Comfort Side Of Heaven

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Comfort Side Of Heaven Page 9

by Vera Quinn

  “Branton Stillman have you lost all your manners? You didn’t even address me or our other guest. I know your mama taught you better manners than that.” That’s our Haddie. She’s never cared for Branton.

  “I’m sorry Haddie, please excuse my rudeness, but this young lady’s beauty has me mesmerized. I thought I would come over and introduce myself, so I didn’t miss the chance of meeting her while I am in town. The way I hear it between you and Nick you keep her time occupied and I thought she might like to get out and see how the younger people in our community do things.” Branton is trying to be charming but Sage’s body went stiff when he started spouting his crap. Branton makes Sage uncomfortable—smart girl.

  “She’s going to shoot Branton down. Her back went straight as a rod when he opened his mouth,” I say, and Trask smiles a big smile.

  “I knew I liked that woman. She sees through the load of crap he’s dishing out. I can’t wait to see it. It’ll only make him pursue Sage more. I’ll have a word with him tonight.” I almost laugh.

  “Like that will stop Branton.” Branton doesn’t listen to anyone but his dad and only him when he wants something. The noise has picked back up in the diner as it’s getting busier again. We can’t hear much more of the conversation, but I see Nick’s face turning a little red which means he is pissed. I don’t wait to try to hear what is being said. I stand up before I know what I’m doing. Branton is not coming into the diner and upsetting the people that mean something to me by trying to set up his next target. Nick and Haddie are good people and they should be able to have a meal in peace or that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

  “This is going to be fun.” I hear Trask say as he follows me to the table that is calling me to it. I feel the protective side of me come out and I don’t even want to think about why. I walk up beside Branton and get between him and Sage. He’d inched his way closer to her while standing there talking. Their conversation stopped when I stepped up. I think Branton had been keeping it going because the other four people sitting down didn’t seem friendly at all to him.

  “Haddie it’s good to see you away from the bed-and-breakfast having a meal out.” Haddie smiles at me. “Nick, I haven’t seen much of you the last week. I was getting worried.”

  “Been busy, Botie,” Nick says to me and then his eyes trail to Branton. “It’s nice seeing you today unlike some people that have interrupted our lunch.” The insult directed at Branton doesn’t even register on his radar.

  “Sage, it’s nice seeing you again.” Sage’s eyes come to me and her eyes are even more beautiful than I remembered. I nod my head to the man sitting beside her.

  “I was just telling this beautiful lady that she should be my dinner companion this evening. I can show her all the sights and introduce her to the movers and shakers in our small community. I can’t believe you and Trask have been neglectful of the newest citizen of Comfort. I’d invite you along but three is a crowd,” Branton says arrogantly.

  “Where does that leave Cassia? She’s the woman you’re supposed to be having lunch with, the woman you brought to town and who is sharing your bed at home. Didn’t you say she was your meal ticket right now, or was that her dad?” Trask surprises even me by the venom in his voice. Trask isn’t one to not back his brother’s move but it seems that’s changing. “I’m sure you’d only take Sage straight to Dad, so he could pump her for information as to why she wants to buy Nick’s farm.” Trask looks at Sage. “My advice to you is to steer clear of Branton. You can’t believe a word coming out of his mouth and you seem like a nice person.” Trask doesn’t wait for anyone to say anything to him. I can feel the anger between the two brothers.

  “Don’t pay any mind to Trask. He’s having a difficult day and we’ll be having words about this.” Branton tries to save face in front of the people at the table and the entire diner. What Branton means is he will be telling their dad about what has been said and Donald will be giving Trask hell over it.

  “Does that mean the woman leaving your table is not sharing your bed and you wouldn’t take me to meet your dad?” Sage surprises me by confronting Branton. Branton watches as Cassia walks out the door with Trask following behind her. Branton seems a little lost for words.

  “That’s no way to treat a lady Branton. I don’t know what the heck has gotten into you since you left here but it seems to me that your dad needs to take you to the woodshed and remind you how a real man acts— you’ve lost your manners and your good sense. You need to go after that woman and apologize, not that you deserve her accepting that apology.” Haddie is saying what everyone else in the room is thinking.

  “I was just trying to be neighborly. I can guarantee that any changes I have made to myself is for the better and it was my dad that taught me not to let go of what I want. Backing down is for the weak and what you think of me is of no matter to me. You’re all small town and that is all you’ll ever be. I’m going places and one day I will own this entire town and see where that will leave all of you.” Branton is showing his real self to everyone here.

  “Glad you still have such a high opinion of yourself boy, but our food is coming out and the crap your shoveling is not appetizing so move along and tell your dad the farm is sold.” Nick doesn’t even look at Branton as he says the words.

  “I appreciate the invitation to dinner, but I decline and I’m not interested in any further invitations. I don’t mean to be rude, but I also am not interested in anything your dad has to say about the farm. I won’t be selling for any reason. I found my new home and I intend to make Comfort the place I stay for the rest of my life. Nick will be advising me along the way, so you can see that I am ready for whatever comes my way,” Sage says confidently.

  “Trask and I will be lending a helping hand whenever our schedules permit,” I put in and I reach over and take Sages hand to shake it. “Welcome to the neighborhood neighbor.” Everyone looks surprised but no more than me. I then lift Sage’s hand and I bend the rest of the way and kiss it softly. I hear people sucking in their breath. I’m not a romantic man at all and I see why everyone would be shocked. I have sworn off women in a very public way. In my mind I’m only trying to keep Branton away from Sage but if I was thinking it fully out, I would see the errors of my ways. I release Sage’s hand and I see the confused look in her eyes but at least she didn’t jerk her hand away from me. Haddie winks at me.

  “Botie since when have you become so chivalrous? I thought Talia had you swearing off women. How are Talia and Hawkins? They have any little Hillhouses running around yet?” Branton thinks I am going to lose my cool and any other time I might do just that but not today.

  “Branton, you need to move along. You’ve given everyone enough to talk about today. Botie was doing you a favor so I didn’t get up and embarrass your punk ass. You have become nothing but an embarrassment to this whole community since you’ve become a mouthy little cuss, so move along or I will show you the door.” These are strong words coming from Nick.

  “Nick is right Branton. You are disturbing the entire diner. Dara wants you out. The waitress won’t even bring these people their food until you leave. Either move along or we’ll walk over to city hall and I will book you,” Sheriff Jenkins says with an official edge to his voice. All eyes in the diner are on us. “Dara said that everyone’s lunch, but yours Branton, is on her. Your lady friend paid for it even though it wasn’t brought out yet. Dara apologizes for the long delay; it’s been busy all day and two of her workers called off.”

  “Sheriff I was just leaving,” Branton says and never goes back to his table but walks out the front door. I see Dara watching us, so I tip my cap at her in thanks.

  “Sheriff, I’ll be leaving too. Tell Dara thank you, but I think I’ll pass for today. I’ve seemed to have lost my appetite. I’m sure Nick and his guests would love to have their food. They’ve been waiting a while. Nice seeing everyone, and I am sorry for disturbing your lunch. Branton hits town and he can’t wait to cause trouble
.” I turn to leave but Sage catches my hand and then drops it. I thought earlier when I kissed her hand that I felt a surge of urgency to kiss this woman somewhere besides her hand but with her instigating the contact between us the desire is much stronger. I have let this woman get in my head and I need to put distance between us, but I’ll be damned if I have the will to do it.

  “Thank you for trying to run interference between Branton and me. I can handle myself, but I appreciate the assist. You made it easier for me and for that I am very grateful,” Sage says with a sweetness in her voice and I know she is going to be trouble for me.

  “I may have put off Branton for now, but you have put a target on your own back. You turned him down and that means he will be determined to make you fall to your knees with undying love for him so get ready. He’s going to lay it on thick. I don’t think any woman has ever said no to him and stuck with it.” I am half laughing as I say it, but I am dead serious.

  “Branton has never met me before. He’ll come to see it’s not going to happen and get tired of trying besides he has Cassia to keep him company.” Sage says it in an all serious tone and I half believe her, but I know Branton will give it his all. Sage lets my hand fall and I see all eyes on us. I can hear the rumors starting now. “Have a good day.” I turn and get myself out the door and I see Trask standing beside my truck looking up the street. I approach the truck and when I am standing beside Trask, he looks at me.

  “I thought I would come over to your house and stay until morning. I already texted Bill to let him know what needs taken care of this afternoon. I can face Dad tomorrow.” Trask knows his dad is going to be furious.

  “How about we fix the fence so that damn bull won’t get out again and we camp out by the pond tonight? I have beer in my ice chest at home, so we can fish and drink. I need the afternoon off to cool off and I am sure Mom will fix us some grub for the night. We can clean up while she gets the food together and head on out to the pond.” That’s the best plan I’ve come up with in a while. I never take an afternoon off but today I need it. Tomorrow I will spend the afternoon in the hayfield.

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it.” Trask is in agreement and I am ready for a cold beer. We get in the truck without saying a word and it’s a quiet drive back to Trask’s truck.

  Chapter Ten


  I have been in my new home for twenty-four hours and I slept so good last night. I don’t know what the first thing I need to do this morning is because the lists go on and on, but I know it’s one step at a time. I want to go and see every nook and cranny of this place, but I know I need to hit that to-do list hard this morning.

  I have been on watch for my mom to show up anytime now. Roger said that it wouldn’t take long for Mom to find out and I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about. If I’m being honest with myself, I would be forced to face the fact that I no longer feel the dread that I once did thinking about facing her. I will hate the confrontation, but I think just getting it over with would help me overcome the guilt I feel. I feel guilty for running and not facing the situation like my dad taught me. He always said that no one could run from their problems—only put them off for another day. I guess I needed all those days I was on the road to mature but I want my friends and family back. Family by choice not by blood. Dad’s band members and their children—they have always been family and would always be family. I want them all to meet Nick and Haddie. I even want them to meet Botie and Trask.

  I need to get a move on before Nick shows up. He is going to show me what crops I need to get in the fields now, so I’m not behind on my harvest schedule by too much and he is going to help me pick out a couple of trucks. I need one for farm work and one for transportation. I have decided to only plant half of what Nick was used to handling to get the feel for it this year. My new equipment should be here by the end of the week and although Trask and Botie agreed to help I have hired a few extra hands that Nick suggested to help too. I don’t know a lot about tractors and farm equipment, but I intend to learn. I know the basics, or by theory, I know the basics. I have been on a tractor more than a few times, but I will learn how to operate it in every situation and eventually learn to fix it when it breaks down. I can’t hire someone to do something that I wouldn’t do myself. That’s my opinion anyway. I will learn it all and put everything that I have learned in classes to use. I am filled with enthusiasm for my future. I have one bump in the road left to get over and then I hope my life will be on the road to a promising future paved with challenging work and rewards.

  I make myself a light breakfast of toast and juice. I am going to need to make a trip to the grocery store if I want to eat anything more than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. After I finish eating and getting dressed, I hear tires on the rocks in my drive. It doesn’t sound like Nick’s truck. I walk through the house to the front door and open the door without thinking. I see my mom and Greg getting out of mom’s car. My gut reaction is to call Nick or Haddie, but I can’t do that. I’m an adult and I need to stand my ground and face the ghosts that have been chasing me for over four years. I step outside on my porch and shut the door behind me. I don’t want either of them in my home. I still hang onto hope that someday my mom and I will be able to salvage something of our relationship, but I know that time isn’t now. Today, I stand up for myself.

  “Well lookie what a beauty our girl has grown up to be. Lyric you are one fine looking woman.” I don’t like the way Greg is leering at me, but I don’t let him scare me. I look him straight in the eyes.

  “I’m not anyone’s girl, especially yours. You both need to get back in that car and leave my property. You are not welcome here and you are trespassing. My property has no trespassing signs posted so anyone can see them. I don’t want to involve the authorities, but I will if need be.” My mom stops and puts her hand on her hip and looks at me.

  “What has put a burr up your butt for over four years Lyric Sage? I don’t know why the hell you took off when you did leaving me high and dry and I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish now. I am your mom and I have every right to see my daughter and you know Greg loves you. We are the only family we have left, and we need to help each other out. Surely you can see that. We need each other. I thought we had come to an arrangement regarding the money of yours I need to use. I thought we were all getting along fine. Your dad did not leave me enough of an allowance to keep your schooling, food, the house operating, and still be able to live the life I was accustomed to—I thought you understood that. This has all been an awful misunderstanding and if you had called me once since you have been gone then we could have cleared everything up.” I want to yell and scream. My mom is twisting everything, so she is the wronged person. I expected this of her but hearing it is unreal. I decide to act like an adult instead of a child.

  “Once again, I am telling you to get off my property and don’t come back.” I straighten my back as I say the only words needed.

  “Babe, this looks like a good set up here, but you must realize that you can’t stay out here by yourself. You’d be lonely way out here alone and who knows what could happen to you. A woman like you needs the luxuries you can soon afford and more. We can all have a good life if you just come back to Dallas. You’ll see how much you missed it when you get all settled back in our home.” It takes all my strength not to go after Greg with my bare hands, but my mouth can’t be stopped.

  “Let’s see why I would leave my home, hmm, could it be my mom’s lecherous boyfriend wouldn’t stay out of my bedroom? Hmm, or could it be Mom took the money from my allowance?” I calm myself a little and continue. “The house was paid for, there was an allowance for food, upkeep, servant’s pay, and utilities. The estate was taking care of the taxes so why did you feel the need to take my money too?” Mom didn’t know that I knew about the arrangements my dad made so everything would be seen to until I turned twenty-one. I wait for one of them to say something, but both are just looking at each
other. “Greg, you are my mom’s boyfriend and nothing else to me. Truth be told, I don’t like you and never have. You were moved into my home less than twenty-four hours of my dad dying. Do you think I was so stupid that I couldn’t figure out that my mom was cheating on my dad with you and then you were in his home, sleeping in his bed? You could have had a little class and at least waited until after the service was concluded.” I take my attention away from Greg to my mom. “You and I have never had much of a relationship unless you consider having hundreds of photos taken so the press can splash them everywhere. I love you Mom, but if you and I are ever going to have a relationship it will take us both to work on it. I will not be your meal ticket on Dad’s dime. I loved and respected Dad and I will honor his wishes. You will not use me to spite him even though he’s gone.”

  “You are a real piece of work aren’t you little girl? After everything we have done for you. Do you know your mom gave you the time you needed away to come to terms with Travis’s death? She could have had you dragged back to the mansion, but she was trying to be considerate of your feelings and now we see how you repay her sympathy. You throw it back in her face and spit on her.” Greg is on a roll today. He makes me sound like a major brat. I see Nick’s truck pulling into the driveway, so I am no longer worried about what Greg will do. He’ll do nothing in front of a witness.

  “Your dad is not who you thought he was. He was a cheating and abusive man. I tried to protect you from that side of him, but I guess I should have let you see more of it, so you could understand why I stepped outside my wedding vows. I needed someone to love me and take care of me and I will not apologize for it.” Mom is screaming by the time she has tears falling down her face and I know mom is lying. My dad was not a cheater or abusive man.


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