Wynter Reign

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Wynter Reign Page 26

by Emmy R Bennett

  The Present:

  Somewhere on Dragonscale Island

  We travel farther down the deep, dark massive cave and veer left, continuing to wind along until the sounds of the ocean are faint. Coming to a vast clearing, I stop and stare, whispering, “It looks like an underground grotto.”

  “Yes, but it’s much more than that.”

  To the right, is a waterfall and to the left, are heavy boulders. “So many waterfalls in Ashengale.”

  “There is magic in all things, My Princess. Waterfalls help to conceal our charming abilities, as well as give us healing and health. That way,”—he points with his head to the falling water—"is the way to the Underground Valley.”

  He walks farther into the tunnel where we come upon a ship. It bobs up and down with the rushing of the waves that come charging into the cavern. It’s like looking into a small port, except there is only one boat—a grand vessel to be exact. A couple guards keep watch, at either end of the dock, and one standing at the top of the ship in the crow’s nest.

  A black dragon with green wing tips and talons is seen guarding the mouth of the cave as we enter the small cove. He appears to be sleeping until a horn announces our arrival and wakes him. It doesn’t take the dragon long to immediately stand at attention, observing our presence.

  “What seems to be the problem, sir?” he asks Namari. This dragon is much larger than my dragongryph, yet Namari seems to hold higher rank.

  Namari approaches, and two more guards gather near, not in dragon form, but elves, having a dubious look.

  “Ashengale is under attack. We must take her to the Underground Valley,” Namari states.

  “I see you have guided the princess safely, Namari,” one unfamiliar voice says. It appears as though one of the elves is speaking telepathically. But how is that possible? I thought those of dragon descent and wizards only had such talents. Rory comes to mind and she’s an elf.

  “Wait a minute, you can read his thoughts?” I ask aloud.

  “Of course, My Lady. Have you forgotten already?” The guard appears perplexed, but hearing him talk confirms he was the one speaking within my mind. This guard stands at attention. He’s dressed in the same white and gold attire I have seen on the streets of Ashengale city. I notice upon his left breast three red chevron patterns with a gold dragon symbol underneath. I recognize this symbol immediately, knowing he’s a much higher rank than anyone else here. Why does he pose as a common guard I wonder?

  “Forgive her, sir, she’s still new at this. She’s forgotten much of her past and needs gentle reminding once in a while. Besides, she hasn’t completed her trials yet,” my dragongryph reminds him.

  “How quickly one forgets, indeed,” he says. “This is Duncan”—he points to the dragon— “the one you caught sleeping on post, and I am Sedrick, the commander of this grotto sworn to protect the entrance to the Underground Valley.”

  Duncan bows his head as he’s introduced. “At your service, My Lady,” he says aloud.

  I nod. Then look at the commander. “But you’re Elvin?”

  “Ah…yes, looks can be deceiving, can’t they?” He shifts right before my eyes into a golden dragon with black talons and wings. He gleams silver when the light hits his scales just right. “Follow me,” he says, turning around.

  We follow him to the dock. “The ship will add more protection until the others get here,” he says within my mind. I’m still upon Namari’s back, so I can continue to understand the conversation at hand.

  Duncan follows behind us, with the other soldier remaining in his Elvin form.

  “So, it appears elves are shifters, too?”

  I hear Sedrick chuckle aloud, but he ignores my curiosity.

  “Sir, I’m not too confident we didn’t bring stragglers along,” Namari presses. He turns his neck to the side, looking behind him at the entrance we came from.

  The horn sounds, startling me. “We have intruders!” a scouting soldier shouts.

  “Get her aboard the ship, now,” Duncan says.

  Sedrick takes to the air, along with the rest of his crew. Even the soldier that paced behind us a moment ago shifts to his dragon form.

  Within minutes, I hear a battle between beasts around the corner of the canal we passed through a moment ago. Namari rushes aboard along with a few soldiers who didn’t shift. Duncan has shifted back to his human form and climbs the deck to the porting bow. “Release the ropes!”

  I lay low upon Namari’s back, as we find a corner to hide. The ship is unbelievably huge, but so is the cave we’re in.

  I see Dad and Garrick fly in from the canal that led us here and join in the fighting. Dark dragons with Trek riders follow them in. It’s an all-out battle in the grotto. They all circle, shooting fire at each other. Dad’s talons grab one of the intruders, and they plummet to the water below.


  My screams grab the attention of another Trek rider, and he comes near the ship. “I’m sorry,” I shriek “we’re sunk, now. They know I’m here for sure.”

  “The shield is invisible, they can’t see it, but yes, they know you’re here,” Namari says.

  Sedrick comes from behind and blows fire at the trek intruder, startling the rider, and he falls to the water below. Both dragons fight, good versus evil, neither getting the upper hand.

  “I have to do something.”

  “Keep quiet. We can’t risk it. Let them battle it out.”

  “I can’t stand back and watch this.” The anger builds within me once more. “I will not shift for the sake of my people, but I also will not stand by and be a spectator.” Before Namari has a chance to catch me, I slide off his back and run to the edge of the ship, dousing the dark dragon and his rider with water.

  The rage within me escalates, but I keep it in check. “You will not hurt my family!” I go much farther than drenching this intruder with water. The anger in me is so strong I can feel it building, as though my veins will burst. I thrust my magic upon him so forcefully he’s encased in ice, along with the beast he rides. They drop to the water below, and they bob up and down like an ice cube.

  My rage burns more, and I have this sudden rush of energy. A high that somehow fuels my strength even more, and I find myself striking at another dark dragon heading right for me. He, too, meets his frozen fate. A third beast comes attacking, blasting towards me with his blue fire, and I douse his flame before it reaches the ship.

  He flaps in the air, roaring with fury, as though he’s lost his most valuable prize. One of our allies blasts the enemy with fire, and the force knocks the dark dragon backwards towards the edge of the grotto’s shore. The strength is so strong the dark dragon shifts to his human form, allowing our allies to capture him.

  Namari scoops me up and tightens his grip, holding me upon his back with his mane. “You will not get away so easily next time, my dragon sister. What were you thinking? Do you know I could get in trouble for what you did?”

  “Please, Namari.” I roll my eyes in anger. “Something had to be done.”

  “Not at the expense of you getting hurt.”

  “I’m not some fragile egg that needs handled with a pair of velvet gloves.”

  “Perhaps not, but you are a princess that needs protecting at all cost.”

  More dark dragons fly in the grotto, attacking.

  “Get that ship out of here,” Sedrick commands.

  I begin to feel the liner move as we head for the waterfall. “What about my Dad? Someone needs to see if he’s okay.”

  “Have you seen him pass?” Namari asks.

  “You mean, is he a ghost? No.” My mind is flooded with all kinds of emotion. I need to get myself in check. I must remember the gift I have. Knowing that is half the battle. He’s okay as long as I don’t see him pass, which leads to my next question…. Where is he, if not dead? I haven’t seen Garrick either, for that matter.

  “Where does that lead to? I thought the waterfall was a dead end, yet we’re about to pass rig
ht through.”

  “That’s the way to the Underground Valley, and the enemy knows it.”

  Some of the fighting dissipates as we pass through the water. I begin to feel the pain of fellow dragons with each slice and each stab that’s inflicted upon them.

  “Can you feel this agony, too?” I ask Namari.

  “Yes, and so can each and every dragon of the Kingdom of Ashengale.”

  “But I thought it was impossible to kill a dragon, unless in human form?”

  “We are not immune to death if the one we’re fighting is another dragon.”

  “Of course. Dad and Fran failed to tell me that part.”

  “Probably because they didn’t want to worry you. You have too much on your plate, and it’s important to complete your trials.”

  Aunt Fran pops in, startling me, but not Namari. Somehow, he knew she was on the way to visit us. I hear a teasing tone in his voice. “How’s the new gatekeeper holding up?”

  “Not bad, considering,” she remarks. “How’s my niece holding up?” She smiles and adds, “Isalora has her end secured, in turn, helping my end, too. Apparently, I’m not the only gatekeeper to this side of the universe. My mother has secured more than one gatekeeper to guard it. My guess is she anticipated I would need to be in two places at once. I’ve come to distract the dark dragons, so you may get to the Underground Valley safely.”

  Without warning, it becomes quiet, prompting those hidden on the boat to become very still. A purr-like sound comes from behind the waterfall we passed through. I see some slight movement and then it appears. Only one, though. He’s a massive beast and looks very much like the same dragon I froze a moment ago, but I know that’s impossible. “They just keep coming, don’t they? Where’s Dad and Garrick?”

  “I don’t know. Do not make a sound,” Fran says.

  Another dark dragon comes through the waterfall. They both hop onto the walkway on either side of the canal. Their breathing is heavy. They clack and purr to each other, as though it’s some sort of language only they know.

  “Because they are no longer dragons of the light, they have lost the privilege to communicate with the minds of other light dragons. Likewise, we also cannot understand them,” Namari volunteers.

  “Except for me,” Aunt Fran smirks. “I’m a ghost, remember. I can hear any living creature…and dead.”

  I feel the ship begin to ease slowly along the waterway toward a dead-end rock wall. The water currents grab the dark dragon’s attention. Fran must have noticed because I hear her say, “Hello boys,” as she appears at the other end of the canal.

  They run to her, roaring. She laughs. “Catch me if you can.” She disappears and pops to the other side of the canal, right as one dragon runs into the wall of boulders. Rocks crumble upon his head, and the dragon is dazed a moment. The other dragon is furious and goes to flame my aunt.

  “Can’t kill something that’s already dead.” She laughs. “Almost dead anyway.”

  I laugh on the inside, because I can hear her thoughts. Her distraction is working. We head straight for the rock wall, and I begin to panic because we’re going to crash.

  “Relax, the wall is an illusion,” Namari says, and we slip through the barrier, undetected.

  I look over the side of the boat as we pass through to see both Garrick and Dad lying along the ledge, hurt. “Stop! We must get them aboard.”

  “We can’t, My Lady, we must continue onward,” Duncan says.

  I’m powerless, held by Namari’s mane. “Please, dragon brother, please.”

  The ship slows. “Hurry then,” Duncan says. “I can’t halt the ship from moving, though, so make it quick.”

  Dad and Garrick are in their human forms, both bleeding profusely.

  One of the soldiers shifts into a dragon, and flies to shore grabbing both men, taking them in each talon. “They’re still alive,” he says, coming back to the ship. He lays them down upon the deck, and other comrades come to aide in stopping the bleeding.

  Namari releases me, and I go to them both, taking one hand to each of them, placing a healing glow to their hearts.

  “You’re a healer to others?” Duncan asks, sounding surprised.

  “Yes,” I whisper. My eyes well, and I can barely see, but I keep my focus on healing them. “Now, we wait. I hope it’s enough to get them well,” I say, as I watch the oozing of blood fade. They both appear to be sleeping. I can see their chests rise and fall, with an even rhythm.

  I stand and look around, taking notice of the hollow tunnel we’re in. In the distance, a bright oval circle appears. “Hang on, My Princess,” Namari says, as he grabs me again with his mane, setting me onto his back. “It’s the way to the Underground Valley.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Hold me so tight with a horse’s mane?”

  He chuckles. “Magic. Our mane can be as soft as hair or as strong as the bones of any man. Magic is what keeps it healthy.”

  Chapter 35

  Cory Storm

  The past:

  The Cottage at Storm River Manor

  I kneel back down and grab my mother’s hand. “Tell me what you know.”

  “Where’s Isalora?” Blair asks, as I pass her the mug I was told to give. Stepping over to Chad, I say, “Apparently, she went to go get the key that Geneviève has, so we can release your cuffs.” I hand my uncle his cup.

  “She has to pass through to the plane of the undead to do it.” Blair sits up, wincing as she speaks. “It’s too dangerous for her right now.”

  “Something tells me, Mom, she can take care of herself.”

  “Oh?” my mother says, taking her first sip. “Yuck, what is this stuff?”

  “Drink,” I insist. “Isalora said it would clear up the dream stamp Moyer has inflicted upon you.”

  Chad chuckles. “It’s not that bad, sis, just down it like a shot of whisky and call it good.” He swigs it and afterwards shows a sour look. “See, nothing to it.”

  “Uh-huh, I see all right, big brother. It tastes gross and you know it.”

  “Mom…drink.” I pause as we watch her down the nasty concoction. “Isalora also said to gather the kids for port, too.”

  “You say that as though she’s going to be gone only minutes on her task.” There’s a long pause while we wait patiently as she swallows. Blair sets the cup down next to her. “Rory is in the catacombs.”

  “Where?” Zak asks

  “In the catacombs that Moyer has dug underground years ago,” I say. “Why didn’t I think of this before? Of course.” I’m angry with myself for forgetting the most obvious place.

  “There’s a catacomb on this compound?” Thom steps in. “Why hasn’t anyone mentioned this until now?”

  “It slipped my mind. Besides, it’s infested with Shadow Walkers. Their lair, so to speak.”

  “And you didn’t think that was important for us to know?” Dom sounds irritated.

  I shrug. “There wasn’t a need to go there. Our focus is getting Redmae home.” I huff, sickened at the fact that both my brothers are lost to darkness. “Casey and Cole were on that list to rescue. Now, we must find Rory.”

  I stand and face the others. “Moyer was onto us, and the alternative was to throw Rory to the tomb cages below the surface, where the human victims go to be stored as food for the Shadow Walkers. Moyer knows we would never make it in there alive.”

  I turn back to Mom. “If Rory’s there, then she’s surely dead.”

  “She’s still alive. I know this to be true because I saw her when I was asleep.” She looks up to Zak. “Nora’s alive, too. Rory’s in a cell, asleep. Moyer has placed a dream stamp on her.”

  “If she has a dream stamp, then how did you find her?”

  “Remember when placed under a dream stamp, you’re on the plane of the undead?”

  I nod

  “Then you should also remember all thoughts pass through as well. When woken, the person will know where
they are, or others observing in the same plane will also know.”

  “If what you say is true, then Moyer already knows where you are,” I add.

  “Perhaps the vicinity, yes, but she still believes this cottage burned down years ago.”

  “She’s not going to believe that for long, if every clue points to this location,” I say. “Hopefully, that drink you both downed will do the trick. Tell us what else you know.”

  “Well, as mentioned before, I was able to see Rory in the catacomb cellblocks, asleep—”

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s go get her and my sister,” Zak hisses.

  “Wait, there’s more,” Blair adds. “Moyer has Derek.”

  “So, you think we’re headed for a trap?”

  Both she and Chad nod. “She’s going to use him as bait to pull us out, Cory,” Chad adds.

  “We lose this battle, and we will have lost the war,” Zak hisses more.

  Blair takes in a deep breath. “You can’t even begin to imagine the many undead souls she has behind her.”

  “What do you suggest?” Dom asks. “If what you say is true, we might as well leave for home now and bid this planet goodbye.”

  Isalora pops in, shaking us all to the bone. “No, we can’t do that.” She holds up a key and places it into the binding around Blair’s ankle.

  “You’re back fast,” I say, astonished.

  “I told you I would be.” She smiles.

  The lock clicks open, and Blair massages her leg. “But how? The undead plane is crawling with demons right now.”

  “True, but they are too occupied with the gates to realize my presence.” She gives a slight shrug. “So, I took advantage while I could…and here I am, faster than the shake of a lamb’s tail.” She ventures over to Chad. “The full moon will be out tomorrow night. You two need your strength. By this time tomorrow, you should be ready, and we can seek Rory…together.”

  “And fight to free Redmae, as well. Isalora, does this mean you’re coming with us?” I ask.

  “You talk a mighty good speech, Isalora, but will all due respect, Moyer already knows our whereabouts,” Dom cuts in, “My Lady,” –he points to Blair— “has already said as such.”


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