New Voices Volume 010

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New Voices Volume 010 Page 9

by S. H. Marpel

  No other real clues on this roof. Not even a footprint.

  Looking over the edge, I could make out Finn below.

  As he was invisible to anyone looking on, I waited for him to look up.

  When he did look my way, I signaled that I was coming back down – and expected to find him there.

  He nodded in reply. Pointing to the ground by his feet indicated he’d found something, too.

  FINN SPOKE UP WHEN I got down there. “Grass has been flattened. Shoes are soft-soled, with no pattern. Civilian deck shoes, maybe.”

  I just nodded and tried to make out a trail. The grass patch was only a yard wide at best, probably 30 inches. Then it was a concrete walk and parking after that. No tire marks there. They wouldn’t have wanted to speed off, especially in the dark with their lights off.

  I looked out over Little Creek behind the Port Ops building. Several small craft from one of the Amphibious Squadrons were out on the water.

  If one of our guys were still out there, we wouldn’t know from where we were standing.

  Next was to see if we could find out what they took. Although I wasn’t all that hopeful at this point. The C.O. had been killed some 30-plus hours ago by now.

  And I had maybe a handful of hours to figure what was stolen before my own time ran out.


  “THE SHIPPING LOGS AND manifests are recorded and kept by the duty officer upstairs, but stowed in the C.O.‘s office at the end of each day. Months of them were missing. We have to assume that the missing files were manifests and logs. Ship manifests were filed alphabetical by craft. But three letters of the alphabet could still be dozens or hundreds of craft.”

  I started to gesture as I talked to Finn, but found I had one hand almost dripping with barbecue sauce on it, while my other hand was wet from condensing iced tea. At least we had lots of napkins.

  We were doing our musing over what passed for barbecued “wings” and sweet tea. The TV’s were blaring some local game and we sat in a booth as far away as we could get – in order to have some sensible conversation without having to shout to be heard.

  It was a good thing this eatery wasn’t too far from my apartment. Dusk had fallen and I had only hours to get “home” for this body before the clock turned over for my next assignment.

  “All we really know is that they took some records – something went in or out or both that they didn’t want any record kept of their shipping.”

  Finn scanned the screen of his little portable device. “Al says the corpse got ‘accidentally’ cremated against the family’s wishes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That was expected. Well, they got to bury something. That’s better than what happened in Brooklyn.”

  While he scanned for more data, I pulled out that weapon and the ID wallet from the mystery vanishing doppelganger. Sure enough, the ID print had vanished from inside it. But I carefully handed the weapon over to Finn for his care. Maybe he and Carol could somehow analyze it.

  Finn looked off to the side, then stood and held out a hand.

  Carol appeared once her hand touched his. All smiles. A light peck on his cheek, then she scooted into the booth and he followed.

  “Hiya Erotika.”

  “Hello Carol. At least I’m getting used to you appearing like Finn does. Nobody sees him unless he wants them to – but I can’t see you until he takes your hand. Not that I blame him taking any chance he can to cuddle.”

  Her face went slightly pink, as did Finn’s.

  “So, Carol, what have you been working on?”

  “At least I can say I made progress while you two were busy. Another huge data dump started me off onto a trail that looks promising. But I need some more data from you – here, give me your hand.”

  Carol put her hand out, palm up. I put my palm down against hers. Then she covered them both with her other hand.

  Finn and I stayed quiet while Carol just concentrated on my hand.

  After a short while, she let go of my hand and took hers back to hold one of Finn’s under the table. “Well, you’re continuing to heal nicely.”

  I had to smile. “Well that’s nice to know. How about the other side of that – figuring out if there’s any way I won’t end my days perfectly healthy, but no time to enjoy it?”

  Carol smiled. “I’ve got a bit more study to do, but it’s promising. At least on our side of that viewport window, we don’t need to sleep for some reason. And since Finn is taking such good care of you, I can concentrate on just working these problems out.

  I relaxed a bit. But Carol’s optimism is always infectious. “Glad to hear it. I’m so glad you’re here these days. I’ve never seen Finn so relaxed. And as least I know he won’t arrive tired out from lack of sleep – from ‘other’ activities.”

  Finn’s face reddened as Carol chuckled. “He’s a perfect gentleman. And we’re both too busy to do much more than keep up with your fast-paced crime-solving.”

  I looked down into my tea. “Well, today wasn’t the best. A draw at best. We don’t even know how or why that guy had to die, other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  Finn spoke up. “But we know that they lost another bad guy today, so there’s that.”

  I nodded. “For sure. I just wish the losses were at least heavier on their side – or not at all. Like getting there before the crime even happened.”

  Carol tilted her head slightly. “Well, Al does have some ideas about this. He’s been working on some different scenarios to try to tweak that algorithm in that program. Not that he can do much, but A.I. does mean that he’s able to learn from all your input and results. But I leave that to him.”

  I sat forward. “Does that mean he’s got some trend to all this?”

  “Not a definite one. But now they have to check on things, which means they are having to commit more resources to this fight. They can’t trust that we won’t un-do things. Al also noticed that your work is having some ripple effects far outside of what was happening before. He says that earlier ‘facts’ aren’t in the reports now. And other events that used to be dis-related are starting to sync up in patterns.”

  I relaxed back, and that let Finn relax as well. As usual, he was reading my mood and body language like the big brother he would always be.

  The big dish of wings was now gone, and my straw sucked the bottom of my tea. Time to go.

  “Well, Carol, here’s where I get Finn to walk me home and check for bad guys on the way. Seeing you is worth its weight. Let’s make a habit of this, can we?”

  Carol smiled and nodded.

  We all rose out of the booth, and I got a hug from both her and Finn.

  Finn gave her another peck and stood back as she waved goodbye – and vanished.


  WHEN FINN CAME BACK from seeing Erika to her “borrowed” apartment, he was all smiles coming through the narrow door by the observation window. This time, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a nice big smooch.

  Finn reciprocated by wrapping his long arms and broad shoulders completely around me.

  “So, Carol, there’s some good news other than the fact that Erika is safe at home again?”

  “Sure – after I caught up on the data entry, I started reviewing all the new data I got from our Library friends this afternoon. I think there’s a way we can make it work.”

  “‘It’ meaning saving all our skins?”

  I nodded. “You and I and Erika have some abilities and talents we haven’t put to work before.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, it’s a little unclear right now. And how it’s described in these new-old books I just got today is a little, well, kinda described in vague terms. But when I went back to my earlier training, it started forming a plan.”

  Finn raised an eyebrow, but I put my finger on his lips before he could say anything.

  “No, dear, you just hold onto that question. I don’t want to confuse you with some of my time-bending grammar
just yet.”

  A wry grin formed on his face underneath my finger.

  “You just keep that thought to yourself, mister. I’ll tell you my secret soon enough.”

  Finn responded by pulling my hand down and holding it gently behind my back while he nuzzled my neck and I giggled.

  Over his back, I just saw the big mission clock turn from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00.

  The other thing I saw through the observation window made me stiffen in Finn’s arms.

  For a brief moment, I saw someone outlined in the street lamps shining into Erika’s new bedroom scene. Someone standing over her bed, looking at her sleeping form. But then he vanished...

  Book Universes Notes

  All long series of books become complicated. The universes of these stories can mix and merge. There are short and long series, as well as crossovers. So we’ve begun the process of adding Book Universes Notes to each of them. This allows you to get links to the earlier materials that explain the character backgrounds and abilities, story arcs, and even easter eggs.

  Please enjoy.

  THIS STORY FOLLOWS “The Saga of Erotika Jones 02” (EJ02).

  Erotika Jones and her brother Finn were first introduced in “The Case of the Time Bent Beau“.

  Both are Naval Investigative Services officers, which is today known as NCIS. This story takes place in the late 1970’s, before their reorganization.

  The pendant is first introduced in “A Case of Missing Wings“. Using it as a data storage device was first explored in the Hooman Saga’s “Moon Bride“.

  The AI was first introduced in “Time Bent Beau” above.

  John, Ben, and his Library were first introduced in “Ghost Hunters“.

  Tess was first introduced in “The Training: Tess“.

  Akashi was first introduced in “The Training: Mysti“.

  Hermione was first introduced in the book of that name, while her and Tess meeting Akashi was also described in that book.

  Bart and Ernst were first introduced in “When Cats Ruled.”

  Rochelle was first introduced in “The Lazurai“.

  Chicago and Brooklyn were settings for Erika’s missions in EJ02 and EJ01, respectively.

  The Saga of Erotika Jones 04


  “To love is to be happy with.” - Ancient Hawaiian saying.

  WHY I WOUND UP IN A locked office, inside a high-security training base was just part of this mystery.

  I was there this time to prevent a crime, not solve it after it happened.

  This time I just had to figure out how and where the crime was supposed to happen – and, if I was lucky, who the villain was.


  No clues. Any sound or light might give it all away.

  And then the criminal gang we were chasing would again melt away into the dark.

  Or worse – I’d become their target.

  They already proved that they killed to get whatever they wanted.

  The trick was foiling their crime and capturing them.

  All without clues.

  And all without losing my life...


  THIS TIME, I VOLUNTEERED to be the bait.

  For killer criminals who were trying to steal something confidential or probably top secret.

  My brother Finn disagreed with my plan. But I reminded him that we didn’t have much of a choice.

  So here I was, in the Commanding Officer’s office, Nuclear Training School. Walls of long bookshelves surrounded me. And I dressed to disarm those who were coming with my looks alone. My long black tresses cascaded down my white shirt-dress. It had long white sleeves, but also a short hem exposing more than a little thigh.

  I was sitting with the room lights off, long legs crossed, hand on my chin. Waiting.

  Even with the dark room, I wasn’t able to blend in.

  But that was the point.

  I was the bait.

  Of course, this isn’t where the story actually started.

  WHEN I GOT OUTSIDE my apartment building this morning, he was waiting.

  In the shadows, of course, which didn’t help build any trust in him. What did help was what he said first.

  “Good morning, Erotika Jones.” The voice was deep and pleasant, disarming.

  “You’re not Finn.”

  The man was tall, in naval dungarees, with a blue ball cap and black boots. He started walking toward me with a cautious gait. “My name is Will.”

  “So, Will, you know me by my code name. But that alone says you’re just another mystery to solve.”

  “When I have time to tell you about me, then you’ll hear the whole story. But I have only minutes right now.”


  Will stopped just out of arm’s reach. “Because you’re in danger.”

  My eyebrow raised in question, and I waited.

  “OK, Erotika, you wished to get here before the crime happened, to avoid someone dying. And that’s what I helped arrange for you.”

  I had to close my open mouth at this. At a complete loss for words.

  Will started to raise a hand to my shoulder, but held back. “It only means that between you and Finn, you’ll have to decide who is going to be waiting for them.”

  Another pause. A thousand questions rolled through my mind.

  Will held up a finger and looked off to the side, then back. “Sorry to leave you with only those thoughts. We’ll be in touch.”

  Then he seemed to turn sideways, like a mirror in on itself – and vanished.

  Finn appeared, walking in from the same side Will just looked toward. Chipper as usual. His red hair covered by a blue ball cap. The rest of him in naval dungarees, just like Will.

  But his smile vanished as he saw my puzzled frown. “I’d tell you good morning, Erotika, but it’s obviously not – is it?”

  “Finn, someone knows about me, about us.”

  Now Finn had the troubled look.

  “And he told me I’m in danger. Or maybe that we both were.”

  WE FOUND A BOOTH FOR breakfast at the local commissary.

  This morning, we were early – somehow. No crime committed, yet.

  “Erotika, that’s the weird thing. How this Will got us ahead of the crime itself is baffling. The scene showed up like the algorithm didn’t run right – we’re here this time before the crime even happened..”

  I leaned forward. “He said he gave me my wish. How did he even know what I said?”

  Finn was wordless at this.

  I slumped back. “We didn’t think the system could ever be compromised. But your read-outs, everything – they came out OK?”

  “Sure. Everything else is just fine. We’re just slightly ahead of schedule.”

  “How slightly?”

  “A day. Just like you wished in our last case. We know how the crime gets reported, that some bodies go missing. Presumed dead. And like usual, something goes missing, but it doesn’t show up in the reports. Not even through secure Navy channels.”

  I shrugged. “So we’re not flying blind, but what do we do with all the time on our hands?”

  “Well, let me tell you the details. Then I’m open for your sleuthing suggestions...”


  JOHN AND TESS WERE waiting for me again.

  “Hey John, Tess.”

  Tess beat him to the punch again. “Hi-ya Carol.”

  John just smiled. “What’s the frown for – I thought you’re always happy to see us?”

  “Well, I am, but there’s a hitch.”

  Two sets of raised eyebrows waited – for that other shoe to drop.

  “There’s a guy named Will, and he’s warped the shifting algorithm somehow.”

  John took the bait this time, seeing a plot twist to this story. “How could he warp a program that only you and the Jones siblings knew about – besides some long-dead scientists?”

  “That’s the second puzzle. The first is: who the hell is this guy and how does he s
how up and disappear? He even knew Finn was going to show up before he did.”

  Tess looked at John and back to me. “Another time-bender.”

  My jaw dropped. Then I closed it into a grin. “What a great turn of events. Of course. But he’s not from your family, Tess – so where did he come from?”

  Tess shook her head. But still kept a smile on her face. We time benders were a tight-knit bunch, so another genetic line might mean opening up the family. The guy might help us solve our own genetic mystery.

  John still frowned. “We can’t give you any answer right now. Because your 5-minute window will close before Ben can even try to get us any answers from his network – if there’s any answers out there at all.”

  I nodded. That reminded me. So I then stuck my arm through the force shield with a green data-pendant. “Just more data for you about the programs. I found some of the original coding for the AI, but it’s been reprogramming itself ever sense, so I don’t know what Ben’s science guys can do with that.”

  John swapped their pendant for mine. “Thanks. A great start, anyway. We’ve got some more data on time-bending and space-shifting on that one.. Thought you could use some background data on all your talents.”

  I pulled my arm back and looked over the pendant. “Just what I needed – more light reading for all my spare time.”

  “Maybe your A.I. can devote some spare computing cycles to analyzing them.”

  “Probably. He found the other stuff interesting. You’ll see a file on there with his recommendations. Along with his analysis of the power usage. Looks like Day 8 is going to be very iffy. Also, he’s pulled some data from his Intelligence network feeds. And his tentative conclusions as to who and where our ‘goon team’ is coming from. That time-space shifter device of Bart and Ernst’ seems more likely. So those science boys might see if they can come up with some jammer circuits we can build on this side...”


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