Winter's Fire (Club Aegis Book 5)

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Winter's Fire (Club Aegis Book 5) Page 15

by Christie Adams

  Could he come to terms with his past for the sake of a future with the woman he loved?

  Her breast was a perfect fit for his palm, soft and full and tipped by a tight, delicious nipple. He sucked her deeply into his mouth, swirled his tongue over the hard, fleshy bud. She moaned softly and he bit down, clamping her nipple between his teeth, and the moan turned into a broken wail.

  “Look at me, babe. Keep your eyes on me.”

  Her gaze made contact with his. Already there was an air of drugged arousal about her. He’d drive her out of her mind with pleasure, before burying himself in all that sweetness. And he’d start it all with a kiss.

  Every brush of his mouth elicited a response of some kind from his delicious sub. Every moan, whimper and squirm increased the pressure of his cock pushing against his remaining clothing, but she wasn’t ready yet.

  This sensual treasure hunt aroused Logan more than he’d thought possible. She was laid before him, a prize like no other, a passionate vision in shades of cream and pink and gold, and smoky grey eyes, and pure submission to his will. Hair like silk and skin so delicate he was almost afraid to touch her.

  She was sin incarnate, and a living temptation he’d never be able to resist. Her siren call had lured him onto the rocks, and he didn’t care.

  He wanted… he needed… he loved.

  His thumbs parted her folds, exposing her fully to him. Pink flesh glistened with proof of her arousal, beckoning to him to taste her, while the scent of her drove him insane with lust. She was all warm, feminine need, ready to be taken. At the first stroke of his tongue she arched again and cried out, louder this time, louder still when he sucked on the sensitive little bud.

  He licked and sucked, driving her higher and higher. Her flesh, the most intimate part of her, quivered. She was heaven and more. He thrust two fingers inside her and she came, with a cry that made his dick ache.

  Her body pulsed and throbbed, milking his fingers for what only he could give her. A third finger joined the others and she climaxed again, with ripples of unrelenting pleasure that had her sobbing and crying out.

  “What do you want, girl? Tell me.” He could barely get the words out himself, yet still he expected Lucy to answer him.

  “Please… You… You, Master!”

  Rocked to his core, Logan froze. She’d sworn she’d never call him that, never—it was always Sir during submissive training, and Master Lucan while rehearsing their undercover roles. How could that one word threaten to shatter his control into a million glittering fragments?

  With his fingers still filling her, Logan crawled up the bed. Driven by his basest desires, he ground his lips against hers, ancient claim thundering through his veins, setting every cell in his body on fire for this woman.

  He slipped his fingers free and applied pressure to her labia, rubbing her slick flesh over her clit, increasing the tempo until he forced her through another screaming climax.

  Lucy’s fingers uncurled from the headboard bars, but he wasn’t ready to finish with her yet. “Don’t let go,” he snarled, barely recognising his own voice in the savage growl.

  Logan moved away from her long enough to sheathe his cock. Though he was ready to drive into her, hard and deep, he held back for a moment. Her pleasure was more important than his. Calling on every last atom of his self-control, he moved into the cradle of her thighs, but held himself poised at her entrance.


  The need in her voice found its mate in an answering emptiness inside him. Never so certain of anything in his life before, he eased slowly inside the only woman who could take away the agony of that emptiness. Her body contracted around him, and he groaned at the sweet torture of it.

  “Touch me.”

  She needed no second bidding. In the shelter of her arms, he could set aside the past and be the man he used to be.

  No. He’d never be that man again, but for the first time, he dared hope that with Lucy—for Lucy—he could be something better.


  The sun had gone down by the time the yacht tied up at the resort’s private dock. Knowing they had to leave the cocoon of safety provided by their cabin, Logan battled with the nausea threatening to choke him. After they’d made love, irrational though it was, he’d watched Lucy sleep, as if by doing so, he could hold back the inevitable and keep her safe from any danger that might await them on the island.

  “Logan? Are you okay?”

  A gentle hand on his arm banished the melancholy of his thoughts. “Yeah, I’m fine, thanks. Got everything?”

  “I already checked about three times. Before we go… I don’t want you to worry about me, okay? I can do this, Sir.”

  Logan lifted a hand to touch her collar. This one wasn’t disguised as a necklace—there was no reason to do that here. “I know you can.”

  On tiptoe, she placed a light kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for having faith in me.”

  With an arm wrapped around her shoulders, he guided her through the door and up to the deck where they’d leave the yacht behind, and join other guests in one of the stretch limos waiting to take them to the resort.

  Their fellow passengers for the transfer comprised a heterosexual couple, a two men-one woman ménage, and a female pairing. Logan switched on his cover persona, and joined in with the shallow conversations about the resort’s reputation and facilities. It didn’t take long to establish their status as dabblers in the lifestyle. If these people turned up at Aegis, they wouldn’t last five minutes, and could even be out of their depth at this resort.

  The sooner they arrived at the hotel, the better.

  In spite of the lateness of the hour, the reception desk was fully staffed, and the process of checking in only took a few minutes.

  “Thank you, sir.” The receptionist handed back his credit card after confirming their reservation. “Your accommodation is ready for you—through those doors, follow the signs for the beach, and you’ll see the path to the bungalows on the left.”

  “Thanks.” Logan slid the plastic back into his wallet and pushed it into his hip pocket. “What about our luggage?”

  “It should already be waiting for you, sir.”

  He nodded his thanks to the receptionist, and turned to Lucy. She’d stifled a few yawns in the limo. No wonder she was exhausted—it had been a hellishly long day. He was more than ready to crash himself and could only imagine how she felt. He took her hand. “Come on. You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.”

  She nodded in dog-tired agreement. “I feel like I could sleep for a week, Sir.”

  Without thinking, he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Let’s go.”

  They made their way through the marble, glass and gold lobby, still thronged with guests as exotic-looking as the plants and flowers that provided vibrant splashes of colour. Music was playing somewhere, adding to the buzz of conversation and laughter.

  As they made their way along the path to the bungalows—the most exclusive accommodation offered by the resort—the noises of humans at leisure were gradually displaced by the calming sounds of nature. In the distance the ocean murmured a soothing lullaby, accompanied by the breeze caressing the palm trees, and a perfect counterpoint for the faint, unidentifiable chirps and clicks of local six-legged wildlife.

  Logan inserted the key card in the front door, then followed Lucy into their home and base of operations for the next week.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  He almost crashed into her. She’d ventured only a few feet into the room before coming to a grinding halt. “What?”

  “This place is incredible!”

  “It is?”

  At his dismissive tone, she spun around and stared at him as if he’d flipped. “Seriously? You did not just say that?”

  He shrugged. “It’s a room. Okay, it’s several rooms. What’s so special about them?”

  “You only have to look at the décor! They’ve spared no expense with this place. Let’s have a look
outside. If I remember rightly…”

  He wondered where Lucy found the energy, when she grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the sliding glass doors on the other side of what was a very luxurious sitting area. He smiled and shook his head. “Okay, I’m coming. You do remember it’s dark out there?”

  “Not on the patio. Oh my God, look!”

  The hot tub he kind of expected—in a place like this, it was almost mandatory to have one of those outdoors, but he wasn’t expecting to see a regular bath just a few feet away from it, behind a low rush screen. Although given its size, “regular” was the last word he’d use to describe it. It could easily fit two people, and an image popped into his mind of sharing it with Lucy one evening, with only the moon and the recessed lighting in the decking for illumination.

  “Can we use it?”

  Her eagerness brought out a desire to tease her. “Right now? I thought you were tired?”

  “I am, but before we have to leave…” She ran her hand along the top of the bath he could almost swim lengths in. “Could we…? Together…? Please, Sir.”

  He already had a hard-on at the thought. “Any time you want to, baby—after we get some sleep. Would you like anything from room service first?”

  “I’m still stuffed from dinner on the yacht, but don’t let me stop you.”

  What he was hungry for wasn’t food, but they both needed to rest, for when the real job started. “What I want,” he said, gathering her in his arms and drawing her into a gentle hug, “is to find a huge, comfortable bed in that bedroom, get you into it, and watch you fall asleep.”

  The bed was everything he’d hoped for. He tucked Lucy beneath the crisp, white sheets, then sat beside her.

  “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  She gave him a drowsy, contented smile, and patted the bed. “The only thing I want is you in here with me.”

  “I think I can arrange that.” He stroked the stray strands of hair away from her face, then leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “Sure I can’t get you something to drink? Glass of water? Wine? I think there’s champagne in the fridge.”

  During his own research into the resort, Logan had discovered that each bungalow came with its own kitchen.

  “No, I’m fine, honestly—thank you.”

  “Okay. You get comfortable, and I’ll be right back.”

  Moments later, Logan slipped between the sheets and fitted his naked body to Lucy’s. He smiled for a moment at Lucy’s contented sigh, then reality bludgeoned its way into claiming his attention. In just a few hours, he’d have to start asking questions. More than ever, he hoped the alarm over Diana Carstairs’ whereabouts was unwarranted, but gathering strength at the back of his mind was the nightmare that they might be about to open up a can of worms more deadly than any of them had anticipated.

  Chapter 14

  “What do you want to do for breakfast? We could stay here for the first day, get room service to bring something over?”

  Putting the finishing touches to drying her hair, Lucy paused to bask in the sensation of Logan’s lips on her shoulder. Subtle shivers of promised ecstasy tingled over her skin. At his insistence, she was still naked from the shower they’d taken after another bout of sex that had ended with several earth-shattering orgasms.

  He liked her naked.

  “Tempting though that sounds, Sir, don’t you think it might be a good idea to head for the restaurant, so we can start to get our faces known?”

  Logan’s sunny morning disposition clouded over at the reminder of the reason for their presence at the resort. She wondered why.

  “You remember what you have to do?”

  They’d discussed it under the shower. She hadn’t liked it when he’d told her all he wanted her to do was make some appointments for spa treatments. The “discussion” had lasted long enough for him to mutter something about turning into a prune. Lucy considered herself lucky not to have been put over his knee.

  “I remember.” She had to give it one more try. “Are you sure I can’t—”

  “I’m sure!”

  “What are you going to do while I’m being pampered?”

  “Reconnaissance. Make a few discreet enquiries. I might be able to find out something useful before we attend that welcome cocktail party before dinner.”

  The cocktail party was a weekly event intended to introduce new guests to senior members of the resort’s management team. It was preceded by separate orientation sessions for Doms and subs. Logan had already laid down the law about not arousing any suspicion there, with the unspoken rider about him not being around to protect her. His expression had made that quite clear.

  “You know, the spa’s going to be busy—there may not be any appointments available today. I could help. It’s not as if we have a lot of time to play with.”

  Uh-oh. The trouble she was already in got about a foot deeper. When Logan folded his arms like that, it didn’t bode well.

  “You know this suite comes fully equipped? I already checked. There’s a fine wooden paddle there with your name on it.”

  Lucy flinched. Logan’s lessons back in his apartment had included a couple of eye-opening sessions on adult toys When she’d smacked her palm with one of the paddles from his personal collection—extensive enough to assume national treasure status—the level of sting had been an unnerving revelation. As a result, paddles didn’t figure on her list of favourite things. She’d take apple strudel over that any day. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  He said nothing, but what he did stunned her into silence. One hand took the hair dryer from her, while the other commandeered her brush, and the next thing she knew he was finishing off the back for her. When he was done, he gathered her hair together and ran his fingers through the waves. The sensation turned her insides to goo.

  “You have beautiful hair, Lisa. You should wear it down more often. Would you hold it one side for me, please?”

  The collar was only supposed to be part of her disguise, yet when it made contact with her neck, a wonderful sense of rightness wrapped itself around Lucy. The gentle brushes of Logan’s fingers against the sensitive skin of her nape amplified those feelings. With the collar in place, the glide of his finger between her neck and the soft, padded leather as he checked the fit shouldn’t have been more intimate than some of the things he’d done to her while they were having sex, yet it was.

  She swayed into his touch. Was it so wrong for her to wish, only for a moment, that they were there on vacation together, facing nothing more taxing than enjoying every thrill, every pleasure the resort had to offer?

  “I’ve changed my mind.” Logan’s fingers caressed the top of her shoulders. “We’ll take a look around the place together—it’s what guests would normally do, unless they’re heading for the counselling service.”

  A somewhat odd feature for a place such as Nenufar, but even in paradise, it seemed, relationships weren’t immune from trouble.

  “Do you think Diana and her boyfriend might have gone for counselling?” Even as she blurted out the question, Lucy wondered what on earth had possessed her. There’d been no indication that their relationship was on the rocks, or even heading that way.

  Logan’s hands stilled. “What makes you think that?”

  “I don’t know. Forget it, it was a stupid question.”

  “At this point, I’ll take anything, but whatever there is to find out, we won’t uncover it here. Wear the yellow sundress for this morning, and don’t forget—no underwear.”

  Lucy clamped her thighs together. The blunt instruction was an instant turn-on, and the resulting wetness copious enough to leave visible traces on the chair when she stood. The thought of Logan discovering how easily he could arouse her was mortifying. Any hope she might have harboured, that he’d leave before she had to move, was dashed when her sneaky peek at him in the mirror was met with an eyebrow raised in expectation.

  Holding her breath, Lucy rose, her gaze on Logan’s reflection. He gla
nced down—she winced, but that was nothing compared to the toe-curling embarrassment that flashed through every cell in her body at the appearance of his slow, knowing smile.

  With a determined lift of her chin, she headed for the closet, making a mental note to bring some wipes back with her. She’d barely taken a couple of steps before Logan captured her and turned her to the cheval glass in the corner of the bedroom. For sheer eroticism, the image before her was hard to beat. Naked save for the collar and the muscular arm pinning her own arms to her sides and covering her breasts, she felt more protected and cared for than at any other time in her adult life.

  His fingers on her mound widened her stance. If he carried on like this, she’d need another shower before leaving the bungalow.

  One finger dipped inside her. “Don’t be embarrassed. I love it when you get wet for me, Lisa.” His teeth nibbled at her earlobe. “This is what you do to me.”

  There was no mistaking the hard evidence of his arousal when he pulled her closer.

  She sucked in a ragged breath. The man was a damn sadist, torturing her with slick, unrelenting strokes of his finger over her swollen, throbbing clit. Each one sent a razor-sharp spear of lust through her. He’d already made her come several times before they even left the bed that morning, and her treacherous body was eager for more.

  The torment came to an abrupt end, leaving her needy and bereft. He turned her to face him, and she watched wide-eyed as he licked the finger that had been between her legs.

  “Delicious. I think I’ll put you on the menu for breakfast tomorrow.” He pressed a fast, hard kiss to her parted lips. “Go and get dressed, and don’t be long, or we’ll start your anal training early.”

  And that well and truly short-circuited her brain. Did he mean it? There was no one around whom they had to convince regarding their cover, so…

  “Lisa. Dress. Now.”

  A few minutes later, she was strolling hand in hand with him to the hotel complex, where the open-air restaurant with its exotic buffet breakfast awaited them. In daylight, the resort was spectacularly beautiful. Eye-achingly blue sky above them, with jewel-coloured flowers decorating the lush greenery of the landscape, the place was alive with the sounds and scents to be found in any tropical location.


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