Double Fated (Book One)

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Double Fated (Book One) Page 35

by C.K. Mullinax

  Chapter Thirty Five

  “What the…” Dante shouted as he pushed me away.

  “Where’s Audrey?? What’ve you done with her??”

  “Haven’t seen her in like…I don’t know…a week or better. I didn’t do anything with that skanky ho…” he offered and I slapped him for the second time.

  He couldn’t return the favor in front of a crowd of people. So, he continued to run his mouth to get even. He called Audrey a few more names, but I was no longer biting. Then, he called Tucker her ‘bastard baggage’. When that didn’t provoke me he made a derogatory reference to Tucker’s special needs. That did the trick.

  I lunged for his throat. I was out of my mind from frustration and anger.

  Those hands that broke my fall prevented me from reaching my goal. True to my training, I did the unexpected and broke free. The crowd gasped like I had just spontaneously combusted. Momentarily forgetting what I had been doing, I stopped and asked them, “What??”

  “Ice Man…” they said in unison.

  “Sebastian Race, I’m talking to that worthless drummer before I get escorted off this property. Easy or hard way…your choice, but he’s gonna answer me,” I yelled, while staring blades at Dante.

  “Don’t just stand there, my Ice Dog…do something!” Dante exclaimed.

  “Tell her…” Sebastian said.

  “Tell her what?? Who is she??” the drummer questioned.

  “Answer her. Her name is unimportant. Do not refer to me as your dog, again…” he stated in a lethal tone.

  “Whatdaya wanna know?” Dante asked.

  “I’m looking for Audrey. You know where she is,” I stated.

  “I already told ya’…I don’t know where she’s at. You look sorta familiar…”

  “Where was the last place you saw her?”

  “At the signing dinner thing at Gray’s place. She left her phone and her wallet with me. See…” he offered and reached inside the limousine. “Look for yourself. It’s been in here since that night. Didn’t want her crap, then and don’t want it, now. You can have it!”

  “You expect me to believe she willingly handed you her purse, ID and phone voluntarily and just took off into the night…”

  “I don’t care what you wanna believe…it’s true. She didn’t wanna come to BlitZed, anyway but…hey…wait, that’s where I know you from. You’re the chick who was running around with her. What’s your name??”

  “Call me Christie…”

  “Audrey was acting buggy that night. I didn’t think much of it. She’s got this kid who’s a gim…”

  “Don’t…” I stated, darkly.

  “Umm…well, she’s got that baby-baggage and a whole lotta daddy issues. We went to Gray’s place together, but she ended it. Everything was roses-and-wine one second, the next she goes to the restroom and comes back wanting out of our relationship.

  “I didn’t ask for the 411, ‘cuz I’m not hurting for the ladies. Would love to take you for a spin…I’ve never been with a gymnast before…” he informed me, licking his lips and somehow forgetting that we are engaged in a dispute.

  “When did she give you her purse?”

  “The same time she gave me the cell…at Gray’s.”

  “Was she upset? Crying? Angry? Something had to have happened…”

  “I’ll repeat it real slow for you. She was buggy…which is normal for her. She went to take a whizz, came back looking better than I’d seen her in a couple of years and ditched me. She’d been talking non-stop about marriage all the way over to Gray’s. So, I wasn’t exactly broken up about her change of heart over bein’ with me.

  “Maybe, she got mad when she saw the chick I was playing pool with, feelin’ up more than just a stick at the table. Don’t know…don’t care, ‘cuz that night ended, three times happy, no strings or bratty-baggage involved. Get the gist?? You can still join in if you wanna night to remember with Dark Matter. Whatdaya say, Flexi-Babe?” he asked and made an obscene gesture.

  “You’re disgusting…” I stated, walking by Ice Man and through the stunned onlookers.

  My shoes were somewhere in the parking lot, but I didn’t even try to find them. I tossed the contents of Audrey’s purse out on the closest, dry table. The battery on her cell phone was completely dead. Her wallet, money and identification were sticky from something nasty, but were unharmed.

  If he’s had her cell this entire time, how did Audrey call me on it and who has been texting on it?

  “Circumventing security protocols is not advisable…ever again,” Sebastian warned me after his silent approach.

  “It wasn’t advisable the first time, Commander Obvious! I lost my shoes, scraped my hands and broke a fingernail…” I shouted, psychotically.

  Unsure of how to respond, he stood beside me staring.

  “You can eject me, now. I won’t give you any more problems…” I told him.

  “Shoes are required…” he stated.

  The guy, who had been guarding the entrance backstage, handed me my flats and I thanked him. He mumbled something and bolted away.

  “Listen, I’m sorry. I’ve…” I attempted to explain, but Ice Man wasn’t interested.

  “Excuses are futile. However, the comedic scene was the most entertainment I have witnessed in ages. Do not capture my attention, again. My generosity is exhausted…” he informed me.

  My sorority sisters and a few of their men had watched our exchange. They wanted the skinny, but I wasn’t in the mood for socializing – or even pretending.

  Sometimes it pays to get slightly injured because Becca panicked when she saw the scrapes on my palms. I told her they had a brush with the ground and suggested I’ve had a little too much partying. My diabolical scheme worked…

  Becca ordered me to take a cab home and bandage my wounds. My other sisters were disappointed that I was already making an evening of it, but how could they argue. If they protested Becca’s order they would sound selfish and petty. So, in the end they agreed and told me how sorry they were that I hurt myself.

  After closing out my astronomical bar tab, I hailed a cab and went to the motel Audrey’s aunt is staying in. Her light was still on and she opened the door on the first soft knock.

  “I’m sorry…I didn’t find her yet…but, I’m not giving up,” I told her and tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Where’d that girl run off to??” she asked.

  “I’ll do everything I can to find her. I’ve got a big network of friends who can help me. But, it’s almost one and…”

  “You don’t need to fret. I know you can’t start ‘til tomorrow. I wish we’d done met up the first day I was here. I gotta drive back in the morning or my boss will can me. Minimum wage is better ‘n nothing. Seems I’ve gotta little mouth to feed by my lonesome,” she said and sounded disheartened.

  “What time will you be leaving?”

  “Thinkin’ about just headin’ on that way after I stop and get her things off the porch. Maybe, I can get in a couple of hours of work…”

  “Please, can you at least give me until sunrise?”

  “Well, I suppose so…”

  “Thanks, I’ll see what I can do tonight and we’ll meet at this diner at say 6:00? It’s on your way…” I stated and handed her the address to the diner Audrey used to eat at.

  My cab was still waiting and I had the driver take me to buy a pre-paid cell phone and cards that equal three months of service. I’m hoping Jules can help me convince Angie to take this phone. I need some way to keep in touch with her.

  I would keep a picture of Audrey holding Tucker and her cell phone. But I would give her aunt the rest of the items. Audrey had twenty eight dollars and an old check stub from the Java Den in her wallet. I withdrew the limit on my ATM. Adding the additional four hundred dollars, I am hoping Angie will use it.

  Jules was sitting and talking to Audrey’s aunt when I arrived at the diner.
Angie had already retrieved the boxes and had them packed in her car.

  The blanket text messages I sent to my contact list, all asked for help locating Audrey. I was fielding the responses. No one knew anything about her. Most of the replies were friendly, but a few had an edge of sarcasm. They didn’t appreciate being spammed by me. To those people, I sent a quick explanation detailing that I was being a pest on purpose. I sent several messages to everyone I know because her aunt is leaving town today and Audrey is still missing. My aggravated friends apologized to me…

  I remained silent while Angie and Jules chatted. I was praying someone would come up with something on Audrey and her whereabouts. I even inadvertently spammed the “be on the lookout for my friend” text to Wally Baxter. He laughed it off, but I’m sure he was irritated.

  Angie was stunned by the amount of cash in Audrey’s wallet. She mumbled something about a godsend and I relaxed a little, knowing she would use it for her and Tucker. I waited until the last possible minute to give her the cell phone. She refused, debated and argued with me about accepting it. Jules provided me with a helping hand when she asked for a number to reach her at. Angie didn’t have much choice, not if she wanted Jules’ assistance.

  We exchanged phone numbers and she gave us her address. She also gave me a photograph of Tucker holding the fire truck he bought with the gift card Audrey sent him. The message on the back he wrote himself. It had a big heart drawn on it with the word “mommy” in the center. No one had sent me anything helpful by the time Angie left for Mississippi.

  “She’s a lovely person…” Jules said as we waved goodbye.

  “Yeah…I just wish I had some news…” I revealed.

  “We’re doin’ all we can. Oh, and by the way, poor students don’t need to be leaving a tip big enough to make a car payment. I sure did appreciate it, but you keep your money next time, sweetie pie…” Jules announced.

  I had already given her my contact information and we promised to stay in touch. So, when I hugged her and told her to think nothing of it, I took off running.

  There’s no telling what she might do to me when she sees this time’s tip is double…


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