The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride: A Kindred Tales PLUS Length Novel

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The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride: A Kindred Tales PLUS Length Novel Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  She glanced at herself anxiously. Was she really looking her best? Even if the Twyleth Tigg proprietary chemical compound was no good to her here, she needed to be certain she was pleasing to her new owner—even if he was only going to be keeping her for a short time before selling her to Senator Pouncenblast.

  If the Senator still wants you, whispered a little voice in the back of her head. Now that your maiden head is gone.

  The thought caused a ripple of anxiety to run through her. Her ultimate fate would depend on how the Senator chose to verify her virginity once she got to him. If he used a semen meter, which was able to detect if a girl had ever had a male’s seed inside her at any point in her life, she would be fine, for Lan’ara never had. But if he wanted to be certain the actual physical barrier of her maidenhead was intact, well…that was a different story.

  Lan’ara wished desperately she knew which method her husband-to-be preferred. But there would be no telling until she stood before him and found out if he still wanted her or not.

  And what will happen if he doesn’t want you? whispered a little voice in her head. Your new owner doesn’t appear to want to keep you—for all he paid so much for you. Maybe if Senator Pouncenblast doesn’t want you, he’ll try to sell you to someone else. Maybe even that monstrous Trollox.

  The awful idea didn’t bear thinking of—Lan’dra tried uneasily to shove it out of her mind. Instead, she gave her long, curly hair one final fluff and then wandered away from the viewer. She was looking for something to take her mind off the future and soon enough her eyes were drawn to the strange wash blossoms.

  Leaning over the tub, she eyed them warily. The waxy, dark blue flowers were curled up around the edges of the tub, their blossoms tightly furled and apparently asleep—if flowers could sleep, that was. But when she waved a hand over them, they came suddenly to life.

  “Oh!” Lan’ara jerked her hand back with a gasp as one long vine with about a dozen blossoms rose suddenly into the air and turned blindly towards her. The dark blue flowers had unfurled and they were opening and closing their petals in a rhythmic fashion. She thought uneasily that they looked almost like hungry mouths, which she supposed was what they were.

  They must live off the dirt and grime they get when they clean someone’s skin, she thought. And I guess they’re always looking for more.

  She saw a flash of crimson inside several of the flowers’ bells and frowned. What was that? Leaning over to get a better look, she saw that all the dark blue flowers had dark red interiors. This detail—which she had missed earlier—made them look more than ever like hungry mouths, Lan’ara thought, as she watched the vine full of writhing flowers.

  She was just about to straighten up when she felt something smooth and cool tugging at her right nipple.

  With a little gasp, she looked down and saw that while she had been distracted by the first vine dancing in front of her face, a second had slipped into the loose front of her new shirtdress. Already two of the blossoms had attached themselves to her nipples and were sucking hungrily.

  “Hey!” Lan’ara gasped, trying to brush them off. “Stop that, you bad things! I never meant for you to start trying to…to wash me again!”

  But tug as she might, the flowers didn’t want to let go. She even unbuttoned the bronze shirtdress to the waist and tried pinching them off, the way Need had done when he got rid of the persistent flower between her legs. But the blossoms were surprisingly strong and resisted all her attempts to remove them.

  What was wrong with the Goddess-blasted things?

  Then one of the creepers began sliding up her inner thigh.

  “Oh no you don’t!” Lan’ara exclaimed. Reaching under the hem of the shirtdress, she grabbed the creeping vine and yanked. But the creeper only tightened its hold on her and, the moment she let go to get a better grip, continue its course up to her pussy.

  “No!” Lan’ara exclaimed and clamped her thighs shut. But she could feel the tiny cool tendril of the vine slithering between her legs anyway. What was wrong with these awful things and why did they want to get to her private areas so badly?

  “What’s wrong, girl?” a deep, growling voice demanded.

  “Oh!” Lan’ara looked up, feeling her cheeks get hot with shame. Need had somehow managed to come into his quarters without her noticing—maybe because she had been so caught up fighting off the wash blossoms. For such a big man, he certainly moved very quietly, she thought distractedly.

  And now he was staring at her with an angry look in his bronze eyes.


  “What in the Seven Hells is going on here?” the big Kindred demanded, glaring at her. “Why is it every time I leave you, when I come back you’re up to your ears in those damn wash blossoms?”

  “I only came in here to make certain my appearance was pleasing to you, my Lord,” Lan’ara protested. “And it’s not my ears the vines are bothering!”

  “So I see,” he growled, eyeing the way her shirtdress was gaping open and showing the green vines wound around her breasts with the blue flowers clamped on her nipples. “Here, I’ll help you get them off, but we have to be fucking careful—they’re an extension of the rest of the greenery on this ship and Captain Glo’ll will know if we harm them.”

  Carefully, he unwound the vines from around her breasts and pinched the blossoms sucking her nipples until they at last released. They finally came loose, but when they did, there was a shining droplet of golden moisture—almost like a bead of dew—on the tip of each of Lan’ara’s nipples.

  “What’s that?” Need asked, frowning. “Is that from the plants or from you?”

  “How could it be from me?” Lan’ara protested, also looking down at her breasts. But even as she watched, the droplets grew bigger, almost as though the golden liquid was welling up from inside and coming out of her nipples. She stared down at herself in dismay—what was happening to her?

  But just then, another sensation completely distracted her from the strange nectar coming from her breasts.

  “Oh!” she gasped, parting her legs and lifting the hem of the shirtdress to peer down at herself.

  While she had been distracted by the blossoms sucking her nipples, her legs had parted, allowing the seeking vine that had been trying to get between her thighs earlier to get easy access. It had parted her pussy lips and one of the blossoms was again fastened on the throbbing button of her clit, sucking and licking her there.

  But even stranger were the actions of the other blossoms on the same vine. As the first dark blue bud pursed itself around her aching button and stimulated her to throbbing pleasure, the others were invading the mouth of her pussy.

  As Lan’ara watched, feeling frozen in place, one of the blossoms pressed its hungry mouth inside her. There was a soft sucking sensation and then it withdrew, its blue petals slick and shiny with her juices. Another blossom took its place and the pattern repeated itself.

  “What in the Seven Hells?” her new owner growled, frowning. “What are they doing? It’s like they’re stimulating you in order to make you produce more pussy honey.”

  “I…I’m afraid it’s working,” Lan’ara admitted with a little gasp. Though she hated to admit it, the sensation of the flowers sucking and lapping at her secret treasures was distractingly pleasurable—embarrassingly so. If this didn’t stop, she was going to lose control again, just as she had when the big Kindred was healing her with his essence.

  She started to reach between her legs and rip the vines loose, but Need’s big hand on hers stopped her.

  “Wait,” he growled. “I know it’s probably damn uncomfortable but we have to be careful. Captain Glo’ll will know if you harm the blossoms and then there’ll be all Seven Hells to pay.”

  “But…but what can I do?” Lan’ara asked him. “If…if they don’t stop, I’m afraid I’ll reach the peak again,” she admitted, her cheeks getting hot with a blush. “Just as I did when you healed me, my Lord.”

  “Let me try again t
o detach them gently,” he told her. “Here—sit on the side of the tub and spread your legs so I can get to you.”

  Still blushing, Lan’ara did as he said. It seemed to her that, after a lifetime of modesty, she had spent more time with her thighs open and her pussy on display in the last several hours than she had ever expected to have to endure.

  “All right, let’s see what we can do,” Need remarked, settling on the floor between her spread legs. He was frowning as he studied the flowers, which continued to dip into her pussy, as though drinking of her honey, while the original bud that was clamped on her clit went on relentlessly stimulating her with its petal-soft mouth.

  “Hurry, my Lord,” Lan’ara begged him. “I feel…I feel myself getting closer and closer every minute.” For some reason, the feeling of the blossoms tasting her was even more intense than it had been when she’s taken a bath earlier. It was almost as though all her nerves were on high alert.

  “I’ll do what I can, girl. Gods, it’s almost like they’re taking turns at you—each one taking a sip of your honey and then making way for the next,” he remarked, frowning.

  “Taking…turns?” Lan’ara gasped.

  He nodded. “It’s like every blossom wants a taste of your sweetness.” He frowned as he attempted to loosen the vines which had wound around her thighs. “And they’re damn persistent! Who knew these things could be so strong?” He looked up at her, frowning. “I’m afraid I can’t get them off without damaging the vines or the blossoms.”

  “So I’m to just sit here and…and let them taste me?” Lan’ara demanded.

  “Not for long, I don’t think.” He sounded thoughtful. “Look—the ones that have already tasted of your honey seem content to go back to their places around the side of the tub.”

  He nodded to where a number of dark blue blossoms had resumed their positions, their petals—now shiny with her honey—furled again. They reminded Lan’ara of people who had eaten their fill at a banquet and were now resting, completely satiated.

  “I think in a moment they’ll be done,” Need told her. He glanced up at her. “Think you can stand it?”

  “I…I guess so.” Lan’ara bit her lip. “It’s just…just embarrassing, that’s all,” she whispered. “To sit here and let them drink from me and make me…make me reach the peak again, right in front of you, my Lord.”

  “I’ve already seen you come once, girl,” he pointed out, his deep voice slightly hoarse. “You’ve no need to be ashamed in front of me.”

  “But I am,” Lan’ara protested. “I…I worry what you’ll think of me if I…oh, Goddess!”

  The last words came out in a moan as two of the blossoms crept up and attached themselves to her nipples again.

  “Get them off me,” Lan’ara begged him. The added stimulation of having her nipples sucked was beginning to be too much. It would tip her over the edge again if she wasn’t careful!

  Carefully, the big Kindred detached the hungry bud from her right nipple. But he frowned when he saw the amber bead welling at its tip as he did so.

  “What in the Seven Hells?” he growled again. He looked up at Lan’ara. “It’s the same liquid we saw earlier. You must be making honey from your breasts as well—that’s what’s attracting them,” he told her.

  “But how could I be?” Lan’ara moaned. “I am a virgin—or was before that awful stick forced its way inside me! How could I be making milk when I’m not with child?”

  “You’re still a virgin, girl,” the big Kindred growled impatiently. “And besides, I didn’t say your breasts were leaking milk—this is some kind of nectar or honey.” He frowned. “Glo’ll did say the blossoms might sense you were ripe to produce some kind of nourishment and that they might try to stimulate you to make it.”

  “How…how could they know that? And what’s happening to me?” Lan’ara moaned. She felt like she ought to be more upset than she was, but the feeling of the tiny flower mouths lapping and sucking between her thighs was so distractingly pleasurable it was hard to concentrate on anything else.

  “I don’t know.” Need shook his head. He frowned. “I wonder if the nectar from your breasts is sweet? Or salty like your pussy honey?”

  Maybe it was the stimulation from the blossoms affecting her but all at once, Lan’ara felt something come over her—a need, a hunger to have him touch her. In that moment, it was all she could do not to reach out and grasp his big hand and put it on her breast.

  The strange desire shocked her. What was wrong with her? Why was she suddenly craving his touch? Lan’ara had no idea but she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  “You…you can taste it, if you wish, my Lord,” she heard herself saying. “You own me now. If you wish to…to suck my nipples, it is of course your right.”

  His frown deepened.

  “Stop reminding me I own you, girl. Not going to take advantage of you just because I paid for you.”

  “But they hurt, my Lord,” Lan’ara protested. “Or rather, they feel…full. My breasts, I mean,” she added, nodding down to where even more of the amber liquid was welling from her right nipple. The left one was still being sucked by one of the hungry wash blossoms, as was her clit, while the flowers between her legs continued to take turns lapping at her juices.

  “So…you want me to suck your nipples?” The big Kindred had one eyebrow raised skeptically.

  “I don’t know what I want,” Lan’ara answered truthfully. “It’s just that these…these blossoms are driving me to distraction, my Lord. And I feel…feel so close to the edge of pleasure.”

  His bronze eyes softened slightly.

  “There now, girl—it will be over in a moment. Let the damn blossoms drink their fill and they’ll leave you alone.” He cleared his throat. “But I do think I’ll taste your nectar—for want of a better word. We need to know what’s going on with you and the more information we have—”

  His words were stopped when Lan’ara thrust her chest forward, pressing her right nipple to his lips. She didn’t know what caused her to do something so bold, only that the hunger for his touch had increased until she couldn’t stand it anymore. Since she was sitting on the edge of the tub and he was sitting on the floor in front of her, her nipple was the right height to reach his mouth and she acted on instinct.

  At first Lan’ara wasn’t certain he would take the offered nipple. His bronze eyes widened in surprise and his lips remained closed. But then he parted them and licked her, his tongue coming out to swirl around the aching bud in a leisurely fashion.

  “Oh…” Lan’ara whispered, her whole body tingling with the intimate touch. She had that sensation again—the one she’d had earlier, of a flower opening inside her—a blossom every bit as hungry as the ones that were busy between her thighs. It was like her whole body was transformed into one throbbing need and the need she felt was to have him touch her.

  “Hmm…it is sweet,” Need growled. And then he took her whole nipple into his mouth and sucked deeply.

  “Ahhh!” Lan’ara threw back her head and moaned breathlessly. The feeling of the big Kindred’s mouth on her sensitive bud seemed to be exactly what she needed to push her over the edge. She had been teetering there for what seemed like forever, caught between the pleasure the wash blossoms were giving her and the embarrassment of letting her new owner see her come all over again.

  Now she lost the battle completely and fell…or rather soared, because it felt a little like flying, she thought, as the pleasure overwhelmed her. It was a loss of control and yet it felt so good, she couldn’t mind it.

  “Oh!” she moaned as Need sucked her nipple and the wash blossoms between her legs lapped at her pussy. “Oh yes, my Lord Need! Oh, that feels so good!”

  He rode out her pleasure, as he had before, and didn’t stop sucking until Lan’ara trembled and fell forward from the edge of the tub.

  “I’m sorry, my Lord,” she gasped when he caught her. “Reaching the peak seems to…to make me weak.”

�It’s all right, girl.” He cradled her in his arms and looked down at her, an unreadable expression on his darkly handsome face. “Better now?”

  “Yes, I…I think so,” Lan’ara said. “Oh…I don’t feel them anymore,” she added in surprise.

  For the petal-soft mouth that had been sucking her clit was suddenly gone. And, as they both looked down between her thighs, she saw that the wash blossom that had been clamped on her pleasure bud was gone.

  “Looks like the wash blossoms have had their fill,” the big Kindred remarked as the last few flowers dipped into her pussy honey and then withdrew, taking their long, trailing vines with them. “I guess they all just wanted a taste of you. Can’t say that I blame them for that.”

  “You can’t?” Lan’ara looked up at him. “What…what do you mean, my Lord?”

  “I mean your pussy honey is damn near addictive, girl.” He frowned at her, as though this was her fault. “And that nectar you’re leaking from your breasts tastes almost as good.”

  “Not leaking anymore,” Lan’ara pointed out, looking down at herself. The amber nectar was no longer beading at the tips of her nipples. It was as though reaching the peak—coming, as Need called it—had cured her of her strange malady.

  “Not now, anyway,” he growled. “But we need to find out what in the Seven Hells is going on with you.” He frowned. “Didn’t the slaver say you’d been given some kind of ‘lust’ something or other?”

  Lan’ara shook her head.

  “I don’t know anything about that, my Lord. We did get shots at the academy, but they were meant to inoculate us against alien diseases. And…” She stopped, frowning.


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