The Gentleman Incubus

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The Gentleman Incubus Page 25

by E. M. Hardy

  Hazel didn’t bother replying, as she was still too busy going over whatever Annie had sent her way.

  “Speaking of blackmail, how about your friend Kris? I’m assuming that’s shorthand for Kristina Hooper, Hazel’s ‘BFF’ on InstaFace and Chirrup?” Annie’s eyes unfocused as well, no doubt accessing a database in her own HUD. “Ah, yes. Kristina… Hooper? Now where have I heard that name before… oh right!” She chuckled, refocused her eyes back to reality—back to Glenn’s face. “Kristina Hooper of the Nu Angeles Titans, operating under the pseudonym Chevalier. Takes on the role of Forward Tank for her team in SoulBound Online.”

  Annie nodded as she mused out loud, even as Hazel continued to stare into empty space—no doubt processing whatever blackmail material Annie just revealed.

  “She must be facing extreme pressures, considering her position. Not only does she have to hone her nerves to cope with the demands of being an e-athlete, but she also needs to deal with the fact that boys don’t like it when girls kick their ass at video games. I can imagine she must be facing a shit-ton of stress from her chosen profession. I can relate, considering I’ve had to dismantle quite a few ‘old boys clubs’ when I first inherited my position.”

  Glenn could only stare stiffly at Annie as she smirked evilly at him. “Still, it would be a shame if something unfortunate happened, like a few major sponsors pulling out their funding for her team. Oh, I don’t know… maybe two subsidiaries of a subsidiary of mine?”

  Her eyes glazed over, accessing her HUD once more as she tutted out loud. “Oh, what’s this? Hazel has another BFF on InstaFace? Samantha… Walsh? Let’s see… private researcher of supernatural phenomena? In other words, a full-time bum that relies completely on universal income for her day-to-day needs. Easy enough to mess with her kind: just throw a few wrenches to delay the UBI payouts. Losing your apartment and going hungry does wonders for cowing weak-willed parasites like her type.”

  “YOU BITCH!” Hissed Hazel, apparently recovered enough from her shock to once again join in on the conversation. “Keep my friends out of your messed-up power tripping!”

  Hazel moved to threaten Annie, almost snarling with venom, but froze in place when Annie’s hand slipped out of her blazer gripping a smart pistol. “Then maybe you shouldn’t mention your friends in the first place, hmm?”

  Glenn’s face fell, realizing that the Annie he knew grew up to be an even more dangerous version of her younger self. The brief connection she sparked with Hazel was nothing more than a façade to lower the other woman’s guard, to get into her headspace as she began preparing the right tools to bring her down.

  “Why are you doing this?” he said, putting himself between the two women. “I’ve already told you what I know about demons. What more do you want from me?”

  “Like I said: I don’t like sharing my toys. This little slut and her slut friends might enjoy sharing you in between them, but I sure as hell don’t.” She lazily waved her pistol behind him, aiming it at Hazel who continued glaring pointedly at Annie even as she settled back down on her end of the couch.

  “I’m not sleeping around with Samantha,” Glenn countered, hoping to spare at least one of his friends from Annie’s predations. “And I’m an incubus. I need to draw life points from multiple partners, otherwise—”

  “You heard what I said.” She leaned in toward Glenn, narrowing her eyes. “I. Don’t. Share.”

  Glenn frowned then slumped his shoulders in defeat. “Fine. Fine… could you at least let Hazel go? I think she got the message, and there’s really no need to involve her in this any further.”

  Hazel whipped her head around, surprise and anger warring on her face. “No. No, Glenn, that’s not how this works. I won’t let this bitch just come waltzing in and—”

  “And what are you going to do about it?” Annie purred, low and dangerous. “Go on, Hazel, tell me what you’re going to do about it. Because I can tell you right now that your life, the life of your mothers and your friends, are going to be completely miserable if you get in my way. Especially when intimate interactions between underage boys and a middle-aged fashion vlogger come to light.”

  She shrugged then, nodding at the pistol in her hand. “Or I could just shoot you right now, save myself the trouble. I could always point you to the confederate friends I made, claim that a demon tried using you to kill me. They’ll believe me; after all, a demon did very recently try to suck out my soul. Isn’t that right, Roger?”

  Glenn squeezed his fists, unable to bring himself to look at Annie’s gloating face.

  “What is wrong with you, woman?” Hazel hissed in equal parts outrage and disbelief. “This man just saved your life, and you repay his kindness by blackmailing him and his friends!?”

  Annie responded with a blank stare that lasted all of two seconds before she burst out laughing. “Oh, Hazel. That’s precisely why I want to get rid of the competition, make sure that he’s mine and mine alone. Now, your friend here put forward a very reasonable proposition. Why don’t you pick up after yourself, you skank, and make yourself scarce?”

  Hazel hissed in reply. Not a figurative hiss but a literal one as she put every ounce of spite she could muster into her death glare. Annie just smirked, completely unimpressed while she gestured to the door.

  “Haze,” Glenn spoke out softly, touching Hazel’s arm to catch her attention. “Everything will be okay. Go to Kris’ place for a moment, explain to her what happened. Let me talk things over with Annie. I’m sure I can convince her to lay off you guys.”

  Hazel shifted her glare toward him, ready to rip into him for siding with the woman threatening them all. All her anger, all her spite, evaporated the moment she laid eyes on his crestfallen expression. She turned to face Annie one last time, giving her an indignant huff before she stood up and left, slamming the front door.

  Annie just chuckled.

  “You haven’t changed one bit,” Glenn whispered, still looking at the door of his apartment and wishing that Hazel wouldn’t do something reckless like come storming back in with Kristina trailing behind her.

  “Oh? I thought recalling the past hurt your brain.”

  “It still does,” he replied as he tore his gaze away from the door and forced himself to witness Annie’s gloating face. “And yet I cannot help but remember, considering you practically have me tied to a leash.”

  “Yes. As things should be. You’d probably look good in one, too.” Annie’s smirk radiated smugness as she pocketed her pistol, eyeing Glenn as a cat eyes its prey.

  “If there’s one thing I remember, Annie, it’s that you always get what you want in the end.”

  Her grin slipped for a millisecond before it reasserted itself. “Indeed. I do get what I want in the end. I will tell you right now that I will destroy anything and everyone who gets in the way of what I want—including those sluts who dared to take what is mine. They’ll get theirs in time, but for now… you’re going to make up for all those years you squirreled away from me.”

  She pushed Glenn forcefully down on the couch with a palm, lifting her skirt and straddling him as he lay back without a word of protest. “Do I make myself clear… bitch?” Glenn could only nod dumbly as she ground her clothed sex on his leg, eyes smoldering with desire.

  This part of Annie never changed from her younger years. Glenn remembered that she often demanded his attentions to celebrate some sort of conquest, whether it was winning one of her debates against a particularly difficult team or savaging the social reputation of some poor soul who got on her bad side. And she was merciless with those who crossed her paths—a fact that did not bode well for Kristina, Hazel, and Samantha.

  “Yes, I hear you loud and clear… my mistress.”

  Annie’s breath hitched and her eyes widened as she absorbed Glenn’s words. She barked out a sharp, exulting laugh that devolved into mad cackles—her eyes burning with passion. For Glenn though, he ended up feeling dirty and sinful for c
alling out to her with the word.

  The cognizant part of his brain realized that Annie would get off on being acknowledged as superior, as dominant. The shadowed part of his brain, however, filled him with shame and disgust for attaching the title to someone so undeserving, so mundane… so mortal.

  Glenn grunted when Annie bit down on his shoulder, her mind addled with both lust and exhilaration as she savored her victory. He groaned out loud, giving Annie the satisfaction of hearing his pain as she bit hard enough to draw blood.

  Annie rose up, wiping drool and blood off her lips as she grinned maniacally. “You’re mine now, Roger Hill. Mine, and mine alone.”

  “Yes, mistress. I am yours,” Glenn whispered as he stared into her eyes, which served as the focal point of his attention while he activated Empathy to skim the surface of her thoughts.

  Anastasia Rutledge

  Life Points: 960/1,700* (approximate)







  Annie was fully and completely immersed in her triumph. She survived an encounter with a Terror Demon, forced the confeds to lay off, and got the answers she sought about demonkind. Now she was basking in the defeat of her rivals, glorying completely in Glenn’s total submission as she marked him with a vicious bite to his shoulders.

  She won but… she was vulnerable in her victory.


  Ynnistoria: Confirmed, Glenn.

  Glenn felt the harsh pull of life points draining from his pool as Ynnistoria activated Dream Shawl. The psychic shroud enveloped him, dulling the ability of others to perceive him. Annie, of course, was staring directly at him as she straddled his groin, panting in lust while she ground her sex against his. There was no way he could get someone as strong-willed as Annie to just ignore him when she was practically raping him with her eyes.

  The spell, however, was just effective enough for her to ignore the more subtle effects of Soothe as it wormed its way into her mind.

  Annie resisted the effects of Soothe when Glenn first cast it on her, back when he inadvertently transformed into his incubus form. She was already a strong-willed individual, but she was also on high alert due to her shock at seeing him transform for the first time. The blue skin, ropy muscles, wriggling tentacles, and bovine horns were a far cry from the thin, lanky frame of plain old Glenn Olson.

  This time, however, there was no immediate danger to herself. No, she had just obtained her most sought-after toy through coercion and blackmail. Glenn was all nice and pinned down under her weight, not even the slightest hint of resistance as she was having her way with him. He could no longer escape nor threaten her, and she was completely absorbed in the act of dominating him once more.

  This was why Soothe was able to settle inside her mind, the sense of peace and serenity blending in perfectly with her triumph and satisfaction. She relaxed, completely at ease without a care in the world, as the spell’s effects insidiously took hold without her noticing a thing.

  Glenn focused on reading everything he could from Annie. His skin felt the hot desire coursing through her and the way that her muscles relaxed as Soothe worked through her. His eyes drank in her hooding eyelids as well as the surface emotions revealed through Empathy.

  “I’m here, Annie,” he whispered in her ear as she fell on him, feeding her need for security and possessiveness. Her breasts cushioned her weight as she leaned in to nibble at his ears. He continued reading her, picking up all the visual, non-visual, and psychic cues to keep her distracted as a tentacle dipped inside her top, pulling out the smart-pistol holstered within. “You found me after all this time. All of me, all that I am, is now yours. You hold me within your grasp, and there is no way that I can escape.”

  “Yess,” Annie purred, her mind ignoring Glenn as his bones cracked, his flesh melted and reformed itself. “I ffound yyouu… annnd yyyou’re mmine.” She leaned in even closer, kissing him hard and fast even as bull horns sprouted from his temples. A long, spade-tipped tail sprouted from the base of his spine. She stiffened when Glenn’s expanding muscles ripped and tore his clothes, but quickly relaxed as the soft flesh of two tentacles rubbed her back and legs, calming and soothing her with each movement.

  Glenn sighed deeply as his tail snaked in between Annie’s legs, pushing up her skirt, while his prehensile member pulled down her panties.

  Suddenly, he froze when Annie’s eyes cleared up, her brows scrunching together in confusion.

  He had rushed the moment, forgetting that Annie craved control in all things. Take that control away from her, and she immediately goes on the defensive. He laid back, his prehensile tail and member retracting from their advance as he loosened his grip on her body.

  “What do you wish of me, mistress?”

  Her eyes fogged over once more as she considered the possibilities. Soothe and Dream Shawl still applied, confusing her senses, but she had enough sense of self to focus on her wants.

  “Don’t fucking move,” she hissed softly, pushing herself away from Glenn’s chest. She sat on top of him now, pulling down her panties of her own free will—or whatever remained of that will. Glenn held still as she did so, shifting his member to more human proportions. It now reverted to a regular penis, stiff and standing at attention instead of wriggling and contorting as if it had a mind of its own.

  Annie grinned as she raised herself up only to sink down on his member, sighing in satisfaction at their connection. “It’s been too long,” she murmured, savoring the feeling of fullness inside her. “Toooo dammmn lllong…” She started grinding her hips once more, this time with Glenn’s member scraping and tugging at the fleshy walls of her moist passage.

  Glenn lay on the couch, letting Annie dictate the pace as her concentration slowly began slipping once more. A few minutes in, and the growing furnace of carnal pleasure swallowed her deeply enough that her eyes began to gloss over.

  Sensing the opportunity, Glenn began coordinating efforts to bring Annie to even higher plains of pleasure. His hips rose and fell in perfect time with her efforts while his hands began caressing her thighs and buttocks. His penis steadily increased its girth and length, augmenting the pressure on her passage while stimulating every fold and crease inside her. His prehensile tail slipped around her swollen bud, pressing down as she began bucking against him. Annie leaned back, crying out in pleasure as his tentacles wrapped around her heaving breasts, gently caressing the stiff tips of her nipples.

  And that’s when her first orgasm hit.

  Indulge kicked in as Annie came violently, and Glenn’s world was immediately rocked by the sheer volume of life points he drained: 768 points in total from a single orgasm. He knew that Annie was a Mark, a woman doomed by despair and loneliness that would grant more vitality than her happier counterparts. He just wasn’t prepared for the shocking blast of life force from a single orgasm.

  She shivered, her pelvis twitching and her toes curling as pleasure blossomed from her sex. At this point, Glenn would usually slow down and give his partner time to adjust to the climax. The mounting pleasure would remain just that—a purely physical sensation confined to the body. He always carefully controlled himself, preventing the orgasms from turning into anything more than just a pleasant sensation.

  He applied no such restraints this time around.

  One of Soothe’s side effects was its ability to blunt the refractory period in between orgasms, the feeling of fatigue and strain that follows explosive release. He had always balanced a fine line with Kristina, Hazel, Clara, and the other women he had slept with. Keep them hot enough to continue the session, but never allow them to ‘overheat’ from the continuous pleasure.

  Glenn took advantage of Annie’s dulled thoughts, slowed to a crawl by her nerves still firing on full blast. He wrapped her in an intimate embrace—his legs, arms, hands, and tentacles locki
ng her close to him as he continued churning away at her sex. Annie’s body continued convulsing as Glenn shocked her with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm after endless orgasm.

  He was ramming her as hard as he could, as efficiently as he could. He stimulated her entire body with all available tools at his disposal—skin, fingers, tongue, joints, tentacles, tail, and member. He handled her like a butcher cutting up a trussed pig, looking for the choicest cuts as he worked her body from tip to toe.

  She tried screaming three minutes after he started churning her, right after he brought her to her seventh consecutive orgasm. He simply covered her mouth with his, silencing her with a savage kiss as his tentacles tightened around her convulsing body. He instructed Ynnistoria to shut off Empathy, to block out the roiling fear and panic rising from her as he continued ravaging her. He stopped himself from thinking too deeply about what he planned to do to her, how he would betray every moral line he set for himself.

  He hesitated for a moment, recalling the rules he set up, all the vows he made, when he first awakened as an incubus.

  That’s when he remembered Kristina, the professional gamer who was as excited about kicking his ass in an alt-world duel as she was about calling out ‘daddy’ as he rode her to orgasm. The same e-athlete who would berate him for throwing her off her game while pestering him for another session even when her life points had been drained dangerously low.

  He remembered Hazel, who loved complaining about how hard it was to find a decent dom for her harem that wasn’t a creepy sadist or a self-absorbed jerk. This, while simultaneously asking him to spank her ass and pull her hair just a little bit harder to bring her to orgasm. That, and constantly pestering him to spit-roast her while filling as many open orifices as he could with his tentacles.


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