Gathering of Blackbirds

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Gathering of Blackbirds Page 5

by M.M. Gavillet

  Chapter Five

  I watched the sun slowly fade as it colored the water like it was liquid gold. Claire had brought me a large meal of baked chicken, mashed potatoes and peas. At least the food wasn’t too exotic.

  I was still stuck in my room as told I would. I got a shower, put on a t- shirt and a pair of soft knit shorts. I tried to smooth my hair, and with no hair product to help me with that, I did my best.

  Gabe would be coming soon. At least I hoped he would be coming soon as he promised. In the meantime, I decided to read the history of Atlantis book.

  The book contained a few black and white sketches of the beings that lived here along with descriptions and locations as to where they lived.

  I found the Alfheim first. They were tall, beautiful people that lived with their surroundings and utilized what their world gave them. They were the preservers. Their world remained pristine but grew with knowledge. Many sought their wisdom and were one of the founding races of the Alliances Creed.

  Next, I read about the people of the sea, the Mer. Actually, they lived most of their lives on land, and like Claire said, traveled by water.

  I had read only a few pages and found the book interesting, but I didn’t feel like reading right now. As much as my life had taken an extraordinary turn, I still found myself longing for home. Most people would be practically eating up the book Claire just handed casually to me. Atlantis is a myth, I always thought, until now. This still felt like a dream, but a very real dream as I felt the itching stitches on my stomach.

  I thought of home and Jimmy. He would be worried to death and as far as my dad, I wasn’t sure. My head began to ache. I closed my eyes and breathed in the salty air that lured me to the balcony.

  I sat the book down, and went over to the window. All I could hear was the ever constant waves. The orange horizon mixed with the indigo sky of night. I looked up at the star dotted sky. I wondered if the same stars could be seen in St. F as here.

  Suddenly, from below a small light caught my attention and flicked on and off through the palm trees. It was answered by a light at the water’s edge. I stepped back slightly as to not be seen.

  In the dim light, I could see a small figure run to the beach. I stepped closer to the balcony’s edge and watched them dart to the flickering light. I thought it looked like Claire, with her short stature and bouncing red curls, ran to meet the mysterious person.

  Now, I could see a small boat, canoe size, had been pulled to the beach. Another figure greeted her with an embrace, and as close as they were, probably a kiss. My spying was interrupted when a knock came to the door. It had to be Gabe.

  I went back in as the door opened with the clicking of the lock. Gabe smiled at me as he shut the door behind him.

  “There’s someone at the beach. They were flickering lights at each other. I think they’re still there.” I informed him of the encounter.

  “Oh, that’s just Claire and her sort-of-boyfriend.” Gabe waved off my concern with his hand. “Em, there are some things you need to know before tomorrow.”

  His voice was serious and his smile faded.

  “You mean for the trial?” I asked as I sat at the foot of the bed and curled my hand around the tall bedpost.

  “Well, it isn’t a formal trial, but more like a hearing. There is a lot going on right now and you sort of fell into it.” His voice had a restrained grim tone to it.

  “Great,” I said looking away and then back at Gabe. “You know I have no idea about any of this.”

  “I know you don’t, but the rest of them think differently,” he said with a deep breath. “I don’t want you to be surprised by who you see tomorrow, so I am going to tell you a little of what’s going on.” His smiled returned for only a moment. “We found Pandora and she is here, but so is David.” My stomach lurched at the sound of his name.

  “The tornado couldn’t have gotten him.” I say with a slight laugh. “You mean he is one of you guys?”

  “Sort of, but not from the same clan. He is from the Dragon clan, one of the four that ensure the safety of all magical implements. That’s what we do, and now several have gone missing as well as being manufactured on the black market. That’s what Pandora was doing,” he said as he sat in a chair across from me and rested his elbows to his knees.

  “Abe is still examining the amulet, and he is questioning Pandora right now.” Gabe’s eyes were steady. “And as far as you being a Receptor, we aren’t going to mention that to the Alliance yet. Abe’s not sure of your connection, but thinks you’re innocent.”

  “So, I just stumbled into this at the wrong place and wrong time.” I say resting my head on the bedpost. “Lucky me,”

  Gabe only snickered a little.

  “I don’t think it’s funny.” I snap at him.

  “No and yes it is. Em, it’s all how you look at it,” Gabe said standing up.

  “How am I supposed to look at it? I nearly got killed by some poison dart, got caught with a stolen amulet that I had no idea I had, and end up in Atlantis where I suddenly can hear distress calls, and to top it off, I have to go to a trial to determine my fate. What if I go to prison?” My voice trembled.

  Gabe smiled gently as he sat next to me. I could feel the heat radiate from him like a welcoming fire from the cold. He then wrapped his arm around me and looked into my eyes.

  “I promise nothing will happen to you.” Somehow those words so simple seemed more comforting coming from him. “You won’t go to jail, like I said, most of the Alliance thinks you were just used as a pawn, but they still want to question you.”

  I took a deep breath in and stared at the cream colored wall with the oval shaped frameless mirror that reflected the wall behind us.

  “What about David?” I lowered my voice feeling he might be listening.

  Gabe stiffened slightly and smiled at me.

  “Don’t worry about him. You broke up with him didn’t you?” He simply asked rhetorically.

  I didn’t answer, only smiled back. I didn’t have to fear him anymore, but something inside of me still felt connected to him, like a leash that would only let me go so far.

  Gabe left me when the sun finally sank into the horizon. I sat on the bed for a while watching the sheer curtain blow in the gentle breeze. I held my stomach trying to contain the hundreds of butterflies in it as I thought about tomorrow.

  Crashing waves woke me and in my numb senses, it took me a while to calculate where I was. I was in Atlantis facing a hearing in front of people I had never heard of before. I could only hope they had an understanding to my disposition.

  Instead of a sapphire blue sky covering the endless array of blue waters of Kangee, a monotone grey sky blanketed everything in a pale sickness. The color of everything was dull and lifeless. A drizzle dotted the window, and through it I could see the small boat that carried Claire’s boyfriend from some neighboring island, I can only guess. I felt goose bumps run up and down my arms as I thought of seeing David again, especially under these circumstances.

  “Emily.” Clair’s voice nearly made me jump out of my skin. “Are you up?” Her voice questioned through the door.

  “Yes,” I replied as the door unlocked and she greeted me with a warm smile.

  “I thought you might like something to eat.” She brought in a tray and sat it on the small bedside table. “Oh, and it is unfortunately cold today, so I brought you a sweater of mine to wear.”

  She laid the nubby, cream colored cardigan on the bed and I picked it up right away.

  “It’s so pretty.” I say feeling the softness of it.

  Claire shrugged her shoulders at my comment and half smiled.

  “I’m glad you like it. It is one of my favorites. The Mer really know how to make things like that. I got it a long time ago when our clan was at a meeting.” Claire stepped towards the door. “I wish I could stay and chat, but I have to get ready t
oo. Gabe will come get you in an hour.”

  I looked at the clock when she left. It was already nine; I usually never sleep in this late. I passed on breakfast and got a shower.

  In the walk-in closet that had an elaborate silver framed mirror at the end, I found a couple pairs of jeans to go with Claire’s sweater. I looked at myself in that fancy mirror. I wasn’t the same girl I was a few days ago. How did this all happen, out of all the people in the world, to me? Especially in the town of St. F.

  Promptly, as the clock stroked ten counts, Gabe was at my door. He must had either watched the clock or had a really good internal one.

  “Sorry I’m a couple of minutes late.” He apologized.

  “Really, it’s like what, two seconds after.” He stood in front of me dressed in dark pants with several pockets sewn in the sides, and what looked like combat boots to match. His black shirt was silky looking and fitted, almost like a second skin.

  “No, more like five. Your clock is five minutes off.” I couldn’t stop looking at him in all of his lightness framed in dark clothing.

  “I feel like I’m underdressed.” I had to say something to compensate for my staring. “I mean, the Alliance won’t be insulted, will they?” I was kind of serious, as I really didn’t know the customs they had here.

  “No,” he said with a warm smile that burned the cold air that surrounded me. “They won’t be insulted by you. Like I said, they just want to question you, that’s all.”

  Gabe led me down the grand staircase and past the beautiful stained glass door, down another hallway that had several lights along the wall. Even in the gloomy weather and void of any windows, the hallway still seemed warm and light. The mansion was huge and at the same time had a usual coziness to it.

  Gabe and I walked in silence. I would have asked him questions, but I wasn’t sure if I should talk or not.

  “Just be yourself and don’t offer any information unless asked,” he said with his hand on the silver doorknob.

  Gabe opened the creamy white painted door, and stood aside to let me pass. A long wood table had six people seated and faced me. A large window with a small section of stained glass at the top framed them with the rain pouring down outside.

  I looked all over the room at first not really taking anything in, except everyone’s eyes were on me, including David’s. He had a giddy smile on his face that made my stomach churn.

  “Please, Emily, have a seat.” Abe stood slightly and motioned for me to sit in the puffy pale blue chair. At least the furniture was comfortable.

  “I will state for everyone’s record that Emily Moore of St. Francis, Illinois on the continent of the Americas and of Earth, to my knowledge had no prior interest or connection to Atlantis. She was simply in the wrong place.” Abe read from a piece of paper with reading glasses propped on his nose. “Since this involves all of us, the Alliance has right to question her and judge her fate. All of you have been briefed on how she came here and I will open the floor to questions.”

  I felt all of their eyes on me as I twisted my hands together. I wasn’t sure if I was breathing or not and avoided David’s penetrating eyes that I could feel burrow into me.

  “First, I want to welcome you Emily.” A woman with long red hair and gleaming jeweled eyes smiled at me. “My name is Karinna and I am part of the Alliance’s Creed, my clan is called Phoenix. I think an introduction would be nice and not to mention, put our guest at ease.” Karinna looked at all the members then back at me.

  She pointed at the end of the table first, introducing a man that looked like he was nothing but muscles. His name was Jasper and he was the prince of the Mer people and from what I saw last night, Clair’s boyfriend. Next to him was a dark skinned man with long jet black hair. He was from the Eagle clan of the Alliance and his name was Avani. Karinna sat between him and Abe. Next to Abe was a man, not much older than me. His thin lips curled into a curious smile and his dark green eyes flickered. His short slightly wavy blond hair softened his sharp cheekbones. His appearance was razor sharp that was wrapped in a mysterious softness. His name was Eris and he was from Alfheim.

  “And this is David from the Dragon Clan of the Alliance.” I quickly glanced at him and then back at Karinna. “He is standing in for his brother today as part of the Alliance.”

  “Emily.” His voice was like sweetened poison. “We have met before Karinna-in St. Francis, I was based there for a while tracking stolen implements.” His voice sounded slightly incriminating.

  “How much of Atlantis did you know before you came here?” Avani suddenly asked in his quiet and soothing voice that drew any attention from David to me.

  His dark eyes looked at me with curiosity.

  “Not much.” I managed to squeak out. “Only what I caught on T.V., which wasn’t much. I thought it was just a myth.”

  Avani gazed at me for a moment before shaking his head and looking at the rest of the Alliance members.

  “She doesn’t look like she could possibly be trafficking, look at her, most traffickers are either strong men or at the least very robust women,” Jasper said with a quick wink of his eyes at me. I wasn’t sure if I was insulted or relieved. At least someone questioned me even being involved in this.

  “Yes, but most traffickers don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb either.” Eris motioned at me with his long fingers and looked at each of the members. “We have seen this before, unlikely creatures transporting stolen implements or illegally manufactured ones.”

  “…Which brings me to what I know,” David shifted in his chair like he was a Cobra waiting to bite me with his poisoned fangs. “Like I said, I had been in St. Francis and many times had witnessed Emily going into Pandora’s shop. Not only does that raise suspicion, but it could also uncover who is behind all of the stolen implements that we fight for every day.” His voice rose slightly, like gas being sprinkled on a fire. “I think an interrogation is in order.”

  My eyes met his and they gleamed with vicious delight.

  “I had no idea that…” My voice was small and dissolved easily in the large room. Abe stood up refocusing everyone’s attention.

  “There will be no interrogation.” Abe looked at David then back at me. “But, further investigation is needed.” His eyes looked at whoever was behind me. “And will one of you please go and get Pandora.”

  I looked around to see Gabe and four others dressed in the same black uniforms. There were two girls, one being Claire and the other with short dark hair that angled in long locks around her delicate face. She was tall and slender compared to Claire, who looked like a chubby porcelain doll.

  Next to them were two boys that I recognized from the plane. The one with blonde hair was Zach and the other, I didn’t know his name, but remembered his eyes looking into mine with curiosity and black hair dripping with cool water. His eyes only met mine for a moment before I turned back around.

  The room was quiet and I looked at the floor for a moment and then back up, where my eyes suddenly interlocked with Karrina’s. She looked like she had been watching me for a while. She smiled and then stood up as the others talked in hushed whispers or flipped through the papers in front of them.

  I felt entranced by her as she stepped closer until she walked around me in circles. I tightened with nervousness. Her hand gently ran across my shoulders that made me shiver slightly. I wanted to say something, but felt my voice was constricted.

  “Emily, your hair is very pretty.” She ran her hand over it.

  I opened my eyes that I didn’t even know were closed. “Thank you,” I said meekly.

  She then gracefully walked back to her seat and flipped through the papers in front of her and leaned over to whisper something to Abe. He only shook his head and then they continued to flip through their papers until the door opened with Pandora continually complaining to Gabe.

  “You have no right to keep me her
e, I have done nothing!” Pandora yelled as she sat in the chair a distance away from me.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes from her. Her hair was tangled in the remnants of her once neat French twist and the rings she always had on were gone. She wore a simple blue gown and flip flops. Even her make-up was gone and she looked like she had aged about twenty years.

  “That is for us to decide and by your past record, we have a right to be suspicious,” Abe said with folded hands.

  “I have been clean for at least five years. I haven’t used my magic on anything.” She waved her hands in front of her like she physically moved it away.

  “Then how did this girl get an amulet at your store?” Karinna asked gazing at her.

  Pandora’s hand began to tremble for a moment. “It came in a box of stuff I was going to sell. I didn’t know what it was until I picked it up and was going to call the Alliance, when she came in and stole it for herself.” Pandora’s wild eyes shifted to me. “She is a thief.” Her crooked, incriminating finger pointed at me. “How else would she get it? I certainly wouldn’t just hand it over to her.”

  “But that is exactly what you did! You put it secretly in my bag and I didn’t even know I had it until I got home!” I stood up glaring at her in disbelief. “I was going to bring it back and then found out your shop was on fire and you were missing. I was scared you were in the fire!”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “She lies too.”

  I felt like my head would explode with rage. I looked at her then caught a smirk from David, who looked between Pandora and me.

  “It is true; I have watched Pandora and been in her shop. There were no signs of any transferring of magic to objects. Pandora had no proof of any illegal activity. I think the amulet was sent there for Emily to pick up and take to whoever is stealing everything.” David’s voice was calm and hit me like shards of glass.

  “Gabriel was with Emily when two Alfheim attacked them and the two Alfheim were at your shop at an earlier time. What was their business there?” Abe ignored David and looked directly at Pandora.

  “Yeah, they came in, but I shooed them away. They wanted what everyone wants-magic.” She hissed the word out like it was fire to her tongue. “Why don’t you ask him, he is Alfheim.” She pointed at Eris.

  He glared at Pandora and then cleared his throat. “First of all, it is you who are on trial and as far as the two perpetrators, they weren’t my people. We have no need to go to such places and associate with such creatures like you.” Eris crossed his arms and looked insulted by Pandora’s words.

  “The two were Alfheim, but I think they were rouge ones,” Gabe said from behind me.

  “Can we question them? They are still under the law of the Alliance.” Karinna suggested.

  “They’re dead. I killed one and Emily killed one in self-defense,” Gabe said it like we just went downtown to get ice cream. It still felt like a nightmare that could never be reality, but it was.

  “Well if they were rouge, then thank you for eliminating such a plague,” Eris said in his arrogant tone.

  “I think Pandora was an innocent instrument in this. Her reputation of being a Magic Implement Maker perceives her and whoever wanted it, knew who she was and had Emily go there as a go between.” David’s voice echoed through me. “Where is the amulet now?”

  “It is here and I am still examining it. Its origin is still a mystery, but I will know soon,” Abe replied as I noticed David tighten his fists so his knuckles turned white. No one else noticed, but I did, he was getting mad.

  “Do you think it is safe here with the one who stole it?” David pointed at me. “You know how humans are with magic. It lures them and the next thing they are using it blindly. It is like giving a loaded gun to an infant. Emily and the amulet should be separated, what if she tried to get it again?” His voice could hardly be contained and he stood up and met my eyes.

  “She didn’t steal it.” Gabe protested behind me. “You are jumping to conclusions.”

  I only stood with gaping mouth and wondered what the Alliance thought of me now. I felt so many things were against me as I thought the worst.

  Karinna’s jewel eyes shifted from me to Abe and the room filled with their yelling voices. I looked at Pandora who sat like a gloating pig. Everything made me sick as I stood and looked up at the beautiful stained glass window that must be magnificent when the light shone through it. Filled with many different hues that mimicked the gardens outside, my eyes became lost in the sea of colors that were still vivid even in the dull light. I could hear the collaboration of voices, mostly David’s, as I stood there enthralled by the stained glass window. I wanted out of the room badly as David continued his assault on me and how Pandora was just used.

  Suddenly, as I stood there, I could hear a humming in my ears again. The flowers in the window started to shift in an invisible wind. I could only cover my ears. The voices around me muffled and I wasn’t sure if I was being spoken to or not as the voices grew louder in my head, but couldn’t understand them at first.

  The room filled with shadow until nothing but darkness surrounded me. I didn’t have time to wonder what was going on, when a voice finally became clear to me.

  “Assistance is needed on the Bimini Island. Alfheim are here…searching for amulet. Please help!” The voice faded before it repeated the message again and light filled my vision once again.

  “She is still recovering from the poison.” I could hear Abe’s voice which sounded like someone turning on a radio full blast as I was lifted to my feet.

  “Take her back to her room,” Abe said as I was passed to another set of strong arms.

  I could hardly move my feet and Gabe finally just carried me to my room. He put me on my bed with the voices still echoing in my head.

  “Emily, are you with us?” Gabe asked brushing the hair from my eyes.

  “Yeah, what happened?” I wanted to sit up, but was too weak.

  “You passed out,” he replied as the rain pattered against the window.

  “Did I say anything?” I asked as he looked at me confused.

  “No. Was there another message?” He burrowed his brows.

  “I heard voices again. This time it was a clear message.” I pushed myself up. “The island of Bimini…it’s in danger. The Alfheim are coming and they want the amulet.”

  Gabe looked away from me.

  “Where is Bimini at? And I take it is the same amulet that I had.” Gabe only looked at me with concern and started to speak when a voice interrupted behind him.

  “Not bad,” A female voice said. “Especially, for just discovering you’re a Receptor.” Karinna smiled down at us with her jeweled eyes, one emerald green and the other sapphire blue, I didn’t notice before.


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