Paul's Pursuit: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 6

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Paul's Pursuit: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 6 Page 14

by S. E. Smith

  Kelan drew Trisha back protectively under his arm. Bálint gazed at the glowing figures and he cooed loudly, blowing bubbles. Kelan and Trisha looked down at their son and saw his eyes shining a dark, dark gold. Seconds later, the sound of the other children could be heard. Amber and Jade’s giggles, Zohar’s loud sigh, even Spring and Phoenix reacted by squealing and waving their tiny arms. The figures floated inches above Paul’s silent body. Ribbons of gold began streaming from all the symbiots surrounding them, flowing from their bodies in thin, weaving bands before raining down over Paul until he glowed a dark gold. The black threads that prevented Morian’s symbiot from healing him before began to bubble, hiss, and dissolve in brilliant bursts of color as the stream of gold poured into the wound in Paul’s stomach.

  “Zoran,” Abby whispered as she held a mesmerized Zohar against her. “What is happening?”

  “The Gods and Goddesses have heard our mother’s plea for her mate,” he replied in awe.

  One of the figures turned and looked at Zoran with a warm look. Even though he could see right through the shimmering gold that made up her form, he had never seen anything so awe inspiring, not even the Hive. The figure tilted her head and looked down at his son before letting her eyes move to each infant, pausing on Phoenix for several long seconds. Carmen pulled her daughter closer to her and tilted her chin in defiance drawing a smile from the figure.

  Slowly, the ribbons of gold began to grow thinner and thinner until the gold looked more like dust motes dancing in the sunlight. Both figures turned back to Zoran and nodded before they dissolved. The symbiots circling Paul’s body stood up and began moving back, forcing those standing on the outer rim to step away.

  “Daddy?” Trisha called out, stepping forward only to be stopped by Kelan when he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Wait, Trisha,” he murmured in a hushed voice.

  The symbiots parted, each taking the opposite side of the other until they formed a path that lined either side leading to where Paul’s body had been moments before. Trisha’s surprised gasp was followed by those of all who turned their eyes to the figure that had been hidden by the huge bodies of the symbiots. The figure of an injured human male was no longer lying on the hard marble floor. Instead, a different figure stood – tall, proud, majestic.


  Images flashed through Paul’s mind. He knew the wound he had received was mortal but all he cared about was his beautiful, fragile mate. He was sure the look in her eyes would haunt him even in death. He refused to believe she was lost to him. He cursed his distraction. When the band of black had begun cutting through Morian’s wrists and her screams of agony rose, all he could think about was doing whatever was necessary to stop Raffvin from hurting her anymore. The pain and terror in her eyes filled him with rage and the desire for revenge.

  Creon’s sudden appearance gave Paul a glimmer of hope that between the two of them, they would be able to defeat Raffvin before he could escape. He had not expected Morian to plead for them to kill Raffvin, regardless of her safety. He had also not expected Raffvin to use the black symbiot on him in the way he had. He barely felt it as it sliced through his body.

  No, he thought as he felt his life blood draining away, the pain I felt from my mate’s ravaged screams caused me more pain than anything physical could have, he acknowledged with despair.

  He vaguely remembered Creon lifting him as if he weighed no more than one of the babies. He rolled in and out of consciousness as light and shadows from the windows and corridors flashed by in a kaleidoscope of colors. Regret pulled at him when he heard the anguished cry of his baby girl. A part of him felt the cold, hard stone of the floor as Creon laid him down while another part became numb with hopelessness and grief. He knew from the look in Zoran’s eyes that there was nothing that could be done to save him. His last thought was of Morian’s beautiful face just that morning as her eyes sparkled with delight when the news came that Carmen had gone into labor. He had kissed her passionately, wanting to wrap himself in her warmth and love. If it wasn’t for the fact that one of the healers was frantically begging for her assistance he would have taken her back to their bed and made love to her all morning.

  A frown creased his brow as gold light suddenly filled his vision. He thought everything would turn dark…. black even as death came to claim him. His frown deepened as he realized that his body was actually feeling very warm at the moment. In fact, it was getting pretty damn hot. He knew he hadn’t been an angel during his life, but hell, surely he hadn’t done anything so bad as to send him to hell.

  Soft laughter drew his attention. He turned his head, moving as if in a dream world. The gold light was getting brighter until he wondered if he could conjure up a pair of sunglasses to help him see the figures approaching him better.

  I like your humor, human, one of the figures said in a warm, lyrical tone.

  Paul raised an eyebrow. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? He asked in a husky voice.

  Good thing, the second figure replied with a light chuckle. You are right, sister. He is the chosen one.

  Chosen one? Paul asked with a puzzled frown. Am I supposed to understand what that means? He asked curiously as he watched them come closer. He might be going to hell but at least he wasn’t hurting anymore.

  Both figures chuckled as they glided around him, assessing him. He will be good for her. He will free her so she can run free once again, one said to the other as if he wasn’t standing between them.

  Yes, it has been too long since she has been free. I miss that. We should have brought her true mate to her sooner, the first figure responded.

  He was not ready. Neither was she, the second one snorted. Everything in its time, sister.

  I know, but it took so long, the first sister said with a sigh. It has been hard standing aside and watching.

  We could not interfere until we were sure, the second sister insisted.

  Ladies, as charming as your company is, can either one of you tell me what the hell is going on? Paul asked impatiently. In case you didn’t know, my mate is in danger.

  Of course we know, the second one said with a roll of her eyes. I am Arosa.

  And I am Arilla, the first figure said with a smile.

  Paul studied both of them for several seconds before he shook his head in frustration. Is this supposed to mean something to me? Paul asked with a raised eyebrow wondering if he had ended up in the Valdier version of heaven or hell.

  Neither, both figures stated at the same time as if they could read his mind. We needed to know that you were the one for our daughter. You will save her, protect her, love her and let her be who she needs to be. You see who she is beneath the mask she wears. You dare her to be true to herself and you will do the same for her dragon.

  Isn’t that what a true mate is? Paul asked drily. You accept them for who they are, for better or for worse. I’m not exactly a saint, you know.

  No, you are not, Arosa purred. I like that.

  Arosa, he is not for you to seduce, Arilla snapped.

  Paul shook his head. Sorry ladies, you couldn’t seduce me if you wanted to. My heart is already taken, he responded lightly. No offense intended, he added quickly.

  Both Arilla and Arosa laughed in delight. He is quick witted as well, Arilla said.

  Arosa’s eyes turned serious as she looked deeply into Paul’s eyes. You have been chosen to protect the daughter of the Hive. You must defeat Raffvin and prevent him from gaining access to the blood of the Gods. If he is successful, the lives of all Valdier and their dragons will fall, Arosa stated in a voice that resonated through Paul.

  Arilla opened her hand to reveal a bright red stone set in silver. Paul recognized it immediately as the necklace that Mandra and Ariel had shown him. It had been a gift to Ariel by the strange creatures who needed her help with returning some critters to their world. Ariel had explained that when the black symbiot that had attacked and wounded Mandra tried to kill his symbiot, she had stepped in f
ront of it. The stone had absorbed the negative energy, pulling it away from the symbiot trapped within.

  Wear this and no harm can come to you, Arilla said.

  How can I find my mate? Paul asked. Raffvin flew off with her.

  Your dragon will know, they both whispered as they began to fade.

  I don’t have a dragon...., Paul started to say before his words faded as the world suddenly tilted.

  You do now, the golden goddesses giggled at the same time knowing the golden blood that ran through him was just what he needed to wake his dragon up.

  Fire burst inside him, burning like lava as the pressure that had been building inside him suddenly exploded outward. His body shook for a moment as he rose. His vision was clearer, sharper. He turned his head to gaze down at the wound in his stomach only to realize that not only was the wound gone, so was his stomach as he knew it. His eyes narrowed as he quickly processed the changes. He raised his head as he felt the pull of his mate. Rage burned as hot as the heat pulsing through him. Paul let out a roar that shook the walls of the palace, shattering the windows around him. He looked down as the symbiots formed a passage for him. The gold from his body swirled with the colors in the corridor before solidifying in the same gold of the symbiots.

  “Daddy?” Trisha breathed out in awe, pulling away from Kelan’s grasp.

  Paul watched through narrowed eyes as his baby girl came closer to him and raised her hand. He lowered his head and brushed it gently against her hand before he pulled back and nodded to Zoran. It was time to go get his mate back. He would pursue her to hell and back if he had to but he would bring her back. He made sure Zoran knew his intent.

  “Go!” Zoran said in a rough voice. “Bring her back to us.”

  Paul snarled out to Morian’s symbiot which transformed into a huge Were Cat. Two guards rushed to open the large double doors leading out of the palace. Paul could feel Morian’s pain and sorrow even from a distance. She believed he was dead. It was time to let his mate know that not only was he very much alive but so was his dragon.

  Morian’s symbiot charged through the double doors, transforming once it was clear into a huge golden eagle. Paul was right behind it. As soon as he was outside, he used his dragon’s ability to reflect his surroundings and vanished.

  “Kelan!” Trisha cried out terrified as she watched her father disappear before her eyes. “Where is he?”

  “He is fine, mi elila,” Kelan assured her coming up to stand next to her.

  “That is totally wicked!” Cara whispered. “He’s just like the symbiots! He’s a big dragon symbiot!” She said with a touch of envy. “I could totally drive you nuts if I could do that, Trelon.” Amber’s loud squeal and bouncing showed she approved of the idea.

  “Like you don’t do that already,” Trelon muttered as he tried to get Jade to release his hair that she was shaking back and forth in her mouth like it was a bone. He was going to have to wash the drool out of it again, he thought with a sigh.

  “Heck, he’s even bigger than Mandra!” Ariel giggled, looking up at her huge mate. “He can totally kick your butt now.”

  Mandra growled and scooped Ariel up into his arms. “You think that is funny, do you?”

  “Oh yes,” Ariel breathed out with sparkling eyes.

  “Do you think he will bring Morian back safely?” Abby asked, shifting Zohar in her arms as he began rooting around the front of her top.

  Zoran wrapped his arm around his mate. “Yes,” he replied confidently. “Yes, he will bring her home safely.”

  “We need to repair the damage,” Creon said, rocking Spring in his arms where she had fallen asleep. “There are a few prisoners. We will get what information we can out of them,” he said before turning to look at Carmen who was beginning to wilt next to him. “You must rest. There has been too much excitement for you. You gave birth just this morning.”

  Carmen smiled wearily up at her mate deciding she wasn’t going to argue with him this time. “Ariel, would you mind helping me?” Carmen asked turning to her sister who was still in her mate’s arms. “Sorry Mandra but I think I need her more than you do right now,” she added with a waning smile.

  “Of course, Carmen,” Mandra said brushing a kiss over Ariel’s lips. “It would be better for her to rest as well.”

  Ariel rolled her eyes but grinned at her sister. “He’s turning into a worry wort,” she teased as he set her on her feet.

  Carmen laughed when Mandra grunted under his breath about unappreciative, stubborn human women. “We’re appreciative, Mandra. We just don’t want you to know it,” Carmen teased.

  Abby watched as the sisters walked away. She looked up at her mate who was staring out the opened doors. She knew from the dark frown on his face that he was more worried than he was letting on. She rubbed her head against his arm and smiled up at him.

  Zoran smiled down at her before he looked at Trisha who stopped in front of him. “My dad is the best there is,” she said softly. “He’ll get her back. No one can defeat him when he is hunting them. No one.”

  Zoran nodded. “I know,” he said letting his gaze move once more to the bright sky outside. “I know,” he repeated.

  Chapter 14

  Paul soared through the air letting the pull of his mate guide him. The symbiot beside him was using its ability to reflect the environment around it to vanish as well. Paul’s eyes picked up the slight distortion. He let his gaze travel over the ground below him, marking places that would be good for setting traps, escape routes, and places to hide.

  He thought of everything he had learned about Raffvin from the files he had read and from his brief encounter with him. The male was a coward but a smart and ruthless one. He would hide behind Morian, perhaps even kill her if he had to in order to escape. Still, he was also becoming dangerously weak. Raffvin's gaunt look and the ease with which he had been able to injure Raffvin's dragon told him that Raffvin was not up for a lengthy battle. In addition, Raffvin might have his symbiot but it was not capable of healing him. He had turned it into a weapon. Paul sent a command for the symbiot to focus on Morian when they reached her. Once Paul had separated her from Raffvin, she would need the healing powers and added strength of it.

  Us too, his dragon growled back silently. Our mates need us. Mine not know I live now. I want her.

  You will be with her soon, my friend, Paul assured his dragon, amused that it was acting like a stubborn, horny teenager. It is important that we get her to safety so that we can see what her injuries are and heal them.

  I kill Raffvin, his dragon snapped, rage making him shimmer.

  Calm, my friend, Paul said with an icy calm. He will die but our first concern must be our mate. We cannot take the chance of her dying on us.

  I feel her, his dragon admitted. I feel my mate’s pain. She is very weak.

  I feel it too which is why we must care for her first, Paul said soothingly. Besides, I think she might like to help us roast Raffvin’s ass.

  Paul’s dragon snorted. She sure not going to bite it! I not allow my mate to eat rot.

  Paul chuckled. I agree! The only place she is putting that delectable mouth is on us.

  Agree, his dragon hummed in delight. We are close! He too weak to take her far.

  It didn’t hurt that you were flying like a bat out of hell, either, Paul responded drily even as he slowed. There!

  Ahead of him was a patch of heavy forest. The pull to get to his mate was stronger than ever. Paul fought to remain calm as he felt the fragile strand that connect him and Morian growing weaker. There was no time to waste. He had to get her away from Raffvin fast. He glided down on silent wings, weaving in and out between the dense clusters of trees, the symbiot following closely behind him. The shadows were no problem for his sharpened eyesight. He glided between the heavy foliage before sweeping his wings up to land on a thick branch on the outer edge of a small clearing. A makeshift camp had been set up. There were approximately fifty warriors moving down below. In the
center, Paul watched as Raffvin exited a tent.

  There is our target, he thought with a menacing curl of his lip. How light are you on your feet? He asked his dragon.

  Lighter than you! It replied with a snort.

  Let’s hope so, Paul thought with a grin. Let’s go.


  Morian rolled over onto her back on the hard surface of the ground. She gritted her teeth against the pain in her face and wrists before blinking several times trying to clear her vision so she could see where she had been taken. Her eyes welled with tears as she remembered Paul. Pain unlike anything she had ever felt before exploded through her at the loss of her true mate. She pulled in a shaky breath. A part of her was amazed she was still alive. The only reason she could think of was so she could kill Raffvin. She had nothing else to live for but revenge.

  Please, let my mate not have hurt for too long, she prayed silently as she sat up.

  He come! Her dragon rose up inside her so fast Morian groaned with disorientation as her head spun. He come! Her dragon said urgently…. excitedly.

  Stop! Morian groaned again as she swallowed back the nausea from the blood suddenly leaving her head. She breathed deeply and looked down at her battered wrists that were still bound together by the thin black bands of symbiot. Why should you be excited that Raffvin is coming? She moaned out to her dragon.

  Not Raffvin, her dragon snorted in disgust. Our mates come!

  Our… my mate is dead, Morian choked out as tears overflowed down her cheeks. Raffvin killed him, she whispered as overwhelming grief flooded her and she lay back down to bury her face in her arms.

  She didn’t care if Raffvin killed her or her heartache did. She just wanted the pain to go away. Only, her dragon wasn’t acting like its heart had just been torn from its chest. No, her dragon was bouncing around like she was a dragonling once again. Morian rolled over and wiped angrily at her damp, dirty cheeks.

  What is wrong with you! She cried out in fury. Didn’t you hear me? I said my mate is dead!


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