Break of Dawn I - Catastrophe

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Break of Dawn I - Catastrophe Page 2

by Schusterap

  Nicole: "Are you deaf? Don't you hear what I said? I say shut your fucking mouth up and drive your damn car!"

  Winfrey: "Alright, hang on there, I'm driving."

  Galen: "Now what the world is like? I rushed to home, only found they all gone. Will CLOUDIM be safe? I don't believe."

  Nicole: "There is no where else to go, we have to, and most refugees choose this way, Delores is the final termination, like it's said in radio."

  The car drives along the main road, walkers stand or lie on the roadside sparsely, suddenly the car knocks into a walker, Winfrey cannot see outside the windshield which is stained with blood and visceral debris. Passer: "Please stop!" Bang!!! The car suddenly stops. "Oh, no! Moore! No!" "Daddy!!!" "No!"

  Nicole: "You hit some... People?"

  Winfrey: "I don't know, I can't see..."

  The three get out of the car and find a man lies down on the ground, bleeding, a woman and two children crying by his side, walkers are coming.

  Winfrey: "Gosh! I'm, I am, I am so sorry lady, I didn't notice him."

  Nicole: "Go help them, Parker, the man is still breathing!"

  Winfrey: "If you don't mind..."

  Woman: "Get away from me! You kill him! You killer!"

  Galen: "Hey! If you don't want to be their food! Please be quick!" He points those walkers coming around.

  Nicole: "Madam? We should get on our car...... I wonder if there's a hospital or what we could save your......"

  Winfrey: "They are coming, let me raise him up, get in the car!"

  Galen: "Hey, little guys! Come here!" Galen pushes the two children into the car, "Nicole, pull her in! We don't have time!"

  Winfrey: "Oh Jesus Christ! He bites me! Oh no! My arm is bleeding! I cannot take him! Go go now!"They rushes in the car and drive forward. Winfrey turns on the wipers. Blood flow down along the wipers.

  Nicole (crying): "Are you alright?"

  Winfrey: "I'm okay, just need to stop bleeding. Don't worry."

  Galen: "what's your name lady?......Look, I feel very sorry for your loss, but I also lost my families, you can only depend on us now, two children to raise, think about it!!"

  The woman stops crying: "I'm Katie, this is Lilith and her little brother Joshua. Oho, they are only 8 and 6 years old!!! They lost father!"

  Galen: "I'm Galen, this is my sister Nicole and this is Winfrey, We will help you Katie, I promise!"

  Nicole: "Winfrey? You looks terrible, maybe we should have Wayne to drive?"

  Winfrey: "Na, no, I am okay, I am OK!"


  Chapter Four

  (Chloes district, Cloudim, December 17, 2026)

  Dominic: "My leg is feeling better, the cut is mending."

  Jennifer: "Me too......It left me a huge scarlet!"

  Thomas: "You should be happy that one was not in your face. Come on, no complaining, we already reach Chloes's symbol -- Doubche mountain. I got a private villa on the mountain. I'm sure she is there."

  Stephanie: "I miss the beach, the long long bay, never have a chance to go there any more."

  Thomas: "......The mountain is greater! And there is a lake under it, we can go fishing there, if no walkers."

  Dominic: "Guys, we're not gonna walk through this forest right?"

  Several walkers wandering in the wood, it's close to dust.

  Thomas: "Only a few, I have a big machete waiting for them! Nothing can stop me from seeing Emily!!! Nothing!"

  Stephanie: "Alright, guys, walk after Tom, close to each other, do not separate! Hold your weapons!"

  The four walk into the wood, Thomas leads the way to his villa, only a few walkers in the way, it's easy to kill them one by one. However, unfortunately, they come through the gangs they met several days before, they got a camp fire, and several people sitting around, chatting, laughing. Inside a tent there is a woman screaming, "Get away from me, no, fuck you! God, noo.."(crying). A man was tied on a tree, with blood all over his face.

  Jennifer: "Ton........hum!!!"

  Thomas cover her mouth tightly, "Quiet, if they find us they will kill us all."

  Dominic: "We must save him."

  Stephanie: "Oh god, he seems already died."

  Thomas: "We will, but not yet." They hide themselves behind trees.

  (Sobbing) A black skin man walks out of the tent, pulls the zipper of his pant, "Oh, God, I feel so high, excited, it's been a long time I haven't done this ! "

  "That girl is nice isn't she? Quite a bitch!"

  "It's your turn now, Nicholas."

  "I can't wait!!!!" Another stunt man rushes into the tent(Woman's screaming, crying).

  "What are we going to do with this man? He is dying."

  "He killed my men, he needs to pay back!"

  "I feel tired, I need to get enough rest, wake me up at my turn to watch Luke!"

  "OK I will......Boss you need some sleep, come on I will pay attention of walkers."

  "Alright, Black! Let's go get some rest."

  Two men walk into tents and it's pretty dark outside, quiet around the camp instead of the sound of a woman's weeping and a man's short deep gasp.

  "Only one person stands sentry, move right now!" Thomas whispers, "Stephanie and Jennifer go help Tony, me and Dominic catch that man's attention.

  "Okay." Thomas throws a little stone into the wood, causing some noise.

  Luke: "Who's there?" He points his shotgun to the wood, "I see you, get out!"

  Thomas: "If he walks between us, we knock him down!"

  Dominic: "Okay." The man walks slowly towards them, and Stephanie and Jennifer pace slowly towards Tony. Closer and closer, when the man was right in the middle of Thomas and Dominic, they cover his mouth tightly and hold his shotgun. "Hit his head!" Thomas said. (A dull thud) The man lies on the ground. Tony is supported by the two girls coming next to them.

  Thomas: "Move right now!!!"......

  "Luke!??" Nicholas shouted, "Fuck, where you go? Luke?" He pisses off in front a tree, "(Whistle)......what the hell?? Luke!!! Buddy I am sorry, I don't mean to piss off on you! Luke?" He find Luke was in a coma. "Boss!!! Somebody attacks!!!"

  Several men run out of tents, "Fuck, is he okay?" Black shouts.

  "Motherfucker!!!" a tall man shouts, "Boss!!!That man was gone!!!"

  "Fuck!!!!" the boss says, "Whoever they are, I will kill them! I swear!!!"

  (Junous district, Skyim, December 15, 2026)

  "Oh god! Run!!!" Galen shouts, "I can't hold him!"

  The car was knocked down on the freeway, Winfrey turned, almost killed Nicole.

  "Ah...em, aha.." Winfrey screams, want to struggle out of control, "Give me a knife!"Galen shouts.

  "No, how could he... No Winfrey!!! Parker!" Nicole cries.

  "Give me a knife or we die!!! He is not Parker!" Galen shouts at his sister......

  Galen: "We have to walk now, the car broke down."

  Katie hugs her children crying, Nicole sits on the ground stares at his boyfriend's dead body.

  "......give me your response? Don't cry! This is the world! The world we are in now, straight up! You wanna die?" Galen is about to lose his mind, "Okay, whatever," he lies down on the ground and close his eyes, "Let walkers eat us."...

  Zoom--!! Suddenly a big RV running towards them, Galen stands up immediately, and Nicole is still sitting there, Katie and her children hide behind the crashed car.

  Clank-- The RV stops in front of Galen. Two men walk down. One holds a rifle, another hands a pistol.

  "What's your name?" "Galen... Galen?Wayne, that is my sister Nicole, and that is, Ms.Katie and her children."

  "What happened?" "A friend turned, into a walker, our car crashed, we need some help."

  "Sorry to hear that, any weapons?" "No, just a machete and some knifes." "That's good, my name's Frankenstein?Rodriguez," " Sean?Harris." "Yeah, we are heading towards Delores."

  Katie: "Yeah! That is where we wanna go, please take us, we have children!"

  Frankenstein: "You guys look
a little bit exhausted, must be a long day."

  Galen: "Yep, as you see sir."

  Frankenstein: "Alright come on. Sean, lead them to the back. Give them some supplies."

  Sean: "Yes, sir. Come on, ladies and gentlemen."

  Clank-- "Hello, I'm Frederica, oh, little guys, so adorable!!"

  Jaden: "You gonna love this moving house!"

  "What's your name little girl?" "My name is Lilith." "Beautiful name, what about your little brother?" "He is Joshua." "Sounds nice, how old are you?"

  Sean: "Hey Frederica, are you taking a census?"

  Frederica: "Not your business, bastard!"

  Jaden: "Quiet guys!!! I can't fall asleep."

  Frankenstein: "Keith, call me to take turn if you get tired!"

  Keith: "I'll sir. Just take a good rest."

  Amanda: "Watch the way, do not drive into a river!"

  Keith: "Kidding me, ya."

  Amanda and Frankenstein sit on a sofa. There are two double-deck bed at the back, which is now taken up by Jaden, Nicole, Katie and her children. Sean is on the top of the RV to stand sentry, and Frederica is sleeping on another sofa. Galen was so tired that he fell asleep in a chair.

  Amanda(Leaning on the sofa): "We've got 11 people now, which mean you have to protect 10."

  Frankenstein: "You can protect yourself right? We are close to CLOUDIM, hope everything there will be fine."

  Chapter Five

  (Doubche mountain, Chloes district, Cloudim, December 17, 2026)

  "T?F?VILLA," Stephanie frowns, "So this is your house?"

  Thomas: "Actually, ah, it's a laboratory. I did some research during my vacation."

  Jennifer: "Oh, you are such a workaholic! Gross!"

  Thomas: "Whatever you call me... Emily? Are you there? You told me you will wait me here! Emily?"

  The house is dark, inside is a mess, it seems that some rude guys had come over.

  "Oh, man, I'm afraid..." "Shut up! She won't die! She won't! I will find her, I promise her, I promise..." Something strikes Thomas's head, "The woman, Jesus Christ! That woman!"

  Dominic: "Which one? Hey, calm down!"

  Thomas: "NO!!! The tent! In the tent!!!! I was supposed to save her!!! I was suppos... No, I have to go back! I must!!"

  Dominic: "Hey, are you mad? We are not gonna go with you! Everybody is tired now! How could you think that woman is your girlfriend?"

  Thomas: "They came here before us!!! They took her away!!! I will go back!!!"

  Jennifer: "What about Tony? He needs to stop bleeding."

  Stephanie: "Think about it Tom, it depends on you."

  Thomas walks upstairs and takes the shotgun he hided under a counter long time ago and then rushes down.

  Dominic: "Hey, Thomas!!" "Just, let him go." "Come on, help, Tony!"......

  "Son of bitch! I will kill you all!" Thomas rushes towards the camp, fire flies out of his eyes. He is so furious that he ignores paying attention to the ground, all of a sudden he was trapped in a big tight net hanging on a tree.

  "Ha ha ha......" "You idiot!" "Ha ha ha...What I said!" "I knew he will come back!!! For that bitch! Ha ha ha!!!" There are several people beneath him, laughing, tricking, taunting.

  Luke: "I'm gonna cut his damn head off!!!"

  Brian: "No, no, buddy, boss wants him alive."

  Luke: "How about digging one of his eyes?"

  Nicholas: "Ha ha ha, you motherfucker!"

  Brian: "Let's hand him to boss."

  Nicholas: "Not yet, boss is still do some riding."

  Luke: "Ha ha, hey boy, don't you hear hear that? Our boss is riding!!! Ride on your fucking girlfriend, Oooo!!!! Ha ha"

  Thomas: "You bastards! I will kill you all!!! Fuck! Son of bitch!!! I will kill you!! I swear!!" He is struggling in the net, on the tree.

  Nicholas: "How do you know that bitch is his girlfriend, I bet it's his sister!!!"

  Luke: "Oh, you'll lose! 100$, dare you!?" "Ha ha ha..."

  Thomas tries his best to rip the net but in vain, he screams shouts, he cannot believe it's truth. Walkers are not dangerous, they are pure than those people. At least they only want something to eat, not insult, bully.

  Lower and lower, Thomas was put down, then what comes to him is beating, punching. The three use fists, feet, stick......until he lose consciousness.

  Brian: "Okay, stop!!! Not kill him." Brian raises Thomas up, "Let's go back, see what our boss will order."

  (A-Lake, Amofous district, Cloudim, December 19, 2026)

  "Hey, guys, have a look at these! A lake!!" Frederica screams and rushes to the lake.

  "Be careful!!! Sean! Go watch her." Frankenstein points at her and walks down the RV.

  Sean: "Oh, babysitting job on me."

  Amanda: "You are good at it right?"

  Sean: "Kidding me."

  Frankenstein: "Alright everyone, have a good rest, we move on 15 minutes later."

  Katie: "Come kids! You gonna love this."

  Lilith: "Oh, hurry Joshua, a beautiful sea!!!"

  Katie: "Oh baby, that's a lake."...

  Galen: "You are a soldier right?"

  Frankenstein: "Captain, more accurate."

  Galen: "Wow, that sounds cool."

  Frankenstein: "Just apparently."

  Galen: "Do you have children?"

  Frankenstein: "......"

  Galen: "I'm sorry, I mean, it's okay, I had a beautiful girl named Judy...She was pretty like a fairy, to me..."

  Frankenstein: "I had two children. Clementine and Tristan."

  Galen: "I could have two, but my wife... Ah, are they still alive, I mean..."

  Frankenstein: "I don't know, they live far away from me, I don't know where they are, their mother took them away from me years ago. She hates me."

  Galen: "Oh, sorry to hear that..."

  Jaden and Amanda are carrying some water out of the lake with a barrel, Sean and Katie are watching the three playing in the lake, Frederica Lilith and Joshua. Keith is sleeping in the RV. Nicole is still lying on the bed, cannot sleep either play outside, maybe losing her boyfriend caused great pain. "Hey I lost my wife, pregnant! And my 10-month-old baby Judy!!! Look at her, better than dying! I could do nothing, as a brother, I just..."

  "Who's there!!!" Frankenstein raises his pistol towards the wood, "Get out now! I don't want to hurt you!"

  "Oh, please don't shoot! Sir! We need your help! We have a patience here in a terrible condition, we need some hydrogen peroxide solution and some medicine, pills, he is dying!!!" Shouts by Stephanie, along with Jennifer, Dominic and Tony(In a coma).

  "Who did this?" "Some gangs, we don't know." "They shoot him in the chest, left arm and right thigh, cuts all over his face, monsters!" "Can you save him Frederica?" "I'm trying."

  Dominic: "Thank you sir, you do us a great favor!!! But..."

  Stephanie: "We are in big trouble! Those gangs! They caught one of our friends."

  Frankenstein: "Calm down, tell me what happened."......

  Frederica used to be a military surgeon, that's why she is busy saving Tony' s life now, Keith, Jennifer are beside her ready for help.

  Amanda(Whisper to Frankenstein): "Hey, we don't need to care about their business!!! We have to go straight to the termination!!!"

  Frankenstein: "Soldier! Watch your words! I won't ignore these, beasts. They could harm anyone, any refugees, they already suffer too much!"

  Amanda: "What about you? Yourself!!!! Your children!!! Frank!!! It's time to wake up! Care more about your people around okay!"

  Stephanie: "Sorry, we don't want to....."

  Amanda: "Shut up!!!"

  Frankenstein: "Amanda!!!" He stares at her, seriously with anger, "Go back to the RV."

  Amanda: "I have had enough of you! Do whatever you want."(Middle finger)

  Dominic: "Sir, if you don't want..."

  Frankenstein: "Where, is the camp?"

  Chapter Six

  (Doubche mountain, Chloes district, Cloudim, December 20, 2026)

nbsp; (One eye opens slowly) A campfire, something burning to dark on a bracket, several people around, laughing, eating something.

  "It's been a while I didn't have such tasty meat!!!" "I'm sure you love it bastard!" "Ha ha ha..."

  "Emily...Emily...." Thomas said weakly.

  "Oh, you wake up, welcome come to our camp! Are you hungry? Come on try some fresh meat!!!" The man tries to put the meat into Thomas's mouth, he is so hungry that he swallows it immediately.

  "Ha ha ha!!!!! Fucking kidding me!!! Do you know whose meat this is!!! Tasty ha!!!?" The man burst into laughing.

  Suddenly Thomas restores his consciousness, only realize that he can see with only one eye!!! What's worse, the thing on the bracket, is in a human shape!!!!

  "Noo!!!!!!!!!" Thomas shouts in sorrow, anger, "Emily!!! Noo!! You monsters!!! Fuck!!!"

  "Ha ha ha!!! Nice food!!! I have to say, your girlfriend tastes good!" The man sucks his finger and walks away.

  Nicholas: "Come on Brian, you gonna eat some!!!"

  Brian: "I feel sick, you are eating a human!!! Oh, gross."

  Black: "Guess what, you gonna get used to this, we will suffer a long time without any fresh meat, animals bite by walkers? NO!"

  Luke: "You should blame Nicholas, it's his fault! If he didn't fuck the bitch to death, we won't eat her! Anyway, or it could be more humanitarian."

  Blight: "You said there were two people attacked you, Luke. But now we just caught one."

  Nicholas: "Oh, I bet the other guy won't come, if he dare, ha ha ha, why not set a trap?"

  Luke: "Just tie that guy on the tree, we hide in the dark, when they come we shoot them all!!!"

  Nicholas: "That's a good idea!"

  Zee--zee-- (Walking-talkie) Blight: "Wait, wait a minute. It's the Governor." Blight walks away to talk with the governor.

  Black: "Maybe it's time to get back, we were out for a week."

  Nicholas: "But we haven't got enough supply."

  Luke: "Somebody boss afraid......we get nothing for him."

  Blight: "Alright everybody, we gonna go now."

  Black: "Look, what I said."

  Luke: "What about that guy?"

  Blight takes his weapon and goes straight: "Kill him."

  It's like something stabs in his heart, Thomas is so despair that only tears reacts to the words.

  Luke holds his pistol and walks straight to him, "I'll do you a favor, send you to see your girlfriend!"


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