Dangerous Rainbows

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Dangerous Rainbows Page 6

by James Ashman

  Chapter 6

  "I feel like I'd be better off staring into the sky and pondering the genius of the big dipper formation. But my seventh star is missing, I'll be staring upwards indefinitely, unable to hear her pleas beside me. Or maybe it would be better if poisonous passion flowers pricked me all over, the antidote being lost."

  "Don't kid yourself. That poison wouldn't affect you. It was only for romantic love. That's not how you feel," Genbu said.

  Yue Fei sighed and shook his head. He said, "I'm sorry. I've been reading again. I hate to think of how much free time I have. Maybe you're right. But she was still my responsibility."

  "No, she was mine. I knew something may happen to her. You cannot blame yourself," Genbu said.

  "You're too kind. But it's still my fault," Yue said.

  "I won't argue. Now we have something of greater importance.

  "More important than your own child?"

  "She's but a part of it. You know as well as I. Otherwise you wouldn't have let her go. It was the right decision, even if it wasn't the most desirable. You knew that to begin with, even if it was tough then."

  "You're correct. An inconvenient truth. But even if it was supposed to be for the greater good, what has been the point of it all now? I'm stuck here, sipping tea. No offense." Yue Fei raised his cup and took a drink. Genbu chuckled slightly.

  They were interrupted by the door opening. Aki walked in with a platter of items. Yue took an orange from her. She placed a plate of sembei in front of Genbu, who held his sleeve with one hand while reaching for the crackers with another. She refilled the teacups and then took her leave, sliding the door closed behind her.

  "Ever had these?" Genbu asked.

  "I don't think I have," Yue said. He reached for the cracker that had a bit of dried seaweed around it. He took a bite and chewed for a bit. His face told Genbu a sad story.

  "You don't like it?"

  "I'm sure they are good. I'm just not used to it," Yue said. He laid the cracker down, and then washed the salty taste down with some tea. He peeled the orange and ate a slice. "Oranges are much more my flavor."

  "Those are mikan. About the same, for you. Tough to get into. Assembled from several different slices. Sweet and tang. Expected, yet not."

  "You'll have to forgive me. What is the connection?"

  "It's in general. Don't take it so literally. Infer what is meant, even if wrong," Genbu said. Yue wondered what Genbu meant, or if Genbu was getting his translation wrong.

  "I haven't asked your opinion yet. The demotion. The investigation against me. What do you think, so far?" Yue asked. He didn't mention that his first thought was that Genbu had been the one to incite the inquisitors against him, in retribution for losing his daughter. But Genbu had been the one to invite Yue to come to his house, almost forcibly since Yue wasn't inclined to come. Genbu was quick to allay Yue's fears in person, so the past few days of quiet and relaxation had helped Yue immensely.

  "I think they were scared. The council. They have been at odds with President Tecle recently. Recently he's been supporting younger generals. Many with some achievement, none as great as yours though. And maybe you'd know of how he replaced one general with a much younger officer who had shown promise."

  "I'd heard of it, but what does that have to do with me?"

  "You'd likely be next. And it wouldn't be just an older general you'd replace. The council has many friends in the ranks, and all admirals received explicit support before being appointed. That was in the past. Think about what would happen if one of the admirals were forcibly retired by the president and replaced by you, a young star."

  "But I'm loyal to the coalition. Council, president, and all! Though I wouldn't want that to happen, still, why does that mean the council wants me out of the way?"

  "You still don't get it, then. The council thinks they are the greatest power in the land. They don't agree with the president. All admirals are friends with the council members. The president then removes an admiral and replaces him with a new one, one that hasn't been influenced or is intimate friends with the council members. That new person would be a threat to the council because he wouldn't be controlled by them. Though the president has actual military command, his power in that regards has been limited by the council's relationship with the admirals. This would begin to usurp the council's ideas for the war. Meaning the president would gradually reassume control. Since that's technically the president's right, the council cannot stop him. But they can still go after the people he'd likely promote. Meaning, they label you something terrible in order to cut the president off before he can do anything about it. Eventually, this is likely to lead to him losing the next election, but I'm sure you can make the series of connections from there. Another orange?"

  "Yes. That does make sense." Yue took another mikan and peeled it. He stood up for a moment before returning to his cross-legged position. After two slices, Genbu spoke up.

  "I didn't call you here to eat. Nor was it about my daughter. Your demotion was."

  Yue ate another slice, and then took a sip of tea while he thought of how to respond. He looked at Genbu. Unable to think of something to say, he nodded.

  "I've been pulled out of retirement."

  "That's!" Yue said, but his enthusiasm faded instantly. "What?"

  "They had to have someone that could be just as thoughtful as you. Or really, they are low on qualified personnel. It's no secret we've always had fewer resources than the empire. In both ships and personnel. But lately the leadership hasn't been what it once was. Battles that once would have been won even when outnumbered two to one haven't been happening. The training given doesn't seem to be the same. The hard lessons learned in battle have been replaced by schooling that doesn't prepare these egg-generals for real work."

  "I haven't heard that one. Egg-generals?"

  "It means they are given everything they need at a young age, but aren't given the time to mature in real life. These students who spend years in school so they can come out of the school qualified to lead, then failing miserably. Even cadets who've had a few years of experience do better in real battle."

  "So many issues with our coalition. It's sad. Does this mean they are pulling more older generals out of retirement, besides you?"

  "Yes, it's a problem. Another one the council is blaming on the president. They expect him to fix everything that isn't even his fault."

  "Genbu, you aren't a supporter of the council?"

  "I was. I'm not a supporter of the president, either. I think they both need to change. But I am a trusted commander from the prior councils and battles. I can be relied on. So they think."

  "I'm certain you can."

  "That's not the point. But that isn't why I mention my promotion. I want you to come along."

  "I don't have any authority left."

  "That isn't necessary. I'll be in full control. And I want you there as well. In the belly of the monster, that is where we will work."


  "The fortress Zeick."

  "The vanguard of the coalition. The single most important fortress. And they are giving it to you?"

  "To us."

  "I don't deserve it."

  "Yes, Yue Fei, you do. Your name says you do. Don't end up like the real Yue Fei. Betrayed by his own, correct?"

  "It's unknown. Likely. I won't be."

  "You will if you continue like this."

  "That's why I won't be. I'm coming with you."


  The space fortress Zeick was half the size of Earth's moon. Yue knew most of the information about it, but he had never seen it or been on it before. Seeing the structure in person was an experience he wouldn't forget. It had taken several years to create, and had cost several asteroids their resources.

  Genbu and Yue Fei wasted no time in taking the place of the nervous general who was only too happy to leave.

  Yue took a short trip exploring the areas he would need to know for a while, and the
n returned to the command center. Yue would never have the time to explore it fully.

  Genbu took a week preparing the crew for his command. He laid down his rules and regulations and got to know some of the staff. Yue noticed that most people already knew exactly who Genbu was without even an introduction. Yue eventually found out that most of the personnel on the ship had been picked by Genbu. Yue had to chuckle when he realized that Genbu had been notified of his new command months ago, and had been preparing staff for himself. People loyal to Genbu, they were what staffed Zeick.

  "Are you getting used to life here?" asked a woman whom Yue had seen around a few times. Yue was reviewing specifications and other facts about Zeick and its strategies in the command room when the woman approached.

  "I'm warming up to it," Yue replied. He looked up from where he worked and smiled.

  "If you need anything from now on, you can let either me or Kelin know. He's that redhead over there. We run operations. I'm Teena." She held out her hand. Yue didn't reject the courtesy.

  "Thank you. It's nothing I won't be an expert on shortly," Yue said with a small laugh.

  "Oh? A bit of an expert, are we? I think you'll get along well with Kelin then. He too thinks he is. Together you two could get together and plot how to conquer space sickness," Teena said.

  "Excuse me?" Yue asked.

  "You know, space sickness."

  "No, I mean, that I know. But why do you think of me like that?"

  "Oh, you were serious weren't you? I'm sorry. Excuse me," she said, and then walked off while laughing. Yue was utterly confused. He scratched his head for a moment, and then went back to what he was doing previously. But he was soon interrupted again.

  "Hi there." Yue turned around and saw a man with red hair. Yue assumed it must be the person that Teena had mentioned before.

  "Hello," Yue said.

  "See, isn't his expression so serious?" Teena asked as she appeared from behind Kelin.

  "You'll have to excuse my wife. She's more than enthralled to have you here, for some reason. I expect she just wants me to be a little more jealous," Kelin said while smiling. He held out his hand, which Yue shook.

  "Jealous? Excuse me?" Yue asked.

  "Oh that's just wrong. Don't let him mess with you either," Teena said while hitting Kelin's arm.

  "Um, thank you. I won't," Yue said, still unsure of what was going on.

  "Ahem. We were just playing with you. Excuse our bad behavior. My name is Kelin Kedros, and this is Teena Kedros. We're the main operators for Zeick. We're a bit odd, as you well know now, but anything, anything at all you need, you should ask of us first. We know it all. Zeick has been our home for longer than anyone else here."

  "Ha. I see now. Excuse me as well. I'm still disoriented from this whole ordeal. I'd have chuckled, if I had realized what was going on. Thank you for the warm introduction," Yue said while trying his best to smile.

  "Not a problem at all," Teena said. She glanced at Kelin and gave a sly smile. He returned it and nodded. "No problem, Yue Fei, the great commander who was betrayed by those above him. A hero to all those below him. All below him. And all still are."

  "You know my situation?"

  "Much more than that," Kelin said. "Have fun on the fortress Zeick. Eventually, you'll find out how much it can do, and how fun that will be. Goodbye for now. Come on, Teena. He'll find out the rest soon enough."

  Yue watched with bewilderment and awe as the couple left him and took their seats. He realized, from where they sat, that their operations section wasn't the one that controlled the day-to-day issues of the fortress. They were operators for the movement and battle systems, the lifeblood of any combat vessel. Yue couldn't help but laugh, as he realized that they were the people that would receive the most commands, should a battle ensue.

  "What a strange couple."


  Alquin took a last look back at Exoquis. The planet became smaller as the distance grew larger. The ship soon entered the relay's area.

  "Sir, we are ready to go."

  "Go," Alquin said. The ship lurched slightly. Alquin closed his eyes for a moment.

  "Complete. The rest of the fleet is out as well."

  "Thank you. Land us as soon as possible," Alquin said. He left the room and headed for another one. After a while he reached it and pressed a button at the side.

  "It's Alquin, I'm coming in." The door opened to reveal a spacious room. Sitting in the middle of it was Miku. She was on the floor at a small table.

  "I suppose I can't tell you to stay out," Miku said.

  "You could, but it would be better for you to let me stay, if you want to know what is going on," Alquin said. He sat on the floor at the other side of the table.

  "So what brings you to me, again?"

  "Why is this table so low?"

  "It's traditional. Why bother with chairs, anyways? Do you want something to drink?"

  "As long as it won't kill me," Alquin said with a weary smile.

  "It won't. I might." Miku smiled slightly, and then worked at making and subsequently pouring tea.

  "Thank you."

  "It's common courtesy. It's standard. It doesn't mean anything more."

  "You don't have to qualify your disdain." Alquin took a sip. "This is good."

  "Again, why are you here?"

  "I'm just taking care of my favorite prisoner."

  "And your intentions? Why? Why, why, why, am I stuck with this? Not just the imprisonment."

  "We've left Exoquis. We're at the capitol now."

  "What? You've brought me all the way there? Are you serious? You really aren't going to let me go, are you?"

  "No. It's too late for that now. Now you get to see the empire. The emperor, even," Alquin said in-between sips. He raised an eyebrow. "Sound interesting?"

  "Not in the least."

  "What do you hate about the empire?"

  "And what about you and the coalition?"

  "It should be conquered. Whether or not your people started the war, I'll end it."

  "You started it."

  "So say your textbooks. Ours say you started it. But, frankly, I don't care about who started it. I'll end it."

  "You confidant of that? You going to bring peace or something like that to both sides? Do you imagine that you can blissfully work out some truce? How can you end the war? It won't happen, at least not in a way that satisfies everyone. Some don't even want it to stop. So tell me, oh grand and mighty general, how will you do it?" Miku spoke with ever-increasing amounts of sarcasm, but Alquin didn't react to it.

  "Some don't want it to stop. Like our emperor. The man, and all those before him, have used the war to control us. To impose a hierarchy, where accomplishment and wealth net you everything."

  "You know that, so why do you support him?"

  "The coalition council says that only current citizens get rights under their government. An empire refugee? Locked up without the right to ask why or to ask the court to prove they have reason to keep them. Am I wrong?"

  "That's not how everything is," Miku said, but she fidgeted slightly.

  "There's more. Corporations have influence over the rulers. Relationships in politics determine who gets what benefits. The people are given mock control in a system that divides itself and lacks clear direction. At least the emperor knows what he is doing, consistently. Neither one has an outstanding number of benefits over the other. That's my view. I didn't come to discuss politics or say who's right and who is wrong, since the answer is neither. I came because I do recognize that both the council and the emperor are wrong, or inadequate. Correct?"

  "I'll concede to some of that," Miku said.

  "Would you like to meet the emperor?"

  "Me? That's, no, I don't think I could handle that. I'd strangle him if I saw him, probably."

  "Good. Do you think you can when you see him?" Alquin asked with a wide smile.

  "You aren't serious."

  "No, but keep thinking. I st
ill want to take you along. Without mentioning you're from the coalition. No, I definitely will be taking you, and this is your warning."

  Miku leaned back and took a drink. She didn't want to give Alquin any response, because she was interested in what he had to say. She did want to see the empire. She didn't like the emperor, but she thought Alquin was just joking with her. She did wonder what she would do if she did see the emperor in person.


  The door opened and a dress was delivered. Miku looked at it with a bit lip. She didn't want to acknowledge Alquin's desires, but she did want to appease her own curiosity. She put the dress on.

  "It looks wonderful on you," Alquin said when Miku exited the room.

  "Careful, I might escape now that I'm out," Miku said.

  "No, you won't try." Miku didn't respond.

  "Sir, everything is ready for you," Terv said. Alquin nodded, and Terv led him and Miku outside the ship. Waiting for them was a limousine, which Alquin had Miku enter first.

  Inside were a couple men that Miku didn't know. She guessed they were of some importance, since they were both older and more decorated than Alquin. The car started moving and the men started talking.

  "How have you been, Alquin?" an old man with a gray beard asked.

  "Not as well as I could be. We'll have to proceed without Relos, as you know," Alquin said.

  "Does that mean we will be moving now?" a middle-aged man asked.

  "No. Test run, of sorts. Set everything up as discussed, but do not move. It won't be time, just yet. We need a reason. Right now I haven't recruited enough either," Alquin said.

  "Fine. But we're expecting things to proceed as you said. You promised, and won't break it, correct?" an old man with a pure white mustache asked.

  "Of course. As long as you've understood the changes. And swear obedience. I'm not going to replace the system, just the man," Alquin said.

  "And do you really think you're deserving of this?" the old man with the gray beard asked.

  "Not at all. But things must change, for me. Your motives may not be as noble, but I respect them nonetheless. It's fine for me to give a little to get more," Alquin said.

  "Hmm. Yes, then I'll agree fully. You'll have my complete support. By the way, who is this lovely young lady?" the middle-aged man asked.

  "A trophy," Alquin said.

  The men all looked at one another with half grins. Miku gave Alquin a glare of disdain. Alquin then put his hand on hers, which she promptly shook off.

  "That's getting ahead of yourself," Miku said. The others all started laughing at her, including Alquin.

  "Oh, please miss, what a strange comment to say with that tone," the mustached old man said. "Your name?"

  "She's Aoi, Aoi Enys," Alquin said. Miku opened her mouth to object, but Alquin turned and smiled at her while placing his hand on hers and squeezing it. She realized what he meant.

  "Yes, Aoi. I'm just a lost girl that Alquin happened to capture along the way to greatness. Isn't that right?" Miku asked.

  "Yes, yes, exactly as she said," Alquin said, and then laughed heartily once.

  "I see. Well, she must have been someone to be in on this conversation," the middle-aged man said.

  "Anyways, we're about there."


  The awards ceremony was a well-known occurrence. Alquin stood with several other generals who had done things worthy of merit, though most of the others weren't usually given ceremonies. Because of Alquin, the rest had benefited by being invited.

  They stood patiently as the ceremonies began, none of which Alquin cared about. They were all part of custom, there to praise the emperor and the country. A few ministers would give speeches, short ones, praising the deeds of military personnel, and then would attribute everything to the oversight of the emperor. After they had all finished, the emperor made his appearance and gave a speech longer than the rest. No one was permitted to have a speech longer than the emperor's, of course.

  "Leaders and subjects, it's on this great day I see you again. Many have done ill against our great Ingrid, but on this day we praise those that have been determined to protect Ingrid from all filth," the emperor said. He continued on unabated, but Alquin didn't pay attention to the ramblings. As time passed the speech became harder and more embittered as the emperor extolled the virtues of the empire and degraded the coalition. Never once did he crack a smile or make a joke. With Emperor Chandler IV, everything was business.

  Eventually they arrived at the part where the awards were to be handed out. Alquin watched as the people before him would go to the emperor when requested and take a medal or plaque. They gave a short remark of thanks, posed for the cameras, and then left. As each left, Alquin could see the tension lift off the men in question. Though they were all hardened military men, they worried immensely about being in the presence of the emperor. There was good reason for it, as would be soon demonstrated.

  Alquin, being the person with the greatest accomplishment, would receive his reward last. It was almost his turn, as there was only one person left ahead of him. The person before that was already receiving his reward from the emperor.

  Alquin hadn't noticed the person in front of him before, but a brief glance at the man made Alquin take interest. His face was wearing a grim expression, and his forehead was trickling with sweat. Alquin chuckled to himself as he realized this must be the first time this person has met the emperor in person. But then he took another glance at the man's clothes. He was of high rank, a fleet commander of some kind, Alquin thought. Though it wasn't common for commanders to meet the emperor, most were experienced enough so that meeting him wouldn't be too stressful. Even Alquin was nervous the first time he met the emperor, but the emperor's terseness at the time helped Alquin to regain his composure.

  The next person was called. The man's hands tightened into balls, and his knuckles bulged. He took slow, methodical steps, until he was near the emperor.

  "Jonas Matthews, for how long have you been in the service?" the emperor asked.

  "Fifteen years, Lord," Jonas said. He bowed his head.

  "Fifteen. A truly long time to be in service. You've risen in rank all the way from a cadet, correct?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Then for your fifteen years, you should be given an award."

  "Thank you, sir," Jonas said with a shaky voice. He raised his head.

  "Keep your head down, swine!" the emperor said with such vigor that Alquin nearly stumbled backwards. "Do you think you deserve anything? You dare to raise your head before I can take it off for costing me, no, us, the empire, such precious forces that you've squandered, squandered and lost, you stupid fool?"

  The man fell to the ground in tears. Alquin caught his breath and watched the ongoing spectacle. The emperor's elite guards, twelve men in dark uniforms, took their place between the emperor and Jonas. A couple of them pulled Jonas up by the arms.

  "This scum who no longer deserves to be called a man, he dared to lose his fleet. Destroyed and beaten like the dog he was, instead of dying at the hands of the coalition, he ran away. Let this be a lesson. Even a coalition ambush doesn't warrant the loss of an entire fleet without taking down a single enemy ship! You incompetent nitwit, your failure was living long enough to come back. I'll send you straight to where the people who unfortunately called themselves your lackeys are!" The emperor's tirade ended, and the man was dragged away. The emperor sat while the audience waited in silence.

  A series of shots were heard in the distance. For a very short while, the air was still, silent. Alquin looked at the emperor, who was straight-faced as usual, eyes closed. The emperor opened his eyes, flared his nostrils, and scanned the crowd with piercing eyes. Alquin felt a chill run down his spine, and then he raised his hands in front of him.

  One lone clap was heard, then a second, and then twenty. The audience erupted with clapping, and soon were hooting and cheering. The emperor smiled for a brief second, and then held up a hand. Silence retur
ned to the area, as did the group of guards that had left the area.

  "Alquin Tor Rinard, for his merits, will come forward," said the master of ceremonies.

  Alquin made fists with his hands, squeezed, and then let go. His hands and shoulders were smooth and relaxed. He turned to look into the crowd. He saw a girl in a jade-green dress looking at him. Her pretty face was somewhat pale, and with it she scowled and mouthed some words. She then looked at the emperor, her face filled with scorn.

  Alquin laughed internally at Miku. He took a step, and then walked to where the emperor waited. He took his place and bowed his head slightly.

  "Alquin Rinard, you've made a sufficient accomplishment," the emperor said.

  "I present the conquest of Exoquis to the Ingrid Empire. May it remain strong in the emperor's hands," Alquin said.

  "Do not think you're unnoticed. Even I now know that it was your planet of birth. It was a loss that we should not have had," the emperor said. Alquin remained still, without saying a word. After a few moments, the emperor continued. "You're granted with first rank general currently. You will be raised to third rank general. Should you accomplish more of the same quality work, you will soon be an admiral, answering only to me. Work for it, be there, and serve me. For Ingrid."

  "Yes, Lord," Alquin said. He accepted the medal and the insignia that went with his new rank. In addition, he was given a formal letter detailing the additional forces and missions assigned to him. He would review the real details on a computer later, but for now he accepted the assigned paper with outstretched hands.

  Once he had it, he turned and faced the rest of the empire, whether they were in the audience in front of him or at home watching. He smiled the bright and youthful smile that he had been naturally given and took a small bow, just deep enough to convey respect but not subservience. He then saluted both the audience and then the emperor. He took his leave as directed. Once away from it all, he avoided the crowds and made his way to his entourage outside. He swiftly entered the limousine and sat on the plush seats. He threw his head back once, and then brought it forward into his hands. A few moments later Miku arrived and took a seat inside while the door closed behind her.

  "You're despicable," she said while frowning.

  Alquin didn't respond. He lifted his head. His face was red and covered with sweat. He reached around and pulled out a paper bag from a compartment. He quickly opened it and placed it to his mouth. Miku's frown changed into a look of bewilderment when Alquin vomited in the bag.

  "Don't judge me," Alquin said while heaving.

  "What's wrong with you?" Miku asked, still somewhat harshly. But there was concern in her voice.

  "I did things I hate. Of course I'm having a bad reaction," Alquin said. He looked at Miku fiercely. He looked wild and unkempt, a quick and startling transformation from the person Miku thought she knew.

  "What? What did you hate?" Miku asked, this time she sounded earnest.

  "That man. That despicable emperor. He toys with us. All of us. He pretends he wants the war to end, when the truth is that it keeps us in line and busy. He lets those in power run rampant without care. He doesn't care. He views all those below him as ants to be squashed. And I hate him," Alquin said.

  "But, what? Then what was all that?"

  "Act. I have to act. But my pride won't forgive me that easily. It disgusts me. But soon, soon I'll be the one to laugh at him," Alquin said in between breaths.

  "Really, are you alright? You're looking worse," Miku said.

  "Fear. It's fear. Don't worry about it. I'll be over it soon. As soon as I get away from him. Didn't you see what he did to that man? A loyal commander, executed brutally for a single mistake after years of service?" Alquin asked.

  "It was terrible. But, but you clapped. You clapped first."

  "Of course. I won't end up like that man. Not like what will happen to his family. His wife and children and parents and everyone he knew. All to pay for what mistake he made. A mistake he wasn't sure would cost him until it was too late. I had to. I had to smile and pretend that my loyalty to the emperor outweighed all else. It didn't need to be much, it just had to be something." Alquin calmed down greatly. He took in a few deep breaths. "I'll live, and rise, still. And I'll be over this fear that that man has instilled in every subject."

  "You really are, aren't you? You're going to rebel," Miku said. She had softened her look and was staring with wide eyes. Her impression of Alquin was changing.

  "He doesn't have much more time left to rule. Not much at all. All I have to do is find out when to cross that line. And it appears that it will be sooner than I had planned." Alquin handed the paper that he had earlier received to Miku, who looked it over.

  "They are giving you that many ships? This is ridiculous! Wait, the empire really has this many to give to a general? I knew we were outnumbered, but this is too many for just one person to have!"

  "Not exactly. See what that particular number is to be used for? Keep reading."

  "To be… assault… coalition stronghold, Zeick. Zeick, the space fortress? Our fortress?"

  "It's just an assault, not a capture. The orders expect failure. But that doesn't mean I can let it happen."

  "If it was open battle, your force would be overwhelming. But Zeick isn't weak. This isn't enough. You'd lose heavily," Miku said flatly. Alquin nodded.

  "It's not worth thinking about right now. I'll have to do it, eventually."

  "You don't have to. There has to be a way besides this route. Why don't you try talking with the coalition? They can help, support you even. With a force this size, you could turn on the emperor and he'd be hard pressed to resist."

  "You say that so lightly. I respect your thoughts. But this dreamy ideal of the coalition coming to the rescue firstly, won't work, and second, I won't have it. The coalition is still my enemy. The enemy of my enemy doesn't have to be my friend, no matter what the writer said. I'm going after the coalition next."

  "But you're opposed to the empire! I don't get why you cannot even consider this!"

  "Miku, you misunderstand. I'm selfish. You see, someone precious was taken from me. But our wills didn't matter, as the emperor said that those with privilege deserve more privilege, and can plunder those below them, anyone below them, at will. It's a disease all the way up the chain. A middle-class man can abuse a poor. A rich abuses a middle. A tycoon steals from the rich. A noble takes from the tycoon. And the emperor takes all. Even people.

  "My person was stolen by someone I cannot surpass. Military rank doesn't give me privilege over nobles, but it does give me raw power, and people who have always been oppressed. Using them, I can ascend and repeal that foolish right of privilege. But make no mistake about me, Miku, I aim to have power. I'll be an emperor who is just as selfish and annoying as any emperor. I'll still fight wars and demand things.

  "I still hate the coalition for forcing me off my planet, which led to me losing my precious people. And I know that they don't care either. The council isn't different from the emperor, it just wears different clothes. When I take up those robes, I'll do things that benefit all people, to be sure. But that is still selfish, since I still view myself as one of them. I'll be a better ruler, but I'll be a monarch nonetheless."

  Miku didn't respond. Alquin wondered what she thought of his small tirade, but the thoughts swimming in his head told him to stop and think of future plans. For her part, Miku seemed to be lost in thought. She looked into the air for a bit. She then closed her eyes and smiled. She looked at Alquin, and then smiled again.

  "I'll try to understand. But I won't give up."


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