Dangerous Rainbows

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Dangerous Rainbows Page 10

by James Ashman

  Chapter 10

  Lance paced through the room. His face was pale and his steps were quick. Drops of sweat were on his forehead, waiting to fall.

  "Lance, are you in there?" Charlotte asked. Lance heard the door-handle turn.

  "Don't come in!" Lance said.

  "Lance, what's wrong?" Charlotte asked. Lance didn't reply. His thoughts were chaotic and refused to settle.

  "Lance? If you don't answer, I'm coming in. You better not be doing anything naughty," Charlotte said. The door opened completely. Lance dropped his shoulders and sighed.

  "Charlotte," Lance said. He then walked over to Charlotte and hugged her. He could feel her flinch, but he didn't let go.

  "Let go, Lance. Hey, don't!" Charlotte said. She placed her hands on Lance's shoulders and pushed. He only gripped her harder. She gave up and stood rigidly.

  "I don't want to lose you," Lance said in a whisper.

  "I don't want you to be on me like this. Get off," Charlotte said.

  "No, not until you want to be mine," Lance said.

  "How stupid!" Charlotte said. She put her hands on him again, and pushed much harder than before. Lance wasn't expecting Charlotte to have so much strength. He fell backwards and landed on the ground. He stayed there and began crying quietly. Charlotte squatted next to him and patted his head. "Sorry."

  "Why won't you love me?" Lance asked.

  "Why do you keep insisting? I never will. Get used to it," Charlotte said.

  "You're supposed to be mine. You're supposed to do what I say, do what I want you to do. And feel how I want you to feel. That's why father bought you for me! Be mine," Lance said.

  "Every time you insist, I have to wonder," Charlotte said. "I wonder if you're really just that spoiled that you cannot understand no, or if there is something wrong in your head. No rational person would continue with this charade you keep putting on!"

  "There's nothing wrong with me! Just because you think that your dislike of me should make me like you less, doesn't make it true! I love that part of you! I don't care that you're older! You're pretty, you're smart, you make good things, you're strong, and confident, and you know exactly what you want, how to get it, and how to be yourself! I love all those things about you! I think you're wonderful! That's why you have to be mine!" Lance said.

  "You love me because I don't love you?" Charlotte asked.

  "No! It has nothing to do with how you feel about me, it's everything else! If you would only be exactly the same, but like me, you'd be happy, I swear it! I'd make you happy! And that would make me happy too! Please, Charlotte, be mine before it's too late!" Lance said.

  "Too late for what? You own me. It doesn't matter whether I like you or not. I'm yours. I don't like it, but what choice do I have but to accept it? I may not like you, but I watch after you. I may not love you, but eventually I'll have to submit to you. I value my own life, even if it becomes miserable, so I don't have the luxury of escape by death. Tell me, Lance, do you think you could get more out of me if I really loved you? Do you really value my mind? Your actions say you only value my body, even while your lips speak of loving my mind. Don't you see your own hypocrisy? Saying you value my thoughts, when my thoughts are inconsistent with your wants? If you really loved me, you'd let me go."

  "But I want you!"

  "That's dumb. You don't even know why."

  "I told you why! I don't understand what I need to do to make you love me. Can't you tell me that, at least? I can try after that, at least!"

  "I won't. There is nothing you can do. It's futile. Resistance to that truth is futile. It won't change. It doesn't matter what you do. It would never matter, whatever you did. Do you understand?"

  "There is really nothing I can do?"


  "Then it's over. It's all over."

  "What? Did you finally have a change of mind? Do you want to let me go?"

  "No. I wouldn't let you go either way. You're right; I would still be able to have your presence. Even without your love, your presence would have been enough. I don't want to let you go. But I have to."

  "Still the hypocrite. You won't let me go, but now you say you have to."

  "No, I'm not. I wouldn't. Alquin has freed you. I'll show you. You'd find out sooner or later, so there is no point in me keeping you away from media anymore. Watch."

  Charlotte watched without word as Lance showed her the relay of Alquin's speech. By the end of it, her hands were over her mouth, and tears had reached the floor.

  "Alquin! My Alquin! Ha! Ha! Oh my goodness!"

  "You are free," Lance said.

  "Is she?" a voice asked. Lance paled, and then looked at the open door. Charlotte turned and stared.

  A man took a slow, casual step through the doorway. He was middle-aged, balding, and mustached. But the presence he had was unmistakable. He emanated confidence and power with each movement. He was Lance's father, Spear.

  "I am."

  "No, make no mistake, you aren't. That little child pretending to be a person of power may have said some pretty words, but nothing will change for you. You still belong to me, eventually to Lance. He cannot free you. If he wishes to, that will have to wait."

  "You heard the emperor, this kind of slavery is illegal!" Charlotte said.

  "As if legality matters. Nothing has changed; it's just a political ploy."

  "Prove it," Charlotte said. She walked up to Spear and glared. A moment later, she had moved to his side and walked out the door.

  Spear laughed, and then turned and walked after her. He caught up to her just as she reached the front door of the mansion. She opened the door.

  "You won't get far," Spear said.

  "Who will stop me?" Charlotte asked, and then continued walking. Spear jumped out the door and looked to the left, and then to the right.

  "What are you two doing? Stop her," Spear said to the two men wearing dark sunglasses.

  "Sir, you wish for us, your guards, to stop Miss Charlotte, correct?" the guard on Spear's right asked.

  "Yes, you fool, stop her!" Spear said.

  "Then please pay me for my services," the right guard said.

  "Of course! Later, stop her now," Spear said.

  "Sir, now, please prove you can pay us. If you can, we'll deeply apologize and stop her," the left guard said. He held out his hand, which held a small card.

  "Fine!" Spear said. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a similar card, tapped it a few times, and then waved it over the left guard's card. The guard then tapped his card a few times, bringing up a small holographic display.

  "Sir, nothing was sent to my account," the left guard said.

  Spear paled slightly. He brought up the holographic display on his own card and scanned through his accounts.

  "Spear, do you have the ability to pay us?" the right guard asked while holding out his card.

  Spear smiled for a moment, and then swiped his card over the right guard's hand. The guard then tapped the card a few times. As he did that, Spear did an about-face and rushed through the mansion's doors. The sound of a heavy lock closing was heard. The two guards each investigated their accounts, and then sighed.

  A while later, Spear looked outside. There was a mass exodus of guards, maids, gardeners, and every sort of staff he had employed.

  "Father, is this true?" Lance asked. He was holding his card in hand, the holographic display activated.

  "What is that?" Spear asked, his voice beginning to tremble.

  "One of the staff sent out a mass text message. He said we don't have any money! And the entire staff should vacate! Is it true?" Lance asked.

  "It's alright, son. We still have options," Spear said.

  "It's true! It's Alquin, isn't it? He froze all aristocrats' accounts! No! Doesn't that mean we are no better than commoners now? Father? Well, father?" Lance asked.

  "We can't be powerless!" Spear said. "I have other assets. Other allies!"

  "And will they be free assets?
What doesn't the emperor control? And will our allies still be independent, able to access funds either?" Lance asked.

  "I don't know. Blast, I don't know," Spear said.

  "I can answer that," Charlotte said. She had opened a side door with the key she had on her, and had just walked into the room.

  "More specifically, I can," Alquin said, walking behind Charlotte. Near him was Miku.

  "You! You're Alquin!" Lance said, his voice filled with years of pent-up hatred for the man that Charlotte had preferred over him.

  "And you're the brat that tried stealing Charlotte. Along with you spoiled father, always relying on his money," Alquin said.

  "What have you done?" Spear asked.

  "I've done what you've feared. Your class doesn't exist anymore. There are no longer the rich and the poor, the privileged and the weak. There is only the emperor and his subjects. All of them subjects of equal rank. Without distinction. All under the same control in the same way. My way," Alquin said.

  Lance jumped towards Alquin, his fists raised. But a moment later he was on the floor, facing the ground. Three men were on him, holding him down.

  "Please don't do that. My guards were here as well. Really, I wish you two no harm. I just wanted to retrieve Charlotte as soon as possible. I would have been here even earlier, had I the opportunity. I'm not going to punish you, though. I thank you, even, for taking care of her all this time. She seems to be well and never endangered, so we will leave it at that," Alquin said.

  "Are you just going to leave us here? To rot, powerless and poor?" Spear asked. The thought of losing all privilege and power was too much for him to bear.

  "You'll have some assets in your name within the day, and more in the coming week while you begin to adjust to your new life. You'll have work, as well. Though it won't be glamorous, you will survive. You may even do well, and live comfortably, as well as any other empire subject. But you will never achieve the wealth that you had before I took power. No matter how you try or save, it will not happen. Such is the beauty of an electronic community, correct?" Alquin asked without expecting an answer. He smiled, and then turned and walked away.

  The guards let Lance go, and followed after Alquin. Lance stood quickly and took a step in Alquin's direction. An arm from him father stopped him. He watched as Charlotte took one look back, smiled politely, then left.

  "Why?" Lance asked. He wanted to pursue Alquin and try to convince Charlotte to stay with him.

  "Another move, and we would be rebelling against the emperor."

  "That's not the real emperor! He stole the throne!"

  "And you think that matters? Stupid boy! No, I'm sorry, that's not true. It's all my fault. My fault for seeing that vixen, taking her, thinking that she should be yours. My own stupid fault for creating such a monster without knowing it. I owe the emperor everything, and yet by doing something he would approve of, I caused his downfall, and thus my own. I'm the fool."

  Lance and Spear both heaved great sighs, and then fell to their knees. The wailing of ex-nobles and ex-barons was barely audible in the symphony of cheering throughout the empire.


  Alquin took Charlotte by the hand and led her out of her captor's house. Awaiting them was a line of cars. Alquin opened the door of a longer car, and stood to the side as he waited for Charlotte and Miku to get inside. Eventually Alquin made himself comfortable inside, and then the procession left the property, never to return.

  "Thank you, for all of this," Charlotte said.

  "It was a given. Are you okay?" Alquin asked.

  "I'm absolutely fine," Charlotte said. Alquin laughed slightly. A few moments passed in silence.

  "Charlotte? Hi, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Miku, and I've heard about you from Alquin," Miku said.

  "Really? It's nice to meet you," Charlotte said.

  "And you. You're just like Alquin said," Miku said.

  "And just what has he said about me?" Charlotte asked while smiling playfully.

  "You look exactly like he said. And he said you are intelligent, kind, strong, and independent," Miku said. Charlotte glanced at Alquin, who couldn't look directly at Charlotte.

  "Oh, so he did, I see. So you did. Alquin, you're too kind," Charlotte said.

  "It was only truths and exaggerations of the best kinds," Alquin said, which prompted a laugh from Charlotte.

  "I think he's a bit shy now," Miku said.

  "I heard that. I'm just not as comfortable when there is a third individual here," Alquin said. Miku's reply was to stick out her tongue. Charlotte looked at the both of them, playfully glaring at each other.

  "It's good that you're here, don't listen to him," Charlotte said. "So, if you don't mind me asking, other than your name, who are you, Miku?"

  "Oh! Well, it's a bit complicated. How should I explain?" Miku asked.

  "She works for me," Alquin said.

  "Not true," Miku said. "I'd get paid if I worked for you!"

  "True, so you don't. How would we describe your role?" Alquin asked.

  "Role? I have one now? Ha! It would be best to say what I really am, wouldn't it, Alquin?"

  "Something other than that," Alquin said.

  "Fine, how about this? Charlotte, I've lost my freedom to Alquin," Miku said.

  "Oh my!" Charlotte put a hand over her mouth and looked at Alquin.

  "Don't say things that others will misunderstand!" Alquin said.

  "Then should I tell her how we met?" Miku asked.

  "Let's not go into that," Alquin said.

  "In hearing nothing, it sounds like there is quite a history between you two," Charlotte said.

  "It's nothing important," Alquin said.

  "It is. But I won't pry anymore. Anyways! I assume he's busy, otherwise he'd be here. When can I see Relos again? I've been missing him. Of course, you too, much more, but I haven't seen him in so long, and he's wasn't on the broadcast with you," Charlotte said.

  Alquin looked at Miku briefly, and then looked at the floor. He sighed, and contemplated what to say.

  "Charlotte, I don't know what to say," Alquin said.

  "Why? Are you not speaking with Relos? Did you have a fight? Or is he somewhere else?"

  "That's not it. He's not around, anymore. I'm sorry, I don't know how to approach it better," Alquin said. His face twisted slightly, and his lips turned downwards.

  "Not around? What? You don't mean it, do you? Is, is it the war?" Charlotte asked.

  "I'm sorry," Miku said.

  "No, don't worry. I know that nothing is guaranteed. But Relos, Relos. Why Relos?" Charlotte asked.

  "It was my fault," Alquin said.

  "No it wasn't. It was mine," Miku said.

  "Both of you, it wasn't either person's fault. This happens in war. Alquin, I'm sorry. I know how dear he was to you. He was to me, as well," Charlotte said.

  "He'd be glad to hear that. He thought much of you, Charlotte," Alquin said. He had begun to smile softly.

  "As much as he thought of any pretty girl," Charlotte said teasingly.

  "Ha. But he only went for them after he thought he couldn't have you," Alquin said.

  "What? No, that's not right. He was a dear friend to us," Charlotte said.

  "That's not all. I shouldn't speak of the dead, but I think I should tell you. He loved you before I did. He just never said it. I did," Alquin said.

  "Relos, you strange boy. Why? It is too late, now, to hear that," Charlotte said.

  Miku squirmed in her spot. She felt guilty and out of place. She knew that it really was her fault that Relos was gone. She shook her head, knowing that losses were expected in war. She knew it, but knowing the people involved and close to those that were lost was difficult. Even though it was a normal war casualty, Miku couldn't shake the feeling of guilt.

  "Alquin, really. It was my fault. I suggested the stones," Miku said, and then she anxiously waited for Alquin's response. She both feared and wanted Alquin to become angry with her, to blame her.<
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  "Stones?" Charlotte asked.

  "It was a strategy," Miku said.

  "Stop it, Miku. That alone doesn't take the blame," Alquin said.

  "But Alquin! I was there, helping," Miku said.

  "And I said you aren't to be blamed! That's reserved for Yue Fei, and none other!" Alquin said.

  "You're holding Yue responsible? You can't do that! It wasn't his choice!" Miku said.

  "Then who do you say I should blame?" Alquin asked, his eyes cold and piercing.

  "Just blame me," Miku said while her stomach knotted.

  "I can't do that!" Alquin said.

  "Just why not? I can take responsibility for your hate and detest. I was part of it; I may have been the first event in a series that caused you to lose him!"

  "Just stop with that. I won't blame you, ever," Alquin said.

  "And I said why not?" Miku asked.

  "Of course he can't," Charlotte said. She was smiling, but her eyes were glossy. "He wouldn't be able to feel that way about you, Miku."

  "You don't know anything about this problem, don't say that. Wait, I'm sorry Charlotte, I didn't mean to be that rude," Miku said.

  "True, I don't know the cause. But I know that Alquin wouldn't think of you like that. He can't hate someone he loves," Charlotte said.

  "What?" Alquin asked. Miku looked like she wanted to echo Alquin's sentiments.

  "I'll thank you for freeing me. But I think you and Miku match better," Charlotte said.

  "No, you're misunderstanding. She's not, I'm not. Charlotte, everything I've done is for you, everything, just to free you. I've only wanted you," Alquin said.

  "All of this was for me? You became a rebel, and then the emperor himself, just for me?" Charlotte asked.

  "Yes, all of it, just to get you back," Alquin said.

  "Then, I thank you, again. But, I don't think that's true. And if it is, then I cannot accept it. You'll never be mine again," Charlotte said.

  "I am yours though!" Alquin said.

  "No. You've done everything while thinking of me. But what does that make me? Am I supposed to now carry every hope and expectation you have? You overthrew the emperor for me. As amazing as that is, how can I accept that? How can I have that burden upon me?" Charlotte asked.

  "There isn't a burden you need to carry. Charlotte, it was me, all me, doing what I wanted," Alquin said.

  "Of course it's a burden. Every time you look at me, you will think of what you had to go through in order to see me again. You had to give up Relos, take the lives of others, plan, and betray. And then you're expecting me to accept all you've done in my name? I cannot bear that. You'll never view me with the same eyes you used to have. I'll always be the one you had to fight for to win. And if you ever regret you actions or mourn the loss of those you loved, you'll view me as the result. And am I good enough to accept that? And by placing all your expectations upon me, what makes your aspiration better than that of the people I was in subjection to earlier?"

  "Are you saying all I did was in vain?" Alquin asked.

  "Far from it! It was wonderful. But if it is all in vain if I don't become yours, then it was wrong, and completely selfish, no better than the noble that thought I was something to be bought. Before with money. Now, do you want to be someone who thought they could buy me with deeds? Or do you still truly love me? If I don't come with the price tag of an empire, then tell me that. Or would you be willing to take control of the empire for your own dreams and selfishness with or without me?"

  "I don't know anymore. Charlotte, must you make this into something so great?" Alquin asked.

  "Alquin, if I didn't come with the conquest of the empire, would you have still done it? I may have been your initial motivation, but you'd never have achieved this by thoughts of me alone. Tell me, Alquin, would you have done it?" Charlotte asked.

  "Charlotte, I loved you. I wanted you to be free. It was wrong of the mighty to step on the rights of those below them. It had to stop," Alquin said.

  "Then, yes," Charlotte said.

  "Yes, I would have done it either way," Alquin said.

  "Then you can continue without me. I will be eternally grateful, but I cannot accept more than simple love. It's too great a burden. Alquin, I still care for you, deeply. But really, I think you've changed. You've been so in love with the idea of loving me that you don't even realize that you get along with this girl so well," Charlotte said.

  "We only fight," Miku said.

  "Ha, it didn't look like a fight from my perspective. It looked like a boy and a girl both unable to express themselves clearly. Your views may be different, but there is something nice about how you speak to each other. I've never had that with Alquin. He's more honest with you," Charlotte said.

  The car eventually stopped, and the sound of the door opening broke the silence that had accompanied the last leg of the trip.

  "Here," Alquin said. He held out a small card.

  "Thank you." Charlotte took the card, and then exited the car. The door closed, and then the car started moving again.

  "You let her go?" Miku asked.

  "I think she was right. I won't need her."


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