The Two Elsies

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The Two Elsies Page 9

by Martha Finley


  "Heaven gives us friends."

  The train moved on, and Zoe settled herself back in her seat with acontented sigh; it was so nice to think of soon being at home again aftermonths of absence. She had grown to love Ion very much, and she wascharmed with the idea of being mistress of the household for the week ortwo that was to elapse before the return of the rest of the family.

  But she was greatly interested in the Norwegian girls, and presentlybegan to occupy herself with plans for their benefit.

  Edward watched her furtively, quite amused at the unwonted gravity of hercountenance.

  "What, may I ask, is the subject of your meditations, little woman?" heinquired, with a laughing look into her face, as the train came to amomentary standstill at a country station. One might suppose, from yourexceeding grave and preoccupied air, that you were engaged in settlingthe affairs of the nation."

  "No, no, my load of care is somewhat lighter than that, Mr. Travilla,"she returned with mock seriousness. "It is those poor girls I am thinkingof, and what employment can be found for them."

  "Well, what is the conclusion arrived at? or is there none as yet?"

  "I think--I am nearly sure, indeed--that if they are really expertneedlewomen, we can find plenty for them to do in our own familyconnection; five families of us, you know."


  "Yes: Ion, Fairview, The Laurels, The Oaks, and Roselands."

  "Ah, yes; and it must take an immense amount of sewing to provide all thechanges of raiment desired by the ladies and children," he remarkedlaughingly. "So that matter may be considered arranged, and my littlewife freed from care."

  "No, I have yet to consider how they are to be conveyed from the city toIon, and what I am to do with them when I get them there. Mamma will notbe there to direct, you know."

  "The first question is easily settled; I shall hire a hack for theiruse. As to the other, why not let them have their meals served in thesewing-room and occupy the bedroom opening into it?"

  "Why, to be sure! that will do nicely," she said, "if you think mammawould not object."

  "I am quite certain she will find no fault, even if she should make adifferent arrangement on returning home. And you wouldn't mind that,would you?"

  "Oh no, indeed! Are we not going very fast?"

  "Yes; trying to make up lost time."

  "I hope they will succeed, that our supper may not be spoiled withwaiting. Do you think there will be any one but the servants at Ion towatch for our coming, Ned?"

  "Yes; I expect to find the Fairview family there, and have some hope ofseeing delegations from the other three. Mamma wrote Elsie when to lookfor us, and probably she has let the others know; all of them who havebeen absent from home this summer returned some days or weeks ago."

  "And Lester and Elsie brought that orphan niece of his home with them, Isuppose. I am inclined to be a warm friend to her, Ned; for I know how tofeel for a fatherless child."

  "As we all do, I trust. We are all fatherless, and may well have afellow-feeling for her. We will do what we can to make life pleasant toher, and I think from my sister's report that we shall find her anagreeable addition to the Fairview family."

  Elsie had given to Evelyn quite as agreeable a portraiture of Edward andZoe as that she had furnished them of her, and the little girl was insome haste to make their acquaintance.

  It was as Edward expected. The five families were very sociable; when allwere at home there was a constant interchange of informal visits, andwhen some of their number returned after a lengthened absence, the otherswere ready to hail their coming with cordiality and delight: both ofwhich were intensified on this occasion by the relief from the fear thatsome accident had happened to Edward and Zoe, inasmuch as they wereseveral hours behind time in reaching home.

  On their arrival they found the Lelands, the Lacys, the Dinsmores, andthe Conlys gathered in the drawing-room and supper waiting.

  "Two hours behind time! I really am afraid there has been an accident,"Mrs. Lacy was saying, when the welcome sound of wheels called forth ageneral exclamation, "There they are at last!" and there was asimultaneous exit from the drawing-room into the hall, followed bynumerous embraces, welcomes, congratulations, inquiries after health andthe causes of detention.

  They made a jovial party about the supper-table: all but Evelyn, who satsilently listening to the exchange of information in regard to the way inwhich each had passed the summer, and Edward's and Zoe's description ofthe celebration of their Aunt Wealthy's one hundredth birthday; allmingled with jest, laughter, and merry badinage.

  As the child looked and listened, she was, half unconsciously, studyingcountenances, voices, words, and forming estimates of character.

  She had been doing so all the evening; had already decided that the Lacysand Dinsmores were nice people who made her feel happy and at home withthem; that she liked Mr. Calhoun Conly and his brother, Dr. Arthur, verymuch, but detested Ralph; thought Ella silly, proud, and haughty, andthat with no excuse for either pride or arrogance. So now her principalattention was given to the latest arrivals--Edward and Zoe.

  She liked them both; thinking it lovely to see their devotion to eachother, and how unconsciously it betrayed itself in looks and tones, nowand again, as the talk went on.

  At length, as the flow of conversation slacked, Zoe turned to Evelyn,remarking with a winning smile, "What a quiet little mouse you are! Ihave been wanting to make your acquaintance, and I hope you will comeoften to Ion."

  "Thank you; I shall enjoy doing so very much indeed," returned Evelyn,blushing with pleasure.

  Edward seconded the invitation.

  "And don't forget that the doors are wide open to you at the Laurels,"said Mr. Lacy.

  "At the Oaks also," said Mr. Dinsmore. And Calhoun Conly added, "And atRoselands; we shall expect frequent visits, and do our best for yourentertainment; though unfortunately we have no little folks to be yourcompanions."

  Evelyn acknowledged each invitation gracefully and in suitable words.Then, the meal having come to a conclusion, all rose from the table andreturned to the drawing-room; but presently, as it was growing late andthe travelers were supposed to be wearied with their journey, one familyafter another bade good-by and departed.

  "Well, Eva, what do you think of Mrs. Zoe?" asked Mr. Leland when theyhad turned out of the avenue into the road leading to Fairview. "Iunderstood you were quite anxious to make her acquaintance."

  "I think I shall like her very much, uncle," Eva answered; "she seems sobright, pleasant, and cordial. And she loves her husband so dearly."

  Mr. Leland laughed at the concluding words. "And you think that anadditional reason for liking her?"

  "Yes, indeed! I think husbands and wives should be very unselfishlyaffectionate toward each other; as I have observed that you and AuntElsie always are."

  Both laughed in a pleased way, her uncle saying, "So you have beenwatching us?"

  "I never set myself at it," she said, "but I couldn't help seeing whatwas so very evident."

  "And no harm if you did. To change the subject--I am greatly interestedin those Norwegians. I hope, my dear, you can give them some employment."

  "Yes, and shall do so gladly, if they are competent; for I, too, feel adeep interest in them."

  "So do I," said Evelyn; "I wanted to see them."

  "We will call at Ion to-morrow, and I think you will then get a sight ofthem, and I learn something of their ability in the sewing line," saidher aunt.

  Edward and Zoe had arrived at home a little in advance of their twoprotegees, and given orders in regard to their reception; and when thegirls reached Ion they were received by Aunt Dicey, the housekeeper, at aside entrance, kindly welcomed and conducted to the apartments assignedthem, where they found a tempting meal spread for their refreshment andevery comfort provided.

  "Dis am de sewin'-room--an' fo' de present yo' dinin'-room also," sheannounced as she ushered them in; "an' dat am de bedroom whar Mr. Ed'ardan' M
iss Zoe tole me you uns is to sleep. Dar's watah dar an' soap an'towels, s'posin' you likes fo' to wash off de dust ob trabel befo' yousits down to de table. 'Bout de time you gits done dat de hot cakes andtoast and tea'll be fotched up from de kitchen."

  With that she turned and left the room.

  The sisters stood for a moment gazing in a bewildered way each into theother's face. Not one word had they understood; but the gestures had beenmore intelligible. Aunt Dicey had pointed toward the open door of theadjoining room, and they comprehended that it was intended for theiroccupancy.

  "What a dark-skinned woman, sister," said Alma at last. "What did shesay? What language does she speak?"

  Christine shook her head. "Could it be English? I do not know; it did notsound like the English the gentleman and lady speak when talking to eachother. But she brought us here, and from the motions she made whiletalking I think she said these two rooms were for us to use."

  "These rooms for us? these beautiful rooms?" exclaimed Alma inastonishment and delight, glancing about upon the neat, tasteful, evenelegant appointments of the one in which they were, then hastening intothe other to find it in no way inferior to the first. "Ah, how lovely!"she cried; "see the pretty furniture, the white curtains trimmed withlace, the bed all white and looking, oh, so comfortable! everything soclean, so fair and sweet!"

  "Yes, yes," said Christine, tears trembling in her eyes; "so far betterthan we ever dreamed. But it may be only for to-night; to-morrow,perhaps, we may be consigned to lodgings not half so good. Ah, I hearsteps on the stairs; they will be bringing our supper. Let us wash thedust from hands and face that we may be ready to eat."

  Presently, seated at the table, they found abundant appetite for the foodset before them, and remarked to each other again and again, how verygood it was, the best they had tasted in many, many days.

  "We have fallen in with the best of friends, Christine," said Alma, "havewe not? Oh, what a fortunate mistake was that that put us on the wrongroad!"

  "It was by the good guidance of our God, Alma," said Christine; "and oh,how shortsighted and mistaken were we in mourning as we did over thesickness that separated us from the rest of our company and left us totravel alone in a strange land; alone and penniless!"

  "We will have more faith in future," said Alma; "we will trust the Lord,even when all is dark and we cannot see one step before us."

  "God helping us," added Christine, devoutly; "but, alas! we are prone tounbelief; when all is bright and the path lies straight before us, wefeel strong in faith; when clouds and darkness cover it from sight, ourfaith is apt to fail and our hearts to faint within us."

  When the last of their guests of the evening had gone, Edward and Zoebethought them of their protegees, and went to the sewing-room to inquirehow they were, and if they had been provided with everything necessary totheir comfort.

  They found Christine seated in an arm-chair by the table, with the lampdrawn near her, and reading from a pocket Testament. She closed and laidit aside on their entrance, rising to give them a respectful greeting.

  "Where is your sister?" asked Zoe, glancing round the room in search ofAlma.

  Christine explained that, not having entirely recovered her strengthsince her illness, Alma was much fatigued with her journey and hadalready retired to rest.

  "Quite right," said Edward; "I think you should follow her example verysoon, for you are looking tired. I hope the servants have attended to allyour wants?"

  "Oh, sir, and dear lady," she exclaimed, "how good, how kind you are tous! what more could we possibly ask than has been provided us by yourorders?"

  "Our orders were that you should be well cared for," Edward said, "but wefeared that for lack of an interpreter you might not be able to make yourwants known."

  "Indeed, sir, every want was anticipated," she answered, with gratefullook and tone.

  "That is well," he responded. "And now we will leave you to take yourrest. Good-night."

  "Good-night, sir," she said; then turning to Zoe, "And you, dear lady,will let me do some work for you to-morrow?"

  "Yes, if you are quite rested by that time," was the smiling reply."Don't be uneasy; work and good wages will be found in abundance if youprove capable."

  So Christine went to bed with a heart singing for joy and thankfulness.

  Elsie and Evelyn drove over to Ion next morning and found Zoe attendingto her housekeeping cares with a pretty matronly air that became herwell; Aunt Dicey receiving her orders with the look and manner of one whois humoring a child, for such she considered the youthful lady.

  "There, Aunt Dicey, I believe that is all for to-day," said Zoe; andturning from her to her callers, "Sister Elsie, how good in you to comeover so early! And you too, little maid," to Evelyn: "I'm delighted tosee you both."

  "Thank you," returned Elsie, brightly. "How do you like housekeeping?"

  "Very much so far, and my efforts seem to amuse Ned immensely," laughedZoe. "It's too absurd that he will persist in looking upon me still as amere child. Just think of it! when I've been married more than a year;yes, a year and a half."

  "Ah, my dear little sister, don't be in too great a hurry to grow old,"said Elsie, "or you may be wanting to turn about and travel back againone of these days. How do you like your new helpers, or rather theirwork? But I suppose you have hardly tried them yet."

  "Yes; they are busy now in the sewing-room. I wanted them to take a fewdays to rest; but their pride of independence rose up so against it thatI was fairly forced to give them something to do, and I find they do sewbeautifully. Suppose you come and examine their work for yourself. Youare included in the invitation, Evelyn," she added, as she rose and ledthe way.

  In the cheerful, sunny sewing-room, beside a window that looked out uponthe beautiful grounds, now gay with autumn flowers, Christine and Almasat busily plying their needles and talking together thankfully of thepresent, hopefully of the future, when the door opened and the two ladiesand little girl entered.

  "How very industrious!" said Zoe. "I have brought my sister, Mrs. Leland,to see what competent needlewomen you are."

  "They are that indeed," Elsie said, examining the work. "I shall be gladto engage you both to sew for me when you are no longer needed here," sheadded with a kindly glance and smile.

  Then taking a chair which Zoe had drawn forward for her, she entered intoconversation with the strangers, asking of their past history and theirplans, hopes, and wishes for the future, and completely winning theirconfidence by her sweetly sympathizing tones and manner.

  They were delighted with her, and she much pleased with them. Christinehad a good, strong face, plain, rugged features, but a countenance thatindicated so much good sense, probity, and kindliness of heart that itwas attractive in spite of its lack of comeliness.

  Alma seemed to lean very much upon this older sister. Hers was a moredelicate organization; she was timid and shrinking, and with her faircomplexion, deep blue eyes, golden hair, and look of refinement, wasreally quite pretty and ladylike in appearance.


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