A Wicked Earl she can't Resist: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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A Wicked Earl she can't Resist: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 27

by Olivia Bennet

They arrived late in the evening and were welcomed by Mrs. Cooke. She had put Duncan and the children in the East Wing, while Emily and her father were in the West Wing. All other guests were accommodated in the North and South Wings.

  Duncan found that his bed was newly made, fire laid out requiring only a match to light it with. A tub of steaming water awaited him in his room as well as his valet. It was exactly what he needed after hours spent jolting about in a carriage.

  Once the household was suitably refreshed, they all converged in the dining hall where a veritable feast awaited them. Rabbit stew, mince pies, celery and tomatoes from the kitchen garden as well as a platter of pasties.

  “This looks delicious. My compliments to the cook.” Duncan said to Mrs. Cooke, who beamed. Emily looked up from her place by his side to smile at the housekeeper as well.

  “You most definitely outdid yourself. Thank you.”

  Mrs. Cooke nodded her acknowledgement and left them to their meal.

  As soon as supper was done, everyone retired to their respective chambers. It had been a long day.

  Emily woke up on her wedding day with shaking hands and a dry throat. If asked, she would not have said she was nervous about her impending nuptials, but now that the day was here, her breathing was erratic and she felt quite faint.

  “Betsey!” she called, sticking her head out into the corridor. To her surprise, the housekeeper appeared round the corner.

  “Yes, dear? Are you ready for your bath?”

  Emily tried to calm herself so she could speak but it was as if there was a whale sitting on her chest. Mrs. Cooke reached out and caught her by the arm. “Come, come, sit here,” she pushed Emily down onto the bed and handed her a glass of water, “Drink it all now. Don’t leave a drop.”

  She began to rub Emily’s arm as she drank the water. The soothing sensation caused her panic to simmer down enough that she could thank the housekeeper as she handed her the glass.

  Betsey palmed her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. “Everything is all right. You can do this. You will be happy. You hear me?”

  She nodded wordlessly.

  “Good. I shall have the girls fill your tub. You have plenty of time to relax before it will be time to get dressed.”

  Emily nodded again.

  “Now sit here, and I shall be back soon.”

  Emily watched her go, feeling grateful. She took in a deep breath and went to the window to watch the sun rise in an effort to distract herself. She got so lost in the magical reds, pinks, and oranges that she was startled at the opening door.

  Three maids walked in with buckets of water, some of it poured into a cauldron hanging over the fire to heat up while some went directly into the tub. She was surprised to see them scatter lavender petals in the water but said nothing. Soon the water in the cauldron was boiling and they added that in as well before urging her to divest herself of her robe and step in.

  As soon as she breathed in the soothing scent of lavender, she understood why it was there. Already her body was relaxing. All the tension she’d awoken with fading into the comforting heat and soothing scent. She smiled at the maids and murmured her thanks. They nodded, leaving her to her bath.

  Just as she was about to fall asleep again, the door opened and the girl assigned to be her lady’s maid walked in, carrying a gown. She came up to the bath, taking up the cloth and rubbing it vigorously with soap before giving Emily a thorough bath. She was a little embarrassed at the attention but tried to stay relaxed. The girl, Emily thought her name might be Anita, helped her out of the bath and into her robe before beginning to brush her hair. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

  A soft knock at the door had her opening her eyes. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Nancy and Anne,” a tentative voice said. She and Nancy had come a long way since the day she returned from her ordeal, but the girl was still very tentative of intruding.

  “Come in,” she called.

  They walked in, Anne making an excited dash for her. “Are you doing your hair now? Will you put paint on your lips and cheeks and whiten your skin?”

  Emily laughed. “No, I think I shall get married with just my ordinary face.”

  Anne made a disappointed face and Emily laughed at her, looking up at Nancy, inviting her to share Emily’s amusement. The older girl smiled coming closer and fingering a brooch in her hand. She held it out shyly. “My Mother gave me this for my hair. I thought that the gold would go very nicely with your brown locks.”

  Emily took it carefully, understanding it for the blessing it was. “Thank you,” she whispered, feeling a lump in her throat.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Anne jumped and clapped her hands. “Is it time to wear your gown now?”


  Watching her walk toward him, down the aisle, he experienced everything he had ever imagined feeling at that point. The warmth that welled from within him, suffusing his whole body and making him feel light as a feather was not something he was used to feeling. His cheeks hurt from how much he was smiling.

  Emily wore a long cream gown that dipped enticingly at her cleavage without really exposing anything. She wore a beautiful hat on her head that had a slight veil, shielding her beautiful amber eyes. He could see her blinking at him, her mouth stretched in a happy smile. Manfully suppressing the urge to rush down the aisle and take her in his arms, he stood stolidly, waiting.

  Her father reached for his hand and he gave it and then Arthur joined his hand to Emily’s and he was pulling her forward toward him. She gripped his hand so tight, as if for dear life, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  “Dear beloved,” the vicar began, “we are gathered here today…”

  For such a small wedding reception, everyone was being really loud. Emily could hardly hear herself think. Not that she was really aware of anyone. All her attention was taken by the man by her side. They were supposed to be eating but every time he brushed up against her, she could feel every muscle in her body go weak. She did not think she could stand on her own feet at the moment.

  I really do not know what’s wrong with me.

  Duncan leaned over her, his sandalwood scent wafting over her, and she shivered.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered, his warm breath fanning her ear.

  She drew in a shaky breath, wanting to shake her head but then smiled. “Yes I’m fine. Just a little…”

  He looked in her eyes, making her dizzy and smiled. “Me too.”

  “Really?” she held out her hand so that he could see that it was shaking.

  Looking down at it, he covered her hand with his before meeting her eyes again, “Really.”

  She blinked, unable to look away from him as he held her gaze steadily.

  “Do you want to leave? I think we’ve been sociable enough, don’t you?” he asked.

  She nodded wordlessly, feeling dazed as she let him pull her up from the chair and lead her away. He stopped to talk to one or two people she thought, but really could not focus enough to know for sure. Then they were walking down a tree-lined path that led to the dower house and they were all alone aside from singing birds.

  He lifted her hand and kissed it. “I’ve waited so long for this. I pray that I will be gentle.”

  She blinked at him, brow furrowed, “Gentle?”

  His eyes met hers and she felt as if she might be drowning in them. “Yes,” he whispered before capturing her lips in a short hard kiss. He pulled back, looking in her eyes and suddenly she understood what he meant.

  “Oh…” she whispered and then smiled shyly, “I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  He gave a shuddering breath, closing his eyes and murmuring a prayer. “Jesus help me. Whatever you do, do not look at me like that. I am only human,” he begged.

  She laughed, feeling suddenly lighter. “Are you then? And here I thought you were my knight in shining armor.”

  “Ah, the armor is a bit rusty,” he said, eye
s still closed, “and whatever control I have is fast slipping away.”

  Her eyebrows quirked. “But we haven’t done anything.”

  “Ah, yes, but just the anticipation alone is enough to have me losing my equilibrium.”

  She dropped her eyes thoughtfully. “Is that what’s been happening to me?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean all day I’ve been feeling off kilter and suffused with nerves and shaky and just, as if the slightest thing could have me collapsing in a heap.”

  Duncan laughed. “Then yes. Probably about the same thing.”

  “Oh, well then, we should get this over with so we can start to feel normal again.”

  Duncan smiled wide. “Your wish is my command.” And very suddenly he scooped her up and was running toward the dower house. She squealed, hands flying to close about his neck and then laughed joyfully as she bounced up and down while he ran.

  “You’ll…tire yourself…out,” she said breathlessly between chuckles.

  He didn’t bother to answer, just came to a stop as they reached the door. “Dig your fingers in my waistcoat pocket, and get the key.”

  She twisted herself around and wiggled her fingers into his pocket, emerging with the key. She reached over and unlocked the door and then hooked her arm back on his neck as he carried her into the house. The dower house was a one-story house, with a parlor, sun room, and bed chamber in addition to a small kitchen and garderobe.

  The house was lighted with candles and on the table in the parlor, they found a bottle of wine, suitably chilled, and a plate of cucumber-and-beef sandwiches, a cheese platter, and a plate of honey cakes. The fire was burning merrily in the grate and there were several bouquets of flowers everywhere.

  “Oh, it’s lovely,” Emily said as Duncan carried her down the hall to the bed chamber.

  “Yes, it is.” He placed her on the newly made bed, the soft down of the duvet cushioning her so well she simply wanted to luxuriate in the softness. Duncan pulled off his coat and began to unbutton his shirt however, which distracted her from her enjoyment.

  She sat up, watching him disrobe with fascinated interest. Slowly he took off his shirt and discarded it on the floor. She gasped as she got a look at his naked chest. Somehow he looked huge and powerful…wild, without the civilizing cover of his clothing. He stole her breath as she stared at him, unable to take him all in.

  “Come here.”

  It was an order and she felt compelled to obey. Getting to her feet, she came to stand in front of him, looking up at him with wide eyes.

  “Turn around.”

  She did as he said at once, trying to stop her quickening breath and failing. She felt his warm hands against her back, unfastening her stays. She stood still, and let him remove her bodice and then untie her skirt and pull it down. She was left in just a shift and stockings and wanted to cross her arms across her bosom shyly. She could feel his hands, closing warmly about her knees before caressing upward, taking her shift with him.

  His breath was coming hard and fast, infecting her with his arousal. She widened her stance slightly, letting him pull her shift higher and higher. When it was above her waist, she closed her eyes, imagining him looking at her naked bottom and ever so glad of the thorough bath she’d been given earlier.

  He pulled off her shift and she waited for his hands to return to her body, but there was no movement behind her aside from his labored breathing.


  “Shh, I want to look at you,” he rasped.

  She squared her shoulders, straightening her spine as she imagined his eyes on her. She was clad in nothing but stockings and her slippers and she had to restrain herself from shaking.

  “Are you just going to stare at me all night?”


  That provoked a laugh out of her and she relaxed, letting him look his fill. Just as she was getting used to standing there, his hand landed on her shoulder and she jumped slightly.

  “Shh, it’s all right. It’s just me,” he whispered as he massaged her shoulders until she relaxed. Her head fell back as her body calmed and she breathed out a moan as his hands went from her shoulder to her back, massaging all the tension out of her spine.

  “That feels tremendously good,” she murmured.

  “Oh yes?” his massaging hands intensified and she felt the length of him close behind her.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Good,” his hands trailed down her spine, and closed around her waist, pulling her back into him. She realized that at some point, he had gotten rid of his breeches because she could feel his flesh, hard and immediate, against her.

  She closed her eyes. “God,” she breathed letting her head fall against his broad shoulders. His hands traced upward, running over her torso and closing on her breasts. He squeezed, and then massaged them, his breath hot on her neck.

  “Emily…I want you.”

  “You have me, Duncan. Any way you want.”

  He made a hurt sound in his throat before he picked her up and threw her onto the bed. She made a sound of surprise before turning to face him just as he bent over her. Fingers ghosting along her belly, he lowered his head and kissed her, mouth moving along her lips, hard and fast. Then his mouth was trailing kisses along her neck, prompting sparks to bloom wherever he touched. He took his time, mapping her flesh as she squirmed with pleasure.

  She thought vaguely that she should return the favor but didn’t know how so she just settled for leaving herself open to whatever he wanted.

  What he seemed to want was to lick and suckle every inch of her. Still, it was a shock when his hands closed on her knee and then he raised her leg until it was hanging over his shoulder. She whimpered in inquiry but was absolutely not prepared when his mouth closed over her most secret parts.

  She squealed, arching upward as she felt his hot tongue tasting her and she squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment.

  “D-don’t,” she batted ineffectually at his head.

  “Shh, want to make you feel good,” he said, and then his mouth closed over her sensitive nub and suckled and she lost the ability to feel anything but hot churning pleasure. She made a needy, pleading sound but he ignored her, laving and licking, suckling and nipping at her until she thought she might lose her mind. The body was not made for this much pleasure.

  “D-Duncan,” she wheezed just before her body jerked, convulsing in waves as she thrust right into Duncan’s face, muscles contracting in ways she had never experienced before. Just as her vision whited out, he straightened up and thrust into her, so fast she barely had time to realize what was happening.

  There was a vague pinch as he drove into her, almost like pain and then he was thrusting again and again, and the pleasure she’d been feeling multiplied tenfold. She feared her heart might just stop if she wasn’t careful. She caught grabbed onto Duncan’s shoulders and squeezed, holding on for dear life as his hips pistoned into her over and over. His hot breath fanned against her face, his own flushed and veins standing out.

  She wanted to ask him if he was all right, but could not muster enough coherence to form words. Her legs rose, cinching themselves around his waist as the pace of his thrusts quickened.

  “So beautiful, Emily. I love you.”

  “I…love you too.” She managed to whisper back as the exploding feeling began to bear down upon her.


  She braced herself for it this time, determined to savor every delicious minute, but before she knew it she was tensing up again as her body bucked of its own accord. Duncan made a desperate sound and then he was emptying himself inside of her as her body milked him again and again.

  He collapsed on top of her breathing hard. She put her hands around his neck and hugged him close not wanting to let go even as heavy as he was.

  Eventually he moved to the side, pulling her close to him as they lay on the bed.

  “That was…” she opened and closed her mouth,
unable to think of any words.

  “Did I hurt you?” his breath warmed her ear as he whispered to her.

  “Not at all. That was wonderful. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” Duncan leaned over her, smiling.

  “Are we going to do that often or is it just once?”

  He threw back his head and guffawed. “Oh, I think we can manage to do it again.”

  “Good. I suppose this is why people like the idea of marriage so much?”

  He was still grinning with amusement. “Probably one of the reasons yes. But it’s not always like this.”


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