Gathering of Blackbirds

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Gathering of Blackbirds Page 7

by M.M. Gavillet

  Chapter Seven

  “Lay down and don’t move.” Alicia jumped from her seat and over to me.

  I was shocked at my bloody nose and even more shocked at her reaction.

  “Tissue,” She demanded as I laid my head on Ian’s lap. Due to the small space, it was the only way I could lay down and uncomfortable for me.

  Ian flipped out a neatly folded white cloth that Alicia pressed to my right nostril that was bleeding. I looked into her eyes that had suddenly been washed of contempt for me and replaced with concern.

  “Close your eyes.” She blurted out to me. I did, even though I wanted to watch her.

  I flinched upon the touch of her fingers that gently stroked the side of my temples. Before I could ask anything, warmth filled my head. I relaxed almost to the point that I didn’t care I was on a plane, had my head on some boy’s lap I didn’t know, and had a girl who doesn’t like me rub my temples.

  “There,” Alicia said in a tired voice. “Open your eyes.”

  Any leftover ache from the loud message was gone. I put my finger under my nose and the blood was gone. I look over at Alicia who slightly paled and looked tired.

  “Alicia…” I started to pull myself up from the awkward situation, when Ian pushed me back down.

  “Don’t get up yet.” Ian gazed down at me with his blue eyes as I looked back at him. “…So you don’t bleed again.” He confirmed my unspoken question and then looked over at Alicia.

  “Are you alright?” He asked as I turned my head towards Alicia.

  “Yeah, just so R-girl here controls her messages better.” Alicia rested her head back and closed her eyes.

  I then realized what only I thought was happening. Alicia had healed me and I began to worry about how serious my nose bleed was.

  “What was the message again? We are being ambushed. Did the sender give a name?” Ian asked looking down at me.

  “It was…a man’s voice…I think, and he sounded urgent. He said it was an ambush, should we turn around?’ Just then Gabe stepped out of the cockpit and gazed down at us.

  “We are through the passage…what’s going on?” Gabe asked with his words trailing off. “Our Receptor here received a message she couldn’t control and began to hemorrhage, I fixed her.” Alicia didn’t open her eyes, but color was returning to her face.

  I looked up at Gabe and slightly smiled.

  “I’m fine.” He bent down and ran his hand over my forehead. “Can I get up now?” The situation with my head on Ian’s lap and Gabe inches from me, became very uncomfortable.

  “Not yet.” Alicia’s voice was stern. “I don’t have enough energy to heal you again.”

  “The message came from a man and Emily here said his voice was urgent that we should turn around. It’s an ambush he said.” Ian looked at Gabe.

  “We can’t turn around now. We’re too far. There isn’t enough time to open the passage again this soon.” Gabe held on to the seat as the plane shook with a little turbulence. “We’re just going to have to follow through now.”

  Several moments passed in silence and Ian must have grown as tired as I was in this position, as he encouraged me to sit up slowly. I did with no gushing of blood. I sighed in relief as he looked at me.

  “So, is this Bimini?” I could see the brilliant blue water that looked like only an artist would use such a vivid color and the long island in front of us that looked almost like an elongated O.

  “Yes, but not the Bimini we are going to.” Ian looked out his window and I looked out mine.

  “So, there is another island?” I asked.

  “Yes, but we have to go through another passage on the Bimini road.” Ian turned around and looked to the cockpit.

  “You might want to fasten your seatbelt and hang on. It’s always a bumpy ride, even with Gabe as the pilot.” Ian forewarned with the clicking of his seatbelt.

  “But it’s a road right, and we have to go through another passage.” I tried to make him give me some encouraging words. “We are landing on an island nearby, right?’ The plane made a steep incline downward.

  I grasped the seat as Alicia only laughed at me. I felt embarrassed and scared at the same time.

  “Where’s the road?” I asked as the plane continued to descend.

  “Underwater,” Alicia replied with a big grin.

  I sat with my mouth hung open in fear.

  “Don’t worry the plane is designed to go under water. That is where the passage is. The road is underwater just off the coast of the Bimini Island of Earth; we are traveling back to Atlantis, this is a shortcut.” Ian seemed to enjoy explaining things as he continued. “You see it’s like being on a roller coaster, you can be in one part of Atlantis here and then in another part. You would be surprised on how many passages there are.”

  Alicia continued to smile at me as I clutched the side of the seat. Suddenly, the plane hit something slowing its speed dramatically. Caught off guard, I slammed into Ian who caught me before I hit the ground. He grabbed me by wrapping his arms around my chest, pinning my arms, and then gently sat me back in the seat. The plane slowed and slightly tilted in the water.

  “There, that wasn’t so bad.” His words were soft as I looked into his amazingly blue eyes that nearly matched the water outside my window.

  The plane wasn’t in water for very long and surfaced like a fishing bobber. I looked out the window and could see in the distance an island dotted with palm trees and what looked like buildings of jagged stone.

  The plane curved around so I couldn’t see the island anymore, but a fleet of ships in the distance with large masts, they reminded me of pirate ships, except these had what looked like crests on them. The ships appeared like they were hardly moving compared to us, but looked like they were headed in our direction.

  “You’re not planning on shopping are you? Especially with a delicate operation here,” Ian said with crossed arms staring at Alicia who had several colorful pieces of paper in her hand.

  “I always have time for shopping, besides if I do, it will only look like we are here for pleasure, not business.” She snubbed off Ian’s concern with a flick of her shoulder.

  Ian only sighed evidentially knowing it was no use to try to tell her any different.

  Gabe came back with a big smile on his face.

  “Did you like the ride?” He asked pulling me up.

  “Yes, loved it, especially when we went underwater, it nearly scared me to death,” I said in a fake jovial voice.

  “Glad to hear that,” he said gently guiding me off the plane.

  Zach and Alicia were already off the wooden peer and pointing in different directions. It looked like they were arguing about which way to go.

  “We should start at the courthouse. They might be holding the Sender prisoner.” Ian suggested as Gabe gave a woman dressed in a long dirty dress and hair flying around her weather face some of the same colored paper Alicia had. She looked to be a hundred years old and smiled as Gabe gave her a small coin, possibly a tip since she nodded and patted him on the shoulder as she tied the plane to the dock.

  “No, let’s scout around first; we don’t want to look like we are on a mission here.” Gabe wrapped his arm around me. “Come on Ian, at least look like you are having fun, you know how suspicious the Biminians are.”

  Ian only shook his head and lingered behind Gabe and me. Zach and Alicia were still discussing something and now Zach was waving his arms in the air and Alicia stood with crossed arms and back turned slightly away from him.

  “I am going shopping first, and that is final,” Alicia said stepping in front of Zach, who was now donning his ratty cowboy hat. I couldn’t help but to giggle at him.

  “Shopping, are you serious.” Zach stepped beside her and in front of Gabe. “I thought we had things to do.”

  “You ruin everything.” Alicia stepped back.

  “And shopping is like what�
� the most important thing here…nothing like drawing attention to yourself.” Zach waved his flaying arms in the air and knocked over a woman carrying a basket full of round shaped fruits in it, so they went everywhere like marbles.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Zach apologized and helped the cursing woman with her basket.

  Alicia only stood with a triumphant grin and crossed arms. She looked like a peacock showing its feathers.

  “Don’t bring attention to yourself, huh, its looks like you got that stealthy thing down pretty good.” Alicia turned and walked through the crowd of people dressed in array of different colors.

  “I guess she will be shopping.” Ian confirmed.

  Gabe only looked at him.

  “Sometimes I can’t believe her mentality.” Zach walked off in the other direction.

  “Where are you going?” Gabe asked.

  “I’m going to go find a snake I can put in her room, I’m going shopping.” Zach turned around and walked backwards and then turned swallowed by the sea of people.

  “Is he serious?” Ian asked.

  “Probably. Let’s get started.” Gabe looked down at me with a smile.

  “What about the message warning of an ambush?” Ian asked in a hushed voice.

  Gabe looked at me, then back at Ian. “We need to just look around first. If we jump to conclusions it could cost us and the message may be old. Em is just starting to receive messages, so it may mean nothing.”

  Ian looked at Gabe then at me and nodded his head. I knew Gabe was the leader, but I still felt a dread fill me and could see the speculation in Ian’s eyes. I could only hope that the message was nothing and I walked away from the island of Bimini with maybe some trinket of a souvenir.

  Bimini was a very crowded island with what looked like a lot of trading and selling of goods. Gabe wrapped his arm around me tightly and gazed through the crowd. No one seemed bothered by our presence, even ignored us or just the occasional flash of someone’s eyes that looked our way. I felt like we stood out like sore thumbs. Most of the people were dark skinned and wore white colored clothing, some of the women wore tightly wrapped turbines covering their hair and children ran around through the crowd.

  The buildings were disorganized, like they brought together a bunch of jagged rocks, mortared them together with grey clay like substance, and hollowed out small windows just big enough to look out of. The streets were paved with what looked like crushed shells cemented in the sticky mud.

  I wanted to stare at everything and take it all in, but I didn’t want to draw the wrong attention to us. Most of the people looked normal to me. I didn’t see any green skinned people or anything unusual, I could have been on earth if I didn’t know I was on Atlantis. To comprehend everything still baffled me.

  “I don’t think the Sender is being held by any authority, otherwise they would have contacted us. I think they are somewhere else.” Gabe turned from Ian and looked at me. “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary here. If they were being attacked they would have transmitted a different way.”

  “Something still doesn’t feel right.” Ian said as he stopped at a vender selling an array of fruits and vegetables.

  Some of the items I recognized and some I didn’t.

  “Is that an orange?” I asked Gabe pointing at the orange ball with leaves still attached to it.

  He looked at me and smiled. “Yes, from the sunshine state.” He picked one up and handed the woman vender two silver coins.

  “The sunshine state-where’s that?” I asked thinking it was some exotic place on Atlantis, maybe a vacation spot.

  He stood there for a moment, handed me the fruit and then shook his head. “Didn’t you pay attention in geography?”

  “Yeah, most of the time,” I replied.

  “It’s Florida-the sunshine state.” He finally revealed.

  “These are from earth?” I looked at the orange in my hand that came from the same world I did.

  “Well, it’s of course imported, but yes, this is a major trading area. All kinds of things are sold, bought and traded here.” His words had an underlining darkness to them as he scanned the area.

  “Hey,” Ian pulled Gabe close to him. “We’re being followed.” He pointed behind me with his eyes. “I noticed him at the docks.”

  I turned to see a figure, short in size wearing a hooded cloak. They stood like a statue in the sea of moving people that didn’t even notice him. His gaze was fixed on us and for a moment, I felt a familiarity of the person.

  I didn’t move until Gabe pulled me close to him and we casually walked in the opposite direction. I discretely looked behind me at the still unmoving figure.

  “Who is it?” I asked as we turned the corner to a less busy area.

  “I don’t know.” Gabe walked ahead of me.

  I stopped for only a moment and watched the passing people dressed in arrays of colorful clothing that curled around their bodies as they walked by.

  “Em, come on.” Gabe prodded as I couldn’t help but to feel I knew who the cloaked man was.

  Ian was several feet ahead and stopped for us to catch up. I was sandwiched between them now, and Gabe had his hand in a pocket despite the heat. It was more likely a weapon he clutched on to that I hoped never saw the light of day.

  Gabe and Ian didn’t talk, only glanced around for any suspicious followers. The small alley was littered with clay vases, some nearly half my size and baskets filled with piles of colorful fabrics. Tall buildings with smooth walls loomed over us making an endless tunnel that curved slightly until we reached a courtyard with a fountain and flowers everywhere.

  “I think we lost him if he was following.” Ian looked behind us.

  “I’m calling Alicia and Zach.” Gabe pulled from his inside pocket the silver, rectangular phone I had used when we were attacked by the by Alfheim in St. F.

  Gabe flipped it open and before he could press any of the buttons, a gold rope curled around his wrist and jerked the phone from his hand. Surprised, Gabe looked up as Ian drew a small sliver disk and threw it at the cloaked man.

  He ducked as it hit the wall and plinked to the ground.

  “No! Stop! I am one of you!” The man threw back his hood and through the swollen eye and bloodied face I could recognize the man.

  “Jimmy!” I yelled running to him. “What are you doing here? Are you alright?” I touched his face to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.

  “Em?” His voice questioned as we looked at each other in awe. “What…”

  “You’re hurt,” I said looking at his bruised face.

  “I’m fine, Em, I’m fine.” He pushed my arm down and smiled at me. “I’m the last person you thought you would ever see again from St. F, right?”

  “What are you doing here?” Gabe cut in front of me and came closer with a suspicious look in his eyes.

  “The Alfheim are here and I barely escaped them. They want the amulet.” Jimmy stood slightly hunched like he was hurt. “They thought I had it and when two of their own went missing, I was the only one in the area to blame.”

  “Are you sure you’re O.K.?” I asked again only to be ignored.

  “You sent the message, didn’t you?” Ian asked picking up his silver disk.

  “Yes, I was hoping a Receptor was still around to hear it, if they’re not all dead by now,” he said. “It has been a long time since I’ve sent a message, I’m a little rusty.”

  A pang of fear ran through me at what Jimmy had said. If they weren’t dead by now, what was that supposed to mean? I knew what it meant, and it only deepened my curious fear each moment I was here.

  “Did Karinna hear me, or was it someone else?” Jimmy asked looking at each of us.

  “Look, we need to discuss things, but not here.” Gabe said. “Let’s get to the plane?”

  Gabe quickly found Alicia in the market area buying armfuls of sheer material of bright colo
rs draped over her arms. Zach was already at the plane with a box wrapped in paper with air holes punched in the top. If he had a snake, Alicia wouldn’t be the first one to kill it.

  The plane started just as the horizon grew with dark clouds. Gabe and Zach were in the cockpit together as Jimmy sat next to me.

  “You knew about all of this? I mean you’re a part of all of this?” I asked Jimmy.

  “Yes, I practically grew up in Atlantis,” he said with a smile. “By the way how did you get involved with this? It wasn’t David was it?” I could see fire in his eyes flicker upon saying his name.

  “No. And…yes…sort of.” I stammered and then went on to tell him about the Alfheim that attacked Gabe and I on our way back to St. F. and about Pandora, the stolen amulet and how I was accused of stealing it.

  “Are you done R-girl, so I can fix up Jimmy?” Alicia asked with crossed arms as the plane jolted hitting the water to go through the Bimini Road passage. This time I was a little more prepared.

  “R-girl, why did you call her that?” Jimmy asked with squinted eyes.

  “Because, she is a Receptor.” Her eyes rolled over to Jimmy as she clapped her hands together. “Now, can I get done, so I don’t have to do this when we get home? I want to try on my new clothes.”

  I moved over to where Alicia was sitting and next to Ian. I watched Alicia run her hands over Jimmy’s eye and the cuts on his face. He then opened his cape and revealed a much more grotesque wound. He unbundled a wad of white, blood soaked linens to reveal a deep gash on his side.

  Alicia, whose hands moved fluidly, stopped in alarm of the blood oozing cut. She quickly placed her hands over it and tucked her face between her arms. Several moments passed and through the noise of the plane, I could hear her whimper.

  Slowly, Alicia sat up as Jimmy examined where the cut had been. He looked like the Jimmy that I knew in St. F.

  “Thank you,” he said as Alicia nodded with sweat dripping from her pale face.

  I looked at her for a moment and then our eyes met. “You can heal people can’t you?”

  “Good observation, R-girl.” Her tone was sarcastic.

  Ian looked at her then at me with a look on his face that he wanted to explain something. “Yeah, but she can only heal wounds, not anything involving poison. She’s…”

  “Can you guys just be quiet for a little bit. Ian, you’re like a walking encyclopedia, shut-up.” Alicia closed her eyes and leaned her head back as the rest of us sat in silence through the passage until we saw the familiar island of Kangee.

  The plane landed smoothly, hardly without a bump, and into the hanger. Jimmy helped Alicia out of her seat. She looked ghostly white with casts of green, like she had gotten sea sick.

  “Alicia, are you alright?’ Ian asked in concern. “You normally don’t look that white for so long.”

  “Well, I’m not used to healing two people in one day, Ian,” She replied with an agitated voice. “I just want to get off the plane.”

  She stood up and wobbled, but quickly steadied herself by grasping the seat next to her. Gabe and Zach came out of the cockpit and opened the side door when Alicia tried to move past them.

  “Move farm boy, I want off!” She demanded when Zach stood in front of her.

  “But, I have a present for you.” His voice was teasing. “Alicia!” He caught her before she hit the ground and took her out of the plane as the rest of us followed.

  Zach had her on the ground and cradled her head putting a silver flask to her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at Zach.

  “You know I’m not one of your barnyard animals that you can just give whatever concoction to.” With her pale hand she pushed him away and propped herself up.

  “Well, if it would make you feel better, you can sleep with the horses in the stables, or would you prefer the pigs?” Zach sat beside her and smiled. “You know this is the same stuff I gave to some kittens one time. They had matted eyes and the shits, it did them wonders too.”

  “Shut up Zach!” Alicia yelled just as some color returned to her cheeks.

  “Good, now I know its circulating through your blood,” he said with more of a sigh of relief.

  “Come on my lady, let’s get you home.” Zach stood up and tucked the silver flask into his pocket.

  “I’m not your lady,” Alicia said with her words slurred.

  Zach looked over at Gabe and Ian to help lift Alicia. Zach cradled her in his arms as her head laid on his shoulder.

  “Didn’t you hear me? I’m not your lady, farm boy.” Her words were even more slurred, like she was drunk.

  “I know. You’re nobody’s lady.”


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