To Love a Spy

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To Love a Spy Page 23

by Aileen Fish

  “Larson,” Glynn began, motioning his hand to Nicole, “let me introduce you to Miss Bastian.” Glynn’s gaze swung to meet hers. “Miss Bastian, this is Mr. Larson and his wife.”

  Nicole greeted both with a hearty handshake. Glynn and Mrs. Browning gave a nod to Mr. Larson and his wife, and Nicole soon realized they were all on more casual terms and first name basis.

  Seconds later, strong footsteps came down the hallway, and she turned to watch the door, hoping it would be Ashton. When he strode in, her heart did a silly flip. Each time she laid eyes on this man, he became more handsome. Tonight he was breathtaking wearing a dark gray suit jacket and white silk shirt with a midnight blue vest.

  His gaze skipped quickly over the others in the room and landed on her, staying there as he sauntered toward her. The closer he came, the faster her heart beat. He reached her and lifted her hand to his mouth. She couldn’t stop watching the way his lips moved across the back of her fingers.

  “Miss Bastian, welcome to my humble home. Your presence makes these dreary walls brighter.”

  His words, along with his hypnotic stare, were melting her. His mind must not be functioning either, because there was no way his walls were dreary—and his home was for certain far from being humble.

  “Mr. Ashton, I fear you are exaggerating.”

  He straightened, but still kept hold of her hand. His smile widened. “Not at all, my dear. Seeing your beauty makes everything brighter in my world.”

  She could get lost in his eyes, and right now, she had no wish to find her way out. Being under his scrutiny suited her just fine. However, if she didn’t do something to break this incredible contact, she feared she’d swoon in his arms at any moment. Either that, or she’d make the first move to kiss him.

  “Actually, Ashton,” she lowered her voice, “you are the one who makes the world brighter.”

  She didn’t think it possible for his hazel eyes to turn a darker green, but sure enough, they were heady with desire right now. It was all she could do not to press up against him and let him hold her in passion’s embrace.

  It took all of her control to yank her gaze away from his and glance at the others. They were far enough away from Nicole and Ashton as not to hear their conversation. Mr. Larson’s wife and Mrs. Browning stood near the window chatting, and Glynn and Steve were over in the far corner, whispering. Both of them aimed accusing glares toward Nicole. Unease ran through her. What had she possibly done to cause them doubt?

  Ashton seemed to have snapped out of his haze as well. He straightened and turned to his other guests. “Thank you all for coming this evening.”

  Glynn and Steve broke apart as the women joined them. All four walked closer to Ashton and Nicole. The glares from Ashton’s partners disturbed her, yet in the back of her mind she tried to convince herself that they had nothing to be curious about. They didn’t know she was an agent. Perhaps they looked at her in such a way was because she had captured the interest of their co-partner. Yes, that must be it!

  Ashton greeted the others and brought them into a conversation, yet it didn’t distract from the way his eyes keep meeting hers, or the tender way he smiled at her.

  Soon enough, the meal was announced, and Ashton took her hand and escorted her in to the dining room. He sat her next to him at the end of the table. As she ate, she wasn’t paying attention to the meal as much as she concentrated on Ashton, and especially the two other men in the room. She couldn’t shake the feeling of trepidation warning her that something was not right. Although the feeling brought a bitter taste to her mouth, she continued to eat the food placed in front of her.

  Keep them in the dining room for at least one hour, Angela’s voice echoed in Nicole’s head. Snapping out of her dazed state, Nicole remembered that her brother was here—somewhere in Ashton’s house.

  Her palms moistened and her heartbeat hammered irregularly. Just one more thing to be nervous about. Yet, it made no sense to why she was nervous this time when she’d never acted this way before. Many times she had to distract their suspects so that her brother or father could sneak around. Really, this time wasn’t that different from the other times. Then again…it was. She had allowed herself to become attracted to the suspect, and dare she admit, she even loved him?

  No, she dared not admit it and wouldn’t until this case was solved.

  “Mr. Lee,” she began after a moment of silence, “I haven’t told you yet what a lovely home you have.”

  He smiled wide and straightened his shoulders. “Thank you, Miss Bastian.”

  “I must admit, I have never met a bachelor as yourself who lives in such a large residence.”

  The others around the table chuckled, which pulled her attention away from Ashton. She wanted to throw them a scowl for interrupting, but refrained.

  “Oh, Miss Bastian,” Mrs. Browning said, “I can’t believe this is your first bachelor’s residence that you have been invited to.”

  Nicole hesitated before replying. If she wasn’t mistaken, the other woman’s comment almost sounded like an insult. Was Mrs. Browning implying that Nicole wasn’t innocent? “Oh, I assure you,” Nicole quickly said, “this is the first.”

  The two other women exchanged glances, and even the men rolled their eyes. She wanted to slap them—all of them. How dare they treat her this way!

  “Thank you,” Ashton said, tapping Nicole’s hand softly. “I actually lived in a townhouse for the longest time, and only purchased this home a few months ago when I came into some money.”

  Red flags rose in Nicole’s mind. Came into money… That could be taken a few ways, and one of them wasn’t good at all. Did he come into money by robbing the train? She couldn’t shake the feeling. It seemed the more information she obtained from him, the guiltier he appeared. Yet why couldn’t she harden her heart toward him?

  “Oh, how nice.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say, not with the doubts in her head.

  “But I’m happy that you approve of my house.” He nodded to her and gave her a wink.

  “Very much so.”

  When Ashton set down his utensils and lifted his linen napkin to pat his lips, Nicole panicked and glanced at the clock on the mantel. They hadn’t been at the table an hour yet. She still needed to keep them entertained for at least fifteen minutes. But how?

  “Why don’t we—” Ashton began.

  Nicole quickly cut him off by saying, “So tell me, how is the investigation going on the train robberies?” She moved her gaze to the other two partners.

  Grumbling, Mr. Larson dropped his utensils on his plate and sat back in his chair, appearing very upset over the topic. “It’s not going very well, if you must know,” he snapped.

  Glynn shook his head. “Unfortunately, Steve is right. The police have no leads at all. There is nothing that points to a suspect.”

  “Nothing?” she asked, wondering why he would say that. Her father had mentioned the police had a few suspects, but nothing conclusive. Wouldn’t the partners know that piece of information, too?

  “Nothing,” Ashton answered with a frown. “Sometimes I think there is a ghost who is robbing our train.”

  “That’s terrible,” she said with much sympathy. “Just make sure the police don’t stop looking.”

  “Miss Bastian?” Steve asked in a leering tone. “What makes you think the police are going to give up looking?”

  She shrugged. Stirring her fork around the mostly empty plate, her mind scrambled for some kind of answer. “Well, you see…” Think Nicole, think! “My…Uncle Michael…um, well, he had his house robbed once, and the police had no suspects. After a month, the police had just given up trying to find the culprit. I just hope that doesn’t happen with you.”

  Glynn chuckled and shook his head. “Is this the uncle that lives in Staten Island?”


  “Well that explains it,” he continued. “The police in Staten Island don’t take their jobs as serious as the police here in Ne
w York.”

  “Oh, how very sad.” She turned her gaze back to Ashton. “I think all men of the law, regardless of what town they are in, should take their jobs seriously. Don’t you?”

  “Indeed I do, Miss Bastian.” Ashton touched her hand again.

  “It sure doesn’t make me feel very protected knowing that some lawmen are that way.”

  “Me, either,” Mrs. Browning chimed in. This time, she didn’t appear to be insulting Nicole.

  “I know that not all lawmen are this way,” Mrs. Larson said sweetly. “My father has been a judge for many years, and I know there are trustworthy men out there.”

  “That’s certainly good to know.” Nicole smiled at her.

  “Well, I think we should adjourn to the other room,” Ashton said quickly.

  Nicole held her breath as she glanced at the clock again. No! It was still too soon. She must stall them somehow. Yet, it was too late. The men were already standing.

  She lifted her glass of wine to take one last sip when an idea hit her. It was the only thing that would stall them a few more minutes.

  After she swallowed the wine, she started choking. Laying on the dramatics, she clutched her throat and met Ashton’s wide-eyed stare. Hitting her chest a few times, she tried to make it appear that she needed help.

  “She can’t breathe!” Mrs. Browning exclaimed hysterically.

  “Pound on her back,” Glynn said in a rush.

  Immediately, Ashton was beside her, doing what the others had told him. She sagged against him, hoping to create a more helpless charade. She had to admit, that holding her breath was getting more and more difficult to do, especially with them all watching her. There was only one other thing she could do. Closing her eyes, she went limp in Ashton’s arms.

  High, panicked voices from the others echoed in the room. Ashton cursed and gently laid her on the floor.

  “Nicole. Look at me,” he demanded. “Open your eyes and look at me!”

  “Blow in her mouth,” Mrs. Browning said, her voice sounding closer than before.

  “Perhaps elevating her head will help,” Glynn suggested nearby.

  “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Nickerson,” Steve snapped. “Elevating her will only make it worse.”

  “Is she still breathing?” Mrs. Browning practically yelled. “Ashton, put your fingers to her throat and feel if she has a pulse.”

  Within seconds, Ashton’s fingers pressed against Nicole’s neck and warmth spread through her. It was all she could do not to shiver from his touch.

  “Yes, I still feel a pulse.”

  “How did you know to do that, Miss Browning?” Steve asked in wonder.

  “I volunteered as a nurse at the hospital during the war.”

  “People, please!” Ashton said in a worried voice. “Help me with Nicole.”

  “Blow in her mouth,” Mrs. Browning repeated.

  Nicole remained relaxed as Ashton pulled her mouth open. Seconds later, his lips touched hers. Although this wasn’t a passionate moment, it was hard not to moan in happiness. But when he blew into her mouth, she couldn’t keep up the pretense any longer and she coughed.

  “Thank the Lord,” Ashton muttered softly as he laid his forehead against hers.

  “Is she all right?” Glynn asked.

  Blinking her eyes open, she stayed in character. She hadn’t realized how close everyone was. She took a deep breath and met Ashton’s gaze. His relieved expression let her know he—out of all of them—was the most worried. Guilt weighed in her mind and she wanted to apologize for putting him through that, but it was the only thing she could think of to do at the moment. Hopefully, he’d never have to know she was feigning it the whole time.

  “How do you feel, my dear?”

  “Better.” She took another deep breath and struggled to sit.

  Ashton’s hand on her shoulder kept her on the floor. “Not yet. Take another couple of deep breaths first. I want to make certain you are well enough before we have you rise.”

  She nodded and did what he’d instructed. There was so much sweet emotion coating his eyes that it made her heart lurch. Even his voice was enhanced with care.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  The others had stood and were now chatting with one another. She couldn’t be sure what time was on the clock now, but she was certain she didn’t have to stall them any longer. Hopefully, her brother had searched through Ashton’s study and was out of the house by now. If not, she’d have to think up something else to do to divert the guests’ attention. And then later, she’d scold her brother for not being better at his job.

  Chapter 11

  Ashton’s heartbeat was still careening fast, and he feared he’d be the one losing consciousness next. Never had he been so scared. Or worried.

  He’d heard of people who died because they were choking. As he watched her choke, thoughts ran through his mind, and he didn’t want to think of what he’d do if she’d died. Although he’d just met her, his heart had become involved. The idea of losing her made him physically ill.

  Staring deep into her eyes, he stroked her cheek. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “I do, thank you.” She sighed deeply. “Ashton, you…saved my life.”

  His heart warmed. “And such a beautiful life to save.” He winked. “Here, let me help you up.” As she lifted, he slipped his arm around her shoulders to help her sit up. Then, taking her elbow, he assisted as she rose to her feet. She seemed to wobble slightly, so he slid his arm around her waist. “Would you like to sit here or in the sitting room?”

  “I think I can walk.” She smiled.

  He helped her out of the dining room and into the other room. Thankfully, his friends were the ones with him tonight, because if he had done something like this to Nicole in a room full of people, they for sure would be gossiping and passing judgment. But his friends wouldn’t say anything. Of course, Nickerson and Larson knew how infatuated Ashton was with Nicole. Even though her life and her secretive family made him curious, he still couldn’t deny the fact that she intrigued him, and he enjoyed feeling this way.

  “Here you go,” he whispered as he helped her on the sofa before sitting next to her.

  “You are so kind.” She squeezed his hand. “But I shall be fine now. I assure you.”

  “What happened earlier? Did you swallow a piece of food the wrong way?”

  She shook her head. “No, I think I breathed too fast when I drank the wine. The next thing I knew, I couldn’t breathe.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re better now.”

  Mrs. Browning strolled by and sat on the chair next to the sofa. “I’m so relieved you are all right.”

  Nicole nodded. “I recall hearing your voice helping Ashton. Are you a nurse?”

  “I was in a way, I suppose.” She adjusted her gown around her legs. “I volunteered in the hospital during the war.”

  “Oh, I bet that was awful for you.” Nicole frowned.

  “Indeed, it was, but I learned a lot of different things. Many soldiers had stopped breathing. So when the doctor breathed air into their mouth, the soldier was able to breathe on their own after that.”

  “How remarkable.”

  Mrs. Browning arched and eyebrow as she glanced at everyone in the room. “I don’t believe the others thought it was remarkable. They looked at me as if I’d gone daft.”

  Ashton chuckled. “Nonsense, Mrs. Browning. You have to admit though, that when you first learned the doctors did this during the war, you were surprised as well.”

  She shrugged. “You’re correct. It took me a while to believe.”

  Ashton was grateful for Mrs. Browning’s interest in Nicole’s welfare, but he almost wished the older woman would leave. He’d enjoyed those little intimate moments with Nicole, and he wanted more of them. He tried to think of a way to get more privacy with her, but then someone tapped him on his shoulder. Glynn stood behind him and motioned his head to the back of the room.

�Could Steve and I talk to you privately for a moment?” he whispered.

  He nodded and swung his gaze back to Nicole. Gently, he patted her hand. “I’ll be right back.”

  Her eyes widened in curiosity as she watched him stand, but she didn’t try to stop him. He followed Glynn to the back of the room. Steve stood wearing a scowl, as his wife hurried past Ashton and went to sit beside Nicole.

  Unease ran through Ashton as he studied his partners’ grim expressions, and he for sure knew he wasn’t going to like what they had to say.

  “Ashton,” Glynn started in hushed tones, “there’s something I need to tell you about Miss Bastian.”

  “What?” Ashton asked warily.

  “Mrs. Browning knows Miss Bastian’s companion—Mrs. Phelps.”

  “All right, so what’s bad about that?” Ashton wondered.

  “I’m not saying Miss Bastian is anything like her companion, but I feel you should be aware of this, nonetheless.”

  “What, Nickerson?” Ashton raised his voice slightly.

  “Mrs. Browning told me that a few years ago, she witnessed Mrs. Phelps steal a painting from an estate. The woman was never arrested even though Mrs. Browning told the police about it.”

  “So.” Ashton shrugged. “That was a few years ago. I’m sure Mrs. Phelps has changed since then, or she wouldn’t be working for Miss Bastian right now.”

  “Ashton,” Steve growled in low tones, “would you pull your head out of the clouds and think about this for a moment?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Miss Bastian is a close acquaintance with a thief. You spotted Miss Bastian and another man on the train…the very train that is being robbed. Miss Bastian hasn’t allowed you to meet her family or tell you where she lives. You have even suspected something was not right with her.” He shook his head. “Can’t you see? She searched you out at the general’s masked ball and had gotten to know you—and only you. Doesn’t this mean anything?”


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