to the wraith-like creature in the mirror, as mother yanks hard at my knotted strands. Tears form, and I do my best to ignore the pinging pulls on my scalp. The image in the reflection stares back at me. I can’t see it smile, but I can feel the loathing anger building in it. It wears a black robe that falls just above the floor, and there’s no face behind the dark cowl. It talks to me, telling me I’m safe, and it will all be over soon. It tugs me to the darkness, wanting me to come with it.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t do that. Mommy would miss me so much.” I want to touch it, to go to it.

  I begin to hear more whispers. “Come Maura, I have something to show you. It won’t be but a few minutes. You’ll see. You’re perfectly safe. I won’t hurt you.”

  “Maura, Maura?” My mommy raises her voice. “Child, answer me…” I can feel her shake my shoulders, but I don’t want to look away.

  “Don’t you see it, Mommy?” I point, but she doesn’t understand this being wants to be here. She can’t see what I see.

  “Look at what, darling? Your reflection?” The expression on my mother’s face seems to show concern. She looks different, as though she hasn’t been in the sun for days.

  “Mommy, are you all right? Don’t you see it, Mommy?” I say again. I don’t understand why she doesn’t notice it. “It’s right there. I hear it tell me it wants my help. It says I will create great things. I wonder what great things, Mommy?”

  My mother stops brushing my hair. Her eyes fill with tears. “Are you okay, Mommy? What’s wrong?” I give her a big hug. “It will be okay. Maybe I’ll be a princess, and then we don’t have to worry anymore.”

  I jump around and twirl in excitement. “Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could make all the toys I’ve ever wanted?”

  “Maura, honey, you’re talking nonsense. Let me finish brushing your hair. It’s about supper time, and we shouldn’t be late.”

  “But Mommy, you don’t understand. It says I will be the most powerful in the world. Wouldn’t it be exciting? Oh gosh, maybe it will make me a queen.”

  Mommy kneels down and looks me right in the eyes. “Sweetheart, it’s your reflection. Don’t you see yourself? Why must you gallivant around with such a lavish imagination?”

  She turns me towards the looking glass. “Look, there, your long black hair held with a bow and your beautiful brown eyes.”

  Mommy stands between me and the mirror. Now, I’m upset; she has blocked me from seeing my new friend.

  “I want you to go wash up for supper, do you hear me?” Mommy demands.

  I scowl. “Mommy, that’s rude. You have always taught me to be polite when we have guests in the house.” I peep around her to see my ghost friend gone. “Now look,” I
say, pointing to my reflection. “You scared it away.”

  “Martha,” Mommy calls. “Martha, where are you?” Mommy looks around my bedroom, rushing from one corner to the next, as though she’s trying to find something she lost.

  My nanny hurries into my bedroom. “Yes, your Ladyship?” she says, bowing.

  “Will you please take Maura downstairs to wash for supper?” My mother looks around the windowsills. She takes her hand and wipes the frame and then looks at her fingers. “Dust,” she whispers. I see Mommy’s face look angry. She takes a deep breath. “You be a good little girl and go with Nanny.” She smiles, as though I don’t notice what she’s trying to do.

  “Mommy, are you upset? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?” My nanny tries to pull me through the door, but I protest.

  “No darling, go with Martha. Run along, now.” She puts on a fake smile. It isn’t genuine and I know it.

  What is she going to do? “Please, Mommy, no! Don’t send my new friend away. We must help her come out of the mirror. She’s trapped.” I sob. Tears flow down my cheeks. I struggle while my nanny tries diligently to pull me away from my room.

  “Martha, please take her out of here now,” Mother demands, raising her voice.

  “I’m trying, your Ladyship, but Maura is holding onto the side of the doorframe.” Nanny tries to pry my fingers.

  “Maura, love, why are you acting this way?” Mommy comes to help Martha, and my fingers come loose, allowing my nanny to grab hold of my hands, pulling me out of the room.

  “Come with me, miss. It’s going to be all right, dear,” Martha coaxes, as she tugs on my arm. As soon as we’re past the threshold, my bedroom door slams shut all on its own.

  “Mommy!” I scream. “No, no. Mommy! It will hurt her. You don’t understand.”

  “What will hurt her?” Martha says. “Come child, you’re being ridiculous.” A blue glow leaks from underneath the crack between the floor and the door.

  “Did you see the light, Nanny?” I ask.

  “I saw nothing of the sort, child. Now, come on. You mustn’t keep everyone else waiting on you for supper. Let’s go clean up.”

  I never saw the mirror again.

  Chapter 2

  Wynter Storm

  Present Day:

  Ashengale Castle

  After Wynter’s transformation and the morning leading up to the first full moon.

  When I arrived at the castle yesterday, there was so much I wanted to know, so many unanswered questions. I look at him and wonder about the past. The training my dad taught me: how to wield a sword, the projections Cory helped me through, and the meditation Aunt Fran tried to instill: it all led to this. The memories of the fiery rage I felt and learning how to control it had me worried at times. The concern fear would consume me, and overturn my abilities stayed in the front of my mind, but somehow, I was able to focus my energies and not lose sight of the bigger picture. Time will tell if I’m worthy enough to possess so much power.

  I don’t need to stand in front of a mirror to know I have physically and emotionally changed. I mean, yes, I still have long, white hair, and my eyes are now blue, no longer green, but it’s my heart—my soul—that knows the truth, and it stares back at me, as though I should have known all these years.

  Now that I’ve released the beast that has craved freedom within my soul, I stand here in a different form than my human body.

  I glance down to my feet. “Seeing me in this shifted form is going to take some getting used to,” I say.

  I have the scales of a lizard, but my feet are talons. I stretch my wings, and they spread so far that if not for the large cave we’re in, I would have possibly injured one. My head feels heavy, and I have the urge to open my mouth and blow flames. It’s as though I have a cold, and all I want to do is blow my nose to relieve the pressure. “This compression is so constricting. How long am I to stay like this? I feel like my skull will explode at any moment.”

  Dragonscale’s eyes are a bright gold, and I watch him chuckle, as though he finds my question amusing. His scales have a red tinge near the skin, but the edges of each plate are black, and when the light hits his coat, it emits a golden shine. His talons are black and nails gold, like mine, and while he is mostly red in color, I’m silver with black edging, having a gold shimmer.

  My nerves flare, I want to flame something out of anger.

  “It’s all right, Wynter. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you, because I’m joyful you finally found your true form.” He paces away from me to an area where target boards line the wall.

  “Come, let me show you. See the dummy over there?” He points. “Go and char it. You may feel better.”

  I do as he instructs and release a path of destruction along with it. Not only did I destroy the doll, but I made a hole in the floor. Charred rocks crumble through the opening to the level below. “Whoops.”

  “Well, I see your strength is improving. We will have that fixed. Not to worry, my student.”

  My mind becomes clearer now. I sense his strength and can feel he’s truly not worried, rather, he’s proud of what I did. It’s as though our minds are connected, as well as body and soul. His power consumes me. It’s everything I ever imagined. Love, honor, respect for the living, the peace of all kind, the strength of power, and the madness that comes with it. I can see inside his mind, as he shows me the wars of the past, the births of children, and the deaths of loved ones.

  Not only can I remember my own past, but I’m also flooded with the memories of all those who call Ladorielle their home. Even the Trek and goblins are in my mind. I can see King Zeelx, the goblin leader sort out a map trying to locate me and Sarmira’s devious plans about whom to destroy first, my very existence or the kingdom Dragonscale rules. I can also see how Sarmira has taken possession of Maura Moyer. How my grandmother Moyer’s soul is helpless to stop Sarmira from her ploy to destroy everyone around her. I’m torn between sympathy for Moyer and anger. Her human form has caused great chaos to my family line and of others.

  “What is all of this you’re showing me in my head?” I ask.

  “It’s who you are. What you were born to do. All that ever was, is, and will be, is now in you for you to see. You’re to take the crown as Queen of Ladorielle,” he says.

  “But why now? There is so much more I want to explore, to do.”

  “And you should do them. I’m not going to hold you back from your dreams.”

  “But I don’t know if I want this.” I pause, taking in what he’s telling me. I understand every question I ever had, is answered. “How is it that I’m able to know so much?”

  “You have but a glimpse of what I see, because I’ve invited you into my mind.”

  I dig closer into the channels of his thoughts. All of what he has witnessed would make any ordinary person go insane.

  He comes to sit next to me, and together we overlook the cave-like valley below. It is massive, with dragons flying about. I can see Ashengale’s village is set along the river. The water flows to the end of a cliff and drops off into a lake, pooling below. Our castle sits upon a ledge overlooking the entire valley. It’s like looking into a hidden world within a mountain.

  “As you can see,” Dragonscale begins, “the realm you will rule will be a big responsibility, which is why your training is so important. Rest assured, I will not leave your side until you’re fully ready to take on the duty.”

  “I have much to learn. I want to explore this new me. To see this whole world through my new eyes. Defeat Sarmira and free Maura Moyer from the grasp of evil.”

  “And what’s stopping you?” he asks. “Come, let me show you something.”

  I follow him to a large castle window overlooking the volcanic terrain below on Dragonscale island. Through the glass, I see fissures erupt spontaneously, with lava rivers flowing throughout the sulfuric land mass. More dragons circle about scouting for foolish intruders attempting to trespass. “They fly as though they e
xpect a war to break out at any moment.”

  “We’re nine days away from the Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse here on Ladorielle,” my teacher tells me. “In Earth’s galaxy, it’s a little over four weeks.”

  “I keep forgetting about the time difference. Can we pull it off, Dragonscale?”

  “Only time will tell. There is every possible outcome flowing through my head, but free will is the ultimate decision maker. I could tell you the outcome of millions of possibilities, each having a different ending. Can you imagine if I gave you all of them? You’re not ready to see everything I can see yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, because there is a possible outcome for every act made, there are a million more possibilities that can result in one acting decision—and I know them all. That is where free will comes in…and why whatever decision a person makes is so important. Can you imagine if others had the gift I do? They would go mad. I show only a glimpse of it to you.” He pauses, and I’m sure it’s from my disappointed expression.


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