His Complete Polar Opposite

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His Complete Polar Opposite Page 18

by Theresa Paolo

  Mom, thank you for being my first beta on every book and not being afraid to tell me when something isn’t working no matter how much I hate to hear it. You have never sugarcoated things for me and it’s something that, especially now as an adult, I am so grateful for. Just think. I could have been one of those people on American Idol who was convinced they could sing because their mother told them they could. Thanks for saving us both the embarrassment!

  Cassie, what can I say that I haven’t said before? Thank you for that phone call that helped me sort through this book and the characters and getting me on track. Without you I wouldn’t have a career. You have helped me, guided me, supported me and picked me up when I didn’t think it was possible. You are more than my work wife, sorry Josh, and I couldn’t do this without you.

  Amanda Walker, thank you for another beautiful cover that I cannot wait to have on my bookshelf with the rest of your awesome designs. I know I can be a royal pain in the rear, but you put up with my crazy and always figure out exactly what it is that I want even when I have no idea what that is exactly.

  Eric, thank you for letting me get consumed in my work and not caring when I forget to put your clothes in the dryer. Or forget to take something out for dinner. Or forget to shower. I’m sorry for working so many Sundays, even though I know you don’t mind. Just thank you for being you, supporting me, cheering me on and loving me even at my worst.

  Jolene Perry, thank you for being so sweet and accommodating when I couldn’t seem to meet a deadline.

  Grandma, thank you for your love, enthusiasm and support. I will always aim to make you proud. Just yesterday on the phone you told me that my books are more important than finding time to see you and I want you to know that will never be true. You, Grandma, are more important than any career. I love you.

  A big thank you to my new couches. I was worried you wouldn’t fill the shoes of the last couch where I wrote so many words, but you proved yourself up to the task. I look forward to writing many more words together.

  Beta Girls, you’re the best group of girls a girl could ask for. No matter where this journey takes me, I know I can always count on you all to give me love and support, and to lift me up when it’s just one of those days. Love you all!

  About the Author

  Theresa Paolo lives on Long Island, NY with her fiancé and their fish. She is the author of NA and Adult contemporary romances. Her debut novel (NEVER) AGAIN, released in Fall 2013 with Berkley (Penguin) and the companion novel (ONCE) AGAIN released Summer 2014. Mad About Matt, the first book in her new Red Maple Falls series, released March 2017.

  She loves to write heartfelt romances with a dash of fun and a side of spice. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, brewery hopping, daydreaming, wasting time on Pinterest, or can be found chatting away on Twitter and Facebook. She writes YA romance under Tessa Marie.

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